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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 379

“Just call me Alexia. Since you have lived in my house now, you are considered my family. There is no need to be too harsh in your title. I will also try to start calling you [Anna] directly.” Alexia smiled and said, “Actually, it’s not a big deal, I just came to tell you one or two things.”

“That’s right…then what do you want to say?”

“It’s about the Snow Lotus Team and the Shaniyat family.”

Alexia explained: “After I brought you out in the morning, it seems that the bishop also went to talk to the Shaniyat family. I just received a message from the bishop, saying that [everything has been resolved]. As for the Snow Lotus Team, Miss Amber will also prepare your return notice. I think you can return to the Snow Lotus Team in a few days.”


Anna’s eyes lit up a little with surprise.

Returning to the Snow Lotus Team, this can be said to be what Anna has wanted to do the most in the past half month. Unlike the Shaniyat family, which disappointed her, everyone in the Snow Lotus Team is her irreplaceable friend and comrade-in-arms. , as a Valkyrie, she really wants to go back there.

“Yeah, really.”

“Great! Thank you! Alexia first… Alexia!”

Listening to Anna’s change of words, Alexia also chuckled and nodded: “It’s not a big deal. In fact, it would be a loss if an excellent A-level Valkyrie like you never goes to the front line – Bishop That’s probably what I think. Until then, just stay at my house and just tell us if you have anything.”

“Ah…that, Exia. I actually want to talk to you about this matter.”

Putting away the joy brought by returning to the team, Anna hesitantly grasped the skirt of her pajamas: “Well, we…”

“Is it still about the blood companion?”

“Eh? Uh… Well, how do you know?”

“I can guess a little bit – can I sit down on the bed?”

“Yeah, okay.”

“Then Anna, please sit over here first.” Alexia said as she pulled Anna and sat on the edge of the bed with her, “Let me think about it… Anna, you should be interested in becoming me.” My blood companion, you have no objection to helping me awaken the beasts, but you feel very sorry for intervening in Bianca and I’s affairs?”

Anna couldn’t help but be a little surprised – Alexia was completely right, even exactly right.

Seeing that Anna gave a tacit expression, Alexia thought for a while, then reached out and held Anna’s hand: “I think Anna, you don’t need to have such regretful thoughts. After all, Bian and I Rita has already been inserted between the cards. Now that you are inserted again, it has no impact on me. The same is probably the case with Bianca. You can ask her again later. .”

“…Eh? Is that so?”

(Rita has actually…)

“That’s it.” Alexia held Anna’s hand a little harder, “Besides, I actually like you quite a lot, Anna. After all, you are very beautiful and an excellent A-level Valkyrie. You also treated Kia before. Anna and the others take good care of you, and in every sense, I only have a good impression of you. So, if you think it’s okay, Anna, I’ll be happy to accept you as my blood partner.”


Confession? This is definitely a confession, right?

Ana could feel that her cheeks were extremely hot, and she must have been quite red.

(Why can Exia say such things in this situation…)

This is simply challenging Anna’s upper limit of shame.

“Then…then Alexia, do you…want to marry me?”

Intermittently, Anna asked what she wanted to ask most right now.

“Getting married…well, I want to.”

Alexia gave this answer after thinking for a while.

“Rather, after considering various circumstances and speaking from my personal point of view – I hope to have you in my future life, Anna.”

105. There is something wrong with this couple!

Anna was completely panicked.

Alexia said that he wanted to marry her – this fact actually made Anna very happy, even a little flattered. After all, as a marriage partner, apart from not being able to cook, Alexia was simply the best candidate.

If he were seeking marriage within Tianming, the applicants would probably account for most of the Valkyrie group.

Now that he has taken the initiative to say that he wants to marry Anna, Anna should be very happy!

But the problem is…he has a lover now!

Isn’t this the same as saying that we have to tread two boats? No, wait, considering that he said before that Rita had already penetrated, then this is actually three different things, right?

(Publicly stated that he wants to have three different things… Is Mr. Exia originally such an open and dissolute person? Like his father?)

Regarding Exia’s [father] Siegfried, there is actually a rumor in Destiny. It is said that he once touched the butts of all the Destiny Valkyries.

As his son, it doesn’t seem unreasonable for Exia to have three different things now?

(No, no, no! No, no, no! Calm down, Anna!)

In the bedroom after Alexia left.

Anna patted her face to calm herself down.

Although I feel panicked and happy, I still need to think about this matter carefully, and it is best to find someone to discuss it with me. After all, this matter involves a lot.

(To discuss… we can only find her, right?)

After a certain person appeared in her mind, Anna immediately took out her mobile phone and sent a message.



A few minutes later.

Next to the bar counter on the first floor.

“Is it true that my idiot brother proposed to you, Instructor Anna!?”

Seeing Kiana approaching her with a “I’m very curious” reaction on her face, and Raiden Mei, Bronya, Yae Sakura, Raven and Fu Hua surrounding her, Anna couldn’t help but look at her. Bianca and Rita on the side looked away – she obviously only contacted Rita!

Noticing Anna’s gaze, Rita said with some apology: “I’m sorry, Miss Anna. When you sent me the message, Lady Bianca happened to be there, and she happened to bump into her on the way down. Miss Kiana and the others arrived, so…”

“Miss Rita…”

Anna felt like she was on pins and needles now.

It doesn’t matter if other people are there, but Bianca is also there! Talking about her lover’s proposal to her in front of her real girlfriend… Anna really felt a strong sense of betrayal!

After being silent for a while under everyone’s gaze, Anna blushed and shyly recounted what she had just talked to Alexia.

“——This is the specific situation.”

Finally, Anna ended with these words.

After she finished speaking, everyone looked at Bianca.

“Everyone… are you looking at what I’m doing?” Bianca tilted her head in confusion, “Do you want me to speak first?”

“…It would be better to say that among the people present, besides you, who else is qualified to talk to Anna about this matter.” Raven said helplessly, “Are you the lover of my squad leader? Face to face. Don’t you have any feelings at all about your lover’s behavior of trying to take advantage of others?”

“Feelings? I don’t have any thoughts.”

Bianca said bluntly: “Well…it should be said that in the past two years or so, there have been more and more girls around Alexia. In addition, he has also met many, many girls in other worlds. , including Miss Shajo and Miss Lanyu. So now I’m actually used to having many girls around Exia.”


“What’s more, I don’t think Alexia’s behavior requires us to gather together and criticize him verbally. Didn’t he himself say at the beginning that he would have about twelve partners? That long ago You should have thought that he would marry many people, right? Why does everyone think this is unreasonable now?”

What’s unreasonable is you couple, okay!

Everyone except Rita wanted to shout like this. It doesn’t matter if Alexia wants to ride on multiple boats. Why does Bianca look so indifferent? Could it be that she is someone who likes to share her boyfriend?


Kiana came to Bianca and asked weakly: “Actually, what we want to ask is… Brother, this means that he will like many people and will be a big carrot. As him, you My lover, is it possible that he supports my brother’s behavior?”

“Oh, is this what you want to ask?”

Bianca suddenly realized something. She held her chin and thought for a while: “Well…if that’s the case, then I’m still a little angry.”

(Great! Bianca is still a sane person!)

“However, if I’m angry, I won’t stop Alexia.” Bianca changed the topic, “Because I know Alexia very well, and I can be sure that even if he is a playboy, uh… a playboy, Big Carrot, he is definitely not a particularly bad person. He has a very upright character and will not act recklessly.”

If so, then Shajo Aige would have succeeded long ago.

not to mention–

“I also believe that Exia will not fall in love with other people easily.”

(Is this the confidence of a real girlfriend?)

Kiana and others couldn’t help but think like this.

However, Bianca’s words were recognized by everyone present. How [loyal] Ixia is to Bianca is something that everyone can see. It is extremely possible that he will fall in love with someone else. Small.

Therefore, if there are really more people that Alexia likes…

“That should be out of [responsibility].”

Bianca concluded.

“Based on my understanding of Alexia, Alexia should think that since Miss Anna’s current situation is caused by herself, then she should take responsibility and be responsible for your life to the end, not to mention that you will Become his blood mate.”

“I think Alexia decided to marry you because of this thought. And I will respect Alexia’s idea – after all, I like the fact that he is very responsible.”

(No, she is indeed a real girlfriend…)

The people present sighed again.

After listening to Bianca’s speculation, Anna looked hesitant: “Then…doesn’t this mean that I am forcing Mr. Alexia to marry me? I actually don’t. I don’t think that what happened before was all his fault. If Mr. Exia acted out of a sense of responsibility——”

“I don’t think you should worry about this.”

Fu Hua spoke at this time.

After a pause with a complicated expression, Fu Hua said: “Perhaps it is the impact of experiencing a coma. In my opinion, the current Alexia is actually a bit [unruly]. He himself should be completely unruly. If he refuses to marry you, let’s say… He is probably in a situation similar to that of a [herbivore man] and a [carnivore man].”

“He will not actively pursue girls other than Bianca, but if someone makes the slightest hint to him intentionally or unintentionally, and then he also has some affection for that person, then he will directly catch him hard. Live—I think that’s about it.”


Fu Hua’s words once again plunged the atmosphere of the women’s association into silence.

If Fu Hua’s speculation is true, then… the situation seems really serious.

(I don’t really want eleven more sisters-in-law, do I?)

Kiana couldn’t help but think.

106.Wendy and Seele

The girl’s party of the girls in Ixia’s family ended without Ixia’s knowledge at all. As a person involved in the incident, Ixia had no idea that her image in the hearts of a group of women in the family had quietly changed. Variety.

At the end of the women’s meeting, Anna also reserved her own thoughts on Alexia’s somewhat unusual proposal for the time being, and planned to wait until she got along with Alexia for some time before making a decision, just like she had already said. It happened several times. She was only seventeen years old. Even if she wanted to get married, she would have to wait until she was twenty.

Anna’s idea was unanimously approved by all the women.


Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

On the morning of the third day after Anna moved into Alexia’s house, when everyone was gathering in the restaurant on the first floor to have breakfast——

“Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong!”

A very rapid ringing of the doorbell reached everyone’s ears.

Kiana, who was eating toast pizza, not only raised her head: “Who is it? Coming to our house so early in the morning?”

“Wouldn’t it be obvious if you just take a look?”

Raven, who has completely become a member of the family, came to the sofa, picked up the remote control from the coffee table and turned on the LCD screen hanging on the wall. The scene outside the door was immediately displayed in front of everyone’s eyes.

It’s a little child… No, correction, it’s Theresa who is supposed to be in the far east branch, and Bishop Otto’s secretary Amber.

“Why did aunt come back suddenly?”

Kiana couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

But Alexia immediately thought of the reason why Theresa appeared at her door: “Probably for that matter – Bronya, go and open the door.”

“Bronya knows.”

The maid of Ixia’s house responded and then left the living room and walked towards the door. Soon, Bronya had only been out for ten seconds when a rush of running sounds came from far and near. Following the sound of the door breaking, Theresa rushed straight into the living room as if she was rushing to grab the special offer!

Arriving in front of Alexia on short legs, Theresa jumped up and grabbed his hand: “Exia! I finally found you! Wendy’s matter——”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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