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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 378

As Alexia said this, she took out a box containing cakes from somewhere – inside was the fruit tart that Rita had made by herself this morning.

“It looks delicious. Thank you, Mr. Exia, and I’d like to ask you to bring a gift.”

“It wasn’t me who did it, it was actually Rita who did it.”

“Senior Rita? I have to go and say thank you to senior after that!” Anna smiled, “Speaking of which, the reason why you came to my house today…could it be because of that incident before?”

After a few simple greetings, Anna got to the point first.

Alexia also became serious: “Well…I didn’t think about this before I came here. In fact, I came here to save Miss Anna from being under house arrest anymore. Although this is Shani It’s not easy for me as an outsider to intervene in the internal affairs of the Art family, but if Miss Anna continues to be under house arrest, there will be problems with Valkyrie’s work, right? The captain of the Snow Lotus team is particularly worried about you, and even went to Rita to ask. Let me know your situation.”

(Captain her?)

Hearing Alexia mention the Snow Lotus Team, Anna’s expression also showed a sense of nostalgia: “…but I remember that the family already asked me to——”

“That was just a unilateral announcement by the Shaniyat family. If you want to retire from the Snow Lotus Team, you must get the approval of the bishop anyway, so now you are still the vice-captain of the Snow Lotus Team, Anna Miss.” Alexia explained, “Now is no longer an era when the Shaniyat family can decide a person’s situation with just one sentence.”

Listening to Alexia’s explanation, Anna couldn’t help but feel a little relaxed: “That’s it… I thought the captain would dislike me if I haven’t returned to the team for so long. Thank you, Alexia Sir, thank you for telling me this. But now…as long as I don’t accept the family’s arrangement, the family will not easily lift my house arrest.”

“Arrangement… does it mean becoming my blood partner?”

Alexia asked.

Anna nodded in affirmation: “The elders in the clan want me to get engaged to you right away, but I think it’s too early… and so we got into a dispute – by the way! I haven’t told you yet. , regarding the matter of [becoming a blood partner], the clan meeting unanimously approved it.”


This time it was Exia’s turn to be surprised – unanimous vote? Does the Shaniyat family really want to marry him?

(Prince-sama is really popular.)

Shajo Aige came out sourly to refresh her sense of presence.

(Then now do you want to accept Miss Anna as your blood partner? Prince.)


Alexia stared at Anna: “This is the opinion of the Shaniyat family… Then Miss Anna, what do you think?”

“Me?” Anna pursed her lips, “As for me…it’s not that I don’t want to marry you. It’s better to say that an ordinary Valkyrie like me can marry a big guy like you who defeated the Herrscher. When a hero gets married, I feel like I’m dreaming.”

“But like I just said, it’s still too early to get married now. If possible, I want to spend more time with you. After learning more about you… I really confirmed that I want to be with you. After you get together, I will get engaged or even get married to you… something like this.”

Anna and Alexia have met each other only once, and they barely know each other at all. They are just familiar strangers.

A flash marriage can cause big trouble!

Looking at Anna whose cheeks turned red, Alexia paused for a moment, and then said: “In other words, Miss Anna wants to know more about me?”


“That’s it…well, that’s convenient.” Alexia held Anna’s wrist, “Miss Anna, come with me now to meet the current acting head of the Shaniyat family. Well, then——”

“——[Please come to my house].”

Anna felt for a moment that she might have heard wrongly.

103.How many are you planning to marry?

As for how to bring Anna out of Shaniyat’s house, Alexia thought of several ways.

First of all, the simplest and crudest method is to rely on force. To put it bluntly, the entire Shaniyat family is not enough for him to fight. If he wants to snatch Anna, it will be easy to catch him.

But this can only be regarded as a helpless move, and it is the last resort that can only be used after all strategies have been exhausted.

If possible, Exia wants to be peaceful, and he is not an unreasonable person.

So on the way to Shaniyat’s house, he also thought of some peaceful methods, such as asking the bishop to come forward [to bully others], or arguing with reason to persuade Shaniyat’s family from the perspective of rules and laws… ..It seems like there are actually many.

but now–

“Welcome to our home! Instructor Anna!”

In the living room of Alexia’s house.

Dragging her suitcase and looking at the castle-like living room in front of her, Anna finally recovered from the shock. Anna quickly said to Kiana who was greeting her and other people in the living room: “That… ….Hello everyone, I am Anna Shaniat who will be staying here today, and I will trouble everyone from now on.”

“It’s no trouble, Anna.”

As the hostess of the family, Bianca came to Anna with a smile: “We have heard what Ixia said. It is really great that the Shaniyat family can accept that kind of request. You can always stay here in the future. Stay here, Anna.”

“Yes. Thank you, Bianca.”

Ana shook hands with Bianca, but immediately put on a worried look: “But… does it really matter? Well… Alexia and I [ Living together] this kind of thing.”

The reason why Shaniyat agreed to Anna leaving home was actually because of the negotiation between Alexia and Anna.

Since the Shaniyat family’s idea is to get Anna and Aikexia to marry, then Alexia just needs to follow the Shaniyat family’s wishes. The fundamental reason for the dispute between the Shaniyat family and Anna is that the Shaniyat family is uneasy about Anna.

After all, Anna is the Valkyrie in the Philippines, and Alexia is the special operations specialist at the headquarters. The two of them don’t have many opportunities to meet. If Anna’s ideas are followed, there may be nothing to enhance their relationship in the end. Chance.

Therefore, the key to making the Shaniyat family compromise is to convince them that Alexia and Anna will have the opportunity to increase their relationship.

So Alexia directly let Anna live in his home. Anyway, his house was very big, and it was no problem for Anna to live there. Moreover, living in his house meant that Alexia and Anna lived together. It was the Shaniyat family’s idea. Things to see.

The result was done naturally.

It’s just that the Shaniyat family has settled it, but now Anna is a little bit embarrassed.

You must know that when Alexia and Bianca became lovers, she was also one of the people who listened to the wall. Now she wants to live with Alexia in front of Bianca, her lover, and even plans to get in between them. In the love affair…it’s a bit overestimating and offensive.

“That’s all right.”

Bianca responded to Anna’s worries with a smile: “All of the women in this family including Alexia are women. If you insist on saying it, everyone is living with Alexia. It doesn’t matter if there is an extra Anna.”

(Is this, like this?)

Anna couldn’t help but take a look around – indeed, there were no men in the family except Alexia, and they were all girls!

“Instructor Anna!”

Kiana, who just came out of the hospital today, also trotted up to Anna: “Let me help you get your luggage. By the way, which floor do you want to live on? There are still available rooms on the fourth and third floors. oh.”

“Uh… let me think about this first…”

“Then why not just go upstairs and choose? Come with me, Instructor Anna!”

“Eh? Wait, Kiana!”

Before Anna could finish her words, Kiana had already taken her arm and ran upstairs. Raiden Meiyi quickly followed, preparing to keep an eye on Kiana and stop her from doing bad things with good intentions.

And over at the bar——

“It seems that the matter was resolved smoothly.”

Sitting next to Alexia, Rita smiled and said: “However, even I didn’t expect that you would let Miss Anna live in, Sir Alexia. In this case, you really want to accept her as your My blood mate.”

“Well…that’s true.”

Alexia took a sip of the coffee Raven brewed for herself.

Rita was right.

Although it is to pull Anna out, using this method is equivalent to both Alexia and Anna accepting the blood partner thing that Alexia proposed earlier. From the perspective of the relationship, Alexia He is already a son-in-law in the eyes of the Shaniyat family.

And this also means that Exia will become polygamous in the future.

“There aren’t many countries that still maintain polygamy in the modern era, right?” The raven behind the bar joked, “Bianca, Anna…counting this maid, my squad leader, you Are you planning to marry three wives at once?”

“Marrying three… seems like it’s not possible?”

Alexia was not panicked by Raven’s words, but rather thought about it seriously.

After completely becoming a human being, Alexia has indeed undergone some changes that he himself was not aware of – things that in the past Ikesia would have thought were outrageous, but in his current opinion, maybe will be feasible.

Take for example the so-called polygamy.

In another world, Exia is one of the four true ancestors who dominate the world, and the first true ancestor, who is also the true ancestor, has seventy-two wives. He has told Exia more than once He also has the power to do this kind of thing.

In addition, both Bianca and Rita have been sucked by him now, and Anna’s current situation is also caused by him, so it’s not okay for him to be irresponsible as a man.

If it had been Alexia the day before yesterday, she would definitely not have thought this way.

When hearing Alexia’s response, because Alexia did not lower her voice, everyone in the living room was shocked for a moment – especially Fu Hua, who looked at her apprentice with a somewhat confused look. Something is wrong, that look seems to be saying, “Is this really my apprentice?” 】

(It feels like…there’s something wrong with the direction.)

Everyone except Bianca had this idea at this moment.

——Specifically refers to the direction of Ixia’s ideological development.

104. Anna who was stunned by the bombing

Time soon came to night.

Because of Anna’s arrival and the fact that Kiana was discharged from the hospital today, tonight’s dinner at Alexia’s house was much richer than usual. It could be said to be a small party.

And of course, the dinner ends much later than usual at night, and it doesn’t end until the clock reaches seven o’clock in the evening.

And now.

I helped clean the living room and kitchen down there, and after taking a shower, I returned to the new room on the fourth floor that I had selected in the morning.


Lying on the bed and looking at the ornately decorated ceiling, Anna, who had put on her pajamas again, still felt like she was dreaming.

The changes that happened today have made her unable to turn around until now. After all, she had been under house arrest in Shaniyat’s house for more than half a month, but today she was taken out of the house by Ixia with just one word, and even moved into his house. In name, it was basically finalized. His mate.

“I can’t believe it.”

Ana turned over on the bed and looked at the cracked window not far away.

She didn’t know what to do next.

It was indeed a good thing to leave Shaniyat’s house. Staying at home made her a little uncomfortable. She didn’t want the title of Saint. But if she is brought out by Exia now, while she is free from home, she will probably not be able to take off her name as a saint.

And after becoming a saint, she should definitely be with Alexia in the future…

“…Sure enough, there is still something wrong, right?”

Anna said to herself.

Although she asked Bianca that way during the day, and Bianca didn’t seem to mind at all being the third party between her and Alexia, but thinking about it carefully, it’s really a bit bad, right? Intruding on other people’s feelings… doesn’t this make her seem like Ixia’s lover?

“Let’s talk to Mr. Exia and Bianca some time later.”

Speak clearly, and then tell the family again. Even if the worst case scenario is that you will be expelled from the family, then you have to——

“Dong dong dong…”

A knock on the door interrupted Anna’s thoughts.

Immediately afterwards, Alexia’s voice came from outside the door.

“Miss Anna, it’s me, Alexia. Are you asleep?”

“Eh? Mr. Exia? Um… I’m not asleep yet, please come in!”

“excuse me.”

After getting Anna’s permission, Alexia opened the unlocked door and walked into Anna’s boudoir for the second time today: “I’m really embarrassed to bother you so late, Miss Anna. “

“No, it’s okay!” Anna’s cheeks were slightly red and she shook her hand, “It’s me, because I didn’t know you were coming over, so I let you see my indecent side again…”

Just like when she was at Shaniyat’s house during the day, Anna was only wearing pajamas now.

This is also the second time Alexia has seen Anna like this today.

“There’s nothing indecent.” Alexia came to Anna, “It may be a little offensive to say this, but I think Miss Anna in pajamas is very good-looking. She has a more girlish feel than you who looks like a Valkyrie. It should be said that you have a cute and mature temperament. Seeing you like this, I think I am taking too many advantages.”

“Eh? Yes, really…”

Anna’s face turned red and she looked away. Her hands, which had no place to place, kept stirring and fiddling with the ends of her hanging hair. Her inner panic and shyness were completely exposed to Alexia’s eyes through her small movements.

(How can anyone praise someone like this when they are wearing pajamas…)

That is because the person in front of her was Alexia. If anyone else had said this, Anna would 100% think it was verbal harassment.

“Yeah, right!”

Suppressing the shyness in her heart, Anna forced herself to be more serious: “Mr. Alexia came to see me at this time. Is there something wrong?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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