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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 377


Alexia also looked embarrassed.

At the end of the meeting, because Anna’s situation was different from others, Exia came up with the same explanation she used to deal with Lan Yu Qiancong – [Please go back and discuss it with your family, If you and your family think it’s okay, then I can accept you as my blood partner].

To exaggerate, this is basically a rejection from Exia.

I wonder if Anna heard it, and after attending the party at Alexia’s house, she was taken home by the Shaniyat family. Now that I think about it, that should be the last time Alexia and Anna met. . Unexpectedly, she was still staying at the headquarters. Exia remembered that she was the vice-captain of the Snow Lotus team stationed in Manila.

“Is it really okay to not return to the team for such a long time?”

“The Shaniyat family seems to have already said hello to the Snow Lotus Team, saying that [Anna will quit the Snow Lotus Team starting today] – the captain of the Snow Lotus Team even found my contact information and asked privately. What the hell is going on with me?” Rita explained with a smile.

What she said made both Exia and Bianca stunned for a moment. Fu Hua and Yae Sakura in the kitchen, as well as Raven sitting over at the bar, also looked at her sideways.

Anna quits the Snow Lotus team?

“Is this… Miss Anna’s intention?” Alexia couldn’t help but ask, “And Rita, you also said just now that if I don’t deal with it, Miss Anna will probably never be able to leave Shani. The Art family…could it be that the Shaniyat family has taken some tough measures?”

Rita nodded slightly: “Absolutely. I don’t know the details because I have never done any investigation, but from the perspective of interests, the Shaniyat family is probably planning to force Miss Anna to marry you, and maybe it has already been with Ka Silana’s family is ready to negotiate.”

Political marriage.

This word made everyone raise their eyebrows.

Needless to say, the situation that the Shaniyat family and the Kaslana family are facing now is that they are sparsely populated, have no successors, and their talents are withering…compared to Kaslana who left Exia , the situation of the Shaniyat family is even more difficult. Although now that the Shaniyat family has learned the truth, the Shaniyat family can welcome Bianca back to be the saint of the Shaniyat family, but that is more difficult than After Anka’s identity was exposed.

At least for now, the Shaniyat family is indeed in danger.

And if there can be a political marriage with Ixia, it can cheer up Shaniyat. If Anna can give birth to Ixia’s child, that would be even better.

“Could it be that…the Shaniyat family is all a bunch of old antiques?” Ixia couldn’t help but ask, “This is the 21st century, how come such political marriages are still happening? ?”

“Ah, this situation is actually quite unexpected, my squad leader.”

The raven’s voice came from the bar: “Let’s leave aside some people with commoner backgrounds. Those young men and ladies who come from big companies or big families basically don’t have the right to love freely. Be more enlightened. It’s okay to say that, but it’s really not possible to be stricter. Maybe you can have some freedom when you are a student, but as an adult, your family will immediately arrange your future life. When I was hired by World Snake, a similar story told me I’ve heard countless of them.”

“Even before Miss Mei Yi beside you became the Third Herrscher, there were actually many young masters from big companies and families who wanted to get close to her.”

This is the 21st century, right?

Alexia was speechless.

“It’s really unbearable… So the current situation is that Anna is under house arrest by the Shaniyat family? Unless she agrees to become my blood partner?”

“I think so. It’s just the level of grounding. After all, Miss Anna is now considered the hope of the Shaniyat family’s rise. The Shaniyat family cannot treat her too badly.” Rita said on the side As he said this, he handed his personal terminal to Exia.

What is displayed above is the record of Anna’s recent speech on the Tianming internal forum, as well as some personal vlogs. It can be seen that she is actually living a good life, but she is not allowed to leave Shaniyat’s house.

how to say……

“Does this count as me causing a little trouble for myself?”

“It should be said that it is a small problem caused by Alexia-sama not paying attention to her relationship with the opposite sex.” Rita corrected her statement selfishly, “In any case, it is not good to hang on to a girl all the time. You can If so, please ask Sir Alexia to find a time to meet Miss Anna. I think if you come forward, the Shaniyat family will not do anything to hinder her.”

That is to say, to untie the bell, one must tie the bell.

“Really? Then…”

Alexia held her chin and thought for a while.


101. Alexia returns to her parents’ home

“Dong dong dong…”

The knock on the door came early in the morning as usual.

In the Shaniyat mansion located in the special independent residential area of ​​Tianming Headquarters, Anna woke up to the knock on the door as usual. Anna rubbed her eyes and said in a lazy tone: “I’m awake. …..Please come in~~~”

“Excuse me, Saint Anna.”

The servant of Shaniyat’s family outside the door said so respectfully after opening the door, and pushed a dining cart into the house.

What is on the dining car is a delicious breakfast prepared by the chefs of the Shaniyat family. As a large family that has been in existence for more than 500 years, if it is not limited to the Honkai Impact, Shaniyat family In fact, the Yate family has a wide network of contacts and has many industries in general society. There is no need to worry about the basic quality of life.

Let alone one top-notch cook, finding ten more would not be a problem for the Shaniyat family.

Pushing the dining cart to Anna’s bedside, the servant saluted her: “Good morning, Saint Anna. Today’s breakfast is -“

“Ah~~There’s no need to talk about breakfast or anything, I can see it myself.”

Anna interrupted the servant in advance and walked out of bed wearing a thin silk pajamas and went to the window. After opening the curtains, she stretched out in front of the pretty sunshine outside.

“Hmm~~~Hmm~~~~The weather is also nice today. Do you want to go out for a walk?”

“Saint Anna, please let me—”

“Yes, yes, yes~~~ I know, anyway, it’s the one [I won’t be allowed to leave the house unless I agree to marry Ixia], right? I still know the patriarch’s instructions, and I will walk around in the back garden afterwards Yes, I won’t leave the house.”

Anna once again interrupted what the servant wanted to say.

This has been the norm for the past half month. Every time she wants to go out, the servant responsible for serving her will emphasize to her her current situation and the instructions of the current acting head of the Shaniyat family, so that she can now I memorized what these servants would say.

The servant has become accustomed to Anna’s behavior recently: “It’s good that you understand, Saint Anna.”

“Holy girl…”

This title made Anna feel helpless.

Her status in the Shaniyat family was not high. She was just a very ordinary member of the Shaniyat family. Although the population was sparse and the new generation of the family was smaller than the previous generation, if we did not look at talent but only at quantity. If so, there are actually quite a few new generations in the Shaniyat family.

After all, the Shaniyat family is of great significance to Destiny. Members of the family are either Destiny’s Valkyries or Destiny’s doctors. They also take care of Destiny’s frontline and logistics. Therefore, Bishop Otto will not let Shani. The Art family has no descendants.

Therefore, Anna, like the rest of the Shaniyat family, is just an ordinary Shaniyat, without any qualifications or reasons to be called a saint.

You must know that the previous saint was Cecilia Shaniat, a super-excellent Valkyrie written into textbooks. There is no one who can be her successor.

But now Anna has become the saint of the Shaniyat family.

The reason is simple – because she is now considered a candidate for Alexia’s partner.

The Shaniyat family is not satisfied with the status quo. Even though the Shaniyat family is still the mainstay of Destiny, the Shaniyat family has indeed been in decline. This is the reason why the Shaniyat family today We cannot accept that how can a big family with a history of five hundred years continue to decline like this?

So the Shaniyat family needs to rise again, and Anna is the first step to that rise.

Just like more than ten years ago, let the [Holy Girl] of the Shaniyat family marry the [next patriarch] of the Kaslana family, who has recently become famous. This way, the Shaniyat family will naturally be able to rise. Chance.

“I didn’t expect that I just came back to discuss with my family what Mr. Exia told me, but it would end up like this…”

Anna picked up a piece of bread from the dining car and sat in front of the dressing table.

It’s not that she can’t understand what her family is doing. No one wants to see a family that has lasted for more than five hundred years decline in their own hands, right? She understands the mood of the elders in the clan who want to protect the family.


“There’s no need to be in such a hurry, right? Isn’t the most important thing right now the fight against Honkai? It’s okay to wait until I retire to continue the family matter.”

Regarding the matter of becoming Alexia’s blood partner that Anna brought up when she came back, the Shaniyat family actually agreed. Originally, they were thinking about marrying Kaslana, but now the other party took the initiative, and Shaniyat The Te family has no reason not to accept it.

The problem is on Anna’s side.

It’s not that she doesn’t like Aixia, but she doesn’t hate Aixia either. From an objective point of view, Exia is quite popular in Destiny. I don’t know how many female valkyries regard Exia as their male god. There is even a fanatical female fan in the West Asia branch.

But when it comes to marrying Alexia, Anna really can’t make a decision now.

She is only 17 years old! Still an active Valkyrie! How can anyone get married at this age? But the Shaniyat family insisted on getting her engaged to Alexia right now!

(Those elderly aunts, one by one…when they reach menopause, they no longer listen to others at all.)

After eating the bread in three strokes, Anna picked up the comb and complained while combing it.

At least let her have more contact with Exia and get to know each other better.

And it was at this moment——

“…This way please,…my lord.”

The voices of other servants suddenly came from the corridor outside the door, and it sounded like a visitor.

Anna glanced at the door with some doubts.

It is rare for guests to come to Shaniyat’s house. Anna has lived in Shaniyat’s house for so many years, and the number of times guests have visited is only a handful. After all, this is a floating island, and Shaniyat is known to most people. The Art family is usually the Shaniat family located near the old Destiny headquarters in Italy. If you want to visit, you should go there.

(In other words, is it someone from the headquarters? Who could it be?)

Anna couldn’t help but be curious.

Then, very quickly——

“This is it, Lord Exia.”



Hearing this name, Ana was immediately shocked.

(Mr. Exia came to my house? How could it be… Could it be the incident before? Speaking of which, I seem to have never replied… Could it be that he came here to urge you? ?)

This is the best reason that Anna can think of immediately.

But the next moment her attention was not focused on it, because she noticed another more important thing.

(No, wait, considering this situation, is it possible that Mr. Alexia wants to enter my room?)

Anna looked at herself – she had just gotten up and before she had time to change clothes, she was only wearing a thin silk pajamas, and the bottom was still vacuum.

(This is definitely not the way to dress up to meet Mr. Exia!)

I have to change my clothes quickly!

But just as Anna was thinking rapidly——

“Excuse me, Miss Anna, are you awake?”

Alexia, who had arrived at the door of Anna’s bedroom under the leadership of the servant, said this.

Then he saw Anna sitting in front of the dressing table wearing only a pair of pajamas.



Anna’s cheeks visibly grew shy.

102. Come and live in my house

Tens of minutes later.

In Anna’s bedroom.


Sitting on the sofa that was placed in the bedroom for some reason, Anna’s cheeks were slightly red and she looked at Alexia who was sitting opposite her: “I’m really sorry…Mr. Alexia, I didn’t know what you were going to do today. Come, let you see my indecent side.”

“No, I also have my bad points. If you think about it carefully, you should have gotten up at this time. I should have come later.”

Alexia also blushed a little.

But in fact, during the previous vacation for more than half a month, he slept with Rita and Bianca every day, and received [special training] from Rita every morning, so even if he saw the situation just now, he No more panic.

It can also be said that he has grown completely as a man, and this is also thanks to Rita.

“However, I feel relieved to see that you are still so energetic.”


“Rita told me that you are under house arrest at Shaniyat’s house. Although she also said that you will not encounter any danger, you are under house arrest because of my affairs. As the person involved, I still have some I’m worried about you.” Ixia explained with a smile, “But I said I was worried…Actually, I only found out about you yesterday. I had almost forgotten about you before that. Really. I’m very sorry, Miss Anna!”

By the end of the sentence, Alexia had already clasped her hands and began to apologize to Anna.

This made Anna feel a little at a loss and waved her hands quickly: “It’s okay, it’s really okay, Mr. Axia. Everyone has something to do. It’s very easy to forget some things when you are busy because there are too many things. It’s normal, don’t take it too seriously.”

“And you came here after knowing about me from Rita-senpai, right? In my opinion, this is already an apology.”

After all, if you round it off, Exia doesn’t care about herself at all, and…

(If my family knew that Mr. Exia apologized to me… I feel like they would be scolded later.)

Anna thought so.

Seeing Anna’s reaction, Alexia was slightly relieved: “That’s it… I understand, thank you, Miss Anna. – Ah, by the way, this is a gift, Shaniat My family is my mother’s family, but this is my first time here to visit, so I have brought some gifts for you and the elders, please accept them.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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