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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 360

“No, it’s not an urgent mission.”

Amber shook her head.

“I’m here to convey the bishop’s instructions to you and assist you in moving.”

“move place?”

Bianca and Rita looked at each other, and they both saw confusion and confusion in each other’s eyes.

Why are they suddenly asked to move? Don’t they live well here?

“Where does the Bishop want me and Rita to move?”

“Lord Ixia,” Amber explained, “Due to the merit of bringing back the Key of the Second God, the bishop has ordered me to complete the renovation project of Lord Ikesia’s residence during the vacation. The bishop considers that Bianca and Alexia are already in a relationship, so he thinks it’s time for them to start living together.”

“So the bishop asked me to assist you two in moving.”

Move in with Alexia at his house?

The words spoken from Amber’s mouth made Bianca pause for a moment, and then she agreed with a smile: “I see, this is good – let’s go pack things now, Rita.”


Then, time returns to the present.

“——To sum up, from today on, Lady Bianca and I will live here.”

It was still in that unrecognizable living room.

Rita said with a smile as she and Bianca sat on either side of Alexia.

“Please also take care of me in the future——”


Before Rita finished speaking, Kiana had jumped up from Raiden Mei, and quickly rushed to Bianca and hugged her arm: “In this case, Sister Bianca really wants to She’s become my sister! Mei Mei! Do you want to have a party tonight to celebrate Sister Bianca and Sister Rita moving in!?”


“Let’s not talk about the party for now. Kiana, please get off Bianca first.”

Without giving the somewhat embarrassed Raiden Mei a chance to speak, Alexia grabbed her sister’s back collar with one hand and forcefully pulled her away from Bianca: “No matter how much you like Bianca, don’t If you keep clinging to her, Bianca will get into trouble.”

“Tsk~~~ I’m stingy.”

Kiana made a face at Alexia, and then pounced on Bianca again: “I just like Sister Bianca very much. What’s wrong with getting closer to my sister? Right? Sister Bianca!”


“No, come down here.”

Alexia reached out and grabbed the back of Kiana’s neck again.

“No~~~I want~~~!”

Kiana pulled Bianca’s arm hard.

The room fell into silence for a moment. Looking at the brother and sister who were locked in a stalemate, for some reason, the other people present suddenly had the desire to watch these two people continue to pull together.

Sounds interesting?

But no matter what, the younger sister is still just a younger sister in front of her older brother.

“Good ice————!”

The next moment, with Kiana’s sudden scream, she shrank up like a cat that had stepped on a nail, and hid in the corner of the sofa, trembling. Alexia, on the other hand, pulled Bianca towards her with a proud look on her face and glared at her sister with a victor’s look.

(This brother and sister are surprisingly childish.)

Most people have this idea invariably.

“Ms. Bianca is really popular.” Rita said with a pleasant smile on her face, “Let’s get down to business. Although we wanted to move in, we only knew that we could move in, and we didn’t know that we were here. Is there a room here… But I think Bianca-sama and Alexia-sama can share a room? Anyway, they have been sleeping together during the vacation.”

“Well, that’s fine.”

Bianca then agreed.

She has been sleeping with Alexia for half a month, and she is used to this kind of life.

“Rita, why don’t you sleep with us too? That way we don’t need to separate, and we can save a room.”


The moment the words fell, voices representing questioning rang out uniformly in the living room, and everyone looked at the three parties sitting side by side with disbelief!

They must have heard wrong just now, right?

It is completely understandable for Alexia and Bianca to sleep together. After all, they are lovers and childhood sweethearts. Sooner or later they will get engaged or even get married. Now that they are living together, how about sleeping in the same room or even on the same bed? No problem.

And if Rita and Bianca slept together, it would be absolutely fine. They had been partners for several years, and since they were both girls, it was normal for them to sleep together.

But three people sleeping together?

Fu Hua pushed up his glasses with a trembling hand and looked at his apprentice with a slightly interrogating look: “Exia, you…”

“No, master, there is actually a reason -“

“Oh hoo~~~ Isn’t this very capable, my team leader.” Raven said in a playful tone, “I have a new regard for you. I thought you were herbivorous at first, but I didn’t expect you to be a herbivore. Are you a carnivore?”

(What are herbivore and carnivore?!)

Alexia’s brows were so furrowed that they almost flew away!

Bianca’s unintentional words directly led the situation to the most troublesome situation. Not only Fu Hua and Raven, but Exia could also feel Raiden Mei and Yae Sakura also throwing their weight at her. With a combination of shyness and unexpected looks of disbelief, the two of them are actually the type of ladies who are very conservative in the relationship between men and women. Now that they hear this kind of threesome… it’s no wonder that they are shaken.

Seeing the sudden change around her, Bianca tilted her head in confusion: “Rita…Why are everyone so weird all of a sudden? Did I say something wrong?”

Everyone: “…”

68. Otto is so worried

After that, in order to clear up the misunderstanding caused by Bianca’s unintentional act, Exia spent a lot of time to clear her suspicions – mainly to convince her master and Raven!

On the one hand, she has a master whom she respects, and Alexia does not intend to be an unfilial apprentice who will embarrass the master if he speaks out.

On the one hand, there are probably team members who will become his subordinates. Although it is not clear what is going on, in short, Exia still feels that it is better to protect his reputation and dignity first.

In addition, regarding the housing arrangements of Bianca and Rita, it was finally determined that Bianca and Alexia would live in one room, while Rita would live alone in another room on the fifth floor, which is next door to the two. .

The fourth floor in the middle is still empty.

And after all this is done——

“I just thought it was about time you came to see me. Do you still like the reward I arranged for you?”

Leaving all the family affairs in the hands of her family for the time being, Ixia and Raven came to Otto’s office alone.

Looking at Otto sitting behind the desk with a child-like smile on his face, Ixia let out a long sigh, and went to the sofa with Raven to sit down: “It is indeed a great gift, Bishop, but if I can I still hope you can inform me first…I have received so much shocking information as soon as I came back, even I can’t calm down.”

“Haha, life occasionally needs some unexpected situations to spice things up, so that life can be full of fun and surprises, right?”

Otto said with a smile.

But the problem is that what Exia felt was more of a fright.

“No matter what, that is the reward you deserve, whether it is a villa, a cruise ship, or a luxury car…compared to the achievements you have made, no material reward can even compare to it. , but unfortunately, this is the most direct and pragmatic reward we can give you now.” Otto put his hands on the desk, “I know you may not like it, but just accept it all. Just think of it as our Yusan family [showing goodwill] to you.”


Fu Hua had also said before that the renovation of the villa as well as the preparations for the cruise ship and luxury cars were all funded by the Yusan family, and the Kaslana family and the Shaniyat family also contributed a lot.

“… That’s what I say, but it’s too much.” Exia sighed lightly, “I may not stay in Tianming for half of the year. I use sports cars and cruise ships. No, not even the private jet. At most, it’s just for Kiana and the others.”

“It will come in handy sooner or later, right? For example, when you hold a wedding in the future, holding the wedding banquet directly on the cruise ship is also a good choice.”

“I think it would be better in the church… Forget it, let’s not talk about this. I’m not here to talk to you, the bishop, about these trivial matters – what is going on with Miss Raven? ah?”

Alexia brought up the topic.

“I have never received a notice about setting up a special team… What are your plans this time, Bishop?”

“That’s what it means.”

Otto smiled and said: “You should still remember the [Snow Wolf] Team. It was a super elite team that was once led by your mother and brought together the most powerful digital Valkyrie. It was our fight against Honkai Impact in that era. The most powerful sharp knife. Now I just want to reproduce it.”

“Isn’t there already the [Immortal Blade]?” Alexia asked rhetorically, “Although the current Valkyrie assessment system is a bit more relaxed than before, due to the improvements in the Valkyrie armor and artificial stigmata, the fact is Is the combat effectiveness stronger than before? Is it necessary to set up a special team? “

“Of course it is necessary – indeed, as you said, if it is just to fight against Honkai Impact, the combat power of [Eternal Blade] is enough. Youlandel also achieved a lot in the simulated battle with the Third Herrscher. With a record of thirteen consecutive victories, it is basically certain that she, like you, has the power to defeat the Herrscher alone.”

The mock battle of the Third Herrscher.

This is a new content added to Tianming’s simulation training room in the past year, and can only be used by S-class Valkyries. The main purpose is to test the upper limit of the power of the S-class Valkyrie and to allow the S-class Valkyrie to receive training. After all, ordinary training is no longer effective against Bianka and Rita, and only enemies of Herrscher’s level can. to the effect of exercise.

“Based on the current situation, it seems that there is really no need to set up a new special team – but this is limited to [this world].”

Otto changed the subject.

“Exia, in fact, I want to set up a special team because of your situation. In the past year or so, you have been to other worlds several times and obtained extraordinary powers from other worlds. And you came back safely every time. But judging from the records, you actually encountered life crises several times, right?”


When we were first in the dungeon, the time we were attacked by Otta, and the time we were attacked by Zagannat.

Then there was the battle with the mythical fallen angel in Kuoh Town.

In fact, after gaining the power of the Sekiryuutei, Alexia has rarely encountered life-threatening dangers, and now he has completely learned the forbidden hand-this may be a bit complacent, but Alexia feels that it should be okay. Things can even threaten your life.

But this idea is wrong.

There must be that kind of world, a world that would be full of dangers even if Ixia went there now.

“No one can guarantee that you will always be able to overcome crises in the future, and you can’t guarantee that you will come back safely every time, right? There is a limit to what a person can do, and no matter how powerful a person is, someone cannot In some cases, companions are also needed.” Otto said solemnly, “So I want to prepare some help for you. Just before, you also submitted a report to me about the evolution of your carrying method.”

“I see……”

Alexia looked at Raven, who had been unable to keep up with the rhythm from just now: “Bishop, do you want Raven… and some other people to become my helpers in another world?”

“That’s right. In fact, according to the standards of destiny, Raven is undoubtedly an S-class Valkyrie. She is almost the same as Rita before she accepted your Familiar Pawn. She may not be able to keep up with you in terms of combat power, but as a An assistant like Amber should be more than enough, right? I will select two to three more people as team members in the future, and slowly expand the number of people. You can also choose your own team members.”

“——Just think of this as [my (father)] taking care of and worrying about [you (child)].”


Otto’s words made Exia fall into deep thought, and then she nodded slightly: “If it’s just such an arrangement, I will consider it.”

“Very good. So back to business, you already know the reason for calling you, Bianca and Rita back this time, right?”

“…Should we start?”

“Well, the scheduled time is tomorrow at three o’clock in the afternoon.” Otto said a time, “The first operational test of the Second God’s Key: Thousand Worlds One Vehicle, I need you to be the on-site [security guard] ].”

69.I went to another tree

The second divine key·Thousand Worlds One Vehicle.

The Key of God is like a locomotive, and everything about it is still a mystery. During the half month that the three of them were on vacation in Exia, Otto had been analyzing the soul steel obtained from its interior, trying to get some information about the Key to the Second God.

In the end, only one piece of information was determined, and that was that for at least 4,500 years, the Second Divine Key had been used to observe a transcendent existence called the “Tree of Imaginary Numbers”.

That is a concept similar to the [Quantum Recording Fixed Belt] and [Human History] that Sajo Aige once mentioned.

The tree of imaginary numbers does not represent a world, but “infinity”. The trunk is “time” itself, the branches extending out are all possibilities, and all the branches and leaves hanging on the branches are one by one. 【parallel world】.

To put it more exaggeratedly, the tree of imaginary numbers is the birthplace of all truths and laws, the eternal moment, and the origin of the end.

If I have to say it, it is actually closer to the [Vortex of Roots] in the world of Sajo Aige.

In the 4,500 years before it was discovered by Exia, the Thousand Worlds Yiyan had been used to observe such an existence – to be precise, to observe the leaves on the tree of imaginary numbers, the number is close to the real meaning. The infinite [parallel world].

Apart from this, there are no records in the Second God’s Key. It seems that [Observing the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and Parallel Worlds] is the only reason for its creation, and its reason for existence is only to carry out this purpose.

It is not known why the Key of the Second God was used in this field, nor why the pre-civilization that created it was so interested in the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, but for Otto, these are irrelevant.

The Second God’s Key fell into his hands, so how he uses the Second God’s Key naturally depends on him.

Although Exia has brought him the greatest hope of resurrecting Kallen, he cannot place his hope entirely on Exia. The more options that can be adopted, the better.

But before that, you still have to restart the Second God Key.

For this reason, guards are necessary.

After all, no one knows what will happen after activating the Second God Key. If something unexpected happens,


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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