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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 355

“Okay, be careful on the way to the bishop.”

After saying this and watching Otto leave, Exia’s originally upright posture immediately collapsed.

The whole person sank into the chair.

That is because he is not sitting on the sofa now, otherwise Alexia would want to lie down directly.

Seeing his appearance, Rita and Bianca also smiled.

“Master Bishop has not gone far yet, Master Alexia, it is not good to be too relaxed.”

“It’s okay… Anyway, the business is over. Next is the vacation time for the three of us. Let’s relax a little.” Ixia said casually, “But… I really don’t care. How many times have I never gotten used to it, this kind of calculating things about others.”

Alexia doesn’t like to play tricks.

It should be said that this is one of the habits developed during the year on Genkami Island. While he is used to threatening others with words and power, he is also more or less used to solving problems with pure power. Of course, this may be the nature of the Kaslana family. Rather than using those circuitous methods, the straightforward Kaslana family has always preferred to solve problems in the most direct way.

Therefore, Ixia really doesn’t like this practice of guessing each other’s mental thoughts and then using them to achieve their goals.

“Thank you for your hard work, Lord Alexia.” Rita filled a cup of black tea for Alexia again, “However, since Lord Alexia doesn’t like it, there is no need to invite Miss Raven to join Tianming in the first place, right? After all, it was you who started it yourself.”

“Yeah… Originally I just wanted to bring back a capable person to the organization, but in the end it made me feel troublesome~~~”

Alexia pinched her eyebrows: “However, fortunately, we will be able to relax starting tomorrow. We will make a guide for the next vacation tonight, and then try our best to visit all the places we want to go before the bishop calls us back. Go aside – first I’d like to go to Glastonbury, if you can.”

“It’s quite far from London.”

Bianca laughed.

“But it’s okay if you want to go. Is there anywhere Rita wants to go?”

“That’s right, I…”

Toot toot!

Rita was just about to say “I actually don’t have anywhere I want to go” when a sudden ringing of a bell attracted her attention.

It was her phone that made the sound.

“It’s a message. It should be from the headquarters, right?”

Rita was used to it. The sudden text message from the headquarters probably meant that there was something that needed to be dealt with.



After clearly reading the content of the message and confirming the sender, Rita showed a rare expression of embarrassment and embarrassment, which made both Alexia and Bianca feel a sense of novelty.

“What’s wrong? Rita, what happened?”

“No…it’s not a big deal, it’s just…”

Rita pursed her lips, as if she was a bit embarrassed to speak. She bit her lips a few times and revealed the truth: “…My parents seem to know that I have returned to England and want to spend a rare time with me. Let’s meet, I hope I can go home in the next two days.”

58. Rita’s hometown

People within Destiny actually have a relatively recognized consensus regarding Rita Rossweisse.

[She is a very mysterious person].

On the surface, Rita is actually perfect.

She is an S-class Valkyrie with the same name as Bianca, and the vice-captain of the Immortal Blade team. She is also a maid who is humble, polite and elegant. Anyone who has had contact with Rita can deeply appreciate Rita’s meticulousness and ability.

She was perfect, as if nothing in the world could trouble her.

But once you get to know Rita a little bit, you will naturally realize one thing – she is very mysterious.

Rita rarely spoke of herself.

Literally, she doesn’t even talk about herself. It was as if she was just an insignificant existence and everyone else was more worthy of attention than her. And those who are interested in Rita’s past, even if they want to investigate, often don’t have even a little clue. Even if everyone’s place of origin is clearly written on Tianming’s internal information, it only takes a little research to find out. It is known that Rita was born in England, but no one can know more details.

Including Bianca and Alexia.

The two of them had never investigated Rita’s life experience. After all, Bianca is not someone who cares about this, and because Rita is the person personally appointed by Bishop Otto to take care of Bianca, Alexia will naturally not have too many doubts about her, even because at that time he She was in a state of self-destruction, but she thought it was a good thing that Rita could take care of Bianca for her, at least that way there would be someone to accompany her.

Regarding Rita’s life experience, perhaps only Bishop Otto knows about it.

And now——

“This is Manchester. It’s really far away from London.”

It was the third day after Alexia and others arrived in England.

Walking out of Piccadilly Railway Station, Alexia dragged her luggage outside.


This is Rita’s hometown.

Starting from London, after a train journey of about three hours, Exia and others arrived at the world’s first industrialized city.

“I didn’t expect you to be born here, Rita.”

“Is it surprising to Lord Exia that I am from Manchester?”

Rita asked with a smile as she dragged her suitcase out with Bianca.

Alexia immediately shook her head: “That’s not true. It’s just that Rita, you haven’t said anything about yourself. I also thought about whether you have an unusual background, such as being from the British royal family, or simply… In turn, he was born in a very remote rural village in the UK.”

“Ever since I went to another world, Ixia-sama’s thoughts have become more and more exciting. But I don’t have a special background. I’m not from a family with a long history like Kaslana, nor am I like Kaslana. Miss Mei is also a daughter of a big company, so naturally she is not an orphan. Before I became a Valkyrie, I was just a very ordinary little girl.”

Rita said while pointing to the little girl who happened to be passing by on the road.

“Just like them, she is an ordinary girl living in Manchester. It’s really not a life story worth telling everyone about.”

It’s not worth mentioning – this is one of the reasons why Rita never told her life story.

After all, the Valkyries of Destiny are either survivors of the Honkai incident or volunteers recruited through world recruitment. Even non-Valkyrie researchers who want to work in Destiny must definitely be from the world. A top student who went to the most prestigious university.

Compared to them, Rita, who was just an ordinary girl, had no need to mention her life experience.

Moreover, after becoming the Valkyrie, Rita basically never returned home.

On the one hand, she is busy with work, and the S-class Valkyrie rarely has any free time. On the other hand, she has always been tasked with taking care of Bianca. Basically, she goes wherever Bianca goes, and goes home. Time is naturally gone.

There are occasional phone calls.

When she came to the UK this time, Rita originally planned to just talk to her parents. After all, she had a mission. After the mission, she would also be responsible for Alexia and Bianca’s vacation arrangements. She really didn’t have time to meet her parents.

But what Rita didn’t expect was that her parents would take the initiative to contact her.

The cause is naturally what happened in London yesterday. The Tower Bridge was half destroyed, the Thames River was frozen, and residents were evacuated on a large scale… Such a big thing made the headlines that day, and there were some meddlers. Videos and photos were taken and uploaded to the Internet.

Of course, it’s limited to superficial things. For example, there is no possibility of leaking out the battle between Exia and the Kevin doll and the key to the second god.

In today’s era, as long as there is news on the Internet, it will spread all over the world in an instant.

This is how Rita’s parents saw their daughter working in London on the news. Although he knew that his daughter was working, as a parent he still wanted to see Rita, so he sent a message to Rita – this way it would not disturb Rita’s work, and the letter only said “I am available” If so, come back and take a look].

“Speaking of which, I’m really sorry for you two adults. Today should be the time for you to officially start your vacation, but I have to bother you two to accompany me back home.”

“Rita, you have said this before on the train.” Bianca smiled, “Axia and I have never been to Manchester before. If you are a local, Rita, you can also take us around.” Let’s go shopping. Besides, I actually want to meet Rita’s parents. After all, they have been taken care of by you all this time. There is also something about us and Exia that we need to talk about.”

“Thank you, Lady Bianca, for your understanding.”

Rita bowed slightly.

“But… let’s not talk about the blood companion for now. I want to find a suitable opportunity to explain myself after a while.”

From now on, she will be the [partner] of Bianca and Alexia, and will accompany them until the infinite future. For her parents, Rita thinks this is too early. , at least wait until your parents and Alexia get to know each other a little bit before talking about it.

“Really? Rita, as long as it’s okay with you.” Alexia didn’t care, “Compared to this, Rita, are there any gift shops around here? Or cake shops or something like that.”

“Yes, but why does Lord Exia suddenly ask this?”

“Of course it’s as a meeting gift for your parents.”

Rita has already been scheduled to be his [partner]. Although she didn’t mean that, the people who heard it probably only thought of that. So for reasons and reasons, Exia should also prepare some gifts.

What’s more, it’s common sense to prepare gifts when visiting someone’s home.

59. It’s bad, it’s a mouthful

More than an hour later.

On a street in Manchester some distance from the train station.

An inconspicuous flower shop is quietly located on the side of the road.

Manchester is the first city in the world to begin industrialization and one of the earliest cities to launch the Industrial Revolution. Today, it has become one of the most prosperous cities in the UK and even the world, attracting the attention of the world, whether during the day or not. It is filled with endless vitality even at night, making it a city that never sleeps.

However, this flower shop seems to be completely opposite to the overall environment of Manchester. Although there are many blooming bouquets in front of the door, and the overall store is also very exquisitely decorated, it gives people an inexplicable feeling of tranquility.

“The weather today is also very good.”

The door of the flower shop.

Holding a stool and sitting in a sunlit area of ​​the store, a man had a kind expression on his face and was leisurely enjoying the not-too-strong autumn sunshine in the morning.

The man is not that old. Although Westerners often look older than their actual age, even so, the man’s appearance age should be at most fifty years old. In fact, he should be in his forties. right. In terms of a man’s age, he is actually still in his prime.

But now he looks like a retiree, sitting leisurely on a chair and looking at the pedestrians passing by.

This is a normal daily life for him. As his main business is a flower shop, he can only pass the time in this way when there are no customers.


“Are you just going to sit here and wait until Rita comes back? My dear?”

A female voice came out from inside the flower shop.

The man turned his head and looked at the middle-aged woman who came out of the store and was wrapped in a plaid apron. If Alexia and Bianca were here, they should be able to tell that both men and women were the same as Li. The tower bears some facial resemblance.

This is a given.

After all, these two are Rita’s parents.

“Of course.”

Rita’s father touched his beard, which was not very lush: “This is the first time the child has come home after going to Destiny. As her father, why not welcome her back at the door as soon as possible?”

“Are you confused? The child will still come back in the first year.”

“But the last time she came back was five or six years ago, right? I don’t know how good of a child Rita has grown into over the years.”

Rita’s parents didn’t know much about Destiny’s situation.

Although they did know something about Honkai and that their daughter was fighting a terrifying monster, the more specific content was not clear. Rita did a good job of keeping this secret. After all, she didn’t want her parents to worry about her, so she tried to pick some daily things to talk about when communicating with her family. She almost never mentioned her job.

If her parents knew about the danger of the Honkai Beast and that she had done some shady things under the orders of Bishop Otto, their parents would definitely be worried about her.

In fact, among the Valkyries, most of those with healthy families also do this. This is not only out of consideration for the family’s mood, but also out of Tianming’s policy of keeping intelligence confidential to avoid unnecessary negative emotions from spreading.

At this stage, the fewer people who know about Honkai Impact, the better.

“At least she must be much better than us.” Rita’s mother smiled, “She doesn’t need us to worry about her for a long time, right? And she has also made very good friends in Tianming. Didn’t she also tell her yesterday Will we come back with our friends today?”

Yesterday, after the two of them asked Rita if she could go home, Rita naturally gave an agreed answer after obtaining the consent of Alexia and Bianca. Of course, she also and her parents He said that Exia and Bianca would come back together.

[Two friends who have taken good care of me in Destiny will also come to visit together] – Rita answered this way.

“Of course I remember, dear, so didn’t I take out my treasured whiskey early?”

“You should drink less today.”

Rita’s mother looked at her husband helplessly.

And at this moment——

“Um, Rita…is it really okay to bring this kind of gift? Isn’t it too shabby?”

A certain young man’s voice pierced through the vast sea of ​​people, as if it was directional, and passed into the ears of the two people clearly.

“I think so too. Rita, as expected, Alexia and I should go and choose again. It’s our first time to visit your home. We can’t just bring cheap gifts like this.”

Another girl’s voice penetrated the crowd.

From these two words, Rita’s parents immediately recognized their daughter’s name – but…is it the same name?

[Rita] Although this name is rare, it is also not uncommon. Could it be someone with the same name as my daughter?


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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