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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 37

Outside a huge courtyard somewhere in Orario, Exia arrived here under the leadership of Loki, Finn, and Ais.

This is the base of the Freya Familia, the small garden that has trained many warriors.

And right in front of the four people, outside the gate of the courtyard, the elf wearing glasses – Hedin Serland – saluted to the four people.

“We’ve been waiting for you, Goddess Loki, and everyone in the Loki family.”

“I haven’t seen you for a month, Hedin.” Finn said with a smile, “Looking at you, you seem to have known we were coming?”

“Because the goddess foresees such a situation.”

As Hedin spoke, he looked at Exia, who was carrying two first-level weapons behind Finn.

“Is he the [Disaster Crusher]?”


Exia frowned as she had never heard of a title before. Was she referring to herself?

Loki smiled evilly and poked him in the waist: “Well, it’s just a compliment among the gods for your behavior this time. It will officially become your title at the next divine meeting. Are you happy? You’re quite handsome. A title.”

“The title…”

Every adventurer will be given a title by the gods when he first reaches level 2. After that, the title can be changed every time he upgrades. However, due to the bad taste of the gods, most of these titles are not so serious. It would be a bit funny and outrageous in every sense.

Finn nodded: “Yes, but if possible, I still hope you can call him Alexia Kaslana. After all, the title has not been officially decided yet. If you are used to calling him like this now, there may be trouble in the future.” There were some mistakes.”

“Yes. So Kaslana -” Hedin looked at Exia, “Come with me, and the same goes for the others. I and other first-level adventurers from the Familia are waiting for a few of them in the Battle Wilderness. “

“What about us?” Loki pointed at himself, “Don’t tell us that idiot is not here.”

Hedin’s brows twitched fiercely, and then he said: “Someone will come to lead you to the goddess’s room later, Goddess Loki.”

“Oh! That’s good – see you later, Finn, Ace. And Alexia…”

Loki hooked Alexia’s neck: “We don’t require you to win, but it’s a rare opportunity to step on the faces of those brats from Freya’s family, do you understand? Step hard!”

She didn’t care at all that there was Heding in front of her.

After saying goodbye to Loki temporarily, the three people from Exia followed Hedin into the courtyard.


The moment he entered the small garden, Exiya saw a vast wilderness.

The Freya Familia’s base is the largest among the countless factions in Orario. The courtyard built on a hill, in addition to the guild hall in the center, and the walls and gates that surround the whole, There is only the vast wilderness.

The green ocean occupies the field of vision, the wilderness under the midday sun is surging with golden-green waves, and the warm wind carrying the scent of vegetation blows everyone’s cheeks.

This is [Battle Wilderness].

The members of the Freya Familia fight non-stop every day, improving their abilities day after day. From sunrise to sunset, there was a non-stop melee. At night, they had a good meal and a rest, and then continued the fighting the next day.

Therefore, it stands to reason that this place should be overcrowded at this moment, with chaotic fighting going on everywhere without distinguishing between ourselves and the enemy.

But now, there are not many people in the Battle Wilderness. Not far in front of Ixia, Finn and Ais, there are only a few people with weapons standing there. They look the same as Hector before. They have been waiting for their arrival.

Finn glanced at those people: “This is… everyone is here.”

The leader is Orario’s strongest adventurer – lv.7 [The Fierce] Otta.

Next to him is a catman with a proud face and a spear in his hand, the fastest adventurer in Orario – lv.6, [Goddess Chariot] Allen.

On the right is the brown-skinned [Black Fairy], an adventurer known as [Black and White Horsemen] together with Hedin – lv.6, [Black Fairy Sword] Hegni Ragnar.

In the opposite direction, standing at Otta’s feet were four dwarves. The four looked very similar. At first glance, they were quadruplets – lv.5, [Four Warriors of Flame Gold] Gulliver brothers.

Plus the [White Demon Wand] Hedin Serland, who is also at level 6.

The eight first-level adventurers from the Freya Familia are now all gathered in the Battle Wilderness.

Finn leaned the spear on his shoulder: “It’s really a rare situation. The eight of you gather together. As a welcoming team, there is nothing more luxurious than this.”

“You deserve all of us here.”

Otta spoke.

Then, his eyes moved past the hero, past the swordswoman, and finally landed on the boy who crushed the disaster.

“Did you crawl back from the dungeon? Kaslana.”

“…Thanks to you, I was barely brought back after losing half my life.” Exia said, “You will appear here, which means you know what I want to do. Alright?”


Ota drew out the two swords he carried on his back.

“I have asked the goddess for permission. Today only, this wilderness will be the place where we fight. We don’t have to worry about other people disturbing us.”

“Is it the same with a few of the people here?”

Alexia looked at Allen and others: “I thought you would come up together.”

“You brat, you’ve become a lot more arrogant after not seeing each other for more than a month.” Allen frowned fiercely, “Do you really think you can catch up with me after climbing back from the thirty-seventh floor?”

“Kuhuhuhu… I don’t want to cut off the wings of the young eagle that is about to fly high…”

The corners of Hegni’s mouth twisted into a strange expression, and he muttered words of unknown meaning.

“”I said, how about a wheel battle? Let’s pass it first and then challenge the big guy! “”””

The voices of the four Gulliver brothers sounded at the same time.

Except for Horta and Hedin, the other six people were extremely confused and annoyed that a newcomer wanted to challenge Horta and asked the goddess to prepare a special venue for him.

Why should a goddess pay so much attention to a little brat? Besides, challenging Ota is the privilege of people like them. Everything must be done on a first-come, first-served basis, right?

Looking at the aggressive six first-level adventurers, Exia was silent for a while, then pulled out the long sword forged by Chun from her waist, and then pulled out the huge black sword forged by the Gu Bonyu family from behind and carried it on her back. on the shoulders.

“Then, I’ll trouble you six.”


Exia’s move made the six of them stunned for a moment, and then all six of them understood one thing at the same time——

“Whether it’s a wheel battle or all six of you joining together. If it’s just a competition, I’m happy to accept it. After all, for me, I also want to know how much I’ve grown after the upgrade. I’ve bothered the six of you to warm up with me for a while.”


Arrogant brat!

Allen immediately waved his spear and prepared to step forward to teach Alexia a lesson.


Ota thrust his sword into his path. Allen glanced at him coldly: “What do you mean? Stupid pig!”

“His opponent is me, so don’t interfere. This is also the will of the goddess.”


Seeing that Ota had moved all his goddesses out, Allen had no choice but to curl his lips and retract his hands and walk back – the goddess’s order is absolute, no matter how unwilling they are, the people of Freya’s family will obey their goddess. of divine will.

Looking at Exia again, Ota raised both swords: “I can accompany you if you want to warm up. Come with me and change places. There are too many people here.”


63.Ice Cross Impact

The top floor of the clubhouse.

In Freya’s room.

“Hey, we’re here to disturb you again!”

Led by a member of Freya’s family, Loki kicked the door open and faced Freya who had been waiting in the room just like he did during the meeting a month ago.

“Hoho~~~~The wine and snacks are ready. It seems you are impatient to wait, Freya.”

“It can be said that Loki.” Freya said with a smile, “Whether it is the child, me, or Otta, the three of us are probably the most anxious about what will happen next today.”

Freya wants to see Alexia grow up.

Horta wants to confirm whether Exia is qualified to become his new target.

Alexia wanted to erase the unwillingness in her heart.

“After the battle between that kid and Ota is over, I’m going to have a chat with that kid in person.”

“Let’s chat on your damn big bed?” Loki took a sip of wine, “Even if you don’t have to chat until dawn, he’s only sixteen years old.”

“Uh-huh~~~That’s indeed a little early for him.”

Freya laughed so hard that her chest trembled: “Although it is good to feel the youthfulness and immaturity of a young man like that. It may have a different flavor, but I won’t do that this time. If possible, I want to talk to him about something else.” Regarding matters – of course, if he has that intention, that’s a different matter.”

“You really don’t refuse anyone who comes…but I think he is probably not interested in you.”

“Who knows? Compared to this-“

Freya looked out the window at the battle wilderness.

“It seems like they’re about to start.”


Battle Wilderness.

A piece of flat land at least one kilometer away from Finn.

“That’s enough.”

Ota stopped and looked at Exia with both swords in his hands.

“are you ready?”

“I can do it at any time.” Ixia held up her swords, “Why don’t you say…”


With the sound of treading on the ground, Aikesia disappeared from Ota’s field of vision in an instant, and a strong gale suddenly hit his face!

next moment……


The black sword and the giant sword collided in front of Ota!

The bursting impact and strong wind rolled up an emerald green wave on the Battle Wilderness!

Staring at Exia, who was separated by two swords from him, Ota fought against the black sword that was constantly exerting pressure: “Yes, it has indeed reached a new height… but it is not enough.”

The muscular arm vibrated vigorously, and just like a month ago, a wave of pure violence attacked Exia again!

That time, Exia’s offensive was crushed head-on, and Otta’s heavy blow shattered his superficial shell. But this time——


The ground beneath Alexia suddenly collapsed by several centimeters! The entire area sank immediately under the heavy pressure!

Holding Otta’s giant sword firmly, Exia raised her head and looked at the two-meter-tall strong man.

“Don’t think I will be crushed by you a second time!”

Her body was extremely stable, without even the slightest movement out of shape. Faced with the power that had crushed her before, Alexia took it down completely head-on this time!



The long sword held by the left hand suddenly lit up with the light of ice, and the temperature around the two people dropped a lot under the light of the light!

In just one or two breaths, Otta felt a slight stiffness in his body.

(This is……)


In Ota’s inconspicuous look of surprise, Exia suddenly swung the sword that glowed with the light of ice!


An extremely cold storm breaks out at zero distance!

Ota didn’t have time to retract the sword blade to block it. This distance only allowed him to directly bear the blow with his body!



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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