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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 372

(Later…he will become me…)

The two of them were originally the same person.

Even if Exia disappears here, the Messiah will become Exia, and Exia will become the Messiah.

There should be nothing to worry about.


(Inexplicably… I feel a little unhappy…)

Yes, not fast.

This is Exia’s only thought now.

Obviously the two people are the same person, but Exia feels inexplicably unhappy about the fact that he is going to disappear and the Messiah is going to exist – not because he is afraid of death, but because of some more simple thoughts. , Alexia feels this way.


[That’s because your partner is a man]

(……What’s the meaning?)

[Partner, you may have felt it subconsciously. Even if it is the same person, even if it is yourself, there is a difference between you and the Messiah after all. And your defeat means that everything you have now will be taken away by him, and he will inherit everything from you as you]

[The friends you know, the family you cherish, the woman you love… As a man, if you are indifferent to this kind of thing, then what kind of man are you? 】


Alexia suddenly opened her eyes!

“That kind of thing…”

(How can you allow that kind of thing to happen… How can you allow that kind of thing to happen… Even if the two people are indeed the same person, even if the two people are replaced by each other, it will not matter who they are. It’s the same, but… but –)

(That…belongs to me…!)

So far, the only one people know is [Exia].

It is [Axia] who has walked all the roads so far, met all the people so far, and all the emotions are connected to [Axia], not [Messiah]!

Whether it’s friends, family, or lovers…even the most insignificant status and power belong to [Exia]!

[Messiah] has no right to take away everything from him!

“Give me strength… Ddraig…”

Alexia said in a hoarse voice.

“I need… your power, just… just hand-free… is not enough, give me more… give me all your power… ..Give them all to me!”

The hoarse roar sounded devoid of any sense of power.

But Ddraig could feel the encouragement conveyed by Ixia’s soul.

[Then, let’s sing, partner]

Ddraig said.

[The power I have warned you never to use until now, you should be able to use it now]

[Use your hands to hold the taboo that you can hold at any time, partner – hold on to the power called ‘juggernaut drive’, also called ‘man-made collapse’]


The moment Ddraig finished speaking, Alexia seemed to suddenly realize.

His lips opened subconsciously and he uttered the spell that opened the forbidden door.

“—I, awaken to—”

“——Second Heavenly Dragon, the Principle of Conquering Hegemony from God——”

“——Infinite laughter, worry and dreams——”

“——I shall be the Overlord of the Red Dragon——”

“——Sink you into Red Lotus Purgatory——”

“[Tyrannosaurus (man-made collapse)]!!!”

【aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ! ! ! ! 】

The Dragon Emperor’s roar shattered the darkness in the bottomless abyss!

Finally reaching the sky!

91. Bianca is mine!

【aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ! ! ! ! 】

Within the realm of consciousness that has been reduced to ruins.

Hearing the roar that erupted like thunder from the pit, [Messiah] was suddenly surprised for a moment. He had almost never been surprised by anything, and now he felt a little surprised for the first time.

(Come back? From that state!)

The blow just now, coupled with the previous attacks that severely injured Alexia several times, should have shattered Alexia’s mental state to a state of disarray.

Even though like the real world, injuries received in the field of consciousness can be healed quickly, but if you are injured here, your spirit and consciousness will also be injured. Even if you are the true ancestor with an immortal body, only your spirit cannot heal quickly. healing.

[Messiah] was confident in the power of his attack. He acted with the intention of killing Exia completely!

(That guy… could it be that he was resurrected from a near-death state with full health?)

(What kind of poisonous chicken soup did Sekiryuutei give him!)

This is the only reason that [Messiah] can think of now.

After all, this was the only thing he was nosy about. He just wanted to let the guy have a companion when he died so that he would not be too lonely, so he made the decision to throw Ddraig away. Unexpectedly…


The magic power that was so huge that it turned into substance was like a volcanic eruption, rushing straight up from the bottom of the pit! The magic power soaring to the sky caused tremors and shakes in the entire field of consciousness on the spot! Storms and impacts suddenly swept across!

[Messiah] subconsciously blocked the aftermath of the attack with his hand.

And the next moment——


The ocher red magic power that occupied the entire field of vision suddenly disappeared out of thin air as if it had never appeared before.

A figure suddenly appeared in mid-air after the torrent of magic power disappeared.

——[True Red Dragon Man]

[Messiah] and Kevin had this impression at the same time.

What appeared in the sky was not a human, but a complete dragon!

The completely exposed upper body is covered with sharp-edged dragon scales. It seemed that only the transparent skeleton of the wings was left floating behind him, and the wings of light composed of magic power were continuously exuding from the gaps between them. The lower body seemed to be wrapped with only a simple bandage, leaving only a thick and barbed dragon tail dangling outside.

Logically speaking, her hair color should be pure white, but now it has turned into a somewhat withered pale color for some reason, extending to her waist and glowing like a starry sky. The blue eyes also seemed to be burning with golden flames.

“You…have fallen.”

Seeing the dragon-man who appeared in front of him with half his face transformed into a dragon, with a pair of sharp dragon horns protruding from his head, [Messiah] said in a deep voice: “In order to become the subject of integrated consciousness , you actually don’t hesitate to use the power of [man-made collapse]? Exia.”

Man-made collapse.

The fusion warrior completely liberates the part of himself that is Honkaimon and completely assimilates himself with Honkaimon, degenerating from a [human] into a [beast] – for the fusion warrior, that requires him to use up all his rationality. Instincts and temptations to suppress are also taboo forces that can be reached with just a hand.

This is actually the same as a certain power that Ddraig possesses.


It was a method of forcibly liberating Ddraig’s soul that was sealed inside the artifact, releasing all the power of the Sekiryuutei in a short period of time, and allowing the host to gain power rivaling that of a god during that period. Its power is so powerful that even in a world where gods and demon kings roam everywhere, it is enough to be ranked among the top ten in the world!

However, the host is not qualified to control the power of the liberated Sekiryuutei, and does not even have the ability to stop it. Once [Tyranny Dragon] is used, the host will be completely devoured by tyranny, rationality, and even life force will be continuously devoured until it is completely dead.

This is different from the forbidden hand. The host belonging to the Sekiryuutei can use it at any time, but once used, it will cost the life of the real taboo!

Among the Sekiryuutei of the past generations, there are many Sekiryuutei who committed suicide because of this ability. What’s more, the souls of the previous generations of Sekiryuutei will become resentful spirits and resentments, and they will always reside inside the artifact. , contaminating the successor’s spirit when he uses Tyrannosaurus.

It can be said that this is a trick that will usher in death in a double sense once used!

“This hopeless fool!”

[Messiah] couldn’t help but curse!

“If you use this method, even if you defeat me in the end! You will only destroy yourself! Your body will become an empty shell forever! You actually want to die with me here! Your brain was infected by your sister Is it done! Exia!”

“Sober up!”


The space was spanned by [Messiah] in an instant. When he came behind Ixia, he immediately aimed at the back of Ixia’s neck!

(It’s probably still too late now! If he can bring his consciousness back quickly, there should still be the last bit of residue left——)


The strong touch on his arm stopped [Messiah] from thinking.

The blue eyes burning with golden flames turned around and glanced lightly. After holding [Messiah]’s calf with all his strength, the light wings behind Exia suddenly erupted with extremely turbulent flames! The storm of fire swallowed up [Messiah] in an instant! Then Alexia’s arm swings sharply, and the charred black ball in his hand is immediately hit hard to the ground!


The huge pit was directly imprinted on the ground!

The feeling of being broken into pieces spread throughout [Messiah]’s whole body! This was the first time he felt such pain!

But compared to this…


Climbing up from the pit, [Messiah] looked at Alexia in the sky with glowing eyes: “——You are actually still awake?!”

He was unmistakable. There was no hint of violence in the look projected by those blue eyes, but only the quiet burning will and sobriety.

“No one said that I lost my consciousness. You just misunderstood it on your own.” Ixia looked down at [Messiah], “Having said that, it is indeed very noisy in my ears now, as if It’s like there are hundreds of you guys whispering in my ears… To be honest, it’s annoying to death.”

Yes, it’s annoying.

It’s really annoying! Exia was so annoyed that she was in a bad mood!

“But… there is only one thing I can be sure of – that is, I can never lose to you! I can never lose to myself like this!”

(Is your fighting spirit aroused, this guy? This is the right thing!)


“Bianca is my lover! Even if I die, I will never give her to you!”


[Messiah], who was about to cheer up and fight with all his strength against Exia, was stunned when he heard these words.

This kid…what did he say?

92. You are jealous of yourself!

[Messiah] has known for a long time that as long as Alexia is willing to give up his excess innocence and rationality, then he will not be much worse than himself. Even if there is, it will only be a gap in proficiency.

This fight for the dominance of consciousness is the last chance he gives to Ixia. If Ixia can meet his conditions, then he doesn’t mind becoming Ixia’s nourishment, and Ixia can also die through his death. Go to higher ground.

Therefore, when Exia lost before, [Messiah] was actually very disappointed. This guy has hardly changed much since the first time we met him. Although he has made some progress, it is not huge enough.

And now, when he saw that Exia, who had returned in a human-induced collapse, could still maintain her rationality, he was really surprised!

[This guy finally looks cool! 】

[I have no complaints if I get killed by you like this! 】

[Messiah] is preparing for a fight to the death with Exia with this mentality. He can tell that this will be the best duel between the two of them! And the two of them can also use this to reach a higher mountain top for each other!


(This kid, could it be…)


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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