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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 36

Much faster than Ace!

“Tione, pinch me, am I dreaming?”


Upon hearing her sister’s request, Tione immediately slapped her, and then also slapped herself.

It hurt like hell.

“It’s not a dream.”

“More than half a month… is it true or not? Exia-kun is so powerful!”

Bert, who was leaning against the wall, and Tione and Tiona, who were rubbing the place where they were hit, had shock in their eyes.

This can simply be said to be witnessing history.

Finn, Riveria and Gareth, the three elders of the Loki Familia, also expressed joy. Exia’s ability to produce such unreasonable results completely overturned their ideas. And far exceeded their expectations of him.

Next, Loki only needs to extract the ability points, and Exia can complete the upgrade.

But until then…

“You still need to choose to develop your abilities, right?”

Development capabilities.

That is an ability that can only be learned additionally when upgrading.

This ability is different in nature from basic abilities. It is an ability that can further develop and strengthen special or professional abilities.

For example, most adventurers who are blacksmiths can acquire the development ability called forging, which makes the quality of the equipment they manufacture even better, and can even add some functions and effects.

Therefore, what kind of actions are taken before upgrading will ultimately determine what kind of development capabilities are available, and if multiple actions are taken, there may be multiple development capabilities for them to choose from.

There are three development abilities that Exia can choose from, namely [Hunter], [Swordsman], and [Punch].

To be honest, compared with Exia’s unreasonable growth rate and unspecified magic and skills, the development ability is completely simple and has nothing new at all. In Orario, there are adventures with the same development ability. There are simply too many.

For example, Hunter is a development ability that can be obtained by defeating a large number of monsters in a short period of time. It allows adventurers to gain more experience points and ability bonuses when facing monsters, such as Aisi, Finn and Bert has this ability to develop.

I guess it was because Exia had been running into dungeons every day to make money for a period of time that this development ability appeared, right?

The same goes for swordsmen and boxers. The former can get bonuses when using sword-type weapons, while the latter can get bonuses when fighting with bare hands. Many people in the Loki family also have them.


Exia chose this development ability without thinking.

From now on – not only in this world, but after returning to the original world, Exia will definitely fight Honkai and Honkaimon. With this development ability, she will be able to fight Honkaimon. It will definitely be more convenient when the time comes.

“Okay, that’s it!”

As he spoke, Loki started the upgrade process for Axia, pricking his fingertip with a needle again and updating his ability values ​​for the second time.

Soon, a new ability value appeared in the form of rubbings on parchment.

Alexia Kaslana


Strength: sss (1980) → i (0)

Durability: sss (1965) → i (0)

Dexterity: sss (1977) → i (0)

Agile: sss (1999) → i (0)

Magic: i(0)→i(0)



【He will save the world】

——Strengthen magic

——All ability values, skills, and development effects have been greatly enhanced.

——Second strengthening based on mental status

——Cannot be used actively·closed

——It automatically takes effect when targeting ■■ and elite enemies.


【Kaslana’s Blood】

——Given by Frost

——Super-speed regeneration and invalidation of abnormal mental state

——? ? ? ?

——? ? ? ?

After upgrading, the ability value will be reset to the original level, but this does not mean that the ability value is cleared, but it is retained as a hidden ability. Even if it is not visible on the ability value, it does exist. of.

Like ability values, development abilities also have their own levels. There are ten levels from s to i. However, it does not have proficiency. When it will be upgraded depends entirely on the frequency of use and accumulated experience points.

“Okay, now you’re at lv.2, little guy.” Loki threw the parchment in Exia’s face, “But… when you’re at lv.1, you can kill lv.1 alone.” You are the floor master of .6, and now that you have become lv.2, I’m afraid even that guy Ota wouldn’t be your opponent~~~”


Looking at her updated abilities, Ixia took a deep breath and turned to look at Finn and others: “Goddess Loki, Captain Finn, I… have a request.”

“I want to visit the Freya Familia.”


【Countdown to return】


61. Decision of both parties

Go to the Freya Familia?

Alexia’s request silenced everyone for a moment.

Finn said: “Revenge… You are not the person who would do such a thing, Alexia. So what are you going to do?”

“I want to fight Otta again.” Exia said her thoughts honestly.

A month ago, he lost to Ota, and even though he tried his best, he could not leave even a single wound on his body. But now, I have grown and may have made a qualitative leap compared to myself a month ago.

Coupled with the fact that his own skills reveal part of his essence… Maybe this still won’t defeat Ota, but he probably won’t be crushed by the opponent’s absolute power like last time.

Moreover, Otta himself said that if Exia could return to the surface from the deep layers safely, then he would wait for Exia to apply to him for another fight.

“…Can I ask your reason?” Finn asked, “You are not a very competitive person, right? I can still see this, the outcome of a duel with others , I don’t think you will be obsessed with this – why do you want to fight Ota again?”

“For myself, for the unwillingness in my heart.”

Her unwillingness to almost fail to protect Lefia, and her unwillingness to be spared her life… Called it a matter of youthful spirit, Exia wanted to return this unwillingness to Ota.

“Furthermore, I also want to get in touch with the goddess Freya… The encounter between me and Lefiya was ultimately caused by her, right? So as the person involved, I think it is necessary for me to talk to her.”


Finn fell silent for more than a minute before nodding with a wry smile: “Okay, I agree. But we won’t let you go alone, at least let me go with Loki.”

“I am coming too.”

Ais said suddenly, her golden eyes staring straight at Alexia: “I want to… see your growth with my own eyes.”

How strong will Exia become after upgrading, and what new powers will he master? Ais wants to see all this with her own eyes, and then explore the root cause of why he has become so powerful.

“Yes. Then Loki, I, and Ais will go to the Freya Familia with Exia, and the others will stay at the station. But before the official departure, Exia, there are two more things here I want to show you.”

Finn’s words made Alexia frown: “Show me? What is it?”

“Of course it’s the first-level weapon that Chun made for you. You won’t forget it, right? Because you couldn’t come back in time before, I went to get it back for you first.”

First level weapons.

After Finn said this, Exia also remembered that he did not carry weapons when he went down to the dungeon. Later, a large number of weapons obtained from Ota were also damaged in the battle with Zaganat. .

It’s really good to have a new weapon.

“As for the other one…it’s actually your weapon. When Ais found Lefiya on the thirty-seventh floor, she also found the materials dropped by Udaios who you defeated, including a piece of After considering the black sword-like fragment, we handed it over to the Gu Bonniu Familia and asked them to help forge a big sword.”

The long sword with indestructible properties forged by the Hephaestus family, and the black giant sword of Udaios forged by the Gubenyu family.

“If you want to fight Ota, even just to spar, you can’t do it with bare hands. At least bring weapons – by the way, this will not increase any of your debts, considering the benefits you have brought to the family this time And in return, your debt has been essentially wiped out.”

Debt is gone! ?

Compared to the fact that she had two first-level weapons, this matter made Exia pay more attention to it!

“It was offset…Did I bring back so many magic stones and materials?”

“No, all we recovered was Udaios’ materials. However, you don’t have to use money to pay off the debt, right?”

Exia saved important members of the family, brought back extremely precious materials, and prevented disasters that might have caused huge casualties… After accumulating all kinds of contributions, the debt he owed was nothing at all. , The guild even prepared a reward for [defeating Zagannat] separately for Exia.

“So, this time, you don’t need to worry about being burdened with huge debts. You can safely bring two new weapons and go fight Otta again.”



In the residence of Freya Familia.

“The baby is coming, Otta.”

Sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window as usual, Freya stared in the direction of the Loki Familia.

Behind her, the motionless warrior nodded slightly: “I can imagine it. I’m sorry that I made a promise to fight him again without permission.”

“No, it doesn’t matter. This is also an opportunity to see how dazzling he can be now – but you might lose this time, Otta.”


Faced with the words of his Lord God that had no other meaning, Ota said frankly: “For me, if it is really like that, it would be better.”

Oraline has always regarded Otta as the strongest, but only Otta himself knows that his [strongest] is a joke. Compared with the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia who once dominated Orario, I still haven’t even caught up with them.

Otta’s ability value has reached the limit. Except for the magic power that cannot reach S due to race reasons, the other four abilities are all S. The distance has risen to lv.8, just short of great achievements.

If Exia can defeat him, then Otta will no longer be the strongest, which means that he once again has a target worthy of chasing.

Now that all the monsters from the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia have gone into hiding, Ota really needs a real target!

It’s not something you can’t reach, but a goal that’s right in front of you.

“Lord Freya, for today only, can you hand over the Battle Wilderness to me and Exia?” Otta requested, “No battle can be carried out here. The dungeon is currently blocked by the guild because of Zagannat. For areas below the eighteenth floor, the most suitable place is our battle wilderness.”

“Well, no problem, I’ll leave it to you.” Freya said as she stood up, “But let me also watch – I think it’s not just you, the child should also have something to say to me. Woolen cloth.”

62. It’s okay to go together

There are two locations for the Freya Familia.

One is the station above the Tower of Babel, and the other is the station on the ground in Orario. The station at the Tower of Babel is more of a residence for Freya, while the base on the ground is used to train warriors. courtyard.

Just after Ixia was about to go to the Freya Familia, before he could leave the Familia station, the Freya Familia directly sent someone a letter.

【Battle Wilderness】

The content of the letter is only this line.

Although I don’t know who specifically wrote this line, as a person involved, Ixia can probably guess what this line means.


“Is this right here?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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