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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 371

The impact that shattered the emperor-level Honkaimon once again fell on Otto’s soul steel body.

This time Otto failed to maintain that calm demeanor. Bianca unintentionally controlled her strength. The punch she threw this time was actually closer to “smashing”, and of course, in this With one punch…


Otto was blown away along with the entire pavilion.

Half of his body flew upside down in the air, and a somewhat confused look appeared on Otto’s face.

【what’s the situation? Why did Youlandel hit me again? 】——That expression seems to be saying this.

After throwing out the punch, Bianca seemed to react suddenly, quickly retracted her fist behind her, and glanced in the direction of Bishop Otto with some fear: “Bishop… uh, Nothing will happen, right? After all, it’s a soul steel body.”

“I think you played very well.”

Floating to Bianca’s side, Shajo Aige smiled and clapped his hands: “Although he does have great kindness to you, he also has great sins, and grudges cannot be offset. Your two punches were really right. Miss Bianca, although I think you can definitely punch him dozens or hundreds more times.”

“…Maybe you’re right.”

Bianca clenched her fist.

“However, let’s wait until later to fight with Kiana.”

“Well, this is the way we should think.” Shajo Aige said with a smile.

Where there is kindness, there is kindness, but when there is a fight, there should be a fight.

This is the thought and attitude that should be adopted when dealing with Otto in this matter.

Bianca stretched her arms and legs with some comfort: “By the way, Miss Shajo, Alexia and Kiana…”

“Miss Kiana is fine, but Prince-sama…” Sajo Aige frowned, “Perhaps, we should be prepared that Prince-sama is no longer Prince-sama.”

89. Sleep with the dragon forever

field of consciousness.


The roar and tremor, like the impact of a meteorite, sounded in this world for an unknown number of times.

The snow had already been blasted to the point where not a drop was left.

The earth is full of depressions and holes like the surface of the moon.

Even beyond that, there are huge bottomless cracks, iceberg remains broken into countless pieces, and neat ravines that look like they were torn apart by sharp claws…

How can this place still look like it was covered in ice and snow before?

The only thing that can be said to have never changed is the giant ice tree in the distance that seems to connect the sky and the earth, with an unusually dense canopy.

In addition, the world of consciousness has changed beyond recognition and can be described as fragmented.

“Cough cough cough—!”

And among the countless large pits on the ground, an embarrassing cough suddenly sounded.

Exia struggled to get up from the dust. Her whole body was gray and stained with blood. She covered her shoulders, threw away the giant ice sword with only a hilt left in her hand, and condensed a new sword. Brand new. But before he had time to make preparations to face the enemy who didn’t know where he was——


The tremor of space has already followed.

The figure of [Messiah] appeared behind Ixia without any warning, and the identical giant ice sword slashed down!


Standing the big sword behind her with her backhand to block the sudden blow, Exia quickly turned around and used the ice giant sword inserted into the ground as a pillar to suddenly kick [Messiah] in the head with a roundhouse kick! With the physical abilities of the two of them, even the purest punch and kick would be enough to kill him in one blow!

However, if he could be hit by Exia, then [Messiah] would be in vain as his instinct.


The other free hand blocked the kick within a millisecond, and then instantly held Alexia’s calf with his backhand. A red light flashed in [Messiah’s] eyes, and an extremely sparkling light burst out from his palm. Golden thunder!



The severe pain in her calf immediately made Alexia groan! The severe pain of shattered bones and muscles was unbearable even for him!

Throwing away the giant sword of ice, reaching out to grab the collar of Exia floating in mid-air, and slamming her to the ground with a clean throw, [Messiah]’s hands lit up with lightning at the same time. , suddenly stabbed through Alexia’s chest!


Unable to even utter a scream, all Ixia could do was to widen her eyes in the severe pain, and her hands and feet kept trembling and twitching.

Looking at the remnant form of his other self under him, [Messiah] stood up and stepped on Alexia’s head: “Okay, you shameless guy, tell me how many times this is the first time you’ve been beaten to the ground by me. Got off?”

How many times?

Do you still need to ask about this kind of thing?

Exia has long forgotten, and even he has long forgotten when he started a life-and-death duel with [Messiah]. He only remembers that not long after they started fighting seriously and with all their strength, he was killed by [Messiah]. Saiyan] was fully suppressed. The only time he could compete with him was the first period of time. I don’t know if it was half a minute.

(So ​​strong…)

This is not the first time that Alexia has sighed like this.

Short-distance space movement without any preparation, neat movements without any extraneous parts, distribution of power and speed as precise as a super computer, fierce attacks that target weaknesses and vital corners, without any regard for the familiar beasts. Opinions forcibly expropriate and exploit their power…

The strength is not on the same level at all!

The power that a person can exert under normal conditions is generally about 80% of the theoretical value. In actual combat, there are always various factors that restrict the performance of strength, and this is also the situation of Exia and even Bianca.

But [Messiah] was able to completely ignore this theory and forcefully exert 120% of its strength.

Physical abilities, the application of Chimera, the use of Honkai Energy, the control of the Familiar Beasts… and even the Taixu Sword God that Ixia didn’t know about at all.

These [Messiahs] are all superior to Exia!

(Physically speaking, my speed and strength… feel more than twice as strong as mine…)

Opening her eyes in pain, Exia looked at [Messiah] with difficulty.

Is this what he will become?

Is this his original appearance?

Is this what it would look like…to create one’s own [artificial hero] that Bishop Otto of the parallel world hoped for?

“…Nice eyes.”

Looking down at Exia, [Messiah] increased the strength on his feet: “But it’s useless to only use eyes to kill me. Can eyes kill people? Can eyes save others? In the original world of the Sand Strip Witch, maybe You can, but you can’t. So only the most practical power can be used by us.”

“This is also the power I have now – a power that a soft-footed shrimp like you will never be able to master in your lifetime.”


The earth was trampled mercilessly, and the heavy power accompanied by the golden thunder completely shattered the earth under the feet of [Messiah]! Alexia, who was under his feet, also completely withstood the blow that shattered the earth!


There were cracking and smashing sounds from all parts of his body. I’m afraid all the bones in his body were turned into pieces by this blow. Coupled with the thunder that continued to burn and destroy his body, the entire body was completely wiped out. It was a matter of time… But to be honest, Ixia felt that he could no longer feel pain. The huge amount of pain made him close to numbness.

Even if it is the pain of physical collapse, he can hardly feel it now.

It was not only his body that was numb, but also his spirit.

The difference in strength is too great.

The difference in the cards between the two sides was too huge. Exia had a fairly good set of cards, but [Messiah] had all jokers and even royal flushes – there was no chance of winning.

(damn it……)

The feeling of falling came over me.

Under [Messiah’s] kick, a huge hole appeared on the ground.

Alexia fell straight into the hole.

“It’s over.”

Sitting on the edge of the pit, [Messiah] looked a little lonely at the figure falling to the bottom of the pit. He doesn’t have much affection for Alexia, whom he regards as his king, just like Alexia doesn’t have much affection for him. After all, the two of them are the same person. If he has feelings for himself, isn’t it a narcissist?

However, with Exia’s defeat, [Messiah] will be able to use this body permanently.

“…Finally, let me thank you, weak and incompetent king.”

“I will take over your [Kingdom] from you and destroy all those who are enemies of the [Kingdom]. Those who hinder me, those who disobey me, and collapse. Everything will be done by me. Kill.”

“You will become a tombstone on my body and sleep forever – this is your funeral.”

Taking out a gem with a red dragon pattern from somewhere, [Messiah] threw it into the pit, then stood up and turned around, looking at the person who had been watching from the beginning.

“So, are you next?”

“Kevin Kaslana.”

90.—— Tyrannosaurus man-made collapse

Kevin Kaslana ignored [Messiah] and went directly to the edge of the bottomless pit.

“…Is the one you threw down the Sekiryuutei?”

“Nonsense. I can’t use that guy’s power.” [Messiah] sneered, “The power that guy brings is too illusory. A powerful power that can only be maintained for a period of time is of no real use. The power I have at my disposal at all times is the most useful.”

“Just like these beasts.”

[Messiah] said as he stepped on the shadow under his feet.

“It’s you, it seems that I’m here now… What are you doing? If you want to fight, I will accompany you at any time.”

Rather, [Messiah] is looking forward to a battle with Kevin now. Although the battle with Ixia is not completely one-sided, it cannot be said to be a stalemate. He is not yet completely It’s over when it burns.

Looking at [Messiah] like this indifferently, Kevin shook his head: “I don’t have any reason to fight with you. Although if you have that wish, I am naturally willing to accompany you, but unfortunately, I am afraid you have not fought with me. Time and opportunity to fight.”


“You made a big mistake, Messiah Kaslana.” Kevin said coldly, “For us, even if the power is only illusory and can only be maintained for a while, as long as it can defeat Beng If you have bad power, you should strive for it as much as possible – when the end comes, excessive self-esteem and reserve are the least valuable things.”

“Unless you value them more than your own life.”

“Once a person abandons his self-esteem and reserve, and begins to crave endless power, even if it is just a temporary power, it will make people desperate – and you should also know, under what circumstances people will, Being pushed to that point.”


Kevin’s words caused [Messiah] to fall into silence. His eyes turned back to the completely invisible figure, and then he grinned: “Ha, isn’t that good? Just let me take a look. In the real world After being forced into a desperate situation by [himself], what kind of crazy decision will that weak and incompetent king make?”


The world has turned red without knowing when.

It was as if he was wrapped in a red sphere.

Alexia felt like she was being held back by something.

【Can you hear my voice, partner】

A low voice sounded in the red light world.


[Looks like he still has some consciousness]

(Did I…Ddraig…lose?)

[Well, a complete defeat, a complete loss]

Ddraig said it very straightforwardly, without even a little modification, but it was precisely because of this that he best highlighted the cruelty and straightforwardness of the facts.

Alexia lost.

Rational consciousness loses to instinctive consciousness. Next, [Messiah] will absorb and fuse the fragments of Alexia’s consciousness, then take over his body, and start acting in the name of [Messiah Kaslana]. And with his strength, even the Herrscher should be easily defeated.

He is a ruthless person, and in terms of fighting against Honkai, he is more suitable than Exia.

(Will I… disappear?)

[Well, it will disappear, and it will be with me. I was forcibly imprisoned by him with a chimera before you started the struggle of consciousness. The purpose should be to prevent me from hindering your duel. He wants you to see clearly what kind of power you can have after losing me]

The results need no introduction.

Now this is the miserable state of Exia after losing Ddraig. Without the Forbidden Hand transformation, even though he is still very strong, his strength is limited.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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