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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 368

“Really!? Bishop!?”

The white-haired man—Siegfried Kaslana—jumped up immediately! Uncontrollable joy appeared on his face!

Otto seemed to be unable to stand his subordinates, so he patted his shoulder cordially: “Well, congratulations, you will officially become a father from today on. Hurry up and see [your two children] Bar.”


Forgetting even the most basic etiquette, Siegfried immediately stood up and ran towards the interior of the mansion!

Behind him, Otto put away the golden feathers in his hands, stood up and walked in the opposite direction to Siegfried.

(This is done. Before you fully grow up, just grow up in the cradle I prepared for you, m-013…just like Theresa who met Cecilia. .)

Rationally speaking, Otto actually wanted to cultivate m-013 himself.

However, although M-013 is an artificial human that combines Kaslana and Shaniyat’s modified genes, its basic shell is still Kaslana. Kaslana’s part will inevitably occupy the main body, making his The physical features favor Kaslana.

If he were to train it, it might cause some unnecessary trouble, so at least in the beginning, m-013 could only be [Kaslana].

At worst, you can just accept him as a student later.

(Then… the next step is to wait and see what happens, and later use Yu Duchen on Theresa and the rest of the Snow Wolf team to ensure the integrity of the [Cradle].)

(It took me so much effort, I hope it can eventually grow into a trump card that satisfies me.)



Time returns to the present.

Alexia felt like he was dreaming, and every word that came out of Su’s mouth made him unbelievable!

“This…impossible…how could I be…how could I be…”

“…This is your origin, Your Excellency Messiah.”

Su concluded with this sentence.

“After that, you lived as the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried. The name [Messiah] was also given by Ms. Theresa. But as an artificial baby, your body needs to be checked regularly to ensure that there are no problems. , so I actually didn’t live with Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried for a long time.”

It matches what Exia heard from Theresa before.

Alexia bit his lip, and the protruding tiger teeth pierced the skin, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

He couldn’t believe what Su said.

Bishop Otto had secretly done many experiments that took human lives into consideration. He knew this, but he never imagined… that he would be one of them? !


Turning around suddenly, Exia rushed towards the door!

But Fu Hua immediately grabbed him: “Where are you going, Alexia?”

“Go to the bishop! I want to ask if this is true!” Ixia roared in a weak voice! “I…Bishop…how could I be————!”

“I haven’t finished speaking yet, Your Majesty Messiah.”

Su’s voice came again.

His voice seemed to have a magical power, quickly calming down Alexia’s anxious and restless spirit.

“What I just said is indeed a fact, but it is not a fact that happens in [this world] – perhaps I should explain this to you from the beginning.”


【this world】?

Alexia noticed the key point, and Shajo Aige couldn’t help but float out: “Could it be that the prince is…”

“Yes. You do not exist in [this world], Your Excellency Messiah.” Su explained, “Your birth was something that happened in another world, on another leaf, not in this world.” what happened.”

“You were born in another world and grew up as the child of Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried in another world – before things happened to this point, unforeseen changes occurred due to an extremely accidental situation.”

“[Your world is destroyed]”

Su said the most heart-stopping words in the calmest tone.

The world…is destroyed?

“What’s the meaning?”

“The world you are in, about twenty years after the time I mentioned, faced the final collapse, the final Herrscher. And the ending was the same as our previous civilization, your world was destroyed The Herrscher was destroyed, and the impact of the destruction spread to the past, causing you in the past to leave your original world at that point in time and fall into the [Quantum Sea].”

It was in Exia’s memory that day he fell onto the snowy field.

He did not fall to the ground, but fell into the quantum sea due to the influence from the future, and then…

“You came to our world and completed the [parallel world movement] that can only be done theoretically, and the place you arrived at is the snowy field where the current Bishop of Destiny picked you up.”

“The moment the bishop came into contact with you, he calculated your situation backwards because of the little bit of Yu Duchen’s power left in you. And in the end, he made the decision to adopt you, and based on your situation, he The world here has produced an almost identical [Birdcage].”

This is Exia’s true past.

Born in a parallel world in the past, it drifted to the Quantum Sea due to the influence of the future, and was eventually sent to this world, becoming the current [Exia Kaslana].

“You are not from our world, Messiah.”

Alexia doesn’t exist in this world at all.

“To our world, you are a [foreigner] from a long-extinct civilization and a long-lost world.”

Drifters from a parallel world.

This is [Axia Kaslana]… No, this is the true face of [Messiah Kaslana].

84. She is you, you are him

Alexia’s thinking and heart almost stopped.

What Su said was too impactful and turning point, like a roller coaster suddenly swooping down when it reaches the highest point!

There is a feeling that my heart is no longer my own…


“An experimental subject from a parallel world?”

Talking about the identity Su mentioned, Bianca’s eyes looked at Alexia with the same disbelief and surprise. Did she ever think that Alexia had an extraordinary background, and that he might be the secret weapon of the Kaslana family? But he turned out to be a survivor from a destroyed parallel world? !

(But…the parallel world has been destroyed, which means that Exia’s original world and his former family have…)

Bianca knows something about World Bubble.

The leaves existing on the tree of imaginary numbers will become world bubbles after being destroyed by Honkai and fall into the quantum sea. Once the world bubble itself is destroyed, the survivors inside it…


Bianca couldn’t help but hold her lover’s hand.

Feeling the firm touch and pressure from the palm of her hand, Ixia quickly glanced at Bianca, and then, as if to reassure her, she showed a smile that seemed quite forced to anyone: “I …..It’s okay, Bianca…I’m fine…Phew~~~~!”

As Alexia spoke, she took deep breaths several times. After she felt her inner heartbeat returning to normal, her face looked a little better.

Having said that, Bianca also felt her hand being squeezed in reverse.


“Then, I will continue to explain, okay? You two.” Su Hudi asked.

Alexia pursed her lips: “…Well, please, Mr. Su.”

Su: “I just want to apologize to you. It seems that I made a mistake in the order of my explanation, which caused you to bear unnecessary mental pressure. Probably no one has communicated with me in fifteen hundred years.” It may have affected me, I’ve become less good at verbal communication.”

“But… actually there isn’t much to say next. As I just said, after you drifted into our world, you were brought back to the orphanage by Bishop Otto and adopted as his adopted son. student, grew up with Miss Bianca. And Bishop Otto prepared for you the same interpersonal environment as you did in the original world. Through the power of the eighth god’s key, Yu Duchen, the facts of the other world were implanted. The records in the brains and reality of all the people related to you have also been modified accordingly.”

“And because when you came to this world, you brought some information with you and had a cognitive impact on the world here, so Bishop Otto’s actions went smoothly, and you were imprisoned in him. Inside the constructed [birdcage].”

“I don’t think I need to say anything more about the rest of the matter, and you should be able to handle it properly in the future.”

“Besides that, the only thing I want to explain is your relationship with Miss Bianca and Miss Kiana.” Su continued, “Your Excellency Messiah, I also said before that you My life experience has a lot to do with Miss Bianca. The reason for this sentence is because of the [position] of the two of you.”

“In your original world, even though you were an artificial child, you were indeed the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried, and the brother of Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried’s daughter.”

“But in this world, the person who plays the role of [the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried] is Miss Bianca.”


After a brief silence, Alexia, Bianca, and even Fu Hua also made a questioning sound.

All realizations went to Bianca.

Alexia took two steps back slightly: “Wait…wait, wait, wait…Mr. Su, what do you mean…”

“Bianca is you in this world. Although the genders are different and the birth methods are different, from the perspective of your identities, she and you are peers in the parallel world. And from the perspective of the birth method, then you are He is an [elder brother] who has nothing to do with her.”


Alexia and Bianca were both stunned.

My lover is my [brother/sister]?

“No, no, no! That’s not the point!” Alexia quickly put aside the thoughts in her mind, “What the hell is going on with Bianca being Mr. Siegfried’s daughter!? Except for her eyes, she is blue. There are no other characteristics of the Kaslana family!”

As long as the genes of the Kaslana family are mixed in, they will eventually grow into white hair and blue eyes, which is the symbol of the Kaslana family.

But Bianca is blonde!

“The blond hair is a side effect of the treatment.”

Sue explained.

“Let me explain it from the beginning again, you two. This time it is what happened in this world.”

“The cause of the matter is that after the Second Collapse, for some research reasons, Bishop Otto of this world, like Bishop Otto of Messiah’s original world, began the experiment of cultivating artificial humans. It’s just that. , what he cultivated was not the perfect combination of Kaslana and Shaniyat, but the combination of [Second Herrscher] and [Kiana Kaslana].”

Alexia/Bianca: “——!”

“Similar to the world over there, Bishop Otto cultivated a perfect body after hundreds of failures and implanted the Herrscher core of the Herrscher of the Sky into her body. But before he could proceed further, Mr. Siegfried discovered this secret during his experiment. He and his daughter, the real [Kiana Kaslana], rescued the experimental subject and boarded the aircraft to escape from Destiny. Counter-entropy.”

“But unfortunately, Destiny’s pursuers came after them before they met the reverse entropy. The aircraft crashed. The real [Kiana] crashed, injured her head and lost her memory. She was recovered by Bishop Otto. Mr. Siegfried absconded with the experimental subject and disappeared without a trace.”

“After that, the real Kiana was cured by Bishop Otto and placed in an orphanage with His Excellency Messiah who was picked up at the same time. They were given new names and became childhood sweethearts. They grew up together. As a side effect of the treatment, the real Kiana lost her memory and her original white hair, and now has bright blonde hair.”

“That is your origin, Miss Bianca – no, the real [Kiana Kaslana].”

85. Worst timing

Kiana is confused now.

Until ten seconds ago, she was involved in the aftermath of the Second God’s Key and the test site under Rita’s arrangement. But now she is speeding along the road of destiny with her brother, held in the arms of her sister-in-law.

“Wait…what’s going on!?”

Kiana suddenly exclaimed after being stunned for more than ten seconds before she could react.

“Brother! Sister Bianca! Where are you taking me? I still have work over there! Sister Rita will kill me if she finds out I’m not here!”


Without answering Kiana’s question, both Bianca and Alexia just remained silent.

(Something’s wrong!)

Kiana instinctively felt a hint of danger.

Although she is usually silly, when she really needs to use her brain, she is more clever than Raiden Mei and Bronya. It should be said that she is more intuitive. And now Kiana has an intuition – she will probably be involved in something huge next!

(By the way, is it my imagination?)

Kiana glanced at her brother and sister-in-law.

(Why do the two of them feel a little alienated now compared to before!?)


“Brother…” Kiana said with a serious expression, “…You are not trying to break up with Sister Bianca, are you? It took so many years to finally catch up with her. Yeah, we’re going to break up in just half a month?!”

Kiana asked a question that made Bianca freeze for a moment, and Alexia’s face fell directly at the question.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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