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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 365


Without any warning, just as Rita was praying like this, in the starry space opened up by the Second God Key, the only shining star seemed to explode! Suddenly expanded to dozens of times its original size! It burst out with extremely dazzling brilliance!

It was so dazzling that it instantly overshadowed all the light at the moment. All the colors were taken away in this burst of light. The moment everyone witnessed this burst of bright light, all their visions were dyed without exception. Became pure white.

——[Like the burst of brilliance when a star dies]

At this moment, this thought flashed through everyone’s mind.

After all, stars are stars countless light years away from the earth, and now in front of their eyes, the only [star] in the [starry sky] has completely entered destruction!

(So ​​what happened!)

Closing her eyes tightly to resist the strong light, Rita could not suppress the worry in her heart.

next moment–


In that strong light, such a loud noise was like a meteor falling to the ground, hitting the ground of Tianming with incomparable clarity!

The light disappeared instantly as if it had never appeared before!

As if their energy had been exhausted, the starry sky and stars shrank to a point, and finally sank into the tip of the Second God’s Key.

After adapting to the dim vision caused by the strong light fading, everyone including Rita looked towards the direction where the previous sound came from——

“Ahem…Why is it so bright? My eyes are going to go blind…”

“Did someone throw a flash bomb at Destiny Headquarters?”

“This is not the power of a flash bomb, Hollandelle.”

“Ahem…Your Majesty Messiah, you don’t need to hold me…”

Three familiar voices and one unfamiliar voice came to Rita’s ears. Without even a trace of thought, Rita ran directly towards the figure that came into her sight at full speed, and stretched out her hands to hug her. The person who spoke the familiar voice!

“Lord Youlandel! Lady Exia!”


77. Alexia is in coma again

Rita’s sudden hug startled Alexia and Bianca, who had just come out of the Xumi Mustard Seed.

But after realizing it was Rita, the two quickly reacted.

[I have made Rita worried]

No need to look at each other to exchange opinions, Alexia and Bianca each stretched out a hand and hugged Rita in turn.

“I’m sorry, Rita, for making you worry about us.”

“We’re fine. We’re back safely now.”

Hearing these two reassuring words, Rita’s heart was relieved. She raised her head from the embrace of the two and looked at them: “Well… .I’m sorry, Lady Youlandel, Lady Axia, I lost my temper a little.”

“It doesn’t matter, you care about us too.” Alexia patted Rita on the back and motioned for her to give it away first, “Compared to this, where is the bishop?”

“I’m here.”

Otto’s voice came from not far away.

He and Amber came from the testing room to Exia and the others. They took a look at Exia and Bianca, who showed no abnormal behavior, and then at Fu Hua. Otto breathed a sigh of relief without any trace: “Look. I came back successfully. If you give me another two hours, I should be able to analyze the structure of the world bubble and rescue you from it. But since you have the ability to come out, it’s okay. “

“Please, Bishop, please worry about us. The incident happened suddenly and I couldn’t explain the situation to you in time. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. You also said that the incident happened suddenly. You can come back safely. We also observed abnormal energy fluctuations in the data before. For a while, I was thinking about what would happen.” Otto smiled , “Now that I think about it, that must have been caused by you, Exia. I have to say that I did a good job in trying to leave that world.”


Hearing what Otto said, Alexia calmed down the thoughts in her mind, and then said with some embarrassment: “Actually… Bishop, you may have misunderstood, I released so much magic power. Not to come out, but to save people.”

“Oh? Save people?”

Otto’s green eyes turned slightly, and finally fell on the figure he had never seen before standing behind Alexia. After pondering for a while, he smiled and said, “Is this the person behind you?”

“Yes, Bishop.” Alexia turned sideways and exposed Su behind him, “Let me introduce you first. This is the person who just dragged me, Bianca and Master into the world. , and he is also the creator of that world bubble, Mr. Su, the forerunner from the previous civilization.”

“First meeting, hello, Bishop of Destiny.”

Su, who came out from behind Ixia, looked much better than before and greeted Otto in a gentle, even slow tone.

“I’m Sue. From a pre-civilization.”

“A pioneer of pre-civilization… This is really rude.”

As if he was receiving an important guest, Otto bowed slightly and saluted Su very humbly: “I am Otto Apokalis, Bishop of Destiny. It is an honor to meet you, Your Excellency the Forerunner.”

“Please don’t be polite, Mr. Otto. I am not a person of high status. This time, because of my willfulness, it has led to the current situation and caused trouble to everyone present. I am really sorry.”

Su Gang said this and wanted to lower his head——

However, Alexia took a step forward: “Ahem, um… Bishop, Mr. Su, if you two want to greet each other, please wait until the current matter is settled, okay? That’s right? There are still a lot of things to deal with, right?”

“Well…that’s true.”

Otto glanced around.

There are actually quite a few things to deal with.

The first is naturally the activation experiment of the Second God Key. This must be suspended anyway. If such an unexpected situation occurs, even if we now know that it is the behavior of the forerunner in front of us, we still have to stop the experiment just in case. Its research is better. If you want to start using it again, you should wait until you communicate with this forerunner later.

Secondly, Otto also needs to listen to the report of the three people of Exia, what they experienced in that world bubble, why there is a forerunner of the pre-civilization in the world bubble… These are what Otto wants to know now. What he needs to know is that after he has finished handling the matters at hand, he will have to listen to their reports.

“Then… in short, let’s disband now.” Otto thought for a while and said, “Amber and I will be responsible for the suspension and aftermath of the Thousand Worlds Ichigo experiment. Rita, you go to command the standby The Valkyries unloaded the Thousand Worlds and retreated. As for Ixia, Youlandel and Fu Hua, please temporarily accommodate Mr. Su. I will go find you again after I finish processing here.”


After accepting Otto’s arrangement, Amber and Rita immediately left the place.

Looking at the three people leaving one after another, and then taking a look at Kiana and the others who were already waving towards her not far away, Alexia sighed softly: “Then, if Mr. Su is to be accommodated… …. Do you want to go to my house first? My house is very big now, and it’s more than enough room for one guest.”

“It depends solely on His Excellency Messiah’s arrangements.” Su said in a very easy-going manner, “You saved my life. I have no objection to how I will be arranged next.”

“I don’t know how to do that… uh… eh?”

Alexia suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

Immediately afterwards——


The legs… no, it should be said that the body suddenly became weak, as if all the strength in the body had been drained away. Exia suddenly bent her knees and fell to the ground. Her hands were weakly supporting her body, and her whole body A lot of cold sweat broke out from up and down, and his breathing became extremely rapid.

An unprecedented feeling of weakness arose from Ixia’s body like a spring.

(I…I am…)

“Exia? Are you okay?”

Seeing Alexia suddenly kneel down, Bianca couldn’t help asking worriedly, and at the same time, she bent down and stretched out her hand, trying to pull Alexia up.

However, he couldn’t even hold the hand Bianca stretched out to him, or even see the appearance of Bianca’s hand. Before that, the increasingly strong feeling of weakness turned into infinite darkness, and in an instant The whole body of Alexia was swallowed up!


Like a corpse that had lost its vitality, Alexia fell to the ground in front of Bianca’s eyes, her eyes closed tightly and she lost consciousness.


Before losing consciousness, the last thing Alexia heard was her lover’s panic-filled cry.

78. Goodbye Messiah

[You have actually consumed your magic power to the point where it is almost exhausted. You are really stupid. How could you be so stupid? 】

He didn’t lose consciousness for long.

In such a familiar scolding sound, Alexia’s consciousness slowly returned to consciousness.

My face felt cold for the first time.

(Is there snow? If there is such a thing, it means I…)

“How long are you going to lie there? Why don’t you get up quickly, you idiot.”

The annoying sound reached my ears again.

“Or do you want me to step on you? Have you become a pervert after not seeing each other for more than a year?”


Wordlessly getting up from the snow-covered ground, Alexia stood up and looked at the world she was currently in.

The first thing that catches your eyes is the endless white snowfield.

Under the slightly dark sky, heavy snowflakes floated endlessly, completely covering the endless land with snow. More than 90% of the colors that could be captured by sight were pure white like snow.

I am in a world of endless snow.

Alexia knew this place, but in his memory, the last time he came here was several months ago, so it should have been half a year.

——[Field of Consciousness]

“Hey, idiot, why don’t you say anything?”

A rough and savage voice came for the third time.

The owner of the voice seemed to be quite impatient with waiting. Compared with the previous two times, his tone this time was more aggressive, making people feel that if he didn’t answer, the other party would definitely call… No, the correction is, the other party will definitely call me, there is no need for such an uncertain tone.

The focus of her vision began to change, and Exia looked at the part of her field of vision that was not pure white——

That’s a tree.

A very tall tree, a very big tree.

The tree trunk was taller and larger than what he had seen before, probably more than a hundred meters in diameter, extending deep into the sky. Judging from the visual sense, it should have reached above the stratosphere. The crown of the tree at the top is even more dense to an indescribable degree. Countless branches are multiplying and dividing as if they are trying to cover the sky. From a distance, they look like a nebula.

The whole tree is a rather strange ice blue color. If you look closely, you can find that it is actually an [Ice Tree] made of solid ice that never melts.

“Hey…it’s the fourth time.”

Muffled sounds came from under the trees.

After being ignored three times in a row, the owner of the voice seemed to have completely lost his patience——

“Come quickly, [Alnaslminium]”


A deafening roar suddenly resounded in the world of ice and snow!

And then, under the giant ice tree, a crimson flash of light suddenly shot up into the sky! Then it turned into a meteor and quickly bombarded in the direction of Exia!

(That is……)

“Boom boom boom boom boom————————————————————————!”

A tremor like the earth was shaking spread down from the sky, and a raging storm suddenly raged under the sky under the influence of this tremor!

(…That’s right.)

After instantly understanding the situation she was facing, Exia did not dodge, but directly shouted: “Come immediately, [Mingji’s Rainbow Flame (minelauvairis)]!”


Rainbow-colored flames immediately ignited in front of Ixia, and Arturia’s figure, whose whole body was burning with flames, appeared from the flames. She held the rainbow-colored knight’s lightsaber in both hands and pointed it at the falling from the sky. The crimson meteor and the raging storm were slashed out with one sword!

The colorful light training immediately cut off the space! The storm and the crimson meteor immediately disappeared like phantoms under Artoria’s blow!


The sound of clicking tongues sounded under the Ice Tree.

“Sure enough, this horse can’t compare with you. The difference in ability is too big.”

“…Did I say you can use that beast?”

After scratching her hair, Exia looked under the Ice Tree. There was a throne there, and sitting on it was a person whom Exia had not seen for a long time.

Pouting his lips, the other Exia… or Messiah stood up from the throne: “What does it matter? You and I are both [Exia (Messiah)], is it possible? Do I need my permission to use my own power?”

“I just don’t want to hear your annoying words of disdain. What’s more, the Deep Scarlet with Two Horns is a familiar beast that awakened with the help of Rita. Doesn’t disapproving of it mean disliking Rita?” Alexia Coming to the [Messiah], “Since you are also me, then understand this.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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