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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 367

Sitting on a bench and looking at the flower garden in front of him, Su still felt a little unreal.

【I am still alive】

This was something Su had never foreseen.

In his original expectation, he, who was already dying, should have died after telling Exia everything and giving his power to Bianca. In order to complete the Hengsha plan as much as possible, he has overdrawn too much life. Even the life of a fusion warrior cannot withstand his intense consumption.

He has long been prepared to die, and he even has a question that may not be answered until after death.

However, now he is still alive.

The actions taken by Messiah Kaslana disrupted Su’s arrangement. Of course Su knew that he had good intentions and had no intention of saying anything bad to the savior who saved him, but… .Finally prepared to die, but in the end he was forcibly pulled back. This sense of gap still made it difficult for him to adapt.



Hearing the voice of an old acquaintance, Su looked in the direction Fu Hua was walking without opening his eyes.

Sitting next to Su, Fu Hua also looked at the flower garden: “How was the physical examination?”

“It’s nothing serious. Your Excellency Messiah’s treatment on me was perfect. I’m now as healthy as I’ve ever been.”

“…Yes, I remembered that you are a doctor originally. You are very clear about your physical condition. In fact, you shouldn’t need to check.” Fu Hua adjusted his glasses, “I don’t know if it’s because of meeting you. Affected by it, I gradually remembered some things that happened a long time ago.”

Su slowly said: “Really? It seems that as long as you come into contact with more people from our era, your memory should be restored faster. However, if you want to restore the power of the past, the most stable way is to let Your Messiah will continue to heal you.”

“You can’t even use artificial collapse now.”


Man-made collapse.

When he heard this word, it was as if a fragment was touched in Fu Hua’s mind, and memories related to it automatically emerged.

That is a taboo technique that every fusion warrior knows. It is an act of actively lifting the restrictions of super-transformation surgery, giving up the human body, and completely assimilating oneself with the Honkai Beast.

After the man-made collapse, the power that the fusion warriors could use was far superior to that of the Herrschers.

“However, it is a good thing for you that you cannot use artificial collapse. You may not remember that your artificial collapse is an extremely uncontrollable force. Once used, even among the thirteen of us, I am afraid that only Kai Wenhe Qianjie, and [she] can handle you.”

Kevin, Qianjie.

There were two more names that made Fu Hua feel familiar. They must be people who were familiar to Fu Hua fifty thousand years ago. And [she]… Although Su didn’t name her, Fu Hua felt that she must be someone he was familiar with, and he should have a good relationship with her.

“Let’s not talk about my matters for now. I came to you to ask about other things.”

“What about your apprentice?” Su saw through Fu Hua’s thoughts, “You seem to care about him very much.”

“The master-disciple relationship between me and him, strictly speaking, was actually only about a year. After that, he refused to change his words, so I just let him call me that. So… being called that by him for so many years, how much I also have some feelings.” Fu Hua’s face softened a bit, “Therefore, I want to ask you what his life experience is before you tell him.”

Alexia’s life experience.

This is what Fu Hua wants to know now.

He didn’t answer immediately. Su was silent for a while, then opened his eyes and looked at the entrance of the garden not far away.

“There is no need to hide aside, this is something related to you, please come and listen together, Your Excellency Messiah.”

“Uh…have you been discovered?”

Her figure was revealed outside the door, and Alexia walked into the garden.

Fu Hua was a little surprised: “Exia? Is your body okay? Can you move around?”

“Well, thank you for your concern, master. I’m fine. Except for the fact that my magic power has not been fully recovered and my body doesn’t have much strength, everything is normal.” Alexia said, “Compared to this, master has finished talking to Mr. Su. ?If we haven’t finished chatting yet, I can come back later.”

“We’ve finished chatting. We were planning to talk about you right now.” Fu Hua said while looking behind Ixia, “Youlandel is here too.”

“After all, we can’t let Exia come out alone now.”

Bianca, who was following Aikesia, smiled and said: “However, if you want to talk about Aikesia’s life experience, do you need me to step back first?”

“No, it doesn’t have to be.”

Su shook his head: “Please stay, Miss Bianca. This is something you should know. After all, the life experience of His Excellency Messiah actually has a lot to do with you.”

Have a close relationship with Bianca?

What’s the meaning?

The three people in Alexia were all stunned by Su’s words.

As if he was preparing his words, Su Zai pondered for a while and spoke again: “First of all, let me start with what I mentioned before. Your Excellency Messiah, remember what I said to you, you actually Isn’t it the biological son of Siegfried Kaslana and Cecilia Chaniat?”

“Yeah, I still remember.”

This is also one of the things Exia wants to know now.

After all, regardless of facts or logic, the only person who can be his father is Siegfried Kaslana. How could he not be Siegfried’s biological child?

“This statement is actually not accurate.” Su said, “I hope I can explain a concept to you first. The so-called [biological child] in the medical concept refers to a child who is born by oneself and has a genetic relationship with oneself. Child. And His Excellency Messiah and Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried can indeed be called a “biological child” in terms of blood relationship, but you were not born and raised by Cecilia, but a child “adopted” by their couple. .”

“Strictly speaking, you are actually the adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried.”

Adopted son? !

The shocking words made Exia completely froze in place at this moment, her eyes widened, revealing unbelievable emotions.

(I am…an adopted son…an adopted son with a blood relationship?)

“You…you mean, I am the father…Is Siegfried’s [illegitimate son]?!”

“Not really.”

Su shook her head again.

“You are not a child born in a normal way. You do not have parents in the usual sense. The person who brought you into this world is your current adoptive father, Bishop Otto.”


“Please listen to me calmly, Mr. Messiah. No matter what I say next, please calm down.” Su said in a calm tone, “Your true identity is Otto Apokalis. It was created in 1998 and given to him to be raised by Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried…”

“——[Artificial Kaslana].”

Yes, everything about Exia started seventeen years ago.


Seventeen years ago.

October 31, 1998.

At that time, the disaster that would later be called the Second Honkai War had not yet occurred, and no one expected that such a thing would happen less than two years later.

The world was still very stable at that time.

And it was under such circumstances, in a place known only to a few people in Tianming.

[Messiah] is born.

“Bishop Otto.”

There is no sunlight, and there is no outside entrance except the main door to the secret research room.

Amber came to Bishop Otto in front of the experimental device with a report.

“The latest experimental results are out, please take a look.”

“Well, thank you for your hard work, Amber. Leave it there.”

Otto did not take the report immediately. He just dealt with it casually, looking directly at the experimental device in front of him – to be precise, looking at the thing inside the experimental device. In a huge test tube connected to the ceiling of the laboratory, there is a small figure being soaked in green liquid.

Amber also looked at the container: “M-013’s physical condition is also very good today, Bishop.”

“Yes. Unlike the previous twelve abandoned experimental subjects, Experimental Subject No. 13 has shown a very good growth situation, the overall condition is very stable, and the vital signs are obvious… After about another week, Once cultivated, it will be able to get out of the test vessel and start growing normally.”


This is the name of the little figure floating inside the container.

No, the name he mentioned is not correct. It is just a code name. Otto has not given him a name yet. After all, he is not yet complete and does not deserve to have a name.

“But… I didn’t expect that a successful experimental subject could really be produced.”

“After all, there have been twelve failures before, and all parameters have been calculated and adjusted. In theory, they are now the best parameters. If it fails this time, it means that my [artificial hero] 】The plan is just a delusion.”

Artificial heroes.

This project name has no meaning, it’s just that Otto randomly picked up a name that fits the content.

What matters is its content.

This world has always been troubled by Honkai, and attacks from Honkai are happening all the time. With Tianming’s current strength, it is possible to suppress Honkai, but just suppressing it is simply not enough.

According to Otto’s knowledge of pre-civilizations from the Key of God, the Void Manzo, the Honkai that humans face now are only the most basic attacks, and Honkai has never truly dealt with it. Humanity shows its fangs, and the existence named [Herrscher] has never truly appeared as an enemy.

So Otto wanted to plan ahead.

Now only one Herrscher was born, which meant that he still had a lot of time to prepare – to prepare the strongest Herrscher killer.

This is not the first time that Otto has made such preparations. During the five hundred years he has been the Bishop of Destiny, he has made a lot of preparations to fight the Honkai Impact. In fact, he has now prepared several cards to fight the Herrscher. Use trump card.

One of them is of course Cecilia Chaniat.

The holy blood of Shaniyat she possesses is enough to destroy Honkai energy in an instant. She can be called the trump card against Herrscher and Honkai, and the ultimate killer against Honkai.

But this is not enough.

No matter how powerful Cecilia is, she is only one person, and even a trump card that can only be used once, depending on the situation. If you want to deal with Honkai better, you still need a trump card that can be used repeatedly.

Therefore, Otto prepared the artificial hero plan.

The content of the plan is very simple – combine the genes of the Kaslana family, who are also members of the Tianming Royal Family, with the genes of the Shaniyat family, and try to create the strongest warrior that combines the characteristics of the two families.

The Shaniyat family is a family that frequently produces outstanding doctors and outstanding warriors in Destiny. The Kaslana family is also the mainstay of Destiny’s combat power. For hundreds of years, almost all of Destiny’s most high-end combat power comes from the Kaslana family.

If these two families are combined, the children born may be indescribably outstanding.

In fact, this is already happening. Siegfried Kaslana, the best contemporary warrior of the Kaslana family, has entered into a [political marriage] with Cecilia Shaniat. Now the two have a child. In two months, The left and right will be born. Even if Otto does not prepare for this experiment, the trump card he needs will naturally appear.

The reason why Otto conducted this experiment was very simple.


What Otto needs is a child with two talents at the same time. That is the trump card he needs. But from a genetic point of view, the probability of giving birth to that kind of child is very small. Even considering the situation of Kaslana’s family, maybe Cecilia will be just an ordinary Kaslana in the end. That’s all.

Wouldn’t that be very disturbing?

Therefore, after learning that Cecilia was pregnant, Otto began experiments to create artificial babies based on Siegfried and Cecilia’s genes. This is not the first time he has done this kind of artificial human experiment. He is very familiar with the process and method of the experiment.

Of course, the first few experiments failed. Both Kaslana’s genes and Shaniyat’s genes were very complicated, especially Kaslana’s genes. It was really a “beast”. Otto had to make several genetic adjustments.

For example, modifying and strengthening Siegfried’s genes, modifying Cecilia’s already completed genetic coordination… Until the end, apart from being sure to be [Kaslana] and [Shaniat] In addition, the genes used for combination cannot be said to be the original genes at all.

In the end, what was born in Otto’s hands was the m-013 in front of him.

He was the first artificial baby to have brainwaves and successfully survive the embryonic stage.

“Amber, remember to keep an eye on Cecilia’s situation for me.”

Otto withdrew his gaze from M-013 and picked up the experimental report at hand.

“The day Cecilia gave birth to the child, that is, the day M-013 was [born], the records at the hospital had to be modified to make the fact [Cecilia gave birth to twins] .”

“As commanded.”

Amber nodded: “But… Bishop, are you ready to hand over M-013 to Mr. Siegfried and Ms. Cecilia to raise?”

“Well, after all, m-013 is their [child], isn’t it?”

83.—— Foreigners

After that, time quickly came to the day when Cecilia gave birth.

December 7, 1998.

Kaslana Mansion.

“…Yeah, okay, I understand.”

Putting down the contact device, Otto looked at the white-haired man sitting on the same bench as him: “Amber has contacted Siegfried. Cecilia has successfully completed the birth of twins.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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