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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 357


Alexia couldn’t help but raise her head.

“Uh… those… I didn’t think too much when I said it, I just said whatever came to my mind.”

“Just say whatever comes to mind…?” Rita’s lips curved into a slight smile: “That means that your love for me is something you can determine without thinking, right?”


These words shocked Aixia to the spot! His hands were waving around uncontrollably.

“Uh…no, that…this…I’m telling you Rita…”

“Hehehe, I’m just kidding, Lord Exia.”

Smiling, taking in Alexia’s panicked and somewhat shy reaction, Rita chuckled and explained: “I know very well that your favorite is Lady Bianca, and you probably don’t have any feelings for me. Right? So it was just a little joke, and your reaction was really funny.”

“…Don’t make jokes like this that make me laugh. I’ll be embarrassed.” Alexia sighed helplessly, “But, you’re wrong. Although it’s true that I don’t like to compete. Anka is so strong, but I actually like you very much, Rita. After all, you are so good-looking, good at cooking, and have a good personality, and you have also helped Bianca and I a lot… .I have no reason not to like you.”

“The words [I like you] are not lies.”



Hearing all these words of Alexia, Rita pursed her lips slightly: “After a year of not seeing each other, Lady Alexia has really become more and more good at pleasing girls.”

“Eh? Is there any?”

“Yes. So please be more conscious. Some of your unconscious words and deeds are quite dangerous. Remember to pay more attention in the future.”

Pay attention to your words and deeds…

(Speaking of which… Ms. Aige also told me before that the reason why Asakura fell in love with me was because I unintentionally did a lot of things that made her fall in love with me – I really need to pay attention to it from now on) ?)

“By the way, Lord Exia, there is something I still want to ask.”

“Huh? What’s the matter?”

“When are you going to suck my blood?”

62. Threesome at night

The words spoken in a natural tone from Rita’s mouth caused some slight changes in the atmosphere in the room where there were only two people.

Looking at Rita, who was almost in front of him, and looking into her burgundy right eye, Alexia moved back slightly: “…This seems to be the second time you have asked me. Is this the case?”


“Are you that impatient?”

It had actually been less than four days since Alexia sucked Bianca’s blood, and Rita had come to urge him the day after he sucked Bianca’s blood.

Alexia always feels like Rita is looking forward to sucking her blood?

“It’s not that I can’t wait…how should I put it? It’s just that you haven’t sucked my blood, so I feel a little left out.” Rita and Alexia distanced themselves a little, “Previously I have already said that as a maid serving Bianca-sama, since Bianca-sama wants to accompany you forever, then I am also happy to follow you two forever. Therefore, I will be sucked by you and become your blood My partner, I actually don’t have any objections.”

If Alexia didn’t accept it, Rita would actually ask for it. It was a good thing for Rita that Alexia could accept it before.


“Although you made an agreement with me, you have never fulfilled it. How should I put it… Could it be that Sir Alexia is the type of man who likes to whet the appetite of girls all the time?”


When Rita said this, Exia was really speechless for a moment.

Of course he doesn’t think he is that kind of person, but if he thinks carefully about what he has done in the past year, it seems that there is really a trend?

There is also a Lan Yu Qian Cong hanging by him in the Kaslana Empire.

“So… Rita, do you want me to fulfill my promise as soon as possible?”

“The later the agreement is completed, the more anxious and uneasy the parties concerned will become. If possible, I really hope that you can suck my blood as soon as possible and transform me into your blood partner.”

Rita’s words made Alexia think for a moment, and then Alexia said: “If I just suck your blood, since you said so, then I have no reason to refuse. But if you transform into a blood partner , it’s better to wait a moment, after all, Bianca isn’t even there yet.”

“Ms. Bianca, isn’t it?” Rita frowned, as if she was deeply surprised, “That night… no, in the past few nights, you and Mistress Bianca have really made no progress at all. No?”

“Blood Servants don’t do that kind of thing. Rita, you seem to have a deep misunderstanding in some aspects.”

Alexia explained: “The method for vampires to create bleeding servants is to give part of their bodies to others, and the given parts cannot be recovered, so generally speaking, vampires create bleeding servants. The way is to give blood.”

Pricking her fingertip, Alexia put a drop of her blood in front of Rita.

“As long as you drink this drop of blood, you can become my blood servant – but blood is not the only thing that can be given.”

“…I see, skeleton?”


Alexia pointed to her ribs: “One of the friends I met there is called Xiao Gucheng. Do you remember Rita? He was once a blood servant of the Fourth True Ancestor, and he was given The other part is the [rib], and thanks to this, he has gained an immortal body that rivals the True Ancestor, and can theoretically use the fourth True Ancestor’s beasts.”

Creating blood servants by giving bones can be said to be the most advanced way. After all, bones contain hematopoietic tissue.

And even if a vampire has unreasonable regenerative power, once a body part is given to another person, it is equivalent to losing that part forever.

“I, I hope I can give you my ribs – at least you and Bianca, I hope so.” Alexia said with a smile, “The fourth and fifth ribs on the right, wait until When the time is right, I will ask Ms. Chang Guang to prepare for the transplant operation and exchange my ribs with your ribs.”

(The fourth and fifth ribs on the right… where the Son of God was pierced?)

Rita understood Alexia’s thoughts.

That is the part where the Son of God was pierced. In a sense, it can be said to be the weakness of the Son of God. And by giving this part to her and Bianca, Exia may mean that she is handing over her greatest weakness to them. mean.

“But, that being said, all we need to do is establish a [path].”

“First I want to suck your blood, you donate your blood to me, and then I hand over my blood and flesh to you. If you have to say it, it is actually possible without transplantation. Take out my ribs and knock them off.” If you break it, you can just bury the fragments in a necklace or ring.”

“The reason why I want to exchange my ribs with you is just a little willful on my part.”

Exia wanted to do this because of her partners, Bianca and Rita.

Rita was silent for a while, then——

“Exia, Rita, are you here?”

Just when Rita was about to say something, Bianca’s voice suddenly came from the door – she had been chatting with Rita’s mother in the flower shop.

“What’s wrong? Bianca?”

“Rita’s mother said she wanted to teach us… [Flower Arrangement]?” Bianca said a word that even Alexia didn’t understand, “Then she asked Rita to help her, so I’m coming to find you. Are you done talking?”

“Well, we just finished chatting. Since Bianca-sama is interested in flower arrangements, I will be happy to teach you some basics.”

Rita stood up and came to Bianca: “By the way, Lady Bianca, you and Lady Alexia are definitely going to stay at my house tonight, right?”

“Yeah, what’s wrong?”

Staying at Rita’s house was something that had been decided at the dinner table before. Although Alexia said that she and Bianca could stay in a hotel, she couldn’t resist the persuasion of Rita’s parents and finally had to stay.

Rita looked back at Alexia, and then leaned into Bianca’s ear: “Then… let’s sleep together tonight, okay?”


“Rita, do you mean… we sleep in the same room? Where will Alexia sleep? In another room?”

“No, that’s not what I mean. What I mean is – I will sleep with you two in a room tonight, and the three of us will sleep together.”

Rita covered her neck, smiled a little charmingly, and told the story that Bianca mentioned more than a year ago.

“After all, Lord Exia and I just made an agreement that tonight is the night when I will offer my blood to him.”

63.Failure of will

Night fell quietly.

The clock ticked past twelve o’clock in the evening.

In the guest room arranged by the Rossweisse family for Alexia and Bianca.


Looking at the ceiling with the lights out in ecstasy, even though the power of the Fourth True Ancestor was not activated, Exia was not sleepy at all.

And beside him, lying on the same bed with him – or simply lying in his arms – Bianca also had her eyes open, showing no intention of falling asleep.

It’s not that the two of them don’t want to sleep, it’s already late at night and it’s time to fall asleep.

However, the two could not sleep.

The reason is simple: they are waiting for someone.


There was a slight sound of opening the door, and the closed door was opened a crack from the outside. Soon afterwards, a sound of gentle footsteps came from the corridor outside the door, slowly approaching the beds of Alexia and Bianca.

Alexia and Bianca sat up.

“Huh? So you two haven’t slept yet?”

“You didn’t come, how could you possibly sleep.” Alexia looked at the person who came, “Why did you choose to come at this time, Rita?”

Besides Rita, who else could be the person who sneaked into Alexia and Bianca’s room?

Rita smiled slightly: “But this is the safest time, isn’t it? And I have explained the reason before.”

Indeed, Rita had given her reasons as to why she came to Alexia and Bianca’s room at this time.

During the day before, Bianca had simply agreed to Rita’s suggestion that they sleep together at night, but since the vote was two to one, it was useless for Alexia to object. So in the end, it was confirmed on the spot that the three of them would sleep together tonight.

However, today is the first day that Rita finally returned to her hometown. In addition, she and Rita just acted in a drama in the morning. Logically speaking, Rita should have a good time reminiscing with her parents.

So Rita made some arrangements for her evening time – she would get along with her parents normally in the first half of the night, and when her parents fell asleep and after twelve o’clock in the evening, she would secretly come to Ixia , completing the blood-sucking ritual that Exia had dragged on for several days.

Logically, this is perfectly fine.


(The first time I came to a stranger’s home, I had a tryst with the stranger’s daughter in the middle of the night, and even planned to have a threesome… The prince is really getting more and more depraved.)

Shajo Aige said sadly in Exia’s mind.

(I feel like if this continues, sooner or later the prince will turn into the ultimate playboy that Ddraig mentioned, sleeping in the bed of a different woman every day.)

(…I wouldn’t do that no matter what, right?)

Alexia said this without any confidence, because based on the facts, he would probably do this at least twelve times in the future.

He was obviously not like this until a few days ago, so why did he start to fall after confirming his relationship with Bianca?


Just when Alexia was thinking so wildly, there was a sound of clothes rubbing against her ears. It sounded like clothes fell to the ground, and then——

“Well, Rita, it’s even more crowded when you come up…”

“Sorry, Lady Bianca, the bed in the guest room is relatively small. It would be a bit difficult to sleep three people side by side…”

The voices of Bianca and Rita came from one side, and Alexia could clearly feel the feeling of being squeezed by something from her arm, going up and down, and she could even smell it with her nose. One nice scent…no, two.

There were two aromas intertwined together, mixed into one and mixed into Alexia’s nasal cavity.

(Are they both using the same shower gel? It smells so good.)

Somehow, Alexia turned over and reached out from behind, trying to hug Bianca who was lying in her arms.

However, what I got was a soft texture.

(Hug the wrong person!)

“…You’re hugging me, Lady Axia.” Rita’s voice came at this moment, “Can’t you wait a little bit?”

“No, that…I…”

Through his superhuman vision, even in a room without a trace of light, Ixia could clearly see the scene in front of her.

The maid who always showed a perfect appearance in front of him, the most perfect woman who always maintained elegance and reserve, was now lying quietly beside him, holding Bianca with him. In the middle. Her short ash-blonde hair, which is usually well taken care of, is now a little messy, revealing her two burgundy eyes.

The shoulders that were not completely covered by the quilt were just exposed. From Alexia’s perspective, she could still see clearly. Now Rita was only wearing a dark one-piece silk pajamas.

【Highly impactful and powerful charm】

This is what Alexia feels at this moment.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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