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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 370

The magic power turned into blood mist and erupted from [Messiah]’s arm, and then turned into a torrent of magic power and rushed into the sky!

The space was distorted, and the sword appeared in the void.

Even if the visual distance is more than a thousand meters, Exia can still clearly see the true appearance of the familiar beast!

It was a ridiculously large sword with a blade that was over a hundred meters long! In that world, it is said to be a magical sword wielded by the gods to slay demons!

Its ability is [Gravity Control]. If it uses the ability to accelerate while falling, the power of one blow will be the strongest even among the beasts of the Fourth True Ancestor! If it were in the real world, it would be enough to sink the island!

And now, Exia is about to face this blow that sinks the earth.

“Savor it, idiot.”

[Messiah] looked coldly at his other self.



A direct attack that destroys the world and destroys the world explodes in the field of consciousness!

87. Chongchong: I was frightened and fainted

Just when Ixia was having a fierce battle with her other self in the field of consciousness.

real world.

Looking at Alexia who suddenly fell silent, not to mention Bianca and Kiana, even Otto was stunned because of the unexpectedness.


Bianca shook Alexia with a worried look on her face: “What’s wrong with you? Are you okay? Wake up!”

“It seems that he has lost consciousness.” Otto looked at Exia, “But, I clearly didn’t use Yu Duchen on him, why would he still…”

“The prince is now reborn and integrating his own consciousness.”

Sajo Aige suddenly appeared in front of the three people and explained: “Don’t touch the prince for now, Miss Bianca. Before the prince solves his own situation, the current situation is up to you. In the end, This is a matter between you and Kiana. Although the prince is willing to handle it for you, it is better to handle your own affairs yourself, right?”


Bianca was silent for a while, while Kiana on the side was still confused: “Well, Sister Ai Ge, Sister Bianca, what are you talking about? From now on, you and my brother have The bishop has been saying some weird things, like Sister Bianca is me, I am just K-423 and so on… What on earth is going on?”

“…I understand. I will handle it responsibly, Miss Shajo.”

Looking at Kiana, who looked confused and even a little scared, Bianca calmed down and said this, then moved Alexia to a recliner aside to lie down, and sat in front of Bishop Otto.

Otto couldn’t help but feel a little relieved: “Are you the one who came to talk to me this time? Hollander. Very good. I also think that like Ixia, you should get more exposure to negotiation-related training. After all, you may be in the future. If you have to face similar situations more or less, you can’t rely on Rita for everything.”

“In this case, you are still educating me, Bishop.”

“Of course. Although you have different backgrounds, you and Ixia are both my best students, and I am proud of you. And you will eventually become the next generation of leaders after I leave office, so I need to ensure that you Do you have that leadership ability?”

Is it your destiny to lead the next generation?

Bianca didn’t think Otto’s words were a bluff at all. In fact, at least in terms of training Aikesia, it seems now that he might really be training Aikesia as his successor. .

“…Let us explain the situation to Kiana first, Bishop. This matter is also related to Kiana, and I think it is necessary to let her know everything.”

“Well, it’s up to you.”

Bianca looked at Kiana, pondered for a while, and after organizing the words in her mind, she showed a very serious expression: “Kiana, what we were talking about just now is actually about Ike and I. As you know, West Asia’s origins, he and I have both lost our past memories. But just before, we all learned about our own origins because of that forerunner.”

“You can ask him yourself about Alexia’s life experience later. The focus now is our life experience. Actually…”

Bianca pursed her lips: “You and I are related by blood. And in terms of blood relationship, I may be regarded as your [mother].”

Kiana: “…Huh?”

Did she hear it wrong?

Kiana always felt that she just heard a very, very outrageous name, so outrageous that she wanted to slap herself to see if she was dreaming.

Who did his sister-in-law just say she was to him? !

“Um…Sister Bianca…are you kidding?”

“I’m not joking, Kiana.” Bianca explained seriously, “This is something I didn’t know until now. My current name is Bianca Hollandel Ataljina, but in my Before I lost my memory, my name was Kiana Kaslana, the biological daughter of Mr. Siegfried and Ms. Cecilia.”

“And you are my clone created by Bishop Otto by combining my DNA and the DNA extracted from the remains of the Second Herrscher. From a genetic point of view, you are actually It can be regarded as the child of me and the Second Herrscher. Although I don’t think this relationship is normal.”

A normal person wouldn’t think this is a normal relationship!

By the way, why can Sister Bianca say such strange things with such a calm face? Could it be that she is actually very innocent in some aspects?

(No, that’s not right…Although this is also a point that people are very concerned about, the most important thing is…)

“Am I a clone?”

Kiana pointed to herself in disbelief.

“To be precise, you are the only successful individual with a copy of the Second Herrscher created by me. The core of the Second Herrscher was buried in your body a long time ago.” Otto took the initiative An explanation was given, “Kiana Kaslana is the name Siegfried gave you without permission. Your real name is k-423. It can even be said that there is no name, only a code name.”


Kiana’s expression showed a scene as if the world was falling apart.

She seemed to hear the sound of something breaking.

“Ha ha ha ha……”

After being stunned for a few seconds, Kiana let out a forced, even crazy laugh.

“I…I don’t even know, Sister Bianca, you can still make such a joke…Bishop, please don’t cooperate with Sister Bianca, this kind of joke is so cold, and it’s not even a bit… It’s not funny, the list of bad jokes won’t include your kind of joke. I——”

Still thought it was a joke?


Interrupting Kiana’s words, Bianca held her hand and met her eyes directly.

The overly serious look in her eyes stabilized Kiana’s mind, and at the moment she stabilized, she truly understood that Bianca and Otto were not joking with her.


The forced smile on Kiana’s face gradually disappeared, and the stiffly raised corners of her mouth slowly lowered, and then fell rapidly, until finally, together with her eyes, Kiana’s expression changed to one of fear and confusion.



The hand held by Bianca slipped from hers.

Kiana tilted her head, and just like Alexia, she closed her eyes and fainted on the spot!


Bianca suddenly screamed in panic and quickly supported Kiana’s fallen body!

“Wake up! Kiana!”

“Calm down, Hollander, she’s fine.” Otto came to Kiana’s side and put his hand on her face to observe, “Just because he heard too unbelievable information, The brain is overly resistant to accepting this information and falls into a coma.”

For example, a mother faints after hearing that something has happened to her child.

A similar situation is happening to Kiana now.

“Hold her to Alexia’s side, and wait until she wakes up and let the three of you resolve her matter. Now let’s have a good talk, [Kiana Kaslana]. “

Otto said Bianca’s real name without any scruples.

“Facing me, the person who has tampered with your life and even taken away your real name, how are you going to deal with me?”

88. Fighting is still necessary!


Regarding this statement, Bianca paused for a moment, stood up and helped Kiana to Alexia’s side, letting the two lean on each other and turned around.

“–I have no idea.”

Very straightforward answer.

Bianca maintained her usual serious attitude, smoothing her blond hair as if to rearrange her appearance, and then repeated again with a clear and straightforward look: “I don’t know how to react, Bishop.”

“Indeed, as you said. You are the culprit who distorted my life, destroyed my original family, and took everything away from me. But at the same time, you also gave me everything again, allowing me to do what I want. [Bianca Ataljina] The benefactor who exists in the world.”

Just like what Axia said before, everything Bianca has now is basically given by Otto.

Otto gave her a name and a new place to live.

Under his arrangement, Bianca had a trustworthy lieutenant and friend, and a childhood sweetheart who had already come together – Otto also gave her and Alexia a new life.

For the two of them now, the past is no longer something they need to pay special attention to. Even though she knew the past, Bianca actually didn’t have any real feelings. To be honest, she felt the truth about Su from a third party’s perspective.

She is indeed the person involved, but she is no longer [Kiana Kaslana]. This name now belongs to K-423, her lover’s sister.

“Of course. Rationally speaking, I am indeed a little angry, a little dissatisfied, and even a little angry. Bishop, your behavior is absolutely unforgivable, and you must accept the punishment from us, the parties involved.”

“But…I don’t have any real feeling. Even if I take punishment, it is not me who decides to do that, but [Kiana] I am imitating.”

“Myself, as [Bianca Hollandelle Ataljina], I actually don’t know how to specifically punish the bishop’s behavior.”

Too pertinent and fair statement.

When people do things, they are often affected by their own emotions, or even by the content of the matter, and thus make superficial judgments and decisions without thinking.

For example, when people see someone being bullied, they tend to defend the bullied person first, instead of trying to understand the whole situation before making a decision.

But now Bianca…

“Can’t you make your own judgment?”

Otto smiled slightly.

“I’m a little impressed that you’re still so rational and sensible at this point, but Hollandelle, sometimes you don’t actually need to think so much. I don’t deny that thinking more is a good habit, and it can make people Make better judgments and make things develop more smoothly and reasonably.”

“But even I sometimes get carried away.”

“You said that you are just [Bianca Hollander Ataljina] now and are not prepared to judge me as [Kiana Kaslana]. You think that is not the case now. You are qualified to do it. But in fact, there is no one in this world who is more suitable than you and K-423 to deal with me on this matter.”

“After all, you are also [Kiana Kaslana], aren’t you? You don’t need to completely separate your past and present selves, but you have to accept them and have both the past and the present, and Only the person in the future can be called a complete person.”


Otto’s words made Bianca fall silent again.

(Does the bishop… want me to think from the standpoint of both [Bianca] and [Kiana] at the same time? In this case… what I should do is… ….)


He came to Otto wordlessly.

Bianca took a long, deep breath, as if adjusting her mentality, and then——


No fancy tricks whatsoever.

An extremely simple lunge and punch suddenly landed on Otto’s chest! A blow that even the emperor-level Honkaimon’s carapace couldn’t withstand penetrated Otto’s body instantly! It blasted his whole body directly from the chair – no, it didn’t fly out. Otto’s body was completely penetrated by Bianca’s blow!

It was as if a hole had been opened in the upper body, and an empty space appeared in front of Bianca’s fist. It looked as if Bianca’s punch had hollowed out Otto’s body.

But Otto did not die.


“Soul steel body?”

“I have completely replaced my body with soul steel a long time ago. Pure physical attacks cannot kill me.” Otto smiled, “A very beautiful punch, Hollander. I can think of it , is this your decision as [Kiana] and [Bianca]?”

“You were genuinely angry at my behavior, so you chose to attack me with all your strength to vent your inner anger.”


I don’t know why, but looking at Otto’s calm look, Bianca suddenly wanted to punch him again.

(It should be… no problem, right? The bishop also said that I can deal with him.)

He made a fist.

Bianca took a deep breath again, and then under Otto’s surprised eyes——



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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