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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 363

Fu Hua frowned slightly.

“I can indeed feel some familiarity from you, but I don’t have any memory of you… Who are you? Which era do you know me from?”

【Who are you? 】

This is also what Exia and Bianca want to ask now.

The man smiled softly.

“My name is [Su]. You three do not need to have any hostility towards me. I am not your enemy. In your words, I am the [Forerunner].”

“In order to protect humanity in this era and help you defeat the threat called Honkai, [fusion warriors from the previous era] came from the previous civilization 55,000 years ago.”

“——Just like Hua.”


Forerunners from previous civilizations.

This is the identity of the man who appeared in front of the three people from Exia.

But that’s not what Exia is concerned about, but——

“Same as Master?”

Alexia couldn’t help but look at Fu Hua.

Because of what happened more than half a month ago, Fu Hua was an ancient person more than five hundred years ago. In fact, it is no longer a secret among the people around him, and his age is most likely four digits. Compared with Bishop Otto, Much older.


“Senior Fu Hua is a pre-civilized person?”

Bianca also looked at Fu Hua in surprise.

Prehistoric civilization, a super prehistoric civilization dating back more than 55,000 years ago, Fu Hua actually came from such a long past?

How can this be?

“You two may find it a little unbelievable. Hua himself cannot confirm the authenticity because he has lost his memory, but there is no need to worry. As long as you continue to use the power of the Messiah to treat, the many wounds on Hua’s body will eventually recover. She will also get back all her memories and lost powers by then, and the three of them don’t need to worry about this now.”

The forerunner who calls himself [Su] said so.

“Of course, I can now return to Hua the parts of the Second God’s Key that have been observed in the past 4,500 years, but considering that the three of them still have no trust in me, I do not recommend doing so. .”

“…seems to be a fairly considerate forerunner.”

Having said this, Alexia did not put down the Seven Thunders of Purification, but continued to point it at Su: “Then, why did you drag the three of us into this world called Xumi Mustard Seed? “

“To fulfill my mission.”

Su said calmly.

“You already know part of the history of previous civilizations, Lord Messiah, Miss Bianca. Our civilization defeated almost all Herrschers in the long past, but in the end we faced the final Herrscher. When the enemy arrived, they were routed without any resistance.”

The former civilization… was defeated?

The development of civilization is inevitably accompanied by rise and fall, as well as rise and destruction. The reason why former civilizations are called “pre-civilizations” is precisely because they are civilizations that have been destroyed. Of course Alexia knew this, but he had never thought about why the previous civilization perished. After all, the previous civilization had created a god-killing weapon like the God Key. The technology in it could not even be fully analyzed by Destiny. It should be a A civilization with extremely advanced science and technology is the right one.

Did it turn out to be death at the hands of the Herrscher?

Listening to what Su said, Fu Hua felt a familiar feeling again. This time it was stronger than when she heard Su’s voice before, and not only her consciousness, but even her body seemed to be awakened. Like memory in the muscles, it produces an immersive response.

And Su’s dictation continued——

“We tried our best, but the final result we achieved was to delay the arrival of the doomsday by twelve hours. But within those twelve hours, we were not just waiting for the doomsday, but for We have prepared several plans to fight Honkai again in the future.”

“The content of the plan is very simple. Although the methods are different, the ultimate goal is to pass on the hope of fighting Honkai to future generations. The plan I am responsible for is called [Hengsha Project].”

When Su said this, fallen leaves fell from the big tree behind him, and screens of light quietly appeared in front of the three people of Exia.

The scene revealed in it is [countless possibilities].

“Is that… me?”

Bianca looked at a figure exactly like her own that appeared on one of the light screens.

It was a woman wearing a beige vest and carrying a schoolbag. She looked like a student. There are also versions of her dressed as a doctor, as a secret agent, and even as a racing driver.

“This is the ability of the Second God’s Key. You must have understood it from that piece of soul steel, right?” Su said, “The content of the Hengsha Project is to conduct research on the countless [parallel worlds] that exist in these scenes. Observe, look for the possibility of defeating Honkai, and summarize it into the only answer, giving your era hope of defeating Honkai.”

“In the 55,000 years since the collapse of the previous civilization, I have continued to conduct observations here, and I look forward to one day giving my [answers] to the appropriate descendants.”

Su pinched a fallen leaf and sent it to Exia.

Alexia took the leaf: “So… have you found it? The answer to defeating Honkai.”

“No, it’s a pity.” Su closed his eyes and shook his head, “If you want to defeat Honkai, and let the history of this world finally end with [defeating the world of Honkai], according to the results of my observation, you need to go through a special process. There are 32,874 points, and there is no room for any mistakes. If you are not careful, you will completely lose hope for the future.”

“Therefore, I can’t give a standard answer. I’m really sorry.”

As if he was truly blaming himself for his own inability, Su had a guilty look on his face.

(This is a feeling from the heart.)

Shajo Aige said in Exia’s heart.

(Everything he said is true, Prince)

“…Then, what do you want to do now? According to what you said, you want to call us here to complete your mission…you who can’t give us an answer, and How do you complete your mission? Mr. Forerunner.”

“I can understand that you are willing to give me some trust? Your Excellency Messiah.”

“At least, the person I trust the most told me that everything you said is true. And for the sincerity and goodwill of others, I will also respond with goodwill and sincerity.” Ixia put down the Seventh Purge of Sins Lei, “Please tell me your purpose, Mr. Forerunner.”

déjà vu.

Su opened his eyes slightly and looked at the boy with white hair and blue eyes reflected in his own eyes. He felt like he saw his best friend when he was young.

Of course, Su knew that Exia was fundamentally different from his best friend.

His best friend would not be as calm and calm as Ixia at her age. Instead, he was quite similar to Ixia’s sister Kiana. If not for the different genders, the two of them would be exactly the same.

If I have to say it, the current Exia is somewhat like a combination of the first [him] and the last [him].

(If it were you, how would you view your descendant…Kevin.)

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and Su came back to reality from the memories: “…Thank you for your understanding, Mr. Messiah. So – Miss Bianca, this is a somewhat abrupt request, can you please Will you accept my [inheritance]?”

74.Three leaves


What Su said surprised both Exia and Bianca.

“You mean…you want me to inherit something?”

“That’s right. But speaking of inheritance… Actually, there are not many things I can give you. There are no relics of pre-civilizations in this Xumi Mustard Seed, so I cannot give you any external assistance. And similarly, I can’t give you any substantial increase in strength.”

Su’s tone once again brought some regret.

“The most I can do now is to stabilize the power in your body so that you can use the power of that world bubble more freely. Other than that, I can’t give you any assistance. And what I can do is The inheritance I talk about actually means that I hope you can inherit one of my wishes. In exchange, I will give you everything I know about the Key to the Second God, as well as what I have learned over the past fifty thousand years. All the observed knowledge of the parallel world is in your hands.”

This man is entrusting his last words.

For no reason, Alexia thought of such a thing, and looked at Su with her ice-blue eyes: “Are you…about to die?”

“…Have you been noticed?” Su smiled bitterly, “Because our fusion warriors have fused the genes of the Honkai Beast, we have actually lost the shackles of lifespan. As I just said, Even if more than 50,000 years pass, we will not die and our appearance will not change.”

Just like a vampire.

When fusion warriors become fusion warriors, the changes brought about by time have no chance for them.

“However, in order to implement the Hengsha Plan, I overdrawn my life.”

Su observed the Imaginary Tree for 55,000 years in the Key of the Second God, but failed to find any way to completely defeat Honkai. When time came to modern times, Honkai’s power became more powerful. In order to improve the accuracy of his observations, To improve efficiency, Su carried out the observation regardless of his own life.

The result is that the lives of the fusion warriors that cannot be erased even by tens of thousands of years are now coming to an end.

“My time is running out, so in the end, I hope to hand over everything I have to the most suitable successor – Miss Bianca. You are the most suitable candidate.”

“…Shouldn’t it be Exia?”

Facing Su’s sincere words, Bianca pondered for a moment and then asked: “Exia is very strong, he is so powerful that even I can’t compare, and he even has the ability to travel to other worlds. If we want to talk about the hope of defeating Honkai, he already has a greater hope than me.”

“If we want to carry out the inheritance, Ixia should be more suitable.”

In theory this is true.

However, Su shook his head: “The inheritance he should accept is not here. And…compared to Miss Bianca, what he needs is no longer strength, but a clearer [self-awareness] .”


Alexia frowned: “You mean…is there something about me that I don’t know about?”

“No, no one can say that they fully understand themselves. Everyone has their own shortcomings, advantages, and habits that we, as the parties involved, cannot detect. These are things that we ourselves cannot detect. What I mean What I’m saying is that you don’t know those [things that are natural to you] yet.”

“For example, your true life experience.”


The atmosphere inside Xumi Mustard Seed suddenly shook.

Alexia’s eyes suddenly trembled violently!

“What does it mean?”

His true life experience?

Isn’t his life experience already clear? He is the eldest son of Siegfried Kaslana and Cecilia Chaniat, and the brother of Kiana Kaslana – this is what Bishop Otto told him, and at the same time, he is also the one who seeks his return. The memory cannot be wrong!

“Could it be that you want to say…am I not the son of Siegfried and Cecilia?”

The cold air was released uncontrollably from Aixia’s body!

Resisting the familiar air-conditioning, Su said: “You are indeed the son of the two of them. Judging from the blood relationship, you will indeed come to this conclusion. Your identity as a descendant of the Kaslana family is fact.”

“But…are you really their [biological] son?”


The unexpected words made Alexia’s eyes widen even more!

Gritting her teeth, Ixia couldn’t help but took two steps forward and asked in a deep voice: “What do you know… tell me what you know about me! Forerunner! “

“I brought you here just to tell you this. You actually ugh——!”

Su was halfway through his words when his face suddenly turned pale and lost all color. He covered his chest and took a few steps back in embarrassment!

Scarlet blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

(His body can barely hold on anymore.)

Shajo Aige reminded.

(He over-exhausted his strength, not only his body, but also his mind was almost exhausted… Even the power of the Great Holy Grail could not save him.)

(how come……)

“It seems…my health…is even worse.” Su stood up holding the big tree behind him, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then stretched out his hand towards Alexia, ” To explain…it seems that we don’t have much time. Fortunately, I have made corresponding preparations…”

Three leaves appeared in Su’s palm and floated towards Exia with the breeze.

“These three leaves contain three parts of information. They are your past…the answers collected by the Hengsha Project…and…ahem! “

Before he could finish speaking, Su coughed violently, and his legs gave out and he fell to the ground – he couldn’t even stand holding on to the tree.

Alexia quickly stepped forward and supported him: “Hey! Cheer up! Forerunner!”

“Ugh…the last…the last message…is about pre-civilization…everything related to your ancestors.”

Su said with difficulty while leaning on Exia’s shoulder.

“Time is limited… I can’t tell you everything, Messiah… If you still have questions, you can go… to [the Paradise of the Past].”

“The past life…the paradise?”

What is that place?

“There, all your questions will be answered…” Su grabbed Exia’s arm forcefully, “I’m sorry, I don’t know the specific place… Okay. , Miss Bianca… please come to me. I will give everything I have to you.”

“My time is running out.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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