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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 366

“Tsk…I know, I know~ It’s really not good to dislike your wife. Please apologize to her and me later.”

“…..I’m not my wife yet.”

“Is there any difference?” [Messiah] glared at Ixia, “Speaking of which, you are really weak. After half a month, you have made no progress at all. If it weren’t for the fact that we are the same person, I would I almost doubt whether you can do it.”

Hearing this, Alexia’s brows jumped several times!

“You…it’s a rare time to see me, and you’re just here to quarrel with me?”

“If you hadn’t unilaterally not wanted to see me and had your own crazy ideas, we wouldn’t have met each other for so long.” [Messiah] sneered, “But now you seem to have understood the situation. , I have prepared the corresponding awareness, so I won’t find fault. If you were still as stupid as before, I would have made you faint again and then taken over your body. “


It feels really familiar.

It’s been almost a year since we last met, but after meeting, Ixia didn’t feel any strangeness between herself and [Messiah]. Instead, she felt familiar…as if she had never been separated. Live the same.

Taking a deep breath, Aixia sat on the floor and said, “If you want to quarrel, I will have a good quarrel with you when I have time. Now tell me what happened.”

“Ah? It’s nothing. It’s just that you consumed too much magic power and passed out due to poor mental state. You shouldn’t be so stupid that you can’t understand this kind of thing, right?” [Messiah] said, “You too It’s really stupid. The kind of person who has only a few days to live and is completely trapped in hell with only half a foot is actually saved by him. Now you have barely even 0.1% of your remaining magic power. It’s not enough, it will take at least three or four days to fully recover.”

“Having said that, you just paid off his overdraft life and gave him another three or four years. He will still die by then. I really congratulate you for wasting your efforts – but, this way Once you come here, you will be able to fully understand your own life experience, which is very gratifying and congratulating.”

[Messiah] clapped his hands a few times as he spoke, and the yin and yang element was vividly expressed.

“But you don’t seem very happy.” Alexia frowned.

“No, I’m very happy. It can even be said that I have never been so happy. I think you can also be happy. After all, [Messiah] and [Exia] are finally going to become one person. We can finally be born as a human being again.”

“—I feel happy from the bottom of my heart right now, [Exia].”

79.The King and the Mount

[Messiah] is right.

The time for Alexia to completely regain her lost memory is actually very close. Su was saved by him, and she only needed to ask him, then Alexia would know everything about herself and the nine years she had lost.

Who was he in the past? Why would Su say that he was not the biological son of Siegfried and Cecilia? ——These and other questions can be answered.


“After I learn all about myself, you and I will become one again? What do you mean?”

“That’s the literal meaning. Have you become stupid recently? Why do you have to ask why for everything?” [Messiah] sneered, “Isn’t this kind of plot common? People with schizophrenia, One day, due to a small opportunity, he was healed, and the two split personalities merged into one – it’s very common in novels and comics, right?”

“Our situation is similar. Don’t forget why we are divided.”

The most fundamental reason why [Messiah] and Exia split was naturally the crash that year.

In that accident, Exia awakened the power of Kaslana’s stigmata for the first time, but because that power was not within his control at the time, Bishop Otto and Kevin Kaslana gave him the power respectively. He imposed a mental and physical seal.

Among them, the seal on the body allowed him to return from the state of awakening the stigmata to an ordinary person without any special powers. The seal on the consciousness, coupled with the head injury suffered during the crash, finally made Ike Sia suffers from amnesia and schizophrenia at the same time.

[Messiah] was born from this, and exists in the field of consciousness of Exia to this day without Exia knowing anything about it.

Although his personality is almost completely opposite to that of Exia, his individual combat ability is far superior to his. If we compare the combat effectiveness of the two, [Messiah] may be stronger even now.

Alexia herself knew this.

As the saying goes, to untie the bell, you must tie the bell – since the cause of the birth of [Messiah] is the seal on consciousness, then all the seals need to be lifted and all the memories of Exia can be retrieved, then logically From a practical point of view, it is indeed possible for the two of them to return to being one person.

“…So, you will disappear?”

“Yes. For you, this is a dream situation, right? After all, you still hate me now, right? You hate me for being such a person who has no bottom line or code of conduct. If I disappear, you can relax. It’s over.”

Is it easy?

Exia began to recall her time with [Messiah].

Indeed, in the past year, he had hated the other self in front of him. The reason was naturally the destruction caused by him and Kata in the eastern area of ​​Genkami Island at the end of the Feast of Fire. That was the root cause that caused Exia to completely hate the Messiah and even fall into some kind of mental abnormality after that.

And to this day, this grudge has not completely disappeared.

But it is undeniable that before that happened, Exia didn’t hate her other self that much. After all, he lent his power to himself several times and saved his life when he was in danger and faced a powerful enemy that he could not fight against. If there was no [Messiah], he would have died in another world long ago. .

“What’s that expression on your face?”

Looking at Alexia who was silent and had a certain expression on his face, [Messiah] curled his lips in disgust: “It’s disgusting. It makes people uncomfortable just looking at it. It makes me want to be in your face.” How many times have you stepped on me – are you feeling pity and regret that I am going to disappear?”

“Disgusting people have to have a limit, idiot. Instead of worrying about my situation, it’s better to worry about yourself after everything is restored.”


Alexia frowned: “After I regain my memory…what will happen?”

“I would like to ask you, why do you think that nothing will happen after you become one with me?” [Messiah] asked, “Our situation is like a piece of steel being split into two halves. One piece was shaped into your ball, and the other piece was shaped into my stick. The metaphor may not be appropriate, but you know what I mean.”

“And after you regain your memory, we will merge into one, but we have been fixed in shape. Under normal circumstances, we cannot merge into one again, right? Before we merge into one, we must now We need to be destroyed first – to put it bluntly, our spirit and consciousness will start to confront each other when they merge.”

“The fusion cannot fail. No matter which one of us wins, we can all become one person again, but…will we become [Messiah Kaslana] in the end, or will we become the same person again?” It’s hard to say back to [Axia Kaslana].”

Alexia’s eyes trembled when she heard this!

(Is this what it meant…)

“Body dominance…will change, won’t it?”

“To be precise, it should be which character will dominate. In fact, as long as the fusion is completed, [Messiah] and [Exia] will no longer be pure. The only difference is that the consciousness on the other side will be different after the fusion. As the subject… that’s what you said, and you’ll understand the difference from you saying it’s [the king and the mount].”

[Messiah] left the throne and walked towards Exia.

“I’m not referring to something superficial and easy to understand like [people and horses]. Think about it, Ixia, if there are two people in the world who are exactly the same in appearance, ability, and strength, then this How should two people make a difference? How can they confirm that they are better than the other person?”

“The answer is simple—instinct is everything.”

Stopping next to Ixia, a giant sword of ice quietly appeared in [Messiah]’s hand: “As I said to you before, we have exactly the same basic power, but the reason why I can compare You are stronger just because I am the embodiment of your instincts.”

“The [Messiah] driven by instinct is stronger than the [Ixia] driven by reason. This is something you admit yourself, right? And if this is the case, then you should be mentally prepared. , because once the two of us begin to merge our consciousnesses, you at your current level will be ridden under me as a mount in the blink of an eye.”

At that time, the part belonging to Exia will completely collapse and turn into a subsidiary existence of [Messiah].

[Messiah] put the sword on his shoulder: “Of course, if we want to talk about the relationship of priority, [King] has been you from the beginning, and I have been [mount] from the beginning. If I am dominated by you in the end, I will also No complaints. But even so, I will not show mercy in the confrontation with your consciousness.”


Just like the first time the two met, [Messiah] showed the most aggressive and ferocious smile to Alexia.

“When the time comes, bet your existence to prove it to me.”

“——Prove that you are my king.”

80.Life filling surgery

After [Messiah] said that, Exia felt a sense of elevation.

His body is about to wake up.

This is an experience that Ixia has experienced many times.

Without continuing to talk too much to [Messiah], Exia simply accepted the trend of awakening. After all, he and [Messiah] really had nothing to say. They were talking about each other, and some things simply didn’t matter. It can be understood without explanation, and even if there are things that are really incomprehensible to each other, it will definitely be understood after Exia accepts all of her past and the two become one.

Therefore, nothing needs to be said now.

And after Alexia’s consciousness returned to her body, she opened her eyes and saw the light again——


Such a call reached his ears immediately, and along with it came into view Bianca’s face overlooking him.

There was a soft feeling underneath her body, and behind Bianca she could see the extremely high ceiling. It looked like she was on the sofa in the living room of his home.

“You’re awake!”


Holding her head and sitting up from the sofa, Alexia shook her somewhat groggy head: “I…Bianca, how long have I been unconscious?”

“It’s less than an hour.” Bianca said immediately, “Sajo Aige said that you consumed a lot of magic power in a short period of time, and some of your mental power was also drained, which caused your body to be extremely weak. and unconsciousness…Are you feeling better now?”

“…It depends on the definition of [good].”

Alexia shook her hand several times.

He still has little strength. Although he feels recovered, he can still feel the weakness in his body. Probably one or two full-out attacks will completely exhaust his strength. I’m afraid he won’t be able to do anything strenuous before he fully recovers. I am active, and I can’t feel too much magic power in my body.

Now Exia is like a big truck with a bottomed out fuel tank.

However, I can feel that the magic power is recovering at a very slow speed. Judging from the current situation, it is estimated that it will take about three days to fully recover, as [Messiah] said – —After all, the total amount of magic power in Exia is too much. The ultra-high capacity limit will inevitably lead to a slow recovery speed. Even in terms of actual efficiency, the magic power that Exia recovers every minute is worth a first-class magic spell. The total amount of magic power of the master.

Leaning on the sofa, Alexia looked around: “Speaking of which, where are the others? Aren’t they all here?”

“Everyone has not finished what they are doing. Senior Fu Hua and Senior Su are also undergoing physical examinations. You were the first to undergo physical examinations. You were brought back by me because there was nothing serious,” Bianca explained. He said, “However, you really took too many risks this time. This is the first time I have seen you so weak… What method did you use to make yourself so weak that you fainted on the spot?”

“This…I don’t know either.”

Alexia smiled bitterly and shook her head: “I just paid magic power to let Miss Aige help me realize my wish. As for the way to realize my wish, I don’t know – by the way, are you there? Miss Aige?”

“I am always here.”

Appearing quietly in front of Alexia and Bianca, Shajo Aige floated and sat next to Alexia: “Do you want to ask me about the method I used to save the forerunner before? Prince.”

“…Absolutely. Is that also the power of the Great Holy Grail?”

“Not really.”

Sajo Aige paused, then explained: “The power of the Great Holy Grail is to [skip the process and go straight to the result], but based on the physical condition of the forerunner at that time, if you want to achieve this, even if there is another prince, Sir, the magic power may not be enough. So I took a step back and used the power of the Great Holy Grail on myself to realize my idea.”

“The method I used to save the forerunner was actually a certain weapon from my world…or a reverse application of the concept of [Yaoshou].”

In the world of Sandjo Aige, in addition to the Clock Tower, there are two other large-scale magic organizations, one of which is called Atlas Academy. Compared with the Clock Tower, the Atlas Academy is actually more mysterious. Compared with the magicians of the Clock Tower whose purpose is to “reach the source”, the research directions of the magicians of the Atlas Academy are not limited to [Reaching the source].

[Avoiding the predetermined end of the world] – This topic is even more widespread in Atlas Academy.

In order to solve this problem, the magicians of Atlas Academy spent a long time developing [seven weapons], each of which has the power to theoretically destroy the world.

This time Shajo Aige used one of the weapons, named [barrelreplica].

Realize the concept of “Yaoshou”, measure the lifespan of the target, and then exert an attack power equal to that value. The objects that can be measured are not only humans, but elves, goblins, monsters, gods… As long as the opponent has a lifespan, it can be targeted.

However, the usage of Shajo Aige is not the above. In order to save Su’s life, she reconstructed it on the premise of fully understanding the concept of “Yaoshou”, and temporarily made up the opposite overhead concept and The magic formula that could be applied finally determined the minimum lifespan that Su needed to live up to, and then converted Exia’s magic power into vitality and filled it into his body.

In short, it is [Life Filling Technique].

This was the safest way to save Su in that situation.

Although if you don’t mind Su’s own problems, you can directly use [Water Essence White Steel] to treat him. The familiar beast that represents the vampire’s healing ability can completely restore Su’s physical condition, but if one is not sure, , maybe you will over-reply.

So Shatiao Aige chose the safest method.

“Now that the forerunner has liquidated all the overdrawn life force, as long as he is not fatally injured, he should continue to live until the day when his life force is exhausted.”

“I see…Thank you for your hard work, Miss Aige.”

“The prince doesn’t need to say thank you. If you have to say it… I hope that the prince can apologize to me.” Shajo Aige stared at Alexia, “A little bit, this time it was really just a little bit closer. Oh. Your magic power will almost be insufficient, and even your vitality will be lost. Even if your life span is almost unlimited now, just losing one or two hundred years of life is not a big deal for you. It’s nothing, but it will still cause damage to your body and it’s impossible to recover.”

Sajo Aige’s tone was not serious, but Alexia could tell that she was now angry for a rare moment… No, this was probably the first time in memory that Sajo Aige was so angry with herself. .

If Exia could be caught, Sajo Aige would have grabbed him by the collar and warned him by now.

Under the pressure of her eyes, Alexia couldn’t help but shrink her neck: “Well…I’m sorry…Miss Ai Ge.”

“Please don’t let it happen next time. If you still ignore yourself like this, then even if you hate me, I will forcibly cut off the supply of magic power from you. I know you are willing to help others, but for me , you are much more important than other people.”

At this point, Sajo Aige’s expression softened, and she turned around and disappeared in front of Exia and Bianca.

“…This is a lesson from her, Exia.”


“She really likes you.” Bianca smiled, “Even after being rejected by you so many times, she still loves you unyieldingly. I really admire Miss Shajo. Her persistence is As for what I am not capable of, I should ask her for advice from now on if possible.”

(Is this where I need to ask for advice…)

Alexia raised an eyebrow.

However, now that he has woken up, it’s time to get down to business.

(Time to face…my past.)

81. Artificial Kaslana

In the garden of Tianming Hospital.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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