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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 380

“Auntie is really here for this matter.” Alexia put down the breakfast carefully prepared by Raiden Meiyi, “It seems that Miss Kohaku told you?”

“Good morning, Lord Exia, and everyone.”

Amber, who came in with Bronya behind Theresa, nodded politely to everyone in the living room: “I’m sorry to come to visit you all so early, but Ms. Theresa insists on coming to talk to Alexia. The adults meet, so…”

“It’s okay, Amber, I already knew that my aunt would come to see me.”

Alexia motioned to Theresa to sit on the stool prepared for her by Rita: “Since you are coming here, aunt, it means you already know the situation, right?”


“Then there’s actually nothing more to say.”

“Wait a minute, what are you talking about? Brother, aunt.” Kiana asked with some confusion, “Are you talking about that Wendy thing? Brother, it hurts to find a sister-in-law for me again.” !”

After giving her sister a bullet in the forehead, Alexia said angrily: “Kiana, stop talking nonsense. Wendy is my aunt’s student and an A-level Valkyrie of the Oceania branch. Don’t go around mistaking your sister-in-law.” .”

“Auntie’s student?”

“Well, Wendy is an outstanding Valkyrie who graduated from St. Freya Academy, and she is also the best student I have taught.” Theresa nodded, “As Alexia said, she now belongs to Oceania The branch is also very good among A-level Valkyries, and she was once expected to become a new S-level Valkyrie.”

So powerful? !

Kiana’s three-person team, who is still a B-level Valkyrie, couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

“It’s just a pity that Ms. Wendy received a transplant of the longed gemstone last year after Ms. Theresa’s recommendation. As a result, her legs were paralyzed.” Rita added to explain, “I remember that Alexia Your Excellency has already made an application with the bishop to allow Ms. Wendy to return to the headquarters for resection surgery and to prepare prosthetic limbs. Since Ms. Theresa is here, it means that Ms. Wendy has also come to the headquarters, right?”


It was Amber who answered.

Holding a tablet that should be a memorandum in his hand, Amber said: “Last night at 23:08, the Oceania branch’s special plane arrived at the headquarters, and the A-level Valkyrie Wendy was also placed at the St. 1504 Research Institute. The nearby affiliated hospital just finished the physical examination an hour ago, and the surgery to remove the longing gemstone is scheduled to begin in half an hour. The prosthetic limb transplant is scheduled to be performed next week.”

“I was really shocked when I heard it!”

Theresa swayed her feet on the stool: “I would have recommended Wendy to receive the transplant of the Desire Gemstone at first, purely in the hope that she could reach a higher level, but I didn’t expect that she would… .Grandpa didn’t tell me about Wendy after that, and I didn’t receive any contact from Wendy at all. If grandpa hadn’t suddenly asked me to come to the headquarters this time, I would still have been kept in the dark!”

“Then Auntie, you shouldn’t be here with me.” Alexia asked, “If the operation is going to be done in half an hour, shouldn’t you go to Miss Wendy’s place now?”

“Of course I know! I just want to thank you first! You convinced grandpa to treat Wendy, right?” Theresa stood up and said, “After Wendy’s operation is over, I plan to I’ll take you to meet Wendy. I really want to thank you this time, Alexia!”

“You’re welcome, aunt. I just wanted to recover the desire gem from the bishop at first, and I didn’t expect that it would help Miss Wendy be saved. It can only be said to be a coincidence.”

“But even so, I still want to thank you.” Theresa insisted, “Although I don’t know what you want in return, I will remember this favor. If you need it in the future, just tell your aunt, and I will try my best.” Help you!”

“Then I’ll thank you, auntie.”

Alexia smiled, then looked at Amber: “Well, I think there should be something else? Amber. I don’t think you just sent your aunt here. It’s the bishop. Is there anything else you want to tell me? ?”

Amber nodded: “Yes. The Lord Bishop asked me to tell you – [The re-inspection of Thousand Worlds One Vehicle has ended, I have approved your application for use, and the rescue operation for Ms. Xi’er can be started at any time]”

107. I just happen to have a good figure

The rescue operation for Xi’er can begin at any time.

After hearing Amber say these words, Bronya’s poker face, which had always been expressionless, immediately became extremely shaken at this moment! There were obvious emotional fluctuations in his eyes!


“Eh? Why did Bronya have such a big reaction? Her face changed.”

Noticing the change in Bronya’s expression, Kiana couldn’t help but asked curiously.

And when she said this, other people also noticed the changes in Bronya. Unlike Anna and Raven, who had just lived in Exia’s house for a few days, Raiden Mei and Yae Sakura were real people. I have been living with Bronya for more than a year, and Fu Hua has been living here for almost a month.

They all know how difficult it is for Bronya to reveal her emotional fluctuations. In the past year, Bronya has almost never revealed her emotions, making it difficult to figure out who she is. Whether she is happy or unhappy can only be judged by her behavior.

However, now Bronya is showing her emotions. Although it is still so obscure and difficult to identify, at least now everyone can see the changes in Bronya’s eyes.

“This is natural.”

Alexia smiled.

“After all, Miss Xi’er is the most important person in Bronya. After all, I originally applied for this rescue operation on behalf of Bronya. As Bronya’s master, I should show some sympathy to my maid. Right?”


Bronya thought of what Aixia said to herself that night a few days ago.

She didn’t think that Alexia was joking with her at that time, but she never thought that the opportunity to save Xi’er would come so quickly, so fast that Bronya felt like she was dreaming.

Listening to Exia’s explanation, Kiana and Raiden Mei looked at each other, and then Kiana threw the toast pizza into her mouth and quickly came to Bronya: “In this case, then this time Let us help you with the rescue mission, Bronya. But before that, you have to tell us clearly about Xier!”

“Eh? Does Kiana want to know about Xi’er?”

“Of course! We’ve been living together for more than a year, but you haven’t told us at all! Go to our room and explain it to us now!”

After saying that, Kiana picked up Bronya and ran towards the second floor. Raiden Mei also quickly got up to catch up.

And watching the three people running to the second floor, Bianca couldn’t help but said: “It’s okay to talk here. I’m also a little curious about Xi’er.”

“Let’s just listen to Lady Alexia’s explanation, Lady Bianca. Let the three of them talk about their own affairs.” Rita said while looking at Alexia, “But, although I knew it before, but Lady Alexia specifically applied for the use of the Second God Key for Miss Bronya… You really take care of her.”

“Well, it can be regarded as fulfilling one of her wishes.” Alexia took a bite of her breakfast, “As for the matter of Xi’er, I don’t know much. I only know that Bronya was still an orphan. It happened at the hospital. Due to the experiment of Kokolia, the former executive officer of anti-entropy, Xi’er fell into the quantum sea. Bronya’s emotional circuit was also damaged because of this, and her feet were unable to walk… “

After that, in order to save Seele, Bronya and Cocolia tried many methods, but all ended in failure. In the end, the choice they made was to use the power of Honkai and the Herrscher to achieve their goals. The method was naturally the third collapse last year.

Needless to say, the result was that Cocolia was killed by Exia, Bronya became Exia’s prisoner and maid, and the Third Herrscher was also defeated by Exia, and now she has become the Seven Thunders of Purification. used by him.

“The person you want to save even if it causes the collapse… It seems that she is indeed very important to Bronya, Miss Seele.”

Bianca sighed: “But, falling into the quantum sea, no wonder it requires the help of the power of the Second God’s Key.”

After all, under normal circumstances, humans cannot move freely in the quantum sea. Even Bianca can only move for about three minutes at most. If you want to fish out a person from the infinite quantum sea, it is simply impossible. A fantasy is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But if there is the power of Thousand Worlds and One Vehicle, then this is not impossible.

“It feels like this will make that little maid even more devoted to you, captain?” Raven joked, “But for me, it’s best to wait a few years before I take action against that little maid. , she should be the kind who will grow rapidly when she reaches the growth stage. I remember that you probably like big ones, right?”


Raven’s words made Exia couldn’t help but frown, and a question mark popped up in her head.

Putting aside Raven’s comments about Bronya’s promising future…

“Where did you hear that I like big ones?”

“World Snake’s internal information, coupled with recent observations. Bianca, Rita, and Anna, none of these three people are small. You also have a look at the one named Shajo Aige. It’s meaningless, so it’s natural to conclude that you like being big.”

Bianca/Rita/Anna: “…”

Although this could probably be regarded as Raven praising himself, the three of them all felt a little uncomfortable for no reason.

And in Exia’s mind——

(My lord prince, can I use one or two non-lethal curse spells on this unabashed raven lady tonight? I think she should feel the resentment from rare groups and rare species. , and experience the other party’s helplessness firsthand~~~)

Alexia could already picture Sajo Aige with a dark face and a smile on her face.

The last thing she Shajo Aige doesn’t want to be talked about is her figure!

This can almost be listed as her two taboos along with [stealing Alexia in front of her]!

Isn’t it just bigger? Looking so big makes my shoulders sore! He still staggers when he walks! She has no such worries at all! Really not envious at all!

“Um, Raven…don’t say this in front of me from now on.” Alexia reminded, “Miss Aige is already thinking about how to torment you tonight. I think you will probably have insomnia. Just one night.”

“…can she hear it?”

“She can hear me as long as I can.”

“Then if I apologize, can she not come to torment me tonight?”

(Prince, tell her not to even think about it. Today she is already on my blacklist.)

Alexia felt like she should give Raven a moment of silence.

“Sorry, no.”


“Also, I have to clarify, Raven, World Snake’s information about me is totally wrong. I don’t like big guys, it’s just because the person I like happens to have a better figure.”

108. Breaking into the quantum sea

The raven’s teasing was just a sideshow.

After that, Alexia did not choose to go with Theresa to watch Wendy’s desire stone removal surgery, but went to the training room with Bianca and Rita. Of course, Aixia didn’t go to train. Pure training was completely useless to him. Even if he repeated training for decades, he probably wouldn’t make much progress.

He went there purely as a sparring partner for Bianca.

And it was during this sparring session that the time came to half past one in the afternoon.

In the test site where the Thousand Realms One-Drive startup experiment was conducted just a few days ago.

Different from the grand battle of the first time, this time there were almost no guards in the experiment. When Exia came here, if you didn’t look at the observation room in the distance, there was no one near the Thousand Worlds Yicheng. Just one person.

“Mr. Su?”

Looking at the thin figure standing outside Qianjie Yichen, Ixia walked up with some surprise: “Why are you here?”

“Bishop Otto appointed me to manage the Thousand Worlds and One Vehicle.” Su explained, “I have lived in the Thousand Worlds and One Vehicle for more than 55,000 years, and I know it thoroughly. Even a bishop knows far less about it than I do, so yesterday I received the appointment from that bishop to serve as the administrator of Thousand Worlds One Vehicle.”

“Of course, I’m also concerned about your sister’s training, so don’t worry.”

Su’s explanation made Exia understand.

Indeed, because of its completely different specifications and structure from other God Keys, the Qianjie Yiyuan requires a manager, otherwise it would be terrible if something went wrong. As a pioneer of pre-civilization and the person who has used the Thousand Worlds Yiyuan for the longest time, Su is undoubtedly the best candidate for this position.

“Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Su.”

“It’s a trivial effort, not worth mentioning.” Su smiled slightly, “I have already heard about the matter from Bishop Otto. You want to go to the Quantum Sea through the Thousand Worlds to search for a girl who fell into it a few years ago. ,Right?”

“Yes. The Thousand Worlds One Vehicle should be able to do it, right?”


Su nodded affirmatively: “Compared with other Divine Keys, Thousand Worlds Yiyuan does not have much direct combat capabilities, but it is outstanding in [observation], [movement], and [search]. Although it is unable to exert its full capabilities without the [Beacon], even with its current capabilities, it is enough to roughly search for specific objects around the world, let alone the Quantum Sea.”

The implication is that finding a girl in the quantum sea is just a trivial matter for Qianjie Yicheng.

After receiving this reassuring answer, Alexia also looked at the person behind her: “It seems that we can successfully find Miss Xier, Bronya.”


Bronya, who had taken off her maid uniform and put on the third-generation Valkyrie Armor Yamabuki, nodded slightly, with a hint of impatience on her brows.

It seemed that she couldn’t wait to find Xi’er.

“So, are you two the only ones going to the Quantum Sea?”

“um, yes.”

Although Kiana said she wanted to help before, in fact she was the one who couldn’t spare the most time now. As soon as the breakfast time was over, she was dragged by Fu Hua to an unknown place for special training on Herrscher core control. Fu Hua also said that he would probably not be back until dinner time.

Mei Raiden and Yae Sakura are habitually preparing to clean their homes. For such a large villa, it can be said that garbage is produced every day, plus the pruning of the outside courtyard, the daily maintenance of the swimming pool… even Raven and Anna were called to help by both of them.

As for Bianca and Rita, not to mention, an urgent mission came as soon as lunch time was over, and they had already flown to Africa for a business trip.

As a result, only Exia and Bronya could participate in this operation.

“What should we do, Mr. Su?”

“Just leave it to me. But before that, you two please accept this.”

Two fallen leaves appeared in Su’s palm, then floated towards Exia and Bronya, and sank into their chests.

“This is a one-time mark that I made using the power of the One Thousand Realms. In the terms of this era, it is a kind of positioning device. In this way, the One Thousand Realms can always locate the two of you. And let’s get in touch.”

“Falled leaves… Speaking of which, Mr. Su, you were planning to give me three leaves before, right? There is some information in them.”

“Huh? This is indeed the case, but because you cured me, I forgot about those leaves for a while. Do you need me to give them to you now?”

Alexia shook her head: “No, no need. Things have to be done one by one. Now let me focus on helping Bronya find her most important person first.” . What you want to tell me can wait until I have time later.”

“… Let the master worry about Bronya.” Bronya’s words were a little apologetic.

Rubbing her head, Alexia smiled and said: “Don’t take it too seriously. I did this because I wanted to help you. You don’t need to apologize. If you want to thank me, just cook me a meal later – —So Mr. Su, can we start now?”

“Of course, you two can stand outside a little.”

As Su spoke, he put his hand on the outer shell of the Thousand Realms Yiyuan. As a burst of light like an aurora lit up in Su’s palm and poured into the Thousand Realms Yiyuan, the Qianjie Yiyuan, which had been in a semi-dormant state, Suddenly, like last time, a dazzling light bloomed, and a beam of laser shot straight into the sky from the head, opening a door to the quantum sea above everyone’s heads!

The extremely bright starry sky appeared in the eyes of Ixia and Bronya.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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