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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 369

[What is this silly kid talking about? 】

The two of them showed this expression at the same time.

Seeing this somewhat familiar reaction, Kiana immediately breathed a sigh of relief: “Huh~~~ It doesn’t seem to be the case. Generally speaking, when Mei Yi and others show such expressions, it means that I said the wrong thing. Now that Brother and Sister Bianca both reacted this way, so you can see that it’s not the same, it’s great~~~”

“…No more gags.”

Alexia glared at her…[sister] angrily.

“Compared with this, Bianca, turn left ahead and go straight for three hundred meters to the bishop’s side.”


“Hey? Are you going to see the bishop?” Kiana was a little surprised. “Is there something urgent for you to see the bishop? Why are you taking me with you?”

“Stop talking now, idiot.”

Alexia stretched out her hand with some difficulty and flicked Kiana’s forehead, causing Kiana to fall silent immediately. And soon, driven by Bianca, the three of them arrived at the location of Bishop Otto that Exia had discovered through Shatiao Love Song – the Destiny Back Garden (privately owned by Otto).

There was no time for identity verification, so Alexia directly used her remaining magic power to make a wish, hacked the verification device, and directed Bianca to rush in.

Both Bianca and Exia have been to this place many times, and they both know the internal layout very well, so they also know which direction it would be if Bishop Otto was here.



When the familiar pavilion appeared in the field of vision, Exia shouted at the top of her lungs!

And in the pavilion… to be precise, at a small table for a tea party, Otto put down the black tea in his hand and looked up at the three people who rushed over in front of him: “… .Is it finally here?”


After Bianca stopped the car with all her strength, Alexia got out of her arms and held her shoulders to stand: “This statement… it sounds like Bishop, you already knew that we would come. You?”

“Of course. After all, I have already talked with the forerunner. I can be sure that as long as you know your respective origins, you will definitely come to me. The difference is just in time.” Otto said with a smile. To, “And you will come here, which also means that you know what you want to know most – what should I call you now?”

“Messiah Kaslana? Or Kiana Kaslana?”

Otto understands people’s hearts very well. When getting along with others, he can often see through the things a person least wants to mention in two or three sentences, and depending on the situation, he can avoid or selectively mention them in future conversations.

But now, Otto has poked the [pain point] in the hearts of Alexia and Bianca in the most direct way.

Even if the two of them were indeed here to talk to him about this matter, to be pointed out so directly… was really not Otto’s style.

“…We heard everything from Mr. Sue, Bishop.”

Pulling out the chair opposite Otto, Alexia sat down: “I… everything about me, although it surprises me and makes me unbelievable, but… to be honest, I’m actually relieved – I respect you very much, Bishop. You are my adoptive father, my teacher, and my doctor. You have been the biggest nurturing factor for me to be able to get to where I am today. “

It was Otto who cured Alexia, it was Otto who educated Alexia, it was Otto who sent him to Fu Hua to practice, and it was Otto who taught him to negotiate with others… In addition to the power obtained from another world and the power of Chimera, it can be said that everything in Exia was given by Otto.

Therefore, Exia was relieved.

“It was not you who made me born like this – when I learned this, I was really relieved. Even if I can’t agree with your subsequent use of Yu Duchen’s tampering with the facts, if it hadn’t been the case, my The position should be even more difficult.”

So Exia was very grateful to Otto.


“The matter about Bianca… I can’t breathe a sigh of relief.” Alexia bit her lip, “I have to ask for proof, Bishop… everything Mr. Su said is true. Is it true? Is everything about Bianca and Kiana really true?”

“it is true.”

As if he was talking about a very common thing, Otto answered immediately in a flat tone without any special emotions.

“Bianca Hollandel Atalgina, before I gave her this name, she was indeed [Kiana Kaslana], the biological daughter of Siegfried and Cecilia. . And Kiana Kaslana over there is a modified clone I created using the DNA of Bianca and Siren, the Second Herrscher. Her official name should be K-423. “

“These things that the forerunner said are indeed actual facts, facts that were born by my hands. What is the need for you to confirm it now-“

Otto’s voice stopped abruptly.

This was not because he didn’t finish his words, but because at this moment, Exia lost her perception of the outside world.

In just a blink of an eye, he returned to the realm of consciousness in the ice and snow.

“This, here is-“

“You really picked the worst time, you idiot.”

The rough voice that he heard less than half an hour ago reached his ears, and Alexia quickly looked at the source of the sound!

Carrying a huge sword of ice that was as tall as his body, he walked down from the throne——

“However, I have reminded you that not being prepared is your own problem, and I will not tolerate you. The battle between us has already begun from the moment you learn about your past. .”


The great sword of ice shattered the snowfield heavily, and all the snow within several kilometers was blown away by this blow! The earth underneath that had been covered up for decades was exposed!

【Messiah】with a ferocious smile——

“Come on, Exia.”

“It’s time for us to compete.”

86. A fight to the death between yourself and yourself

what happened?

Why did I suddenly return to the realm of consciousness?

Could it be that [Messiah] pulled him back?

A lot of questions flashed through Alexia’s mind in an instant.

“Hey! What are you doing? You idiot!”

A thunderous rebuke suddenly woke up Exia! And the moment Exia’s attention returned to the current situation, what caught his eyes was the ice sword that was about to strike in front of him! And the [Messiah] with a ferocious look on his face!


The giant sword hits the ground!

The deafening roar echoed throughout the entire space of consciousness along with the ice and snow storm rising into the sky!

The world was instantly divided into two by icy blue.


“Hidden pretty quickly.”

Putting the giant sword back on his shoulder, [Messiah] looked at Exia, whose face was still frightened not far away: “If you were stupid, you would have become my mount now, idiot. Let me give you a little compliment.”


“As promised beforehand, I didn’t bring you in on my own initiative, so don’t blame me.”

Seeing Alexia’s expression becoming unhappy, [Messiah] explained disdainfully: “I’ve said it before, when you learned about your past, the two of us wanted to become one. The consciousness war will begin, which is something neither you nor I can control and influence. The fuse of the war will have been lit long before you have listened to your past.”

“I know you want to go to Otto to settle accounts now, and settle accounts with him for playing with our lover and sister’s life, but I’m sorry, the timing is so unlucky, and it’s at this time that we have to start fighting to the death. A fight to the death—I really want to rip off that golden-haired bishop’s head.”

[Messiah] said while making a twisting gesture.

If it’s also Alexia, it means that he also likes Bianca and regards Kiana as his sister. And compared to Exia, his emotions will be more pure and direct.

And Bishop Otto did something unforgivable.

Bianca, Kiana, Siegfried and his wife… He single-handedly changed the fate of these people and changed their lives.

As a person from a parallel world, if you only look at your own affairs, Ixia has nothing to say to Bishop Otto here. What he did to Ixia was just to use Yu Duchen to create an illusion. It’s just [Birdcage]. On the whole, Bishop Otto only has kindness towards Ixia.

But…the matter of Bianca and Kiana is another matter.

That’s a matter for his lover and sister!

“…Can’t we stop it first?” Alexia gritted her teeth and asked, “I have to talk to the bishop——”

“You think I don’t want to?”

[Messiah] glared at Alexia angrily: “I was still thinking that after you beat the bishop to a pulp, I would go out and tear him apart! It turns out that it’s better for you. I’ve reminded you like that. You Or have you forgotten that we will end up in this situation? Are you too weak-minded?”

“So, aren’t you also lacking in brains?”

“At least I’m not as stupid as you. I would tear the bishop apart without even confirming.”

“You should put a little thought into what you do.”

“You think too much! Why does Kaslana think so much!”

“Are you a beast?”

“Then so do you!”

The two of them combined are ten years old, no more.

After staring at each other unhappily for a while, Exia and [Messiah] respectively looked away.

[Messiah] said coldly: “In any case, there is only one solution now – let our consciousnesses be completely integrated into one, and then go out and kill the bishop.”

“……It can only be the.”

Ixia held it in vain, and held the ice sword again after a long time – he rarely fought like this after having the Seven Thunders of Purification, but there was not much feeling that he was not used to it.

“Let me ask again just to be on the safe side. Are there any rules that you know that I don’t know about?”

“No.” [Messiah] immediately replied, “In this realm of consciousness, except for the power of the Seven Thunders of Purification, the Red Dragon Emperor and the Great Holy Grail, we can use any power, but for you, It’s just a matter of using Chimera.”

“To leave from here, either I kill you and let you become my mount, and I will control your body. Or you kill me and I will become your mount. There is no other situation.”

A simple and pure statement.

It’s just like the laws of the wild beasts fighting for territory in the primitive jungle.


[Messiah] raised the giant ice sword with one hand and assumed a sprinting stance.

Alexia immediately paid full attention!

(coming soon–)


His thoughts were cut off on the spot by an extremely heavy blow!

The blow of the heavy sword seemed to directly cross the space! It crashed onto him at a speed that Alexia’s eyes couldn’t catch!


“too slow!”

[Messiah]’s taunting followed him like a shadow, and then Ixia felt her body lift off the ground, and her perspective instantly shifted to a bird’s-eye perspective!


The frost impact that erupted from the sword blade actually blasted Alexia directly into the sky!

The power was so great that Exia couldn’t even resist!

(This guy……!)

“I told you, this is a fight to the death!”

[Messiah] looked up to the sky and roared.

“Don’t stand in front of me with a half-hearted attitude! – Come here immediately! Familiar Beast No. 7! [Yama’s Black Sword (Kiffaater)]!”


Hearing the call that reached his ears, Exia’s eyes suddenly widened!

Familiar beast No. 7! ? Isn’t that the beast he has not yet subdued? ? Why would [Messiah]…

(Is it possible – to use it by force!?)

If Exia wants to use a familiar beast, she doesn’t actually need to suck blood. The purpose of sucking blood is to get along better with the familiar beast. If it is just to use the familiar beast, then she only needs to use strength to make the familiar beast temporarily surrender and treat them. High pressure control is enough.

This is not what Axia likes to do.

But this is what [Messiah] likes to do.



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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