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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 376

98. Quad-core great sword!

The atmosphere in the room seemed to be frozen.

After listening to Exia’s words, Otto was silent for a long time.

After the second collapse, Destiny and Counter-Entropy recovered a total of five pieces of Herrscher Cores. As mentioned before, four of them were not exactly the same as Herrscher Cores. They were eventually transformed into Herrschers by Destiny and Counter-Entropy. gem.

The Silence Gem represents the [Herrscher of Death], the Disease Gem represents the Herrscher of Fire, the Desire Gem represents the Herrscher of Wind, and the Conquer Gem represents the Herrscher of Thunder.

These four gems are now all controlled by Destiny. Among them, the Conquering Gem has been made into the Seven Thunders of Purification and is held by Ixia. The remaining three gems have also been used by Otto for different experiments. .


“Judging from the experimental records, except for the Disease Gem, the Tranquility Gem and the Desire Gem were all used in human experiments, right?”

This happened when Ixia was still a data organizer under Otto. While sorting out data, he accidentally came into contact with some records about the use of Herrscher gems.

Similar to Kiana’s situation, the Silence Gem and the Desire Gem have been used by Otto over the years to find a suitable body to cultivate a Herrscher who can be controlled by destiny – but at that time Ike Thea didn’t think so much, she only thought that Otto was using gems to conduct some human experiments, which was very common within Destiny.

But now that I think about it…

“Are you ready to stop me now? Exia.”

Otto, who regained his composure, laughed: “Don’t you think it’s a little late?”

“I’m not trying to reckon with you for the past, Bishop.” Ixia emphasized, “Everything in the past will be decided later. I’m asking you to hand over the three gems now to avoid future decisions.” Things like this continue to happen.”

“Okay, I can leave it to you.”

There was no hesitation or hesitation. After Ixia said this, Otto answered very simply: “It’s just that the only gems I can give you are the Silence Gem. The Disease Gem and the Desire Gem cannot be given immediately. here you are.”

“What’s the reason?”

“The Plague Gem was installed on the prototype of the Valkyrie Armor and will have to be removed later.”

A prototype of the Valkyrie armor?

Alexia frowned: “What is that?”

“Like the God Key and many other technologies, it is one of the many legacies created by pre-civilizations. If I have to say it, it can be regarded as a God Key.” Otto explained, “It’s just that it is different from the Herrscher core. Unlike the God Key which is the power source, the prototype of the Valkyrie Armor does not have the Herrscher Core.”

“Its design concept is to connect the human body with the Herrscher core and the imaginary space through armor, thereby obtaining a steady stream of Honkai energy. To put it more bluntly, it allows humans to become Herrschers in a short period of time.”

In the records of pre-civilizations, this God’s Key was called the “Blank Key”.

Otto also obtained it during one of Destiny’s archaeological operations, and after studying it, he was inspired to create the Valkyrie Armor. Now, this prototype is placed on the bottom floor of Destiny Heimdall’s laboratory, and it has been inlaid with plague gems by Otto.

As long as a suitable Valkyrie is found, Destiny will immediately have a combat power that can rival the Herrscher of Fire.

“I will let Chang Guang remove the disease gem later. The disease gem will be handed over to you after that. Is that okay?”

“What about the desire gem?”

“The Desire Gem is not in the headquarters, it is now in New Zealand.” Otto explained again, “As you know, I have been conducting experiments on implanting the Herrscher Gem into the human body, and I have been experimenting with the implantation of the Desire Gem. It was handed over to the New Zealand branch because there was a very talented Valkyrie there.”


Otto must have done something, and a piece of Valkyrie information appeared in front of Exia.

“Wendy is an A-level Valkyrie of the Oceania branch. She once studied at St. Freya Academy. Her talent is very good. She was promoted to an A-level Valkyrie not long after becoming a Valkyrie. In terms of potential abilities, she is very good. An outstanding talent who has the potential to become the next S-class Valkyrie.”

“Last year, after the plan to find a candidate for the Herrscher Gem was officially launched, she was recommended by Theresa as a candidate who longed for the gem. My lovely Theresa only thought that this was a way for her students to become We have a chance to get stronger, Wendy herself thinks so.”

“But unfortunately, although the implantation was successful, Wendy could not control the power of the Desire Stone. And because the Honkai energy crystals were implanted in her legs, her legs were paralyzed and she lost the ability to move freely. In addition, she lost her ability to move freely. The Desire Gem can only remain stable in her body, so in fact, Wendy has become a simple container to store the Desire Gem——”


Before Otto finished speaking, the wall behind him suddenly shattered.

The strong vibration waves spread out from Ixia’s body directly set off a strong wind in the room! Twisted and shattered everything around Otto!

Sitting among a pile of ruins and debris, Otto smiled calmly and said: “Can such an attack be carried out without any warning? It is really amazing, Exia.”

“…Ask the Oceania branch to send Miss Wendy to the headquarters to perform surgery on her to remove the gem she desires.” Alexia said in a deep voice.

“That might cause the Desire Gem to go out of control and cause a hurricane in the headquarters.”

“I will calm down the hurricane, and the headquarters will only lose one building at most.”

Perfect response.

Otto was very satisfied with Alexia’s current state: “Very good. Your performance and response are very good, Alexia. I will ask Amber to contact the Oceania branch later. I think they can be there the day after tomorrow at the latest.” Send Wendy here. By the way, do you need to call Theresa when you perform the resection surgery on her?”

“Of course. I think Bishop, you should be hit hard by Judas – if Auntie doesn’t want to, just let me hit you.”

“Then it seems that I need to prepare a few more soul steel bodies.” Otto smiled bitterly, “But after collecting all the gems, what are you going to do? Destroy them all? Or… ….turn them into your weapons?”

Become a weapon?

Alexia raised her eyebrows: “Made into a new God’s Key?”

“No, no, no, that would be too wasteful, not to mention that there are not so many people who can use the God Key, and even if it is made, it will be idle. What I mean is, aren’t these Herrscher gems just right for your seven sins? Will Lei undergo enhanced transformation?”

“The God Key that combines four Herrscher gems – don’t you think this is a good proposal, Exia.”

99. Start dealing with emotional issues again

Night, Exia’s house.

“…So, Exia, you did so many things as soon as you woke up today?”

There is a dining table where a dozen people can sit together.

Bianca said this to Alexia while eating the perfect dish carefully prepared by Rita.

Because Kiana was still in the hospital and had not come out, Raiden Mei and Bronya were still in the hospital with her. The only ones at home now are the three of Exia, Fu Hua, Yae Sakura and Raven.

“Help Kiana seal the Herrscher core, recover all the Herrscher gems, and contact the Oceania branch… You have just woken up from a coma, but you are really doing so many things at once. Is it okay? Is your health okay?”

This wasn’t the first time Bianca had seen Alexia pass out.

If he was still forcing himself, Bianca thought it would be better for her to push Alexia back on the bed again.

“It’s not like I’m in trouble with my health, so there’s no need to worry too much about me.” Aixia, who was also eating, smiled, “However, we have just dealt with these small things now, and there are still a lot of things to do in the future. For example, the life experience of me, you, and Kiana…”

This was also something Exia and Otto discussed before.

Whether Alexia’s identity is exposed or not is actually not a big problem. At most, it just sets off a wave of discussion. Originally, Kaslana’s family didn’t have much contact with him, even if she now confesses that she is not Kaslan in this world. People from the Na family probably won’t react much over there.

At most, she would feel sorry for losing an excellent successor, but as the real Caslana, Bianca is now also the most powerful Valkyrie, so there is no big problem after all.

But…if Bianca and Kiana’s identities are exposed like this…

“I’m afraid it will cause a big shock within Tianming.”

Rita, who was accompanying Bianca, said: “It’s okay for people like me who knew from the beginning that Bianca-sama is the real Miss Kiana, but for those who don’t know-“

“Eh? Rita, do you know that Bianca is Kiana?” Alexia interrupted Rita unexpectedly, “Did the bishop say that?”

“Yes, Lord Exia.”

Rita nodded: “The bishop told me her true identity before letting me serve as Lord Bianca’s adjutant. The bishop also revealed some of your affairs to me. However, because the bishop told me that I must not tell the two of you. I’ve never spoken up about these things. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, Rita. Neither Alexia nor I will blame you.” Bianca smiled and shook Rita’s hand, “But…it’s true, our identities will be exposed. If so, it will cause trouble in all aspects, right?”

In fact, Bianca, like Alexia, doesn’t care much about who she was in the past.

Compared with the past that they can’t remember at all, everything they have now is more important to them.

In addition to this reason… there may also be a reason why this secret has been buried for too long.

Bianca lost her memory eight years ago, and Kiana was created before that. To be exaggerated, it might have been ten years ago. And when something has been concealed for ten years, it is definitely not something that can be revealed casually, because no one can predict the impact it will have at the moment it is revealed.

Especially when this matter involves so much.

At this stage, not many people know the truth, and it is limited to the people of the Ikesia family. Neither the Kaslana family nor the Shaniyat family know. Theresa who is far away in the far east also has no idea. I don’t know anything, let alone Siegfried, whose whereabouts are still unknown… If the truth of the matter is made public at this time——

“So, Bianca, do you think it’s better not to make it public?”

“At least… I don’t think it should be made public now.” Bianca said, “I even think that just let me continue to be [Bianca], and Kiana will continue to be [Kiana] 】It’s good to continue living. After all, we have long been accustomed to who we are now, just like you are accustomed to being [Exia].”

Even if the truth is made public, nothing will change for the parties involved.

“Even if it really has to be made public, then I hope it can wait until Mr. Siegfried… wait until our [father] is found before making it public. He is the person who should know the most.”


Alexia turned her chopsticks melancholy.

After knowing his life experience and retrieving all his past memories, Exia also knew that he had no relationship at all with Siegfried in this world. Let alone knowing each other, he had never even met him. And even in that long-destroyed parallel world, Exia and [Siegfried] met only a handful of times, maybe three or four in a week.

Father is indeed a somewhat distant and unfamiliar title to him.

If you have to say it…

“Would it be better if I called Mr. Siegfried [father-in-law]?”


Bianca couldn’t help but be stunned.


Alexia was also taken aback for a moment.

The two of them looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes for a while, and they both saw some surprise in each other’s eyes. Rita on the other side smiled and interjected: “So, after all this, who should Bianca and I call our future father?”


Bianca’s cheeks suddenly turned red!

This was a rare occasion for her to feel shy, and she would be a little embarrassed even when such things were mentioned.


Alexia held her chin and thought for a moment: “…Bishop Otto? But the Bishop Otto who gave me birth is long gone, and now this person here is just an adoptive father…or should I say the descendant?” dad?”

(I feel like the ethics of seniority are completely out of whack.)

Shajo Aige started to complain in Exia’s mind.

(But no matter who the prince’s father is in the end, I will call him father!)

(Miss Love Song…)

“…Forget it, let’s talk about this kind of thing when the time comes.”

As if giving up, Exia raised her hands and said with a smile: “If you really want to consider this kind of thing, it’s better to wait until Mr. Siegfried is found. Now let’s focus on the next thing. ——It feels like there’s still a lot of things that haven’t been done.”

“That’s right, Lord Alexia.” Rita said with a smile, “Although a lot of things have happened recently, you actually have one thing that has been on hold for a long time. If possible, please deal with it in the near future.”

“Eh? Is that true? I was just sighing…what’s the matter?”

“Anna Shaniat.”

Rita said a name.

“She was summoned to the headquarters as your blood partner candidate, but she seems to be still at the headquarters. I think you’d better go and meet her.”

“Otherwise, she might never be able to leave Shaniyat’s house.”

100.Trouble caused by not paying attention

First let’s sort out our thoughts.

Exia came back to this world last month, in July. About four days after returning, because he and Bishop Otto mentioned the matter of the Blood Companion, everyone in the family except Yae Sakura and Raven were called to the conference room. Also present was Wuliang Pagoda. Himeko and the aforementioned Anna Shaniat.

The result is of course needless to say. Alexia only accepted Bianca and Rita. Others were either rejected by him or asked to go home and think about it for a while. As for Wuliangta Jizi and Fu Hua, It is because of the existence of the Great Holy Grail that it is no longer a candidate.

Then that day, Alexia and Bianca became lovers and drank blood for the first time that night.

The day after that, he went to England on the assignment of Bishop Otto, and stayed there for more than twenty days in total. After finally returning, he participated in the activation experiment of the Second God’s Key, and was involved in the Xumi Mustard Seed during the experiment. After that, he learned more about his life experience, and now he has returned to being a human again.

And after he regained consciousness, he worked non-stop to deal with the matter of Kiana and Bishop Otto. In addition, he had already joined his scheduled appointments of [Help Bronya save Seele], [Desire Gem Removal Surgery], [Purification Seven Thunder Upgrade Plan]… It can be expected that he will be very busy in the next week or so.

So, on the whole, if you don’t count the vacation, Alexia is actually quite busy?

This also caused him to completely forget about Anna!

“Rita, Miss Anna…is she still at the headquarters?”

“Yeah. After all, it was the bishop who called her back [to perform a special mission]. If you want to leave the headquarters, you have to wait until the mission is completed.” Rita smiled, “After all, you threw such a problem for her. .”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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