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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 358

If what Bianca showed him on the same occasion before was the plain and pure “charm of an innocent girl” belonging to childhood sweethearts, then at this moment, what Rita showed to him was the “charm of a mature adult” .

Obviously Rita is only twenty years old, but she gives off an inexplicably mature atmosphere.

Reaching out to smooth her hair, Rita raised a provocative smile as if to seduce prey: “I’m ready, Lord Alexia~~~ As a gentleman, please don’t let the lady It’s too long to wait, okay?”


His eyes were covered with scarlet.

Devil… no, Rita’s succubus-like whispers kept stimulating Alexia’s spirit. The hands on her back moved up slowly and instinctively, and finally messed up her short hair. Pulling her closer to him.


Bianca, who was sandwiched between the two, spoke weakly.

“Do you need me to go under the bed first? It’s a little… uncomfortable to be sandwiched between you like this.”

“You are Lady Alexia’s lover. Lady Bianca, you cannot leave the [Frontline] at this time.” Rita smiled charmingly, “But it’s really not good to be trapped like this, so… Let’s change it to Lady Exia.”


Before Alexia could react, he felt a suppressed feeling coming from his body.

Rita, who was originally lying on Bianca’s side, actually turned over and came directly on top of him to suppress him. At the same time, Bianca was also carried by Rita and suppressed her from the other side – the two of them They each suppressed half of his body.

“This way it won’t be crowded, right?”

Rita smiled, then lowered her body and brought her neck, which smelled of rose shower gel, to Alexia’s mouth.

(No…I can’t help it anymore!)

The rational defense line can no longer suppress the instinctive impulse.

Holding Rita’s waist with one hand, Aixia thrust the fangs that were already ready to move into Rita’s body!

The aroma of blood instantly filled all his senses.


What followed was a muffled groan from Rita.

64. Hug each other all night long

The next day, early morning.

The breakfast table at Rossweisse’s house.

When Alexia came to the dining table, Rita’s father and mother were already sitting there. When Alexia arrived, Rita’s father immediately waved to him.

“Good morning, Alexia.”

“Ah…well, good morning, Mr. Rossweisse-san, Ms. Rossweisse-san.”

After simply nodding hello to the two of them, Exia also sat down at the dining table.

“Did you sleep well last night, kid?” Ms. Rossweisse asked with a smile. “I hope our bed didn’t make your sleep uncomfortable.”

“No, no, I slept soundly.”

Alexia shook her head quickly, feeling a little embarrassed in her heart.

Could he have had a bad sleep last night?

After finishing the blood-sucking ceremony, Rita and Bianca directly pressed him under them and fell asleep. This meant that Alexia was hugging him from left to right, surrounded by two beauties. The next night I slept until dawn.

If you still say that you didn’t sleep well, you will be punished by God!


(I’m still a little embarrassed.)

Specifically referring to the Rossweisse couple.

After all, Alexia bit their two precious daughters last night and slept in the same bed all night. In addition, she and Rita performed the play together during the day yesterday… As a temporary guest, I feel a little sorry for you.

What’s more, Rita secretly had a private meeting with him last night without telling her parents. Thinking about it now, she really felt full of betrayal.

If that wasn’t acting, now Alexia really has no choice but to marry Rita home!

And it was at this moment——

“It turns out you are already up, Lord Exia.”

Rita walked out of the kitchen, wearing an apron and a little hat on her head and said with a smile: “I was thinking of getting you and Lady Bianca up after breakfast. It seems like no need.”

“This is not the headquarters of Destiny. Rita, you don’t need to take such great care of us at home.”

“Hehehe~~~I know.” Rita smiled softly, “But, where is Lady Bianca?”

“Oh, she’s still washing up. She won’t be able to come down for a while.”

Alexia explained.

But this is not the truth—no matter what Rita or Exia said.

In fact, the two of them woke up as early as five o’clock this morning, when it was still dark. Although I spent an unforgettable night with Alexia last night, this is Rita’s hometown after all. If Rita’s parents wake up their daughter in the morning and find that she is not in their bedroom, they can expect that By then, there will definitely be misunderstandings that cannot be explained at all.

Therefore, after waking up, Rita went back to her bedroom first, waited until the time when she would usually wake up, then changed into regular clothes, and walked out of the bedroom as if nothing happened.

By the way, the dress Rita is wearing today is a turtleneck. Alexia’s blood-sucking last night was too enthusiastic and left a very conspicuous mark on her neck.

As for Bianca…

She was naturally not washing up now. It should be said that it was the excitement brought by the early morning, or the aftertaste of last night. In short, after Bianca woke up, she looked a little confused and undefended against herself. With such a cute look, Exia couldn’t help but push her down on the bed.

I’m probably in the bathroom now thinking about how to cover up the strawberry marks.

(I’ve been saying this since before…)

In Alexia’s mind, the somewhat sour voice of Shajo Aige rang out.

(Prince, you seem to really like kissing. You kissed me twice and left hickeys on Miss Bianca and Miss Rita.)

(Uh… I can’t help it. I’m actually very restrained.)

(…When can you kiss me with hickeys too.)

The jealousy grew stronger.

The smell of vinegar that permeated the air, even if it didn’t actually exist, made Alexia feel that her nose was already filled. Sajou Aige can accept losing to Bianca, after all, Bianca is the first, but now Rita has come from behind… If she is not jealous, there will be a problem!

(Why don’t the prince spread his penetrating power all over his body, and then kiss me passionately too.)

(Miss Ai Ge, do you think I’m some kind of kissing maniac?)

Alexia smiled bitterly.

(I’m not dismissing your idea, but please wait a little longer…)

He only confirmed his relationship with Bianca a few days ago, and his relationship with Rita took a big leap last night. If he and Sajo Aige had another passionate kiss just a few hours later, how fast would it be? It’s too fast. Even men should have some restraint.

He doesn’t want to really become like those Sekiryuutei of past generations that Ddraig mentioned!

(But…Rita is really calm.)

Alexia looked at Rita again.

That kind of thing happened between the two of them last night. Logically speaking, there should be something wrong with Rita today. For example, she would be a little shy when meeting him, or she wouldn’t dare to look at him… .But there was nothing wrong with Rita at all, and she behaved exactly as usual.

“Speaking of which, does Master Exia have any plans today?”

Suddenly, Rita’s voice attracted Alexia’s attention.

“If you want to visit Manchester as I said yesterday, I can do it after breakfast-“

“No, no need, I’ll just walk around on my own with Bianca today.”

Before Rita could finish her words, Alexia shook her head and said, “It’s rare for you to go home once. Just like what I just said, don’t focus too much on me and Bianca. Just be fine.” Please stay with your uncle and aunt. Bianca and I will be fine. At most, we might get lost and ask you to pick us up.”


Alexia’s little joke made Rita and her parents laugh twice.

“Since Lady Axia has said so, then I will accept this arrangement. I will prepare a Manchester tour guide for you two later. Then you and Lady Bianca can explore the route I recommend. Take a look. Although Manchester is not as good as London, there are still many places to visit.”

“Thank you for your hard work, Rita.”

Getting along very well.

Listening to the conversation between their daughter and Alexia, Rossweisse and his wife had a slight change in their view of Alexia. Originally, they were a little worried about Alexia because of the misunderstanding they just met yesterday. After all, they are just civilians. It’s not like Ixia has an ancient family with thousands of years of history behind her.

If Alexia has a bad character and wants to forcefully marry Rita, then there is really nothing they can do.

But looking at the current situation, it seems that they are a little too worried.

Not to mention forcing it, my daughter and Alexia have a very good relationship.

To be honest, the Rossweisse couple knew very well that they could no longer decide on their daughter’s affairs. Her daughter had grown up to the point where they no longer needed their care, so they were not prepared to say too much about their daughter’s future life. , and even if they get married, as long as Rita thinks it’s okay, then they won’t think there’s a problem.

And judging from the current situation of Alexia and Rita getting along…

(Oh~~~~Forget it, let Rita make her own decision.)

In the end, Rita’s father could only think this way in his heart.

65.Is this really my home?

In the following days, Exia and Bianca officially started their vacation life with Manchester as the center.

From Manchester to Sheffield to London and Birmingham.

Counting Rita, who had been traveling with the two of them again since the third day, the three of them roughly visited several major central cities in the UK during this period. Under the guidance and introduction of Rita, a local, Alexia and Bianca, who had almost never been to the UK, gained a better understanding of this island country.

Of course, Alexia didn’t forget to take Arturia to Glastonbury.

Whether it is in the world over there or in the world here, Glastonbury has an alias, that is [the resting place of King Arthur], and has always been regarded as the [entrance] to Avalon in mythology – although This is not the case, but it has been passed down for many years, and it has become the recognized [King Arthur’s Tomb].

In this case, there’s no reason not to take a look at the authentic King Arthur, right?

As for whether Glastonbury in this world can really lead to Avalon in the Quantum Sea, it is unknown.

By the way, because she had been sucked by Alexia, after leaving Manchester, Rita no longer thought about booking two rooms when booking a hotel, but only booked one room at a time, and then I slept with Alexia and Bianca every night.

As a result, during this period of time in the UK, Alexia was undergoing a mental test every night.

And just when this depraved life of “traveling during the day and sleeping together at night” lasted for nearly half a month, when Exia felt that her spirit could no longer hold on, the Destiny Headquarters far away in the Mediterranean finally came A summons was sent.

To be honest, this was a timely blessing for Axia. If he continued to sleep with Bianca and Rita for two or three more days, he was really afraid that he would have already mixed up what he should do and what he shouldn’t do when he returned to Destiny. All done!

Therefore, on the way back, Ixia was really grateful to Bishop Otto.




Accompanied by the sound of planes flying across the sky, the doorstep of the Exiya family villa located in the Tianming residential area.

Alexia, who came back on a special plane with Bianca and Rita, did not go in immediately after returning to her home. Instead, she stared blankly at the scene in front of her and raised her hand to rub it. Rubbing his eyes, he took out his personal terminal and checked the map several times.

“It should be…right?”

Looking at the position that was exactly the same as in his memory, Exia frowned deeply.

The place where he is now is indeed the villa where he has lived for several years. There is no difference in location or direction.



Looking up again at the scene in front of her, Alexia pinched her eyebrows hard: “Who can tell me what’s going on in this five-story villa!?”

Yes, five floors.

The original villa of the Alexia family only had two floors, with no attic or basement.

But now, what appears in front of Alexia is a super luxurious villa that is twice as big as the villa in his memory. It has five floors and looks like a small castle! There is even a surrounding courtyard outside!

Fountains, pavilions, swings, swimming pools… all the necessary elements are missing.

Alexia only went to England for half a month’s vacation. During this period, what kind of transformation did his home receive? By the way, who transformed it? Bishop Otto? Then why didn’t you tell him about such a big thing?

“It’s really quite luxurious…”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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