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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 359

Even Shajo Aige appeared and couldn’t help but admire her.

“Let me see… In addition to the five-story building that can be seen on the ground, there is a basement underground and an attic above. Except for the first floor, every floor above can be occupied. It looks like three to four… Including the first floor, I think up to twenty people can live in it.”

“It can indeed be said to be a small castle. And as the owner of this castle, the prince can really call himself a [prince] or [king] now.”

Faced with Shajo Aige’s teasing, Exia just rubbed her eyebrows with a headache: “What the hell… I didn’t want to be the Emperor of the Night over at Genkami Island, why did I end up here? You have to act like a king. I guess this is definitely a good thing done by Bishop Otto!”

If you think about the level of authority, only Bishop Otto can do this kind of earth-shaking renovation of the villa in Exia.

Exia had just told him before that he should not spend the budget arbitrarily!


Just as Alexia was complaining like this, the door of the large villa in the courtyard was opened from the inside.

A cherry-colored figure floated out of the house, and when she saw Alexia at the door, she immediately waved to him.

She bit the bullet and opened the iron gate with the Kaslana family emblem on it, walked through the road paved with marble tiles, and came to the door: “Since you are here, it means that I really did not go wrong. ,cherry.”

“I knew you would react like this when you came back, Alexia.”

Yae Sakura said with a smile.

“Mr. Otto has already told us about your return today. Anyway, let’s come in first. Everyone is waiting for you. We will explain to you about the house later.”


Does it mean Kiana and the others?

Alexia frowned lightly, dragged her suitcase into the house, and followed Yae Sakura through the extremely long entrance corridor and into the living room.

The layout of the living room is the same as the outside, so of course it has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

In addition to the most basic functions of the living room, there is even a bar counter and an entire wall filled with famous wines that come into Exiya’s view. It can be said that a small bar has been moved into the living room. There is an open kitchen further down…

But from a visual perspective, it’s even bigger than it looks from the outside!

“Oh? Are you back?”

At the bar, perhaps hearing the footsteps at the door, Fu Hua, who was wearing a training uniform, also turned around and looked over: “You have been on vacation for half a month, are you finally willing to come back? Exia. “

“Master, and…”

Alexia looked at the gray figure inside the bar.

“——Miss Raven?”

“Hi~~~ I haven’t seen you for a while, my little employer.”

The raven dressed as a bartender held a shaker cup in one hand and greeted Alexia with a familiar look.

“Are you having fun on vacation with your little girlfriend? Do you want to relax with a cup of Long Island ice tea?”


Alexia’s mind is completely messed up now.

My own home was completely transformed, and the raven appeared in my home…

(What the hell is going on!!!!)

At this moment, all the thoughts in Alexia’s heart converged into one question.

66. Nine people living together!

A few minutes later.

In the living room that has changed beyond recognition.

Surrounded by Kiana, Raiden Mei, Bronya, Yae Sakura and Fuhua, Exia held her head in her hands.

“So…this castle-like villa…is a [reward] given to me by the bishop?”


Fu Hua nodded in agreement.

Just in the past few minutes, they had already explained the current situation to Exia.

In short, this courtyard villa was a gift prepared by Bishop Otto to reward Ixia for finding the precious Key to the Second God. Almost on the same day that the Key to the Second God was transported back to Destiny, Otto Let Amber start working directly.

Of course, it’s not just about rewards.

Defeating the Third Herrscher, defeating the Mimic Herrscher, bringing back a lot of precious information from another world, and even the things about the Holy Annihilation and the resurrection of Kallen… all these things , are now all settled together by Otto, and the rewards are given out at once.

In fact, in addition to such a villa, Alexia now has three private cruise ships, a private jet and a garage of sports cars in his name that he does not even know about – and all of these rewards are provided by The three families of Tianming Yu invested.

“In addition, in addition to these material rewards, Otto also said that he will prepare other rewards for you, so please stay tuned.”

“Too many!”

Alexia couldn’t help shouting!


This is his only thought now!

He had clearly told the bishop not to waste the budget before! I obviously just said it before! Wouldn’t this move the budget originally wasted on Kallen’s fantasy to the reward for him! And why are the Kaslana family and the Shaniyat family also involved? There was no contact at all before, now what is the situation of actively sending money to him!

Looking at Alexia’s somewhat exaggerated reaction, Kiana and others all showed expected expressions.

Kiana: “Sure enough, this is the reaction that my brother would have.”

Raiden Meiyi: “But, instead of saying that…”

Yae Sakura: “Actually, our initial reaction was similar to Exia’s.”

Bronya: “Kiana’s reaction is several times more exaggerated than the master’s.”

As they said, don’t talk about Alexia. When they learned about this from Amber, they were no less shocked than Alexia now. You must know that few people present have ever been treated like this before.

Kiana wandered with Siegfried since childhood, Bronya was born in an orphanage, and Yae Sakura was an ancient person from five hundred years ago.

Even Raiden Mei, who comes from a wealthy family and is a eldest lady, cannot compare with her.

“Who can live in such a big house…?”

Alexia was spread out on the sofa.

There are not even ten people in his family, and they can’t even live in half a villa.

“Speaking of which…it seems you haven’t said why Miss Raven is here.”

Turning his attention to Raven, who was still at the trumpet bar, Alexia lay on the back of the sofa and asked, “You should have completed your job hopping now, right? Miss Raven.”

“That’s right.”

Holding the bar with one hand and flipping over with a slight jump, Raven leaned on a swivel chair, took out his personal terminal and said with a smile: “I have successfully joined Tianming, and I have completed that within half a month. What is the assessment of an A-level Valkyrie to become an A-level Valkyrie?”

“Hmm~~~It’s pretty fast.”

“The raven itself is very powerful. In my opinion, it actually far exceeds the level of an A-level Valkyrie.” Fu Hua pushed his glasses slightly, “The only thing that needs attention is the theoretical part. I tutored her for this part for three days and she passed.”

“After all, it’s really simple. They’re all common sense questions.”

Raven’s tone was very relaxed: “As long as the brain is not particularly bad, then anyone can get through it, right?”


There seemed to be a sound of something being shot through.

Alexia turned around and saw that Kiana, who had been fine before, was now covering her chest and falling on Raiden Mei’s lap, looking like she was greatly shocked.

(Should it be…)

Raising her eyebrows, Aixia asked Fu Hua: “Master, let me ask by the way, what is Kiana’s theoretical assessment simulation score in the past half month?”

“She was able to pass the exam twice out of ten times, which is already remarkable considering her level. – Although most of the times she was able to pass the exam, it was in vain.” Fu Hua said calmly.

When she said this, Kiana’s body immediately trembled hard, like a fish that was caught and placed on the ground. It turned over and was buried directly in Raiden Mei’s belly, causing Raiden Mei to tremble. He immediately picked up Kiana’s head with a blushing face!

This stupid sister…

Alexia couldn’t help but hold her forehead – it seemed like she was really going to have a good time working with Fu Hua on Kiana.

“But I still haven’t said why you are here, Raven? If you are an A-level Valkyrie, you should be assigned to a separate dormitory, right? Or directly serve as the captain of a team. Why are you here with me?”

“Because I’m working under you now.”

Raven said with a smile.

“Your bishop seems to be preparing to organize a new special team. I will be the first member, and you have been confirmed to be the captain. In this case, where else can I go except here? I can only be at the team’s stronghold. Stay here.”

Special teams? stronghold?

Alexia stretched out her hand to signal Raven to stop talking, and she started to think deeply while holding her eyebrows——

(Don’t think about it, Prince, the bishop has never told you about this at all.)

Sajo Aige directly told what Exia wanted to know.

(I’m afraid he secretly prepared all of this behind your back, whether it’s a villa or a special team.)

(Master, what on earth does he want to do!)

“Oh, by the way, is there something you haven’t said yet, Master Fu Hua?”

Suddenly, Kiana seemed to have remembered something, and turned her head from Raiden Mei’s lap: “Didn’t the Bishop say before that a few people were going to live here?”


“Wait a moment, master!”

Seeing Fu Hua nod, Aixia quickly turned around and shouted: “Is there anyone else who wants to move in?”

“Yes. After all, such a big house would be a waste if only a few of us live in it, and this is also Otto’s arrangement.”

Fu Hua took a sip of tea as he spoke: “Kiana and the three of them live on the second floor now, and I, Sakura and Raven live on the third floor. Your room, Alexia, is placed alone on the fifth floor. .”

“As for what Kiana said just now, it is something Otto mentioned after he came to inspect the completion last time – [There should be three or four people who will move in later. Remember to reserve a room on the first floor. ]”

Don’t understand.

Alexia is completely confused.

(Bishop, what on earth is he doing?!)

“Ding dong~~~~!”

At this moment, the doorbell suddenly rang at the door.

Raiden Mei skillfully picked up the remote control and pressed it on the TV. The 70-inch large screen hanging on the wall immediately showed the scene outside the door – Bianca and Rita were standing each dragging a suitcase. There.

[It was really a sudden arrangement, Rita. I didn’t expect the bishop to tell us this kind of thing as soon as he came back]

Bianca said so.

[It is indeed very sudden, but for Bianca-sama, this should be the best, right? I think the bishop made this arrangement considering your mood]

Rita was smiling.

[From now on, we will live here with Lady Exia and the others]

Alexia: “….quoi?”

67. These brothers and sisters are simply awesome

That happened about ten minutes ago.

After returning on a special plane with Alexia, Rita and Bianca took the car directly to prepare to return to their home.

But after arriving at the door of their home in a car, what they saw was Amber who seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.

“Lord Youlandel, Lady Rita, you two are back from vacation.”

Amber walked up and said to the two of them.

“I’ve been waiting for you two for a long time.”

“Amber, why are you here?” Bianca asked doubtfully, “Is it possible that the bishop has some urgent tasks for us?”

Amber is Otto’s personal secretary, and all her actions represent Otto’s will.

In the past, every time Amber came to see them alone, she usually conveyed Otto’s mission instructions. Although Bianca and Rita have just come back and haven’t even entered the house yet, if Otto has a task for them to handle, they will not turn it down.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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