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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 382

“The me who appears here is just a long-distance projection with a certain degree of entity established through the power of Chimera and quantum entanglement. I am still in the world bubble located at the deepest part of the quantum sea. , and there is no way to return to the original world.”

“I will appear here just to say something to Ixia Messiah Kaslana – whether I can return to the world over there now also depends on the outcome of my conversation with him. .”

[…Kevin, have you changed your mind? 】

“No. I still think it’s time to implement the Stigma Plan, and we don’t have much time left. But I used Kaslana’s Stigma to watch Ixia Messiah. Kaslana’s experience, so I thought I could give him a chance.”


“Wait a moment, you two.”

Just when Su was silent like this, Exia said: “What have you been talking about since just now? Project Stigmata or something… Could you please take care of me and Bu before we start reminiscing about old times?” What are the thoughts of Lonya and two outsiders?”

“Also, Mr. Kevin, it seems that you want to talk to me about something? But I’m sorry, I have more important things than chatting with you here right now. Can we put our chat to another time? Now I want to settle Bronya’s matter first.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Kevin’s answer was prompt.

“As long as you are still in today’s world, we can meet anytime, anywhere. I am not in a hurry now. This time I meet with you, I am just trying out the new part of Chimera. I can confirm The realization of my ideas is enough.”

“in addition……”

Kevin’s eyes turned to the door behind Ixia and Bronya that led to Xi’er’s place.

“The world bubble that the Stigma Awakener you are looking for is actually the world bubble I created based on my own experience. Even if we don’t say it now, we will definitely know it when you arrive at that world bubble. We’ll meet again.”

After saying this, Kevin’s body gradually turned into a burst of ice blue mist.

“By the way, Ixia Messiah Kaslana, there is something I want to thank you for.”

Before disappearing, Exia heard Kevin’s voice again.

“——Thank you very much for Su’s matter.”

111. Stigma Project

After saying the last words, Kevin’s figure completely turned into ice mist, and disappeared in front of Ixia and Bronya together with the Whirlpool Gate.

Alexia was silent for a while, and then said to Su again: “Mr. Su, Kevin has left.”

【……Is it. That’s good. 】

“Mr. Su…you and Kevin-“

[I will explain it, and I will explain it now. Speaking of which, this should have been explained to you when we first met.】

There were some fluctuations in Su’s tone.

It sounded a little helpless.

[I think you should have realized that Kevin and I are both pioneers left over from previous civilizations and are committed to helping humans in this era fight and defeat Honkai. In order to fight against Honkai, we have formulated several plans. For example, the Hengsha Project that I am responsible for is a plan to observe other parallel worlds through the Thousand Worlds One Vehicle to find ways to fight against Honkai. Hua Zeng and two other pioneers were responsible for a program called the Fire Project, which was to impart knowledge beyond the current era to humans in this era, accelerate the development of civilization, and hope to be able to fight with a higher level of development in the future. Collapse]

[In addition, there is the Ark plan to go to the universe to find new habitable places… and the Stigmata plan is also one of those plans – but it is the worst plan]

Stigma Project.

This was also mentioned in what Kevin said earlier.

“What exactly is the Stigma Project? Mr. Su.”

[Prevent the birth of Herrscher by dividing all the Honkai Energy in the world equally among the bodies of humans around the world. In this process, the humans who survive due to the resistance to Honkai Energy will have the ability to fight against Honkaimon. This is to ensure the survival of human civilization – to put it bluntly, this is such a plan]

Sue explained.

[Purely speaking from the plan itself, the Stigma Plan is the most effective plan. The Stigmata developed in our era have spread to the body of everyone in the world, which has satisfied the requirements of the Stigma Plan. Open conditions. But even so, there are only a few people who can fully activate the stigmata. 】

[So, even if the Stigma Project succeeds in the end, in my opinion, it will lead to the demise of more than 80%… or even 90% of the human race in the world. Only the surviving new humans who have awakened the stigmata can survive in the future world]

The main way that Honkai causes huge destruction is through Honkaimon’s wanton behavior and the birth of Herrscher. And if all the Honkai energy in the world is equally divided into everyone’s body, it will fundamentally eliminate the possibility of the birth of the Herrscher. Everyone who has shared the Honkai energy equally will no longer be afraid of Honkaimon… …In terms of effect, the Stigma Plan is indeed quite effective.


“Exterminate more than 90% of the world’s population…Mr. Su, are you sure you are not exaggerating?”

Even Exia, who had seen another world, couldn’t help but feel that this plan was too crazy at this moment.

If this plan succeeds, can the surviving humans really still be considered humans? The social order constructed today will inevitably collapse, and human society will cease to exist, and may even return directly to the level of primitive society!

[I even think this statement is a convergence statement]

Su said.

[So this is the worst plan, a plan that can only be launched when all other plans fail – but one thousand five hundred years ago, Kevin decided to launch this plan]

[At that time, Project Ark had left the solar system 2,500 years ago, and had not sent any contact since 1,500 years ago. The Fire Project implemented by Hua is also almost at a standstill, because once excessively advanced knowledge spreads, the intensity of Honkai will increase rapidly, causing Honkaimon with excessive strength to appear in an inappropriate era. The Hengsha Project I implemented has taken more than 50,000 years and has not made any progress…]

[At that time, Kevin thought that all plans had failed, so he prepared to implement the Fire Plan and started the experiment on what is now the British Isles]

[But I thought it was too early to start the Stigma Project at that time, and I also thought that humans of your era should not be given up so early, so Kevin and I had a confrontation, and in the end, through the power of Thousand Worlds, Expelled Kevin to the deepest part of the Quantum Sea]

In fact, Su was originally going to sink with Kevin, but in the end…Kevin threw him out.

[This is what happened between me and Kevin. And if I’m not wrong, even if fifteen hundred years have passed, Kevin still hasn’t given up on the Stigma Project. This is the only way for him to truly defeat Honkai. Once he escapes from the depths of the Quantum Sea, I’m afraid he will immediately start implementing the Stigma Project]


Alexia fell into silence.

What Su said was somewhat beyond his expectation. He had never thought that it would be such an inside story.

After a moment of silence, Alexia took a deep breath and turned to look at Bronya: “Then, let’s go, Bronya, to rescue Miss Xier. Mr. Su, too. Please continue to take your place within the Thousand Worlds One Vehicle, continue to guide us and be ready to take us out at any time.”

“Master?” Bronya was slightly surprised.

I just heard about such a thing from Su, but Alexia’s reaction… seems to be unexpectedly calm?

【Your Excellency Alexia…】

“In addition, regarding Mr. Kevin’s matter, I will try to deal with it.”

Alexia continued.

“Mr. Su, you chose to believe in the people of our era 1,500 years ago and bought us 1,500 years. Then I will prove to you and Mr. Kevin that these 1,500 years The time is not meaningless.”

【……I see. Please be careful, Kevin is a difficult person to talk to at certain times]

“I’ll keep an eye on it—let’s go, Bronya?”


Bronya nodded and took the initiative to squeeze Alexia’s hand.

The two took a step towards the door leading to the World Bubble in front of them.

And it was at this moment——


The spinning feeling instantly occupied all the senses of the two of them!

As if the world had completely collapsed and then been reorganized in an instant, what the two people felt within just one step was an extremely chaotic space vibration!

Then, after everything finally returned to normal——


What Alexia and Bronya saw was a scene that looked like an underground base.

112. Goodbye to the Gonkai Group

[Yes, turn left ahead…the access code is…go in and go straight…]

Inside the empty base.

Listening to Su’s voice in their hearts, Exia and Bronya continued to move forward according to the instructions.

It was already ten minutes after they came into this world.

According to Su, if the world bubble they are in now is really based on a certain experience of Kevin, then the place shown in that world bubble should be the place where the pre-civilization Zhuhuohuo was. A base for moths.

Although it was impossible to determine which period it was in, Na Su was still very familiar with the Fire Chasing Moth’s base.

After all, he was once a member of the Fire Chaser Moth, and was one of the thirteen fusion warriors who survived to the end. He knew the internal situation of the Fire Chaser Moth very well. Not to mention that if he directly observes through the Thousand Worlds One Vehicle, he can still have a clear view of the situation in the base.

[There are dead soldiers in front, numbering twenty-eight]


“Bronya understands.”

Hearing Su’s reminder, when the dead soldier’s figure appeared in the field of vision, Bronya had just given the order and Bronya rushed out quickly. The autonomous robot she called the heavy-duty bunny was beside her in an instant. Appeared, the huge drill installed on his right hand burst out a strong spiral, and wiped out all the dead soldiers in an instant!

Among the three members of the Qianyu team, in terms of overall combat effectiveness, Kiana is undoubtedly the strongest, but when it comes to facing a large number of enemies at the same time, the stronger one is Bronya, who has a heavily armored bunny. When facing large enemies or large numbers of enemies, she often takes the lead as the main combat force.

As for Raiden Mei, she specializes in body destruction and human combat, and usually serves as Kiana and Bronya’s auxiliary personnel – plus the most important logistical supplies (referring to cooking).

After getting rid of all the dead soldiers blocking the road, Aixia came to Bronya: “Well done, Bronya.”

“Master, it should only take a moment to solve it, right?”

“Well… almost.”

Even if there were tens of thousands of enemies at the level of Death Soldiers, Exia would not take them lightly. A large-scale indiscriminate attack would be able to deal with them all. The reason why Bronya is allowed to take action now is just to prevent Bronya from having nothing to do, and by the way, it can also accumulate some insignificant practical experience for Bronya.

“However, the number of dead soldiers is really large.”

Alexia glanced at the dead soldiers who were killed by the heavy-armed rabbit – along the way, the two of them encountered more than three digits of dead soldiers. In previous civilizations, the Fire Chasing Moth was the frontline organization against Honkai. There was almost no possibility of internal Honkai incidents, and even ordinary soldiers would be equipped with considerable anti-Honkai equipment.

Logically speaking, as long as you don’t directly touch Honkai energy with your body, you won’t become a dead soldier.

However, looking at the current number, it can be said that almost the entire base has become dead soldiers, right?

“Mr. Su, is this situation very common in Fire Chaser Moth?”

【how come. However… If this is the case for a large-scale infection within the base, then I can determine the time period of the world bubble you are in]

After all, it is a very rare infection within the base. Within the Fire Chaser, the number of times this has happened has only been considered to have a huge impact, only three times.

The first time was the mass coma caused by the Eighth Herrscher through the Internet, the second time was the impact of the Herrscher of Restraint, and the third time…

[Your Excellency Alexia, I remember that there was a lady named Yae Sakura in your home, right? 】

“Eh? Well, yes. Why did you mention Sakura at this time?”

Alexia asked doubtfully, and at the same time, she knocked on the access code with her hand and punched in the code that Su had mentioned before. She opened the closed door in front of her and continued walking into the corridor behind the door with Bronya.

【nothing. But one of my former companions was named Sakura. She is also from the Far East – if you continue to move forward, you might see her]

Were there people named Sakura in previous civilizations?

And Su’s companion…could he be one of the fusion warriors from the previous civilization?


Just when Alexia was thinking this, Bronya suddenly pulled his sleeve, causing Alexia’s thinking and actions to stop together.

Then, Aixia quickly understood what Bronya meant – his ears heard a sound coming from a distance, which seemed to be the sound of metal collision, and the direction was…

“This way?” Alexia looked at the wall next to her, “Thank goodness you can hear it, Bronya. I think the sound is a little weak.”

“It’s the sound captured by Heavy Rabbit.”

[Behind the wall is another corridor, which leads to the same place as the corridor you are walking on now. If you continue walking one hundred and twenty-eight meters, you will reach the intersection. In addition, Miss Xier’s location is where the sound came from. that direction,】

“That’s it, then – Miss Aige.”

“I’m here, Prince.”

Shajo Aige quietly appeared behind Ixia: “Reversely guess the location of the sound, and then move there through space, right?”

“As expected of Miss Ai Ge, you already know it without me saying anything.”

“If you don’t achieve this, it won’t count as the prince’s help.” Shajo Aige smiled and glanced at Bronya, “Sister Bronya must also work hard to achieve this goal. Oh, a maid must be good at understanding her master’s thoughts.”

Bronya nodded seriously after hearing this: “Bronya understands. From now on, Bronya will carefully record the master’s thinking patterns and behavioral patterns, and -“

“Okay, okay, Bronya, you don’t need to be so grand.” Ixia quickly asked Bronya to stop, “There are enough people who can take care of me now, Miss Aige, Rita, Bianca. …..If another Bronya comes, then I will really be crippled by you. Are you ready for space movement? Miss Aige?”

“Well, it’s ready.”

Shatiao Aige patted her hands gently.

The scene around Alexia and Bronya suddenly changed rapidly.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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