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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 375

If Kiana becomes the Demon King, then Alexia will be the brave man who will defeat this Demon King immediately.

If I have to say it, the Demon King is more suitable for Exia. Who said that in that world, the True Ancestor was a moving natural disaster that was feared by the whole world?

Listening to Alexia’s words that were completely different from what she expected, Kiana’s surprise suddenly became more intense.

“Brother…is there anything wrong with your brain? Is your brain damaged after you fainted once?”

“I just don’t want you idiot to tell me that there’s something wrong with my brain, so I’ll take advantage of you!”

“It hurts, it hurts!”

The iron fist drill that landed on Kiana’s head once again made her hug her head and huddle into the quilt again. If she were on the ground, she would have gone to the corner and squatted with her head in her arms!

“Then…brother, what are you doing here?”

Kiana asked, covering her head.

“Of course I’ll deal with the Herrscher core in you.” Exia raised two fingers. “Although I just said it doesn’t matter if the Herrscher appears. As long as you are still by my side, I will be able to do it as soon as possible.” Subdue the Second Herrscher. But it’s not good to just let you carry the Herrscher Core like this, so I thought of one or two ways before I came here. Do you want to hear it?”


96. Chongchong: I’m about to fuck you, Western Lama!

Kiana’s current situation is actually very safe.

This has been emphasized for a long time.

But no one can guarantee that Kiana will not suddenly become the Second Herrscher one day and bring destruction to the world. Even if Alexia said that before, he can’t stay by Kiana’s side all the time, right? At least at least he couldn’t be with Kiana when she was going to the toilet or taking a shower.

Therefore, there must be a solution.

“The first thing is to take out the Herrscher core from your body.”

Alexia said.

“Referring to Mei Yi’s situation before, if you take out the Herrscher core, although you will still retain some Herrscher characteristics, you will not become a Herrscher. However, unlike Mei Yi’s situation, you were born when you were very young. It was implanted into the core of the Herrscher, whether it can be taken out remains to be seen.”

“The other method is to ask Miss Ai Ge to place a seal on the Herrscher core in your body.”

When Alexia said this, Sajou Aige also came to Kiana.


“Well, the seal – according to Tianming’s research, the core of the Herrscher is actually a [door]. Through this door, the Herrscher can use unlimited Honkai energy without restriction. So as long as you lock that door, even if you are locked by the Herrscher The Lawyer occupies the body, and the Lawyer has no power to use. Miss Aige can completely do this kind of thing.”

“It’s this kind of seal.” Shajo Aige echoed and showed a small magic formula in his hand, “Right now, there is only a general framework, and some precise adjustments are needed to ensure it is effective. , although it can be completed immediately with the power of the Great Holy Grail.”

Looking at the spinning magic formula on the Shajo Love Singer, Kiana blinked: “Is this… okay? So I don’t have to worry about the Herrscher?”

Alexia nodded.

“To be honest, I personally recommend the latter method. As a brother, I don’t really want you to undergo that kind of surgery – but from one perspective, this method is also good for you.”


“The Herrscher Core is something that exists in your body. There is no reason that only the Herrscher can use it, right?” Ixia explained, “I think as long as you receive certain training, you should be able to use the Herrscher Core to a certain extent. Power, and if you master the power of the Herrscher’s core, sooner or later you will be able to master the power of the second Herrscher.”

(Using the power of the Herrscher’s core…then isn’t that what I’m saying——)

“Brother, do you… want me to become stronger through the Herrscher Core?”


The Herrscher is the enemy of mankind and the demon who destroys mankind.

But if you put aside the perspective, the Herrscher’s power is indeed quite powerful, and the second Herrscher’s ability is to manipulate space. If Kiana can use this power… she doesn’t need to master it completely, even if she only masters a little bit, it will be a big help.

In terms of results, that should lead to a situation where [the Second Herrscher becomes a companion of mankind].

“The specific method should be that Miss Aige adds an additional function to the seal. When Kiana says certain passwords, it can be temporarily released for a period of time – something like that.”

“This is not a very troublesome matter and can be completed quickly.” Shajo Aige gave a positive answer, “However, this also means that the Herrscher core must be activated first, right? Then the second Herrscher consciousness…”

“Don’t worry, I will watch when the time comes. As long as the Second Herrscher dares to make any slightly inappropriate move…”

Exia didn’t need to explain what happened next, Kiana and Sajo Aige also knew it.

In front of Exia, it was impossible for the Second Herrscher to make any waves.

“However, in the end, it’s up to you whether you want to do this or not, Kiana. I’m just giving the suggestions I can think of. I will also discuss with Ms. Changguang later, and maybe I can find a better solution.” plan.”

“In short, you really don’t need to care too much about being the vessel and clone of the Second Herrscher. None of us would care about such a thing.”

If you think about it carefully, this is indeed the case.

Raiden Mei and Bronya don’t care about the identity of the clones at all, and the same goes for Fu Hua, Yae Sakura and Raven, not to mention Rita and Bianca. Even Aunt Theresa and the others… should be able to accept it if they explain the situation clearly.

“elder brother……”

After a moment of silence, Kiana grabbed the quilt with both hands: “Help me seal the Herrscher core in my body, and then…can you please start teaching me more control of Honkai energy?” method? I want to try it – it hurts! Why are you flicking my forehead again!”

“You speak in such a low voice makes me uncomfortable. Please calm down.” Alexia said angrily, “Besides, [try it]? Is this what you should say? I don’t remember it. My sister is such a fool who thinks about the possibility of failure before doing anything.”


Another bullet landed on Kiana’s forehead.

“It’s not suitable for you to look forward and backward. You just need to do whatever comes to mind, and if it really fails, I will handle everything. So throw away the unnecessary ideas.”

“…I always feel like there’s something different about me.” Kiana covered her forehead and said, “Why do I feel like you are starting to look a little like [use your momentum to decide the winner!] Huh? Brother, is this your character?”

“I just figured out some things, don’t worry about my situation. Compared to this, if you are still so hesitant, will I give you another try?”

Alexia made a gesture of flicking her forehead, which scared Kiana and jumped up from the bed and slipped into the corner! Wave your hands! Even the double braids are sticking up!

“I know, I know! I will definitely control the power of the Second Herrscher! Absolutely! So brother, don’t hit me! And don’t drill into my head! It hurts!”

“Huh, that’s cool.”

Alexia put her hands on her hips and laughed.

And Sandjo Aige also floated back to Ixia: “It will take about three days to complete the sealing magic. With subsequent modifications and reinforcements, it should be enough in an intermittent week. Prince, if you are willing to use the Great Holy Grail With the power, it can be done now.”

“Let’s do it now, there’s no need to wait.”

Alexia came to Kiana.

“——[I, make a wish to the Great Holy Grail]——”

97. Hand over the Herrscher Gem

Under the power of the Great Holy Grail, the sealing work of the Herrscher core in Kiana was quickly completed.

Now the Herrscher Core has lost contact with Kiana in both a conceptual and practical sense. Unless Kiana actively wants to use the power of the Herrscher Core, the Herrscher Core will There is absolutely no way it could affect Kiana in turn.

If Kiana wanted to use the power of the Herrscher’s core, she only needed to say a magic spell designated by herself. After discussing with Ixia, Kiana finally chose the phrase “ichliebedich” Use words as a mantra to gain strength.

From now on, as long as Kiana says this, the seal will be temporarily released. The current setting is that it can only be unlocked three times a day, with a maximum of ten minutes each time. The output efficiency of Honkai Energy is also limited to one-tenth.

Of course, this limit will automatically increase as Kiana’s proficiency in using the Herrscher core and Herrscher abilities increases. Shajo Aige has already programmed that magic formula in advance.

However, for teaching Kiana how to use the power of the Herrscher in the future… Exia does not feel that she is the most suitable choice. After all, he is closer to instinct in using power, so let him teach some The basic things are completely fine, but if he goes deeper into teaching, it will be a bit difficult for him.

At most, he can be Kiana’s sparring partner.

And if you want to teach Kiana, the best person in Alexia’s opinion can only be that person.


“——That’s the way it is.”

In a room deep in Destiny.

Sitting on a sofa, Alexia asked Fu Hua opposite her.

“Can I ask Master to be Kiana’s master and teach her how to use the power of the Lawyer?”

“…It posed a problem for me as soon as it came up.”

Fu Hua pushed up his red-rimmed glasses: “Teaching Kiana – this matter itself is not a problem. Now I am actually half of her master, but…are you so sure? ?Exia, are you sure Kiana will not be swallowed by the power of the Herrscher?”

The Herrscher’s power is quite powerful, and strong power will naturally give rise to powerful desires, and the Herrscher’s consciousness will constantly carry out mental attacks on the surface consciousness in order to occupy the body. In Fu Hua’s view, Kiana’s spirit has not yet grown up enough to use the power of the Herrscher. If she is allowed to undergo this kind of training now…

“Master, please don’t worry about this. I trust my sister.”

“…What do you think? Sue.”

Fu Hua asked another person in the room.

Su, who closed her eyes tightly even in the dim room, pondered for a while: “I think it’s acceptable. In fact, in the countless parallel worlds I have observed, Miss Kiana has been there more than once She has become a Herrscher. If destiny really exists in this world, then I think [becoming a Herrscher] may be regarded as her destiny.”

“It’s just that I think the Herrscher can also become a companion of humans, just like [her] Hua, whom you have long forgotten.”


Fu Hua once again noticed the person Su mentioned. In the past two days, Fu Hua had heard Su mention that person many times.

Who is that [her]?

“Okay, since you said so, Su, I will accept Alexia’s request.” Fu Hua nodded, “But, if possible, I hope Su can also help. You are a spiritual perception type. As a fusion warrior, I think it should be able to help Kiana complete her spiritual growth.”

“Well, I’m very happy. This can be regarded as my return gift to the Messiah for saving me.”


Hearing Su mention this name again, Alexia’s thoughts flew away for a moment, and then she lowered her head towards the two of them: “In this case, I will leave my sister to you two.”

“We will do our best… Then, I will teach you here, right?”


The reason why Alexia came to this room was not just to find Fu Hua.

Although he did come here for this reason in the beginning, on the way here, he thought of something, so he had another purpose.

After looking at the other corner of the room, Fu Hua and Su stood up and left the room.

After hearing the sound of the door closing not far away, Alexia looked in the direction where Fu Hua was looking just now, and took a deep breath——

“Are you imprisoning yourself, Bishop?”


Deep in the room.

Putting the poems in his hands together, Otto raised his head and looked at Ixia: “I just want to provide you with an environment where you can be alone with me. I think you will want to meet me alone after you wake up, no?” Huh? It seems that after this coma, all the feathers I put on you have disappeared, and you should have a qualitative change in your spirit now.”

“I’m very happy, Alexia. You have completely graduated from me.”


This statement made Alexia couldn’t help but take a deep breath: “…So, Bishop, are you ready?”

“Well. You and K-423… No, I’ll still call her Kiana for now. This should be the minimum respect I have for you and her, right?” Otto? He corrected his statement, “You, Kiana, and Bianca all have the power to impose punishment and revenge on me. I don’t think there is anything wrong with this.”

“Bianca gave me two punches, destroying one of my soul steel bodies beyond repair. This is equivalent to her killing me once, which is quite significant in terms of punishment. What about you? Alexia , what punishment do you and Kiana plan to give me?”


There was no immediate answer. Exia just looked at Otto and made the room silent for a while before speaking: “My punishment… From now on, the development budget of Kallen’s Fantasy will be reduced to the original ten dollars.” One percent, every Catholic needs to ensure at least ten hours of working time, and is not allowed to play Karen fantasy during work——”

“Wait, wait, wait! Wait a moment, Alexia!”

Otto’s voice was clearly filled with panic: “This, this punishment is…”

“It’s not me who really wants to punish you, Bishop.” Aixia interrupted Otto, “Indeed, as you said, I have the qualifications to punish you, and the reasons are very good. You have treated my sister and me My lover has done something unforgivable, even if I have to punch you hundreds of times, it won’t be enough for me to vent my anger.”

“But that won’t hurt you at all, right? Losing part of your soul steel body is not a big deal at all. At most, it will just put some pressure on Tianming’s finances. So instead of physical punishment, I will give you a mental punishment. On the contrary, it’s more appropriate, right?”

“And the real punishment you need to accept will wait until Saint Karen is resurrected – I will let Miss Aige record everything.”


This time it was Otto’s turn to fall silent.

And Exia continued to speak.

“Then it’s not about punishment, it’s about what I personally want to do.”

Alexia said while extending her hand to Otto.

“The Silence Gem, the Desire Gem, the Disease Gem—give me the Herrscher Gem recovered from the second collapse, Bishop.”

“Your days of harnessing their power to conduct constant inhuman experiments are over.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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