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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 381

“I will conduct a search for Miss Xi’er. After confirming the specific location, I will notify you through the mark inserted into your body and guide you there. But please remember that the Quantum Sea is not safe. Please Be careful not to be mistakenly entered into another world, otherwise it will be very troublesome to escape.”

“we know.”


Along with the sound of the air being cut open, the Ice Dragon Wings suddenly fully unfolded behind Ixia.

Bronya stood in front of Alexia very cooperatively, and Alexia also bent down and hugged her petite body into his arms. Then her ice wings fluttered, and in the roaring wind, It took her directly into the sky!

“Then we’ll set off. I’d like to trouble you with the directions, Mr. Su.”

“Yes. Please be careful.”


Su’s response was the sonic boom generated by Exia after breaking through the speed of sound.

109.The gate in the quantum sea

The familiar feeling hit Alexia’s five senses the moment she rushed into the boundless starry sky.

Although it was almost a month ago, and there was a whole year’s gap before that, Ixia always remembered clearly the feeling of leaving this world and going to another world.

It was a feeling like falling into infinite darkness.

At the same time, it is also a feeling of entering the universe – even if Exia has not been to the universe.

And now, at the moment of entering the Quantum Sea, Ixia felt the same feeling, as if he had experienced a world transfer again.


Alexia was naturally confused.

Why after entering the Quantum Sea… No, no, this should not be the feeling that the Quantum Sea brings to me. Considering the order, maybe this should be the feeling that Thousand Realms Yiyuan brings to me.

Using the power of One Thousand Realms will give him a feeling very similar to that of performing a world transfer!

(Is it possible…)

Exia had made some assumptions about the power that allowed her to move between different worlds, and the existence that used that power. After all, she was suddenly thrown into a different world, which made no sense. Aren’t you curious about how you got there?

However, a hypothesis is just a hypothesis after all. Without any evidence, Exia can’t really come up with any arguments. And now… Although it is still unclear, since the power of the Thousand Worlds One Vehicle will bring this feeling to me, then maybe the power that allows me to transfer the world is very similar to the Thousand Worlds One Vehicle the power of?

(Existence x…Who the hell are you?)

The burning words did not appear in Alexia’s eyes. Since the beginning a year ago, the burning words have appeared less and less frequently. They almost only appear when traveling through the world, and usually disappear at all.

(…Forget it, let’s focus first.)

After finishing the thought that only lasted for a moment, Exia slowly opened her eyes.

The boundless starry sky disappeared without knowing when.

What comes into view is a blue world, with countless cubes forming the earth and roads. They are combined into a structure that seems to extend to infinity, creating something that I don’t know if it can be called a building. What looked like trees stood on both sides of what was supposed to be the road, but apart from their appearance, they didn’t have any characteristics of trees.

The sky is like a sea-like scene, as if the entire world you see is sinking below the sea level, and the faint blue floating light fills every corner of the field of vision.


Is this the Quantum Sea?

Exia, who came here for the first time, couldn’t help but look surprised.

In fact, speaking from experience, this is not the first time he has entered the quantum sea.

According to what Su said, when the parallel world he once lived in was destroyed due to the influence from the future, he once fell into the quantum sea. But unfortunately, Exia had no real sense of that memory at all. For him now In other words, now is the first time he has stepped into the world of the Quantum Sea.

It feels… somewhat similar to the boundless starry sky you were in when you transferred the world?

“By the way, Bronya, are you okay?”

Alexia quickly looked into his arms, and in his arms, Bronya also gave Alexia a reassuring look: “Master, don’t worry, Bronya is fine.”

Not everyone can enter the Quantum Sea. If you are not adaptable to the Quantum Sea, or are rejected by the rules of the Quantum Sea, you will be sent back to the real world the moment you enter the Quantum Sea. , there won’t be any problems on Exia’s side, but if Bronya is rejected, then he can only use the power of the Great Holy Grail to make Bronya stay.

However, it seems that is not necessary now?

【Looks like we arrived successfully】

Suddenly, Su’s voice sounded in their ears. Exia and Bronya both saw a leaf-like luminous symbol next to each other’s ears.

“Mr. Su?”

[I have observed your foothold in the Quantum Sea. Next, I will start to investigate Miss Xier’s location. Please follow my instructions on how to move in the future]

“Okay, please Mr. Su.”

[Preliminary observations are currently underway. Please stay where you are and wait for news from me.]


The voice from Su’s side ended, and Alexia put Bronya down in her arms: “It seems like we have to wait for a while, Bronya.”

“It doesn’t matter, Bronya is not in a hurry now.”

It was the summer of 2012 when Xi’er fell into the quantum sea. Three years have passed since then. Before becoming Ixia’s maid, Bronya had been working hard to save Xi’er for two years. Although in the past There has been no progress at all within a year, but since the possibility of rescuing Xi’er is now right in front of her, Bronya will not be so anxious that she loses her cool.

The closer we get to the last minute, the more we need to be calm and calm, and we cannot take it lightly until we achieve the final goal – Bronya knows this very well.

“That being said, you can relax your fists a little.”

Alexia glanced at Bronya’s clenched fists and said she wouldn’t be in a hurry, but the clenched fists had already exposed Bronya’s mood.

Being pointed out by her master, Bronya immediately hid her hands behind her back.

And it was at this moment——

[Your Excellency Alexia, Miss Bronya, please pay attention]

Su’s voice, which had disappeared not long ago, sounded again.

[The location of Miss Xier has been found, and it can be confirmed that the other party is currently in a special world bubble. I will open the way to that world bubble, and when you two go to that world bubble and find Miss Xier, please contact me, and I will open a passage for the three of you to return]

After Su’s voice fell like this, the space of the Quantum Sea in front of Ixia and Bronya became distorted, as if the space itself had formed a vortex, and the two of them also intuitively felt that a door appeared in front of them. The door to the unknown.

Xi’er is in the world behind this door.

After realizing this, Bronya immediately prepared to float to that world.


“Wait a minute, Bronya.”

However, Alexia took Bronya’s hand and took the initiative to contact Su.

“Let me confirm first. You only opened a door to the World Bubble, right?”


“Then why…is there a gate behind me?”

When Alexia said this, her eyes were already facing directly behind him. In the completely opposite direction to what Bronya was looking at, a dark vortex appeared there at some point. Facing Exia.

Is this also…the door to other worlds?



Exia’s words caused Su to remain silent for a while, perhaps because they were investigating the specific situation.

It wasn’t until tens of seconds later that Su’s voice sounded again.

【Will this really happen…】


[Actually, I had anticipated the possibility of this happening, Exia. The door behind you appears probably because of you… no, it should be said because of the Chimera, right? 】

Because of Chimera?

Ixia and Bronya looked at his feet. There was not no light in the quantum sea, but there was no shadow below them.

“What’s going on? Mr. Su?”

【…….What I say now may delay some time】

Wasting time?

Alexia looked at Bronya, who nodded immediately: “Bronya can wait for a while. If the master wants to know, please ask Mr. Su to explain.”

“Okay, sorry, Bronya. Excuse me, Su-who!”

Alexia, who was just about to let Su continue speaking, suddenly gave a loud drink before she finished speaking, and her eyes quickly stared at the dark whirlpool behind her!

He can feel it with his now extremely sharp five senses.

In front of that dark whirlpool, something seemed to exist – something invisible and intangible, but something that did exist.

【What’s wrong? Your Excellency Alexia? 】

“Mr. Su…can you please confirm where Bronya and I are? There seems to be someone behind me.”

[Wait a moment – the check is over, there is no one there, the two of you are only the two of you]

Su’s answer made Exia raise her eyebrows.

Isn’t it possible for Qianjie Yiyuan to detect it?

(What is this dark vortex—)

“Mr. Su, please continue talking about what happened just now.”

【…Okay, then——】

“Don’t bother Su, Exia. Let me explain it to you directly.”

Suddenly, such a sound interrupted Su’s voice without warning, and suddenly reached Alexia’s ears.


Alexia’s eyes suddenly widened a bit, not because the words sounded too sudden, but because the voice was quite familiar to him.

After all, he had heard this voice many times.

And then, in the eyes of Ixia and Bronya, the dark vortex seemed to be slowly inflating like an expanding balloon, and the speed of rotation continued to accelerate. The central part is constantly rotating, showing a bright white light visible to the naked eye.



The bright white light gradually replaced the dark whirlpool, making the whirlpool become a frame around the light. The light also further showed a scene like a river or a lake.

It was a scene similar to the inside of Sumeru Mustard Seed that Exia had visited before.

Then, beside the river, a figure slowly passed through the whirlpool door and came to Bronya and Exia.

It was a figure that had many similarities with Exia, with white hair, blue eyes, a cold aura, and even an appearance that didn’t have many differences…

【Exia ten years later】

Bronya suddenly had such an idea.

“…Kevin Kaslana?”

At this moment, Alexia whispered the name of the person who appeared in front of her.

That was [Kevin Kaslana] who had appeared in his consciousness several times before!

But why is he here? This is the Quantum Sea, not his realm of consciousness, and… I don’t know if it’s Exia’s illusion, but he feels that the Kevin in front of him is colder and more indifferent than the state in his realm of consciousness. .

[Your Excellency Alexia, what did you say? 】

Su’s voice sounded at this moment, and it was obviously filled with panic.

[Kevin, did he appear in front of you? 】

“Ah…well, I have met Kevin Kaslana several times in the realm of consciousness. The person who appeared in front of me is indeed him.”

【How is this possible? Kevin, he should still——]

“Don’t be too alarmed, Sue. You should be able to hear me.”

Perhaps he heard Su’s voice – although he didn’t know in what way – Kevin spoke like this in front of Ixia and Bronya.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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