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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 361

“So…the bishop called us back just for this matter.”

On the way home.

Walking along the road with Raven, Ixia put her hands behind her head and looked up at the sky as she walked.

“Raven, do you know what will happen after the Second God Key is activated?”


The raven following Aikexia raised his eyebrows: “Why are you asking me? I don’t know anything. Even in the World Snake, the matter of Thousand Worlds One Vehicle is a secret that only a few people know, and it is more specific. I guess only the Gray Snake guy knows the information.”

The cadres of World Snake each have their own division of labor.

The Jackal is a researcher, the Raven is a combatant who does errands, and the Gray Snake is responsible for intelligence – this intelligence not only refers to collecting intelligence from around the world, but is also responsible for coordinating intelligence within the World Serpent.

Therefore, if you really want to know something, it is better to ask the gray snake than asking the raven.

“The most I know is some of the things that Gray Snake and Jackal mentioned to me before. For example, the Thousand Worlds One Rider can move freely in the Quantum Sea and is the only means of transportation.”

“Quantum Sea…”

Listening to this place, Ixia couldn’t help but fell into thinking for a while.

He thought of a person, or rather thought of something, something he heard from someone who was now beside him more than a year ago. If it is related to the Quantum Sea, then after the Second God Key can be freely used by Tianming, maybe we can deal with that matter directly.

(Let’s discuss this with her after we get back. This should be her biggest wish.)

“Speaking of which, I have something else I want to ask you.”

Raven caught up with Aixia: “What exactly happened what you and the bishop said just now?”

“Huh? What’s going on?”

“Of course it refers to things in the [other world].” Raven emphasized, “It sounds like you go to the other world from time to time? And then I will go to the other world with you to help you? – —What exactly is [Alternate World]? Is it possible that you can go to the parallel world on the Tree of Imaginary Numbers without using the One Thousand Worlds?”

Oh, this is what I want to ask.

Alexia stopped and thought for a moment: “It’s not quite accurate to say it’s a parallel world… Let’s put it this way, I went to [another tree].”

“Another tree?”

“Yeah. I don’t really understand the specific method. It’s been almost two years since I suddenly had this ability. I basically go to another world every three months, and those aliens The world has neither Honkaimon, nor Herrscher, nor even Honkai Energy. It is just a world that has nothing to do with Honkai.”

A world that has nothing to do with collapse?

Raven couldn’t help but frown – that kind of world really exists?

“So… I just want to go with you from now on?”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to. I won’t force you to go with me. What’s more, I have never tried to take anyone away with me.” Ixia said, “I think what the bishop said There is a certain truth. If I am alone, my ability will be limited no matter what. Maybe one day I will encounter a situation that I cannot handle even with the power of the Great Holy Grail.”

Although he has never encountered it so far, it does not mean that it is not possible.

And if that happens…

“To put it bluntly, I think if I really encounter that situation, even if there are seven or eight more people following me, it will be useless. So I have always been relatively passive about bringing people with me. It is best not to bring others with me. . But if you really want to go, I won’t stop you, and I will try my best to protect your safety after you go there.”

Alexia doesn’t really want to take people with her.

Whether it is bringing people from other worlds to your own world, or bringing people from here to other worlds. However, compared with before, Ixia is not particularly stubborn in refusing now. After all, the way he leads people has changed.

Even if Bianca said she wanted to go to another world with him now, he would definitely agree happily.

“The next time I go to another world will be at least five months later. I still have plenty of time for you to think about it. There is no need to make a decision now.”

70.Saving Private Xi’er


In the kitchen.

Although it was shelved for a time, due to Kiana’s strong suggestion, tonight’s dinner at Ixia’s house turned into a welcome party, and nine people in the room kept messing around until after nine o’clock in the evening.

For those who attend the party, they only need to think about how to have fun and do not need to think about what happens after the party.

But for those who manage the home, the time after the party is the most troublesome and hectic time.


In the open kitchen.

Amidst the sound of running water, she washed the last plate and put it into the basket next to her. Bronya turned off the faucet, picked up a rag and wiped the sweat on her hands before looking outside the kitchen.

“Sister Mei has cleaned the dining table, and sister Ying has also finished taking care of the garbage…”

In Aixia’s family, there are actually many people responsible for household hygiene.

Yae Sakura, Raiden Mei, Fu Hua.

These three people are all good at housework. You can see them busy at home almost every day, cleaning the huge Alexia house. On the contrary, Bronya, the only maid in the Exia family, has never had any scenes.

Therefore, at Bronya’s request, housework at home is generally divided. For example, in the aftermath of the party, Bronya is responsible for cleaning the kitchen and washing the dishes.

“Tick tock…”

There was a turning sound from the clock on the wall. Bronya glanced at the hour hand that was almost approaching 10:30 in the evening. She reached out and took off the apron she was holding, turned off the lights in the kitchen and walked out.

There wasn’t much light in the living room. It was nearly 10:30 in the evening, and everyone had already gone to bed upstairs. There were not many people in this family who could stay up late. Even Kiana, who was the best at staying up late, should be there now. At Raiden Mei’s urging, I took a shower and went to bed.

(At this time…Bronya would just take a bath.)

The bathroom of the villa is underground, but it is actually a large underground bathhouse, which is enough to accommodate more than a dozen people to take a bath together. It is also equipped with an environmental simulation device, which can provide various environments from Japanese hot springs to Western baths. can be simulated.

After all, the people living in this home are from all over the world in terms of nationality.

Raiden Mei and Yae Sakura are Japanese, Bronya is from Siberia, Fu Hua is from China, Raven seems to have multiple nationalities, and the rest are all natives of the West.

There is an environmental simulation device to suit everyone’s needs.

However, just when Bronya was about to go underground, the only light still on in the living room attracted her attention.

“Hey, are you done cleaning? Bronya?”

In the bar where only Raven was present in the past, Alexia was now standing there, holding a glass of wine in one hand, looking like she was drinking alone.

Bronya stepped forward: “Well, Bronya just finished cleaning. Isn’t the master still asleep at this time?”

“I’ll go to bed after drinking this cup. Besides, I also have some things I want to talk to you about. If it’s convenient, can you stay with me for a while?”

“Bronya knows.”

If possible, Bronya actually wants to take a bath now, but Ixia is her master and cannot refuse the master’s order. This is what Rita taught her when she was training her as a maid.

He took out a bottle of milk from under the bar and put it in front of Bronya. Alexia raised the glass: “Would you like a toast?”

“Bronya doesn’t think milk is suitable for a toast.”

“That’s true… Speaking of which, Bronya, how long have you been coming to my house?”

Alexia asked looking casual.

“One year and five months.” Bronya answered a time.

This is almost the time that has passed since the end of the third collapse.

“It’s been so long.” Alexia sighed with emotion, “I always feel like you just came here not long ago. Now that I think about it, our first meeting wasn’t very harmonious? Are you and your mother still thinking about this? It’s going to kill me.”


“Did you mention your sadness?”


Bronya picked up the milk and took a sip: “At that time… Bronya and Cocolia’s mother did something wrong. Cocolia’s mother was killed by the master… “

For one year and five months, Bronya would occasionally think of what happened during the third collapse.

Although it was to save Xi’er who fell into the Quantum Sea, he sat back and watched Cocolia launch the third collapse, and watched the entire Sky City fall into ruins… He had been captured by Exia and was killed by Destiny. During the time she was imprisoned, Bronya realized her mistake.

[If Xi’er is rescued in this way, Xi’er will not be happy either).

Bronya admitted that Exia was right to question her.

“Tomorrow, we will start the activation experiment of the Second God’s Key.” Exia suddenly mentioned this matter, “The effect of the Second God’s Key, according to Raven, seems to be able to automatically activate within the quantum sea. Action, and finally arrived at the location of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers. On the way back, I remembered something related to you.”

“[The person you have always wanted to save may be able to be saved through the Second God’s Key]”


The words that came out of Ixia’s mouth made Bronya’s eyes, which were supposed to be incapable of any emotion, tremble violently!

Turning to look at Alexia beside her, Bronya said in a flat voice that was slightly trembling: “Master… you mean Xier-“

“It’s just possible. I don’t know if it can be done specifically. I’m just telling you about this possibility.” Exia took a sip of wine. “In the final analysis, we haven’t been able to get the Second God Key yet. Application, but if it can be used stably, I will help you apply for rescue work for that [Xie’er] with the bishop.”

“…Why does Master want to help Bronya?”

After a moment of silence, Bronya asked after calming down again.

“Bronya cannot analyze any benefit from this behavior.”

“Benefits…ah, it seems that this is indeed the case? With the character of the bishop, he probably would not agree to such a thankless thing.”

Use the precious Second God Key to fish out a person in the Quantum Sea.

This is really of no benefit to Tianming. At most, it is just to test the effect of the Second God’s Key. In terms of results, apart from wasting some energy, it just brings back a little girl, which is quite a loss. .

“But you really want to save [Xie’er], right?” Ixia said, “otherwise you wouldn’t lose your mind and do what you did in Changkong City to condone Cocolia. This means that you You really want to save [Xie’er] from the bottom of your heart, and you really think that she is really important to you.”

If the position were changed and Bianca fell into the quantum sea and could not come back, then Alexia would probably do something even more irrational.

“Just think of it as the [bonus] I gave you.”


“That’s right. Over the past year or so, you have worked diligently as a maid in this house, and you have left a good impression on me in all aspects. So as your master, I am going to give you a sum of money [ Bonus]——If you put it like this, can you accept it?”



This was the first word that Bronya thought of to describe Alexia. She actually didn’t have a bad impression of Alexia, it could even be said that she only had a good impression. After all, judging from various behaviors of Alexia, he really It’s hard to leave a bad impression, even if Bianca inadvertently revealed yesterday that Alexia has stepped into two boats, it will not shake the image of Alexia in Bronya’s heart.

But now, listening to Exia’s words that forced her to do so, Bronya looked at the side face of her master next to her.

“Master…thank you.”

There is a vague feeling of moisture in the corners of my eyes.

The scene in Bronya’s eyes was a little blurry.

After drinking all the wine in her hand, Alexia raised her hand and touched the double-spiral ponytail of her little maid: “You’re welcome. Go take a shower and go to bed early. Good night.”

“Yes. Good night, Master.”

71.The voice in the light

The next day.


In the testing site of Tianming Headquarters.

[Attention all units, the first activation experiment of the Second God Key will soon begin]

Bishop Otto’s voice came from the loudspeakers hanging around the proving ground.

And around the Second God Key, which was placed in the center of the testing ground, like a plug inserted into a socket——

“Bishop, the Immortal Blade team is in position.”

Holding the Black Abyss White Flower, the God’s Key, Bianca, who had put on her own Valkyrie Armor, stood majestically closest to the God’s Key. Behind her, dozens of members of the Immortal Blade team headed by Rita also formed a formation and were ready.

As Destiny’s most elite team, the Immortal Blade’s responsibility is not only to fight against Honkai Impact, but also to guard the sites of important experiments. They are also responsible for such tasks.

“Sister Bianca is so handsome…”

In the opposite direction to the queue of the Immortal Blade.

On the side of [Qianyu Team], who was also the escort team for this experiment, Kiana looked at Bianca opposite, with an expression of envy on her face: “When can I wear a girl like Sister Bianca?” Valkyrie armor?”

“You’re still far from it, Kiana.”

Fu Hua, a non-staff member of Qianyu Team, put his hands behind his back: “Both Youlandel and Rita are wearing the fourth-generation Valkyrie God-killing Armor that is still in the trial production stage. Destiny’s most cutting-edge weapon made with the Herrscher as the imaginary enemy. You haven’t even passed the A-level Valkyrie test yet, so it’s too early to wear it.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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