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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 356

——Such doubts were overturned by the two elders in the next moment.

“As long as your feelings are conveyed, it will be fine. In the UK, the more expensive the gift, the better. Gifts that are too expensive will make it difficult for my parents. Now you can choose whatever you want.”

The familiar daughter’s voice, like the previous two voices, came into the flower shop from outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, three figures appeared at the door of the flower shop.

Looking at her father sitting at the door and her mother standing at the back door a little further away, Rita, who was the first to come to the flower shop, smiled slightly: “Father, mother. Long time no see, I’m back.”

Compared with her memory, her father and mother are slightly older, but this does not prevent Rita from meeting her parents.

And the same goes for Rita’s parents. The last time Rita went home was when she was preparing for Valkyrie. It was more than five years ago. For Rita, who was in adolescence, these five years were a time of rapid growth. It was the so-called eighteenth-century girl. Change. But no matter how much Rita has changed, parents can still recognize their daughter at first sight.

“Welcome home, Rita. My dear daughter. You have really grown a lot.”

Standing up from the chair, Rita’s father smiled kindly at his daughter. Then he turned his attention to Alexia and Bianca, who walked in with Rita and were still standing at the door.

“These two should be the friends you mentioned, right?”

“Yes, father, mother. Let me introduce you two.”

Rita turned slightly sideways and welcomed Alexia and Bianca in: “This is Lady Bianca. I am now my direct superior in Tianming, and I am also my roommate and work partner in Tianming.”

“Hello, you two.” Bianca nodded to the two elders in front of her and handed the bag in her hand, “I am Bianca Hollandel Ataljina, a friend of Rita’s. , I have always been taken care of by Rita. It is an honor to meet you two this time. This is a little bit of my heart, and I ask you to accept it.”

“Is this… a watch?” Rita’s father looked at the gift from Bianca with some surprise. Lying in the gift box was a watch that didn’t look expensive. “That’s so polite. , thank you very much for your gift, madam.”

“As long as you like it.”

After Bianca finished speaking, she stood aside with Rita, and Rita also pushed Alexia in front of her father: “Father, mother. This is Bianca’s lover, Alexia. grown ups.”

“First time meeting you two. I am Alexia Kaslana, and I am -“

【Miss Rita’s Companion】

In an instant, the inexplicable voice that came out of Ixia’s mouth and reached everyone’s ears made all the kind expressions on the faces of Rita’s parents freeze.

What did this kid say just now?

60. Rita: I try my best to make things right

Alexia still remembered what Rita said before.

——[About the fact that I will become your partner in the future, I don’t want to tell my parents yet]

In fact, Ixia can completely understand Rita’s thoughts. Unlike him and Bianca, who are basically fatherless and motherless under current circumstances, Rita has her own family. After returning to her own home after many years, Rita’s first thought must be to reconnect with her parents, rather than drop a bombshell on them right away.

Furthermore, from a common sense point of view, how can you not go home for many years and then bring a strange man with you that your parents have never seen before, pointing to him and saying that he is your partner?

According to the order of priority, we should at least wait until Alexia and Rita’s parents are familiar with each other, right?

but now–

[Excuse me, what about the confidentiality promised? 】

Rita’s eyes seemed to be saying this, and she narrowed her eyes slightly and cast a death gaze at Alexia.

(No, no, no, wait a minute, was I the one who said that just now?!)

Alexia forced herself to calm down and started thinking quickly!

Indeed, judging from the voice, it was indeed his voice just now, but Ixia was sure that she did not speak at that time, and what she wanted to say was also a very ordinary content like “Rita’s friend”, absolutely It’s not a word like [Rita’s partner] that has a strong misunderstanding!

In other words, someone was imitating his voice just now.

And when it comes to someone who can imitate his voice so realistically and can say those kinds of words…

(What are you doing? Miss Aige!)

(Hey~~~Have you been discovered?)

The naughty voice of Shajo Aige reached Alexia’s ears.

(I still imitate Prince-sama’s voice quite closely, right?)

(Like, or rather, it’s no different from my voice at all—no! Why did you suddenly say that in my voice!)

Rita had just introduced Alexia as Bianca’s lover, but now Sajo Aige suddenly used his voice to say that he was Rita’s partner…

This is obviously a rhythm that is going to cause big problems!

It’s like he is openly saying that he wants to ride on two boats! And it’s still in the present perfect tense!

Alexia felt that something was wrong with the way Rita’s parents looked at her!

(No, I still have to explain it quickly! Otherwise, if this situation continues to develop——)

It’s a sure thing to leave a bad impression on Rita’s parents!

But how to explain it?

It is definitely not possible to explain it directly as a misunderstanding! What Shajo Aige said just now was very clear. You can never fool around casually. If you want to explain this situation clearly, the best way you can think of is…

“It’s really a cunning approach, Lord Exia.”

Before Alexia could figure out the solution, Rita came to him, stretched out a finger in a very intimate way, and tapped his lips: “Didn’t we agree, Are you not going to mention this matter for now? And the title [partner]…have you forgotten it? I haven’t promised you yet.”

(Rita? Eh? What are you…)

“What’s going on? Rita?”

Seeing his daughter and Alexia so closely connected, Rita’s father couldn’t help but widen his eyes slightly.

He very much suspected that he had heard wrong just now, but judging from his daughter’s behavior, it didn’t seem like this!

Rita turned around with a smile: “Actually, I was proposed to by Lord Exia before, father and mother.”


Rita’s mother suddenly couldn’t sit still.

“Yes, mother. As I said just now, Master Alexia and Master Bianca are indeed a pair of lovers, but apart from that, Master Alexia is also an ancient Italian country with thousands of years of history. The heir of the family is the next patriarch of that family.” Rita continued to explain, “However, that is said, but that family currently only has one male, Mr. Ikexia, who is almost extinct, so Ike In order to revitalize the family, Mr. Xia, at the request of his elders, was forced to propose marriage proposals to many women within Tianming recently.”

“I’m one of them.”

The explanation coming from Rita’s mouth made both Exia and Bianca a little stunned, and Sajo Aige couldn’t help but admire it.

(Hmph~~~You actually used 90% of the facts and 10% of lies to make up a reasonable explanation? You have a way, Miss Rita.)

“is that so?”

Rita’s parents were shocked when they heard their daughter’s explanation.

His daughter was actually attracted by the eldest son of a large family with thousands of years of history? ! And looking at it like this…could he be thinking of Rita as his lover? !

“Rita, could you-“

“But please don’t worry, father and mother, I haven’t accepted the proposal yet.” Rita smiled and continued what she said before, “Lord Alexia is indeed very outstanding, and is now a famous figure in Tianming. Although she is still underage, But she is almost destined to be the next bishop by default, so she is perfect as a marriage partner—but even so, Ixia-sama is someone who has a lover.”

Because Alexia has a lover, and his lover Bianca is Rita’s boss, Rita cannot accept his proposal.

That’s what Rita was trying to say.

“Lord Axia, it seems that you want to convince my parents first and then force me to agree to the proposal, but I will not give in to you just like that.”

Halfway through, Rita turned around and declared to Exia in a rather tough tone, as if she was the winner who had defeated Exia’s conspiracy.

Seeing her like this, Alexia was silent for a while, then raised her hands and made a gesture of surrender with a wry smile: “Well… Okay, okay~~~ It seems that I want to send you Rita.” It’s still a bit difficult to catch up, but I really like you more and more.”

“However, let me apologize first – I’m sorry, Mr. Rossweisse, Mrs. Rossweisse, my words and deeds may have frightened you two.”

Alexia bowed down and apologized to the two old men.

“But please believe that I will not coerce Rita. This time it is just because of the urging from the family that I am a little more anxious. After all, I really like Rita. Of course, if Rita is not willing, I will No force will be used.”

“By the way, please accept this gift, which was originally intended as a meeting gift, as my apology. Although it is not something expensive.”

Exia said so and handed over the gift in her hand.

Looking at his polite appearance, thinking about his daughter’s explanation just now, and even seeing his daughter’s current expression, the Rossweisse couple, who were still in shock, could only obey in a dull manner. Alexia’s behavior continued.

(Huh~~~~This is probably done, right?)

61. Liking Rita is not a lie

Under the cover of Rita’s superb acting skills, the little trouble caused by Sajo Aige was finally resolved without any danger.

Although Rita’s parents seem to have not fully recovered from the amount of information contained in their daughter’s words, generally speaking, they are definitely fine.

And the time soon came to afternoon.

After enjoying the not-so-delicious [hometown food] prepared by Rita’s mother at noon——

“It really scared me half to death…”

In the living room behind the flower shop.

Lying down on the coffee table, Alexia sighed with a tired look.

Sitting opposite him, Rita duly handed a cup of scented tea to Alexia. Rita smiled and said, “Thank you for your hard work, Master Alexia. I’m sorry for asking you to cooperate with me in such a play. How much does it cost you?” His reputation has been somewhat damaged.”

“No, it doesn’t matter… On the contrary, I want to thank you, Rita, for helping me get through it.” Alexia straightened up, “If you hadn’t said that on purpose, I might not have been able to handle it better than you. Okay. Miss Aige will really cause trouble for me.”


Rita kept smiling calmly: “However, it is really rare that Miss Shajo will act without authorization. Sir Alexia, can’t you completely control her?”

“I never said that I could completely control Miss Aige. Moreover, compared with what Miss Aige did before, it was just a small fuss.” Alexia said with a bitter smile, “Before, When I was in that world, I almost broke down my interpersonal relationship, but I taught me a lesson before I became a good person.”

Have you become a good person?

After thinking about the situation this time, Rita raised her eyebrows slightly: “But I think Miss Shajo is still so naughty. Do you really want to see me embarrassed?”

“Ah, this is one of the few fun I have.”

As soon as Rita finished speaking, Shajo Aige appeared next to Alexia along with her voice. She held her hands around her non-existent breasts and looked at Rita: “However, it seems that this little trouble It still doesn’t cause you too much trouble, is the last-minute idea still too simple?”

“Hehehe~~ Ms. Shajo seems to be very keen on this.”

“They are competitors after all.”

Shajo Aige smiled and said: “But I think this should also be of some benefit to you, right? At least that’s what the prince said just now? – [I really like you more and more]”


Alexia, who was drinking tea, spat out the tea in her mouth when she heard Shajo Aige imitating her own voice and saying these words!

“That sentence is really affectionate and sincere…” Shajo Aige continued to say in a somewhat plaintive tone, “I have never heard the prince say that, let alone the prince later. He also said [after all, I really like Rita].”

“Well, Miss Ai Ge, please stop using my voice…”

Alexia tried to stop him.

But it was as if Shajo Aige didn’t hear it.

“It really makes people a little jealous.”

“But, after all, isn’t that the opportunity created by Miss Shajo?” Rita replied with a smile, “I didn’t expect that Sir Alexia would make such a passionate confession to me on that occasion. It’s still in front of Lady Bianca, if I didn’t know the inside story, I would be filled with joy.”

In fact, Rita was actually a little happy at that time.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Alexia, who was sitting on the side, covered her face and was about to squat down.

(I said I didn’t feel much about it at the time…but why do I feel so ashamed now?!)

Because she had already realized that Rita was going to act out a play with her to fool her, and because she was a little nervous at the time, Ixia basically spoke with an acting mentality and tone—specifically, imitation. Meet Bishop Otto.

What he said, he didn’t think much about it at that time, he just said what came to his mind. But now from the perspective of a third person, listening to Shajo Ai’s song imitating his own voice, Exia really wanted to find someone directly. Get in the hole!

It’s a shame he can say those lines!

“Miss Aige…”

“I’m here, Sir Prince, what’s the matter?”

“Anyway…you go back for a while and don’t come out today.”


The sudden request made Sajo Aige stunned for a moment, but soon she obediently got back into Alexia’s body – no matter what, it was always right to do it first.

As for the fight with Rita, we can leave it to later.

After watching Shajo Aige go back, she looked at Alexia who was still lying on the table with her face covered. After thinking about it for a moment, Rita fully understood the situation. Then she came to Alexia and pulled her over. He opened a chair and sat down: “Speaking of which, Lord Aixia, regarding what you said before…can I think that you are telling the truth?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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