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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 364

75. Don’t die before you finish speaking.

Someone is going to die in front of him.

Alexia now recognized this fact, and at the moment he recognized this, before his consciousness could move, his body started to move without permission.

“——[I, make a wish to the Great Holy Grail]——”


The sudden sound startled several people, including Shajo Aige.

Use the Great Holy Grail to make a wish at this time?


“Please don’t speak for now, Mr. Forerunner.”

Alexia put Su on the ground and put her hand on his chest to interrupt what he wanted to say.

“I will start treating you next. If you have anything to say, please wait until the treatment is over.”


(No, no, no, Prince, please wait a moment. Didn’t you hear just now?)

Shajo Aige hurriedly reminded.

(He has no disease at all, nor any damage. It’s just that his vitality has been completely exhausted. Basically, he has experienced normal birth, old age, illness and death. At most, it is similar to sudden death during overtime. In this situation, even the Great Holy Grail There is no way to treat it.)

Because there is simply no object that can be treated.

There were no illnesses or injuries in Su’s body at all!

Even if it is as omnipotent as the Great Holy Grail, how can it solve non-existent problems?

“You made a mistake, Miss Aige.”

Alexia said in a deep voice.

“What I want to do is not treatment. Of course I know that ordinary treatment is useless for him, but since his condition is that his vitality is exhausted, then it will be good to let him return to a situation where his vitality is still strong.”

(Then isn’t this…)

Turn back time.

In other words, it is a state reset.

Methods involving time and space manipulation and concept interference!

(…This requires a lot of magic power consumption, Prince. Judging from the fact that even the lifespan of his fusion warrior has been completely overdrawn, if he wants to reverse the time on his body, the consumption of magic power may be far greater. Far more than any time so far.)

“It doesn’t matter, just use it. The most powerful thing about me is magic power.”

Accompanied by Exia’s words.


The world’s most powerful magic power was released from Ixia’s body like a flood, and the terrifying magic power like a volcanic eruption directly caused a raging storm in Xumi Mustard Seed! It made the whole world tremble violently!

And the coat of arms that was engraved on Exia’s body and belonged to the Great Holy Grail, under the influence of magic, released the most dazzling blue-gold flash so far!

The Great Holy Grail was fully activated for the first time.

Feeling the magic power that was constantly being injected into her body, Shajo Aige completely understood Exia’s thoughts and will at the moment.

(The result is like this… You really will arrange difficult errands for me, Prince-sama.)

(But you can do it, right? Miss Aige)

Questions that need no answer.

No matter when and where, as long as Ixia has a wish that she wants to realize, Shajo Aige will do her best to realize it – whether it is to reverse time or subvert the facts.

“[Wish accepted]”

The sound of Shajo’s love song sounded in Sumeru Mustard Seed.

Different from the usual cordial tone with a hint of maturity and immaturity, the voice of Shajo’s love song that comes to mind now is so indifferent that it makes people think of a machine without emotions, appearing as a shadow in Exia. Behind her, her beautiful face looked like the face of a statue enshrined in a church.

The blue-gold divine light seemed to be falling from the sky, covering her whole body from a high place.

“[Based on the wish content, start simulating magic gifts]”

“[Screen all data and confirm the simulation object·blackbarrel]”

“[Default mode·Complete inverse operation, start measuring the missing life of the specified object]”

Words that are completely incomprehensible to people in this world came from the mouth of the goddess-like Sajou Aige, and along with her words, the magic power that continued to spurt out of Ixia turned into countless The silk threads seem to be connected in series by a needle, and are woven into a complex shape visible to the naked eye.

It looked like a ruler, but upon closer inspection, it looked like a gun, with the protruding tip pointed at Su’s chest.

Except for Sajo Aige, no one can understand what is happening now. Even Exia can’t understand it at all. All he can feel is that his magic power is passing away at an unprecedented speed, just like himself There is like a bottomless pit in the body that can swallow magic power infinitely.

As Sajo Aige said, in order to realize this wish, the magic power consumed is not at the same level as before, not even in the same dimension!

Hundreds of times, thousands of times… No, it might take tens of thousands of times the magic power.


Lying quietly on the ground, Su looked up at Ikexia who wanted to save his life: “My life has come to an end. There is no need for you to pay a huge price to save me.”

“Don’t you think it’s a little irresponsible?” Alexia asked coldly, “Maybe you think you are going to die, so you want to do everything you need to do and say everything you need to say. , and then died without any regrets. But for us, it’s still all a matter of confusion.”

“You have dragged us into this world, you have said a lot of things, you have wanted to do something…pre-civilized people like you don’t talk The truth is, are you self-centered? If you want to ask others to do something, then explain all the causes and consequences of the matter clearly. If you say a lot of things unilaterally without explanation, who will understand? “

“I’ve heard enough riddles from other people.”

Perhaps because the loss of magic power was accelerating, there was a pause in Exia’s voice after speaking.

“[Life measurement completed, first phase ended]”

“[The second phase begins, prepare to implement concept filling, and start transforming concept·life]”

The voice of Shatiao’s love song sounded mercilessly.

The gun-like magic container was gradually filled with blood-red light, and its tip pierced Su’s chest, as if preparing for an injection.

“And…you are the master’s friend, right?”

Alexia’s words continued.

“Although the master doesn’t remember you, having you here will definitely remind him of more things and speed up his recovery – in this case, I can’t let you die even for the sake of the master.”


Fu Hua’s expression trembled.

Staring at Alexia’s face that started to shed cold sweat, Su was silent for a few seconds, and then put away the idea of ​​saying anything else.

(Is it too early to go to that world now?)

(Your descendants want to save my life… You passed it down and created a twisted [curse] over thousands of years, but now they want to save me? Kevin.)

Of course Su knew that Exia’s reason for wanting to save him was not as complicated as he said.

The real reason is actually very simple.

It’s just because he is a [Kaslana] who cannot sit back and watch others encounter difficulties and dangers.

76. The light of death of stars

Just when this was happening inside Xumi Mustard Seed.

outside world.

The testing ground of Tianming Headquarters.

Because of this sudden abnormal situation, coupled with the disappearance of Ixia, Bianca and Fu Hua, the atmosphere in the entire testing site was a little unsettling. Although the overall situation is not completely messed up because of Bishop Otto’s presence, both Exia and Bianca are the most important beings in Destiny now, and Fu Hua is also an extremely important ally of Otto.

If the whereabouts of these three people are now unknown, it will definitely be a fatal loss to the entire destiny!

Therefore, after skillfully controlling the situation and environment, and letting Rita take the lead and take charge of the order of the scene, Otto began non-stop analysis of the world bubble that swallowed up the three of them!


“It’s really tricky.”

Looking at the analysis results displayed on the screen in front of him, Otto rarely showed a headache.

He rarely encounters situations that give him headaches. After all, he is very good at preparation. He can prepare almost everything in advance to avoid unexpected situations. But this situation was an exception, even if he didn’t expect that this would happen after activating the Second God Key.

Therefore, he could only find a solution step by step from scratch.

But even with his methods, there is no way to attack that world bubble. Not to mention rescuing Bianca and the others, based on the current progress, even if he can completely analyze the structure of the world bubble, it will still take a long time. At least two hours.

“I hope that during this period, Exia can–“


At this moment, Otto’s attention was attracted by Amber’s call.

“What’s wrong, Amber?”

“From inside the unknown world bubble, special energy fluctuations have been observed that have never been seen before. The intensity…the current peak is three times that of the third collapse, and it is still rising!”


(Does it rain all night when the house leaks?)

Arriving next to Amber, Otto looked at the data displayed on the observation instrument.

Indeed, although it is completely impossible to determine the nature of the energy, the intensity of the energy can still be observed. Centered on the only world bubble, a huge amount of energy is being released continuously, according to the rules and eruption patterns. Come up and see…

“Rita, can you hear me?”

Otto put his hand on the headset.

“We have observed that the world bubble emits some kind of special energy, so everyone should be prepared for protection. Judging from the current energy intensity, the world bubble is very likely to collapse.”

[Collapse…I understand, Bishop! 】

If the world bubble is compared to a balloon, then the energy observed here is the water that is continuously injected into the balloon, and the amount injected now has almost reached the limit that the world bubble can bear, and has almost reached the limit of the world bubble. Unable to resist internal pressure, it began to be forced to expand.

I’m afraid that after a while, the world bubble will be completely shattered and destroyed, and if the energy that fills the entire world bubble bursts out…

(Will an energy shock stronger than the Third Honkai Impact erupt at the Destiny Headquarters?)

Otto frowned anxiously.

If this is the case, simply based on the energy intensity, the entire Destiny Floating Island will probably be shot down directly!

The consequences of this are absolutely unimaginable.

(…could it be you, Alexia?)

Otto suddenly thought of his most proud child.

The mutation of the world bubble started after Exia and the others were devoured, and when it comes to people who can cause such a large energy impact, among those three people, only Exia can be thought of – in In another world, he is called “The Strongest in the World”. The power he possesses may actually burst a world bubble!

“Bishop, the energy peak has reached the critical point that the world bubble theory can withstand.”

Amber’s nervous voice came.

Otto clenched his hands slightly.


And next to the Key of the Second God.

Listening to the voice and information coming from the headset, Rita looked at the sky with worry.

When Bianca was engulfed by the light of the world bubble, she was the person closest to Bianca, and even as a [Knight], she was unable to react the moment Bianca was taken away. Come over and catch up.

Unlike other people who see Bianca as the strongest and think she is invincible, Rita actually refuses to put Bianca in danger and face dangerous situations.

She didn’t want Bianca to face unnecessary and unpredictable risks, and after being sucked by Alexia that time, she had the same expectation for Alexia.

Even though she knew that with the power of Alexia and Bianca, it was almost impossible to encounter any danger except the Herrscher, but she still expected so. This was just her most basic desire as a follower of those two people. Worry.

(Lord Bianca, Lady Exia…)

Rita’s hand holding the weapon was a little harder, and her eyes showed strong worry.

(Please be safe. If something happens to you——)



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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