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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 38

The ice wind continued to hit Horta’s body, and the ice began to spread on Horta’s body. Even with Orario’s strongest body, facing the ultra-low temperature at zero distance, Horta still began to be deprived bit by bit. gained mobility.

However, this is not fatal.


After being knocked back dozens of meters by the impact of the ice wind, Otta swung his sword sharply and scattered the ice wind that had lost most of its propulsion. Then his body shook with force, and he was directly hit by the ice wind. All the ice layers collapsed!

After moving his somewhat stiff body, Otta looked at the sword blade in Exia’s hand that still exuded cold energy: “Is this the new power you got? Ice…the same type as Sword Princess magic?”

“No, this is not magic, but a derivative of skill.”

(I can bear it.)

Alexia couldn’t help but think.

This idea was not directed at Ota, but at the weapon in his hand.

Release the power of frost through the weapon – this method was naturally mastered by Exia when she fought with Udaios, but this method consumes a lot of weapons. A normal weapon will be completely broken after two or three uses. . For example, the ones that Ota left behind before.

But the first-level weapon that Tsubaki made for Exia – [Loki’s Blade] – has the property of being indestructible, so it can withstand this kind of usage. Although it is estimated that it will break if used too many times, but It’s better than breaking it after one or two uses.

As for the other black sword – [Smashing Sword] – it is even more powerful than Loki’s Blade in terms of performance. Even if it hasn’t been tested yet, it is probably able to withstand it.

By the way, leaving aside the black sword, the long sword was named after Loki.

Otta stared at the two swords: “Yes. But this trick cannot defeat me. Your strength should be more than this.”

The power that froze the thirty-seventh to thirty-fifth floors must be more than this.

“Want to try it then?”

Exia clenched her swords tightly, pouring more power into them.

The long sword and the giant sword bloomed with the light of ice at the same time, and the extreme cold that was even more impactful than before burst out immediately! Even though he was dozens of meters away, Otta still felt the biting coldness!

(What I did just now wasn’t my full strength… very good.)

“Come on, no need to hold back, let me see your full strength.”

Ota raised his sword and prepared to fight head-on – not dodging or dodging, crushing everything head-on, this is the fierce one.

Alexia took a deep breath and raised her swords above her head…


From top left to bottom right, then from top right to bottom left.

There was almost no time difference between the two ice slashes, forming a huge cross of light that burst through the air! The ground around Ixia was instantly frozen by the extreme cold, and wherever Cross Slash passed, everything was frozen!


Immediately afterwards, the sound of impact spread throughout the battle wilderness.

64. Dawn before the arrival of the hero

According to the information collected by the Freya Familia, Ixia Kaslana should be a newcomer who joined the Loki Familia one and a half months ago. Judging from Otta’s previous actions, he should have successfully transitioned from LV .1 has been upgraded to lv.2.

For adventurers as a whole, upgrading from lv.1 to lv.2 has surpassed most people. The speed of completing the upgrade in just half a month is indeed unprecedented – but that’s it.

Within the Freya Familia, as long as someone has talent, upgrading to level 2 is almost a certainty. There are no losers in the Battle Wilderness who can’t do this.


“Is he really lv.2?”

Looking at the battle between Exia and Otta from a distance, as well as the frost shocks that erupted from time to time, all the first-level adventurers of the Freya Familia fell into shock.

Is this the power that lv.2 can unleash? Even compared to them who are also at level 6, they are already very good!

“Visually, the ability value is about lv. 6.” Hedin observed, “Also, that frost magic…could it be that the two weapons in his hands are magic swords? Or is he? Like me, do you all have the magic of short chanting?”

Hedin’s magic belongs to the short chant type. It only takes one sentence to activate the magic. The only ones that can surpass his short chant are the magic sword and the same short chant.

“No, that’s not magic.” Finn smiled and shook his head, “If I have to say it, it’s part of his skills, his innate power. It’s a completely different product from our magic.”


Allen looked at the frost that exploded again – you call this a skill?

“Compared to this, what is his ability? [Brave].” Hedin asked, “It has only been two months since he became an adventurer, right? He can compete with Ota in such a short period of time… ..Is it possible that he is the secret weapon you have been cultivating for a long time?”

“You are thinking too much about this, [White Demon Wand]. I can swear to Fiona, the goddess worshiped by the small humans like us, that Exia is indeed a newcomer who joined our family a month and a half ago. There is no such thing as Secrets cultivated in secret.”

Finn smiled and said: “It’s just that no one seems to have stipulated that you can’t become a powerful warrior without receiving favors, right? Aren’t there many heroes in ancient myths and legends who didn’t receive favors, but also left countless legends?”


Before the gods came to the earth, they either trained themselves or received blessings from fairies, fought against the monsters that kept pouring out of the dungeon, and saved the heroes of the lower world countless times.

Allen raised his eyebrows: “You want to say that boy is a hero?”

“Definitely not yet, but if he continues to grow, I think he will be – Ota is probably thinking about it.”

Compared with Finn and Ota, Allen and others are actually juniors.

There are some things that only people of Otta and Finn’s generation know and understand. Having witnessed the defeat and end of the heroes back then, they actually had some expectations for the emergence of new heroes.

Or, I hope that I can catch up in the footsteps of my predecessors, reach the realm of their predecessors, and then… surpass their predecessors and become a new generation of heroes.


The muffled sound erupted again, and the frost shock swept over!

Ota retreated dozens of steps along the blizzard, and then swung his sword with all his strength at the figure hidden in the snow and wind. While blowing away the snow and wind, he happened to meet the huge black sword that was slashing at him!


The clang echoed in the air.

Exia did a backflip to remove the impact, and the moment her feet landed on the ground, she rushed out again, crossing her swords and slashing at Ota.


The three sword blades collided with each other.

(I have already adapted to it. It only took a minute or two to complete the final steps.)

Otta thought so.

Adventurers often have an adaptation period after upgrading. Due to the substantial increase in physical abilities after the upgrade, there will be disharmony between movements and consciousness. This situation can be quite dangerous. Those who are overly excited because of the upgrade will directly Adventurers who run into the dungeon in this state will most likely die there.

Exia also had this situation, but now he has adjusted, in such a short period of time.

“how many?”


While they were wrestling with each other, Ota suddenly asked: “What was your ability before you upgraded?”

“Why are you asking this?”

“I’m just a little curious. Your strength is completely different from a month ago. What I can think of is that the battle you encountered in the dungeon and the battle with me have greatly improved you – then, in the end, What state have you reached, I want to know.”

Having said this, Ota took the lead in putting away his strength and opened a distance as if to say a temporary truce.

Alexia put down her sword: “Except for the magic power that I haven’t been able to exercise, my overall abilities are sss, with agility being the highest, which is 1999.”

Ota: “…Really.”

Unexpected, no, it should be said that it was an ability value that he had never expected. Ota originally thought that he would be upgraded with a full ability value of S, but the SSS level and the agility of 1999…this value It far exceeded the limits of everyone in Orario for thousands of years.

Even the monsters from the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia in the past had never experienced such an abnormal situation.

Alexia Kaslana, he alone surpassed everyone in Orario for thousands of years.

“That’s it for now.”

Ota put away his swords.

“If we continue to fight, with the strength of you and me, maybe I will win with a slight advantage, but this battle between you and me does not necessarily need to determine the winner – are you still unwilling to give in now?”

“…No, no more.”

After looking at him for a while, Exia also put away her weapon.

The reason why he fought Otta again was because of his inner reluctance. But now, after fighting Otta again and confirming that Lefiya was safe and sound, that unwillingness has almost dissipated, and the remaining You can handle it through psychological adjustment.

For Otta, defeating Exia here is not necessary – he has already confirmed what he wants to know.

(He will become a hero, a further [monster (hero)] that surpasses the monsters of Zeus and Hera.)

The strength of lv.2 can compete with that of lv.7, and the SSS ability value that breaks through the limits.

These two points alone are enough for him to have high hopes.

“You can come to me at any time if you need it.” Ota suddenly said, “As long as the goddess allows it, I can sparring with you.”


This sentence made Aixia stunned for a moment: “What do you mean?”

“I just hope you can grow up – just like those monsters were looking forward to us growing up.” Otta recalled his past events, “The goddess is still waiting for you. You must also have something to talk to the goddess. I come.”


Looking at Ota who stopped talking and turned to walk towards the mansion, Exia was silent for a while, and then sighed slightly: “I’m starting to get confused about what you want to do, Ota.”

“I don’t need you to figure it out either.”

65. Return gift to the goddess

Goddess Freya.

Ixia has heard many times from other people about this beautiful god who has taken a liking to her soul.

A slut who takes all the souls she likes as her own, uses all her means to seduce men and even women, and lets anyone sleep with her… To be honest, she doesn’t have a good impression.

Before coming to this world, Alexia had not had close contact with many women. Apart from Bianca and Rita, only Bishop Otto’s personal secretary, Miss Amber, had a good relationship with him, and then there was the one from the institute. Ms. Changguang. It’s not that he’s not sexually attracted to women, it’s mainly because of work reasons and Bianca and even Rita’s frequent visits that leave him basically no time to think about this aspect.

And even though he was so indifferent to the opposite sex and didn’t know much about women, he knew that there must be some exaggeration in it, but the fact that such rumors spread, in itself, showed that there was something wrong with her character and style.

Therefore, on the way to follow Ota to visit the goddess Freya, Exia was already prepared to face an unsightly scene.

But after actually arriving in the room where the other party is—

“Ah ho~~~ It’s coming, it’s pretty fast… ugh!”

The first thing that came into view was the drunken figure of Loki.

Looking at Loki who was holding a goblet in his hand and sipping some kind of wine, Ixia frowned: “How much did you drink to get like this? Goddess Loki, even gods can get drunk. What?”

“Hey hehe~~~ It’s normal. We can’t use divine power, so we are no different from ordinary people!”

Loki laughed drunkenly.

And opposite her…

“I’ve probably drunk half a bottle. It seems like I shouldn’t take out the sacred wine brewed by Soma.”

The goddess Freya, who had flowing and silky silver hair and wore some revealing clothes, smiled slightly, and then fixed her eyes on Alexia: “Do you want to have a drink? There are not many fine wines in Somo. See you.”

“Sorry, I don’t like drinking.”

Alexia is sixteen years old and underage. Although he is not completely prohibited from drinking, due to work reasons and personal personality, he rarely comes into contact with alcohol. He will only drink a little under certain circumstances, such as being asked by Bishop Otto to attend some dinners or something.

“Really? That’s really a pity.”

Freya took a sip of the divine wine, and Loki stood up unsteadily, grabbed Alexia’s arm and pulled him to his seat to sit down: “Okay, okay~~~Don’t say that If it’s not fun, let’s talk about business, let’s talk about business!”

“That’s right… This is our first meeting, Alexia Kaslana.” Freya put down her wine glass, “I am Freya. I have wanted to meet you for a long time. Children from the world.”

“Me too, Goddess Freya.”

Although she didn’t know whether the etiquette in her own world applied here, Ixia still bowed to her habitually: “I came to visit you in a hurry, and I didn’t send you a letter. I hope you will pay attention.”

“Ah, what a polite child. Compared with when I fought with Ota just now, I seem to be two people.” Freya smiled, “However, the most handsome posture is that of you and Ota a month ago. When Ota fights… I really like your posture like a wounded beast.”

“If possible, I would like to force you down on the bed and ravage you like that.”

Freya said these seductive words casually.

First of all, let’s be clear. Freya is a goddess full of charm. She usually causes riots just by walking outside. If she goes out without a good disguise, it won’t take long for Oraline to be attracted by this Meishen was in a mess.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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