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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 362

“The fourth generation…are we wearing the third generation?”

Raiden Meiyi looked at the armor on his body.

The third generation Valkyrie Armor, also known as [General Purpose All-Area Combat Armor], is now the most widely used armor among all branches of Destiny, and is the standard equipment of Destiny Valkyrie. Although the appearance will be modified according to everyone’s preferences and suggestions, whether it is Kiana, Raiden Mei, or Bronya, the tights-like clothes the three of them are wearing now are, strictly speaking, They are all products of the same technology.

In addition to the fourth generation that can only be equipped by S-class Valkyrie, the third generation Valkyrie armor is actually Destiny’s most advanced personal equipment.

“Stop talking, you guys.”

Exia’s voice came from the front.

Holding the Seven Thunders of Purification that transformed into sword blade mode with both hands, giving people the impression of a knight, Alexia, who had her back to Kiana and others, turned her head slightly: “The small talk is over, the experiment is about to begin. , please cheer me up and don’t relax. Especially you, Kiana. Master, please keep an eye on her more.”

“Well, leave it to me.”

Fu Hua nodded.

(Brother is so serious…)

Kiana couldn’t help but shrink her neck. Thinking about it carefully, she hadn’t seen her brother on a mission for a long, long time. After all, every time she met her brother, it was when his mission was over. Kiana was almost I forgot, when Exiya was doing tasks, she was always very serious, even a little… harsh.

What happened during the third collapse more than a year ago is now slightly emerging in Kiana’s mind.

【Experiment starts】

Bishop Otto’s order sounded again from the loudspeaker.

【Start filling energy】


Following his instructions, many instruments distributed around the test site suddenly made sounds of operation, and huge amounts of energy were injected into the Second God Key of the pipeline necklace along the energy transmission pipeline!

The energy core of the God’s Key is the Herrscher’s core. Logically speaking, there will be no shortage of energy, not to mention that the Second God’s Key has been operating continuously for 4,500 years.

But according to Bishop Otto, the Second God Key has actually been in a semi-dormant state. If a large amount of energy is not injected, the God Key cannot be activated. The behavior of observing the tree of imaginary numbers seems to be a pre-programmed self-discipline.

“This is also the first time I’ve seen it.”

Beside Alexia, Raven, his first team member and only assistant, looked up at the Second God Key, which was slowly absorbing energy: “I don’t know what will happen.”

“As long as it’s not an accident, everything is fine. And if there is an accident…”

(Then we’ll deal with it as soon as possible, right?)

Shatiao Aige smiled.

(I am ready to use space control magic at any time.)



The space trembled at this moment.

It seems that enough energy has been absorbed. The front part of the Qianjie Yicheng is slowly uncovered like a giant beast opening its mouth. The layers of covered mechanical structures fade away one by one, making people think of the A scene from a mecha anime that was very popular in the past.

And as the cover fades——


A beam of light suddenly shot into the sky from the top of Qianjie Yicheng! The sky was like a lake into which a drop of ink had been dropped. In an instant, an area dyed with color appeared, and a dark field as deep as the starry sky suddenly opened in the sky!

——That’s the [door].

I don’t know why, Exia and Fu Hua had such an idea at the same time.

Then, in the starry sky at the door, everyone clearly saw a sudden light.


Rita murmured softly.

Why is there a [star] in the space channel opened by the Second God Key?

“No, no, that shouldn’t be a star.” Bianca shook her head, and a very familiar feeling surged into her heart at this moment, “That’s probably a world bubble. It’s just… the world The number of bubbles should be unlimited, why is there only one now?”

【Abnormal situation observed! 】

Suddenly, an operator’s voice suddenly sounded from the loudspeaker.

[The Key of God is actively absorbing energy! The fill rate has reached 150%! 】


As if to confirm these words, the light beam released by Qianjie Yicheng suddenly expanded several times! The light it released was as if someone had dropped a flash bomb at the test site! The dazzling brilliance made everyone subconsciously raise their hands to block their vision!

(what happened!?)

Alexia narrowed her eyes and frowned.

(Anyway, let’s stop the God Key first—Miss Aige!)

(Understood…No, wait a minute, Prince!)

Sajo Aige just wanted to use space control magic to interfere with the operation of the Second God’s Key, but she seemed to have noticed something, causing her to stop her action. At this moment, Exia caught a sound without any warning——

[Come in, Lord Messiah, don’t worry]

(Voice…no, no, mental interference?)

Alexia immediately covered her ears.

But the next moment, Fu Hua’s voice suddenly came from behind him: “This voice… Su?”


Subconsciously, she turned around and looked back. Before Ixia could see clearly what was happening behind her——


Fu Hua, who was supposed to be guarding Kiana, seemed to be chasing something. He quickly passed by Alexia with a movement of his body, and rushed straight towards the starry sky in the sky with an unseen speed. middle!

“Master! Wait-Bianca?!”

Alexia, who was just about to call out to Fu Hua, looked up at the sky and saw Bianca, who was also gradually submerged by the released light, rising towards the stars!

(Even Bianca——)

[Come in, Lord Messiah]

That soft voice sounded in my ears again.

[If you want to know everything, then step in]


The ice dragon wings unfolded instantly!

Without even the slightest thought, or even paying attention to what the voice in his ears was saying, under the surprised eyes of everyone around him, Exia directly turned into a meteor and soared into the sky! He crashed into the deep starry sky!

72. Lake Fairy·Su

The light obscured Exia’s vision.

The familiar feeling enveloped Alexia’s body as she rushed into the starry sky.

Just like when she went to another world several times, the feeling of being in the gap between [World] and [World] made Axia’s five senses suddenly filled with familiar feelings.

[Have I traveled to another world again? 】

Alexia had this thought for a moment.

But this thought only lasted for a moment, and the light in the field of vision quickly receded like the tide. After all the bright light dissipated, Alexia’s feet felt the touch of stepping on the ground for the first time.

The feeling of being wrapped around his body disappeared, and something other than light appeared in his eyes – tens of thousands of fallen leaves fell in the wind in front of him, and a towering tree with lush branches occupied Exia. Most of the space in the eye.

It was like the breeze in the forest in the morning blew across his cheek.

Folding the ice dragon wings behind her, Exia looked around with some confusion: “Where… is this place – Wow!”


The sudden feeling of heavy pressure on his body suddenly interrupted Aixia’s thoughts, and the impact was like the pressure of Mount Tai, which directly pressed him to the ground!

(What, what’s going on?)

“it hurts…..”

A familiar voice sounded on her body, and Alexia’s eyes immediately lit up as she was being suppressed!


“Eh? Exia?”

Hearing Alexia’s voice, Bianca, who had just fallen from the sky and was sitting on top of Alexia, noticed the lover she was carrying underneath her. She quickly stood up and pulled Alexia up: “Are you okay? Right? I suddenly fell down and didn’t have time to adjust my position and posture. Is there any pain on my body? “

“No…I didn’t-“


Just as Alexia wanted to say that he was fine, another figure fell from the sky, directly knocking him down again within a minute of standing up!

Countless fallen leaves were suddenly stirred up!

Bianca was stunned for a moment.

And soon, as if he knew that he had hit someone, the figure falling from the sky – Fu Hua – also stood up immediately and pulled up Alexia underneath him: “Are you okay? Alexia!”


Standing up from the pile of leaves, Alexia shook his head: “Fortunately, it’s okay… Master and Bianca are not heavy, and my physical fitness is very good, so it won’t be a big deal if I get hit. And compared to such trivial matters, let’s pay more attention to where we are now.”

“Is it possible that you heard someone’s voice and came here?”

When Alexia said this, Fu Hua and Bianca paused for a moment, then nodded one after another.

Fu Hua said: “The specific situation… I can’t distinguish it now, but at the moment when the second divine key changed, I seemed to hear a very familiar voice, and that voice prompted I took the initiative and rushed into the space door opened by the Second God Key.”

However, now Fu Hua couldn’t remember who the owner of that voice was. She could clearly remember it at the moment she heard it – it should be someone she was very familiar with.

“I’m about the same, and if you say that, Alexia, does that mean you are too?”

“Yes. Although I also saw you all flying towards the space gate, you followed them out of worry.” Ixia said while looking around, “It seems that that one is ringing in our ears. The voice coming here probably wants us to come to this place. But where is this place?”

It looks like a lakeside.

In front of the toes of the three people is a place of extremely clear but bottomless transparent amber, and not far away there is a dense tree with fallen leaves constantly falling.

The whole world was very quiet, as if no one else existed except the three of them.


“This place is [Sumi Mustard Seed], the [World Bubble] created by my hands.”

Such a voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the three people.

That was the soft voice that the three of them had heard before, and it led them to this place.


Ripples appeared on the lakeside, and a breeze blew by the silent riverside, rolling up countless yellow leaves.

The three people in Exia looked in the direction where the sound came from, and saw a figure sitting there under the big tree not far away. It seemed that he had been sitting there all along. But before, Exia was completely unaware of his presence.

It was a young man with a face that could be called “beautiful”. He had long gray hair, part of which was tied up and hanging down on his chest. He was wearing dark green short-sleeved shirts, a gray half-sleeved shirt on his left upper body, and black trousers and white boots on his lower body.

I don’t know if there is an eye disease in my eyes, they are slightly closed, and there is a slight smile on my face that seems to be somewhat transcendent and divine.

Is it him?

Looking at each other, Ixia took a step forward holding the Seven Thunders of Purification: “Are you the owner of that voice?”

“That’s right. The person who summoned the three people here is indeed me. Welcome to Sumeru Mustard Seed.”

The man stood up from under the tree, opened his closed eyes, and glanced at the three people present.

“The best masterpiece of the Kaslana clan, the traveler who bears the name of [Savior]—His Excellency Messiah Kaslana.”

“The strongest Valkyrie among humans today, there is an entire world of warriors in her body – Miss Bianca Hollandelle Ataljina.”

“as well as……”

His eyes paused on Fu Hua, and the man’s tone was filled with obvious nostalgia: “It’s been a thousand and five hundred years, long time no see, [Hua] – having said that, you probably don’t remember me at all now.” Well, the remnants of the memory that I touched at that moment are already the last remnants?”

“Do you… know me?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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