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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 374

The body of the Messiah gradually became transparent.

“Are you going to disappear?”

Alexia asked.

“Yes. I lost to you in the final fight. The winner is the winner and the loser is the loser, just like I said at the beginning. From now on, you will be the dominant personality of the reborn [Axia Kaslana]—— Please take care of yourself, no matter how much you cry and scream in the future, there will never be a second person like me to help you get through the difficulties.”

“I won’t cry.”

“Ha, who can say for sure? Maybe your kid is unexpectedly a crybaby. It’s just that I’ve never encountered a time worth crying for you.”

“Can you call me a crybaby?”


A slightly rapid wind blew across the field of flowers, carrying countless petals flying in the wind, weaving a dazzling colorful wind in the air.

Among the flowers, it was as if he was the only one here from the beginning. Alexia, who was alone, turned her head and looked at the empty side – the flowers were blooming in full bloom, and they were not suppressed at all. traces of passing.

Pursing her lips, Ixia sat up from the field, supported her body with both hands and looked at the ice tree in the distance that seemed to support the sky. Under the canopy, there was an ocher-red dragon soaring. With.

“…At least say [goodbye] before leaving.”

In the field of flowers where no one has ever existed, someone seems to be saying this.

94. Kiana’s situation

How many times has this happened?

After returning to the real world from the realm of consciousness, what I saw the moment I opened my eyes was a somewhat unfamiliar ceiling.

However, to say that it is unfamiliar is actually just because I have not yet become completely familiar with it.

“My room?”

After comparing it with the layout in his impression, Axia recognized where he was—his room on the top floor of his castle-like oversized apartment.

Because he had only slept one night since he came back, he didn’t fully recognize it at first.

(I remember I was…)

Holding her forehead, Alexia began to sort out her somewhat confused head.

From the moment he woke up, he felt that his memory was in a mess. It felt like there were many more memory fragments in his mind. Like broken glass, a large number of memory fragments flashed in his mind. It was difficult for him to distinguish the specific situation for a while.

“It looks like it’s finished.”

A familiar voice sounded in my ears.

Alexia held her forehead and looked to her side. She saw a goddess-like figure with long blond hair in mid-air, her hands folded around her chest, floating in mid-air and staring at him: “It can be confirmed that in the field of consciousness except Delai There is nothing outside the box, so…who are you now?”

“…Miss Aige?”

Hearing what the person in front of him said, Alexia pondered for a while and then asked with some uncertainty: “Is it Miss Aige? Shajo Aige… Sorry, my memory is a bit messy.” …”

The tone of voice and the way of addressing…

“It seems to be the prince, that’s great.”

The expression on Shajo Aige’s face suddenly changed to the usual close feeling, and her whole body was attached to Alexia: “When I noticed that your consciousness was on the verge of being broken, I was really worried. It’s good that you can come back safely now.”

“As for the memory situation, it should be a memory conflict caused by accepting another you. Let me help you sort it out.”

“Ah… well, please.”

“It’s just a little effort.”

Arriving behind Alexia, Shajo Aige put his hands on top of Alexia’s head, creating a small magic circle and sorting out Alexia’s chaotic memories.

“There are really a lot of memories… I have all the memories from the time you were born to the present. It seems that it will take a while to sort them out. I have to ask the prince to wait a moment.”

“It’s okay, it’ll be nice if you can sort it out.” As Ixia said, she moved her body to the head of the bed to lean against, put her hand on her chest, and then asked: “By the way, Miss Ai Ge, can you tell me What happened after I fainted?”

“Of course, but all I know is what happened before you were brought home by Miss Bianca. I don’t know what happened outside after that – for convenience, I directly packaged that information into memory A part of it will now be transferred into your memory realm.”

As Shajo Aige said this, Alexia suddenly felt a small scene emerge in her mind.

The location was naturally the garden where he and Bianca found Bishop Otto before.

Looking at the scene that unfolded after he fainted, Exia fell into silence for a moment.

“One day has passed since then. Sister Kiana is now in the hospital. This is what Miss Bianca requested. Since she is the container of the Second Herrscher, even though she has never shown any abnormality so far, But for the sake of safety, I still hope she can undergo a full-body examination. I also think this is okay.”

Seemingly sensing the reason for Exia’s silence, Sajo Aige explained again.

“Bishop Otto disappeared after that, but according to Miss Fu Hua’s subsequent contact, he has now locked himself in the room for some reason and asked Miss Fu Hua to keep an eye on him.”

“…The bishop should be waiting for me, no, he should be waiting for me and Kiana to find him.”

Alexia could understand what Otto meant.

Because before and now, and what needs to be done next is a reckoning – a reckoning for what Bishop Otto did to the three of them.

For Bianca’s sake, she should think that’s enough. After those two punches, even Bishop Otto’s soul steel body should be reduced to the point where it needs to be returned to the factory for overhaul. Since she is a member of the Kaslana family, Bianca’s power does not need to be explained at all.

As for Exia and Kiana… to be honest, Exia herself didn’t have much to settle with the bishop. The most she could do was ask the bishop to remove the thought modifications brought about by Yu Duchen, and Just give him a thorough scolding, and maybe add some punishment to Bishop Otto.

But for Kiana’s sake——

“Kiana…how is she doing?”

“There is no problem.” Sajo Aige said, “The examination results show that she is very healthy, and the Second Herrscher core in her body is also in a dormant state. It seems that it will not be activated as long as a large amount of Honkai energy is not directly injected. , according to what Ms. Changguang said, there is no need to worry about her becoming a lawyer at this stage.”

“However, for safety reasons, it is best for Kiana not to accept too many sorties and avoid areas with high Honkai energy concentration, so as not to partially transform into a Herrscher due to exposure to a large amount of Honkai energy. And for this reason, Qiyana Sister Yana’s A-level Valkyrie upgrade qualification has been cancelled.”

“Although the following is just my speculation, judging from the situation in this world, sister Kiana should be gradually revoked as a Valkyrie and then imprisoned.”

Very reasonable judgment.

If she has the core of the Herrscher in her body, then Kiana is equivalent to a bomb that may explode at any time, which is too dangerous for this world. It would be best to imprison her, monitor all her actions 24 hours a day, and completely put an end to her becoming a herrist.

However, Exia fell into a long silence again.

The room returned to silence for a while.

And this silence lasted until Shajo Aige helped Exia sort out her memories.

“This is how the memory is sorted out, Prince. You can confirm it yourself later.”

“Well…by the way, Miss Aige, can I ask you a favor?”

“As long as it is the prince’s idea, I will accept any request and do my best to realize it.”


Alexia took a deep breath and expressed her inner thoughts.

95. The devil sister and the brave brother

“Whoosh whoosh…!”

In the special single ward of Tianming Hospital.

When she came here with Sajo Aige, what Aixia saw through the transparent glass was Kiana sitting on the hospital bed with her head buried in frantically eating a large bowl of pork chop rice.

Are you still eating in this situation?

“Eh? Exia?”

The door of the ward.

Seeing Alexia and Sajo Aige appearing outside, Raiden Mei couldn’t help but stood up in surprise: “You’ve woken up? Are you okay?”

“Well, I’m fine. Thank you for your concern, Mei. But…” Alexia looked at the white-haired dumpling on the bed who hadn’t stopped eating, “What’s going on with Kiana?” ?”


Leiden Meiyi twitched her hair in embarrassment, and after thinking about it for a while, she finally told the truth.

In fact, there is no big reason.

After Kiana was brought to the hospital after she fainted yesterday, she never woke up until a few dozen minutes ago. And after she hadn’t eaten for so long, the first thing she said when she woke up was “Mei, I’m hungry!” 】, making Leiden Meiyi and Bronya, who were guarding her next to them, a little nervous.

Although the hospital provided three meals a day, she couldn’t stand Kiana’s insistence, so Raiden Mei had to borrow the hospital’s kitchen and cook a bowl of rice for Kiana.

As for Bronya, she is now helping in the kitchen.

“Huha! I’ve finished eating! Mei, have another one!”

After licking every last grain of rice in her rice bowl, Kiana put down her rice bowl heavily and shouted.

“Where’s the second bowl?”

Leiden Meiyi looked at the child she raised helplessly: “I was a little embarrassed to borrow the kitchen once, but I can’t borrow it again, right? Come on, wipe the corners of your mouth, Alexia is here.”

“Are you raising her as your daughter? Mei.” Alexia came to the ward with a smile, “However, on the way here, I was still worried about whether you would be depressed. It seems that I am too much. Think about it, you look good, Kiana.”

“Hmph! I’m not the kind of person who can’t get up after being hit once! You think I’m my brother, and I’ll faint at every turn and it hurts!”

Before Kiana could finish her words, Alexia put his fist on her head and drilled her hard several times. In pain, Kiana quickly hugged her head and got under the quilt.

Seeing the harmonious relationship between the brother and sister, Raiden Mei also smiled slightly, picked up the rice bowl and left the ward: “Then I will leave it to you for the time being, Alexia. I will go to the kitchen to help with the cloth first. Lonya.”

“Well, go ahead.”

After watching Leiden Meiyi leave, Alexia pulled up a chair and sat down beside the bed. After a pause, she said: “So…it’s just the two of us now, are you still ready to cheer up? Kiana.”

“…What? I really can’t hide it from you, brother?”

When Alexia said this, the cheerful expression on Kiana’s face gradually dimmed, and finally turned into a slightly listless look, and the head that poked out from the quilt was drooped visibly. .

He looked like he was deeply shocked.

But this is natural, after all, Kiana knew so many incredible things before. He is not the real Kiana, but an artificial clone. Bianca, whom he has always regarded as his sister, is the real Kiana, and he is even the vessel of the Second Herrscher…

Even if she is as optimistic as Kiana, it is impossible for her to receive this shocking information without any reaction. You must know that she fainted on the spot before, and it is really abnormal that she is still so energetic now, which makes people confused at a glance. It can be seen that she is forcing herself.

“So, brother, are you here to kill me?”

With her back to Alexia, Kiana suddenly said this.

The atmosphere in the ward suddenly became stagnant.

Alexia looked at her sister’s back wordlessly, and then asked, “Why do you think so?”

“Because I am a Herrscher.” Kiana said calmly, “Although I don’t have any of the characteristics of a Herrscher now, it is a fact that I have the core of the second Herrscher in my body. Sooner or later, I will become a Herrscher. Right. And brother, don’t you…have always killed the Herrscher first before talking about it?”

“Just like last year when you wanted to kill Mei Yi.”

In this case, there is no reason for Exia to stand by and watch the existence of [Second Herrscher], and it is even less possible for her to let her off just because the Second Herrscher is her sister. Moreover, Exia is a person who puts the overall situation first. On the one hand, it is the life of her sister, and on the other hand, it is the lives of millions of people who may die in the future.

Kiana is certain that her brother will choose the latter.

[My brother is here to kill me]

“It really makes me a little sad.”

Alexia’s voice reached Kiana’s ears from behind.

“Although we haven’t lived together for more than a few months in more than a year, in the eyes of my sister, I am such a person. As an elder brother, I really derelict in my duty.”

“……elder brother?”

Kiana turned over and looked at Alexia with a dazed look in her eyes.

Stretching out his hand and gently pressing his sister’s head, Alexia smiled and said: “I won’t kill you, Kiana. How can there be a brother in this world who would kill his sister? Take ten thousand steps back and give it to you like this It doesn’t matter if it’s a gentle lesson, but you are the family member that I finally got back, and I will never kill you. Of course, I will never let anyone else kill you, nor will I let anyone. Move a hair on your head with evil thoughts.”


Kiana was a little surprised.

Is this what her brother can say? Why would you say this to her? This is obviously what I should say to Sister Bianca, right? Can I just say it’s not appropriate at all?

(No, that’s not right…)

“…But I just-“

He is just a clone.

Kiana must admit her identity, but clones are not qualified to do so——

“This has nothing to do with whether you are a clone or not. You are my sister, my [Kiana Kaslana]. You are not K-423 or the Second Herrscher. Don’t be too arrogant, Herrscher. There’s really no need to worry too much.” Alexia said while rubbing Kiana’s little head.

“Besides, even if you really become a Herrscher, I will immediately beat you back to your original form. You idiot sister who only thinks about eating and eating all day long, don’t pretend to be a big destroyer of mankind in front of me. The devil.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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