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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 373

After rethinking what he just heard, [Messiah] raised his eyebrows a few times: “Hey, come down, idiot, let me confirm a few questions.”


Alexia raised her eyebrows and raised her index finger: “Why should I go down? If you want to ask, just come up by yourself.”

“Yo ho…”

[Messiah]’s face turned dark immediately!

This idiot…

“You’re still kicking your nose in the face!?”


The space trembled under the feet of [Messiah]. [Messiah] used the fastest space movement in so long! In an instant, he was on top of Alexia’s head. He had just raised his hand to prepare for some action. However, Alexia, who had her back turned to him, seemed to be predicting the future. She had already put her hand on the [Messiah]. Arrive at that location!


“Boom, boom, boom–!”

The sound resounded throughout the heaven and earth!

The phantom of the two-horned beast with crimson mane flashed behind Ixia, and the super vibration wave that spread out from Ixia’s hand set off a terrifying storm on the spot! The figure of [Messiah] had just appeared there and was enveloped by the impact of the storm so close at hand! The whole person was blown away to the distant horizon without even a little struggle and resistance!



The space trembled again.

Just three or four seconds passed, but [Messiah] suddenly reappeared in front of Ixia, flying to the same height as Ixia with the huge [Yama’s Black Sword] under him.

“The [Double Horns of Deep Scarlet] after [Doubled] the power of the Sekiryuutei? It is indeed quite powerful, but unfortunately, that kind of soft attack cannot kill me.” [Messiah] Compiled He stroked his hair, which was completely messed up in the storm, and said, “Compared to this, what you just said really makes me care – why did you come back?”

“For Bianca.”

Alexia’s answer was straightforward.

“Although if I want to go into detail now, I can give many reasons and say many beautiful words. But I must also admit that the purest reason why I want to kill you completely is just because of Bianca ——She is my lover, not yours.”

“The time I spent with her, the distance she traveled, and the feelings she cultivated… these all belong to me. How far can you, a substitute who has never appeared on the stage, go to me? Get away! I won’t let you touch a hair on Bianca’s head with my body!”


[Messiah], who was also a part of [himself], suddenly fell silent.

He couldn’t make any response to this. He was shocked and dumbfounded by Exia’s words. What this guy is doing now is no different from [resurrecting from the dead], but the reason why he wants to return from hell even if he turns into a beast is just because his woman is going to be snatched away by [himself]?

He is jealous of himself! ?


After being silent for a while, [Messiah] couldn’t help laughing.

“Pfft hahahaha! Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha!”

Hearty, even a little wild laughter rang out from under the sky.

[Messiah] covered his face, as if he couldn’t stand himself and Exia, and couldn’t stop laughing wildly.

“…What’s so funny?” Alexia raised her eyebrows, “Are you mentally ill?”

“Doesn’t that mean you are also sick? Idiot!” [Messiah] scolded with a smile, “I didn’t expect you to be the person who cares about such things, and to care about such things to this extent… …. We are obviously the same person, but I didn’t realize it at all. Is it really because of the differences in our thinking and concerns that our philosophies are different?”


“That’s not bad.”

[Messiah] held the giant sword of ice: “I’m not interested in the relationship between you and Bianca, but if this can completely ignite your fighting spirit, that would be great! “

All [Messiah] wants is [to fight Honkai].

For this reason, he needs to make Exia become the strongest Honkai killer. If he can’t do it, then let him do it. And since he is so motivated now, even if the reason is too outrageous, it is enough as long as he has this momentum.

“——If you don’t want the woman you love to be snatched away by me, just risk your life to kill me, [King]!”


The space trembled.

The figure of [Messiah] directly brought up countless afterimages in the space! As if he had created countless shadow clones, the densely packed figures formed an airtight network, completely surrounding Ixia!

“This is my full speed. If you can catch up, try it!”

A sound that seemed to be dozens of overlapping sounds reached Exia’s ears.



Alexia just punched right in front of her!

Multiplied ten times!

The deep crimson of the two horns!


The raging storm instantly penetrated the sky! The terrifying waves that spread out instantly dispersed all the phantoms of [Messiah]!

Then, in [Messiah’s] eyes full of surprise and surprise, Exia locked onto the only him——



That kind of thing is not needed at all.

So what if there are countless phantoms? Even if a hundred [Messiahs] really appear, what Exia wants to do will not change…

“–ten times.”

“Come here immediately! Familiar Beast No. 7! [Mingji’s Rainbow Flame]!”

Holding a rainbow-colored lightsaber and covered in rainbow flames, Artoria appeared instantly with Exia’s call! Under the doubling, the huge body soared to a hundred meters, looking like a sanctioning goddess descending from the sky! Full of majesty and divinity!

This is what Exia has to do – defeat all the enemies in front of her!

【Sword of Promise of Victory (excalibur)】

A cold voice like an oracle fell from the mouth of the Rainbow Goddess.

The extremely bright rainbow light instantly occupied the entire sky!

Standing on the edge of the huge pit, looking up at the radiance of the goddess swaying down from the sky, Kevin closed his eyes.

“it’s over.”

“The determination and strength you burst out to protect the one you love – although the path has been slightly deviated, you have indeed reached the end. I fully understand your determination, [Exia].”

“I’m looking forward to our actual meeting.”

93. The sea of ​​flowers of will

The moment he was born, the Messiah knew that what awaited him would definitely not end well.

He who was born from Exia’s body is only a part of him, and will return to him one day. Every day he passes before that is a countdown to his life.

He will die.

Unlike Exia, who already has infinite life and immortality, he will face his own death as [consciousness]. But Messiah doesn’t think that he will die like that. In the final analysis, death does not mean that everything is over. He will become a part of Ikesia, become Ikesia’s power, and exist in another way.

What dies is just the [shell] that is the container of that [instinct consciousness].

Having said that…

“it hurts……”

There are countless flowers in bloom, and the endless field of flowers stretches as far as the eye can see.

Opening his eyes and looking at the clear, cloudless sky above his head, Messiah didn’t feel any admiration. His whole body was hurting so much that he didn’t feel relaxed and relaxed. Even if it didn’t hurt, he wouldn’t be there. He is a person who has nothing to do with elegance.

And beside him——

“…In the end, was it really you who stayed by my side?”

I didn’t look at it, but I could tell by feeling that Messiah was not the only one lying on this field of flowers now, Alexia was also lying here.

Also not looking at Messiah, Exia stared at the clear sky.

“It wasn’t voluntary. When I came back to my senses, I was already lying here with you. I didn’t get up just because it was very comfortable to lie down.”

“I guess so.”

Messiah chuckled.

“It was a good fight. It’s rare that you weren’t stupid in this last fight… No, no, it can also be said that this is the stupidest time you have been since I met you. Why did you come back from hell for a woman?” of.”

“What is that? Did I do anything like that?”

Messiah’s words made Exia frown in confusion.

Don’t you even realize what an amazing thing you have done?

(…I have convinced this boy. Is it natural for him to risk his life for the woman he loves?)

Messiah was a little helpless.

He has always been superior to Alexia in terms of strength. In the few duels between the two, he was the winner. In the last serious duel, he originally thought that as long as Alexia showed enough Awareness and performance, it is okay for him to give up a little and surrender in the end.

As a result, this became the only duel in which Exia defeated him head-on – using the power of the Sekiryuutei, whom he despised.

(For the sake of greater ideals, should self-esteem and reserve be abandoned appropriately?)

The power of the Sekiryuutei is indeed a powerful aid against Honkai, but Messiah will not use it when taking over Exia’s body. The most he can do is use the Seven Thunders of Purification. He only used the power of the Fourth True Ancestor because he was fused with Chimera.

He believes that his own strength is enough to fight Honkai.

But now, the power he trusted was completely lost to the power of only a moment in a moment of confrontation.

“…Speaking of which, have you learned it?” Messiah suddenly asked.

“Ah? What did you say?”

“Don’t pretend to be stupid. You have seen my short and medium distance space movement so many times. You should already know the principle, right?”

“That move…nope.”

Alexia shook her head simply.

Messiah suddenly couldn’t help but raise his voice: “Huh?! You idiot… I showed it so many times because I wanted you to use it well in the future, just so that you can see through it yourself and learn it.” ! But you haven’t learned what it means now! I’ll kill you if you believe it or not!”

“I know the principle…but I don’t need to use it.” Exia explained, “I am different from you who are alone. I have Miss Aige, Ddraig, and Saber beside me. , with the Herrscher of Thunder… for the short and medium distance space movement that you think is very convenient, I can just ask Miss Aige to do it for me.”


After a moment of silence, Messiah curled his lips and said, “If I had known better, I wouldn’t have done anything like this.”

“You must have forgotten that I have Miss Ai Ge beside me, right?”

“How many times has that witch harmed you? How much trouble has she caused you? Do you still believe in her?”

“Well, I believe in Miss Aegean just as much as I believe in Bianca.”

Ixia’s response made Messiah fall silent again. Again, the two people have fundamentally different ways of thinking. From the perspective of looking at things to the way of solving problems, they are completely opposite. It is expected that Messiah and It’s a fantasy that Exia would have the same idea about this kind of thing.

If it were normal times, Messiah would definitely be dismissive and mock Exia for being too naive.

but now……

“Forget it, if that’s what you think, then so be it.” Messiah relaxed all over, “I can’t control you anymore anyway, so all the suggestions I give you are in vain, right? You should take good care of yourself Just keep it that way, just don’t overturn it in the future.”

“…This is a dying person, can he speak kindly? I’m really not used to you being like this.”

“Excuse me, you idiot. Do you want me to curse you at the end? Do you want me to disappear with hatred and dissatisfaction towards you?”

In that case, Messiah would probably die with his eyes open.

Having such a worrying and uneasy king is really not enough for a few lives.


At this moment, the particles of light began to float up from Messiah’s body, turning into streams of light and gradually flowing into Ixia’s body.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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