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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 354

Raven secretly curled her lips.

She had no intention of finding a boyfriend, and had already made up her mind to live alone until death. But looking at the young couple in front of her who had found their significant other before they reached adulthood, Raven felt a pang of emotion for no reason. Upset.

——She will have her third year in a year or two and still hasn’t met the one she likes.

Of course, there were no men who had invited Raven to date in the past, but Raven could see that those men were all crooked, had no good intentions, or were just attracted by her face or body. Or just a soft-footed shrimp with a mouth full of flowers.

She has no interest in wasting time with that kind of man.

“By the way, Miss Raven, can I ask one more thing?”

“Huh? What’s the matter?”

“You said before that you were just a messenger – I can understand that the actual person in charge within the World Snake wanted to invite me to join the World Snake, so I asked you to tell me, right?”

“That’s right.”

“Then I want to ask – if I join the World Serpent, what can the World Serpent give me?”

If you want to get someone to do something, you must first explain to that person what you can get by doing it.

Alexia wanted Raven to join Destiny, so he had Rita tell Raven about the benefits she would receive.

If the World Snake wants Exia to join the World Snake, the first thing it should do is to explain the benefits it can provide.

“World Snake shouldn’t be so naive that you think you can get me to join with just one sentence, right?”

“What can World Snake give me?”

“If you don’t answer my question, I will not join the World Snake.”

Even if I answer, I won’t join.

Raven: “……”

The atmosphere changed again.

Since the afternoon tea started, the atmosphere has changed several times. Alexia controlled the atmosphere of the whole place very skillfully and naturally. She was obviously talking about serious things before, but in the blink of an eye she started telling jokes… …and that’s the case now.

Alexia once again turned the topic back to business in a natural way.

(This kid… I couldn’t tell it before, but I didn’t expect his face to change so quickly, it’s like turning the pages of a book.)

According to the information collected by World Snake, Messiah Kaslana has been educated by Bishop Otto over the years. If it weren’t for his surname Kaslana, he might have been designated as the next Bishop of Destiny— —Whether he can really become a bishop is another question.

And since it was Otto who taught him, such a natural and natural face change may be something he is accustomed to.

“…I don’t know about that.”

Raven said solemnly.

“But, I can help you contact Gray Snake – he should be able to answer all your questions.”

“Thank you, Miss Raven.”

56.Whose spy is this?

The moment the Jackal regained consciousness, what he saw was the Thames River swaying in the dusk.

The sky was almost completely dark, and only a little bit of the setting sun could be seen through the cracks in the houses.

“I…where is this?”

“Can’t you see? By the Thames.”

Hearing a familiar voice, Jackal turned around and saw that beside her, Raven was holding a mobile phone in his hand, as if he was reading some message. The place where the two of them were sitting now looked like a bench by the Thames River.

Why are you here?

Jackal felt as if she was missing part of her memory. She remembered that she was taken away by Kaslana called Messiah using some kind of technology, and then… what happened next?

“…Raven, what time is it?”

“It’s five forty-eight in the evening. From the look of you, you seem to be wondering why you are here?”

“you know?”

“After all, I was the one who moved you here. You were a little heavy unexpectedly.” Raven smiled, “We were taken away by Alexia Kaslana before. Do you still remember this?”

Jackal nodded: “But I have no memory of what happened after that…”

“You and I were interrogated separately.” Raven explained, “I was stared at by Ixia Kaslana and the two S-class Valkyries, while you were interrogated personally by Bishop Otto of Destiny. “

Otto, the destined bishop! ?

Upon hearing the name, Jackal suddenly felt as if something flashed through her mind, but she was completely too late to catch it.

(I…damn it, what did I do to that Bishop of Destiny?)

Jackal held his forehead and began to try to dig up his deeper memories.

Now she can be sure that her memory may have been affected by some means used by the Bishop of Destiny, so that part of it is now missing, and its content… is probably part of the information related to the World Snake!

The stronghold of World Snake, the size of World Snake’s personnel, the technical level of World Snake… Jackal is not sure how many things she was forced to tell, but at least she is certain that she was definitely controlled by Otto to tell her. A lot of things happened!

But…how did he do it?

As a researcher, Jackal’s combat ability is indeed inferior to that of combatants like Raven, but he is still confident in his own mental strength.

What method did Otto use to make her spit out the information?

“Raven, what do you know?”

“I don’t know anything.” Raven spread his hands, “After all, you were already unconscious when you were handed over to me. How do I know what was done to you?”

“Damn Bishop of Destiny…”

The jackal scratched his hair rather irritably.

Seeing her like this, Raven sighed helplessly and put the black box next to Jackal: “Then, since you are awake, I don’t need to continue to guard you here. . Gray Snake has given me a new task, and I have to carry it out now. Just bring the Seven Thunders of Purification back for me, they won’t be used for the time being.”

“New mission? Are you going to assassinate someone again?”

“No, sneak into the investigation.”

Raven shook the phone in his hand, and Jackal took a closer look——

[Accepted the request of Messiah Kaslana, and used the excuse of being hired by Tianming to sneak into Tianming to investigate]

“…Let you be a spy?”

“That’s more or less what it means.” Raven put away the phone after casually pressing it a few times. “Exia said she admired my abilities before and extended an olive branch to me, and in turn invited me to join Tianming. I took World Snake used it as an excuse before the work was completed, and then he asked me what the benefits of joining World Snake were, so I just asked Gray Snake to talk to him.”

“The result is that I was [sold] to Tianming by Gray Snake, and the one-year employment price is 80 million US dollars. Now I only need to go to Tianming to register my identity certificate, and I will directly become Tianming’s A-level Valkyrie. When the employment period expires, Exia will also join World Snake as a mercenary for the same period of one year. The employment price is US$200 million.”

“——That’s the case on the surface.”

When the raven added this sentence, the jackal understood the situation: “So, on the surface, it is an olive branch that accepts the destiny, but in fact it is used as a trap to be used when dealing with the destiny later? “

“That’s it, plus some regular contact and reporting work. So the Seven Thunders of Purification are probably no longer needed, and I can’t bring them with me. I’d better leave them with the World Snake and give them to me when I need them later.”

Raven sighed as he spoke: “Assign me some troublesome tasks. My specialty is not being a spy… It’s just too troublesome.”

“But the A-level Valkyrie already has considerable authority within Tianming. The Anzi we have inserted into Tianming are just insignificant and marginal figures. You are directly close to the core of Tianming’s power – the Lord must know it. Will he praise you a lot?” Jackal patted Raven on the shoulder, “Even I am beginning to look forward to your performance.”

“What you say will only make me feel bad – then that’s it, goodbye, Jackal. I hope you’re still alive next time we meet.”

After saying this, the raven stood up and left the bench, and disappeared directly into the jackal’s eyes with just one jump.

Looking at the direction the raven was leaving, Jackal smiled softly, carried the black box containing the Seven Thunders of Purification, and also stood up and left the bench.


Not long after the jackal left, the raven’s voice sounded again near the bench.

To be precise, it was on the street lamp next to the bench.

“…Are you too easily fooled by me? Jackal.”

Standing on the street lamp, completely hidden in the dim sky, the raven seemed to be integrated with the surrounding environment, staring at the Jackal’s leaving figure, took out his mobile phone again and dialed a number.

【Beep~~~~Hey, who is this? 】

“It’s me, we’ve got it done here. But… as my first assignment after joining the company, I got $10,000 for nothing just by pretending to be a spy. I’m really uneasy.” ah.”

[But in fact, you are now a double agent for both of us, but from a standpoint, you have always been our unilateral agent. Just keep the money to yourself, it’s considered hard work. You’ll be very busy after that. 】

“That’s easy to say. Anyway, I have been sold by World Snake. After that, you and Tianming will be my actual employers. You have the final say in what I do. Your task has the highest priority – then, what I should do next What?”

[Meet up with the Valkyrie who was picked up by Tianming and return to the Tianming headquarters to complete the Valkyrie registration. I think they will be able to see you within a minute]

“Okay. Then I won’t interrupt you and your little girlfriend’s night date. See you at the Destiny Headquarters later, Exia.”

After hanging up the phone, Raven jumped down from the street lamp, took off the camouflage that blended in with the environment, and leaned on the bench.

And soon——

“Mei Yi, is this really what I’m talking about?”

“I think there should be nothing wrong. Exia just asked us to come here to pick up someone.”

“Bronya thinks, could it be the one over there?”

Raven heard this conversation.

A trio of people who often saw relevant information within World Serpent appeared not far away.

With a slight smile on his lips, Raven waved to the three of them: “Are you here to pick me up? Destiny’s prepared A-level Valkyrie, Natasha Siola, has been waiting for you for a long time.”

57. Time to meet Rita’s parents?

Inside the hotel room.

Looking at Alexia who put down her phone, Otto smiled and asked, “Has it been processed over there? Alexia.”

“Well, I think Kiana and the others will join the raven soon and take her back to the headquarters. After that, I’ll have to worry about you, the bishop.”

“I will arrange a proper job for her.”

Otto picked up the black tea cup and took a sip: “But…is this really okay? Although this is your own decision, do you just believe in that raven? Her current position, in fact, He is already a double agent. And double agents are always the most elusive people to understand their position.”

-Double agent.

This is where Raven stands now.

Previously, after Raven connected the phone with Gray Snake for Exia, the two parties had a friendly exchange of views on this mutual invitation. The result was naturally what Raven said, she was sold to Tianming by the World Snake, and Tianming would also rent Exia to the World Snake a year later.

The two parties have established a friendly relationship of exchange and learning. Exia and Gray Snake even joked with each other about promoting long-term cooperation between the two parties.

But having said that, Exia actually knew each other’s thoughts.

Raven would be a double agent.

Even if she didn’t think so, there was a high possibility that Gray Snake would let Raven do this. Bishop Otto has already asked part of the information about the Gray Snake from the Jackal’s mouth, and he is absolutely certain that he is an arrogant and ruthless person who is always arranging conspiracies.

[Raven joins Tianming] – There is no reason for it to let go of such a good opportunity to break its men into the enemy camp, even if it knows that Tianming will notice it.

Therefore, Raven will first become a spy planted by the World Serpent within Tianming.

But as long as you know this, Tianming can make preparations in advance and let the raven become the spy that Tianming planted inside the World Serpent. Money offensive, magic manipulation, mental influence…there are as many methods as there are, and the World Snake may also notice it, but it doesn’t matter.

The key point is to establish the fact that [Raven becomes a double agent]. In this way, whether it is World Snake or Destiny, in order to avoid suspicion, they will try their best to prevent this double agent from knowing more information. In terms of results, , which actually caused Raven to get rid of the identity of a double agent in a certain sense, and did not need to worry about double agents at all.

If both sides are against each other, then the [rat] will be free, right?

The next thing to do is to make Raven feel a sense of belonging to Destiny, and let her completely join Destiny bit by bit.

——And this is what Otto is worried about.

“According to Raven, she has been a member of the World Snake for the past few decades. Maybe she said that she has no sense of belonging, but is that really the case?”

“Let time judge, Bishop.” Alexia smiled, “Or, Bishop, you can judge for yourself how to make her feel a sense of belonging to her destiny – after all, isn’t this what you are as a bishop? Mission?”

I put the problem on myself.

Otto was amused by Exia’s words: “Haha, that’s indeed the case. Well, I will think carefully about how to bring the raven under the control of destiny.”

Halfway through, after taking a look at the incident, Otto also drank the black tea in one gulp.

“It’s almost time. It’s time for me to return to Tianming Headquarters.”

It’s already night now. Counting the time, the Second God’s Key should have been sent back to the headquarters long ago. That was what Otto cared about. If it hadn’t been for Exia catching the raven and jackal, Otto would have left long ago.

“In this way, the task of investigating the Second God’s Key is over. In the next period of time, you can enjoy your vacation. If there is really a need for you, I will call you back.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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