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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 383



The sound of swords clashing immediately reached the ears of the two of them.

Alexia immediately saw an icy blue figure flashing across her field of vision!

And Bronya was stunned on the spot!



Like iron being attracted by a magnet, the moment the surrounding scene returned to normal, Bronya saw a figure hiding in the corner of the corridor with great accuracy. There were obviously many things in the corridor, but she saw them at a glance! And couldn’t help shouting the figure’s name loudly!

“Eh? This voice…”

The girl in the corner raised her head and looked timidly in Bronya’s direction: “…Sister Bronya?”

113. Sakura fifty-five thousand years ago

This was a way neither Bronya nor Xier had expected to see each other again.

Although Bronya firmly believed that she would meet Xier from the moment she stepped into the quantum sea and this world, a sudden meeting like this——


Sitting on the hand of the heavily armored bunny, Bronya completely ignored the surrounding situation and rushed in front of Xi’er as fast as she could! He stretched out his hands and hugged Xier’s body!


Bronya called Xi’er’s name again.

And feeling the hug and the warmth of her body, Xi’er’s heart gradually stirred up a storm: “Sister Bronya…is it sister Bronya? Is it really Bronya?” Nia…sister?”

The words were filled with disbelief.

Xier never thought that she would meet Bronya again at this time!

Why is sister Bronya here? Has Sister Bronya finally come to save her? Or is this your own hallucination?

Xi’er is already a little confused about the current situation, but…

(This warmth and touch…is really Sister Bronya…)

This was the only thing that Xi’er could never mistake, because it was the last thing she felt before completely falling into the quantum sea.

The impulse welling up in her heart made Xier couldn’t help but stretched out her hands and hugged Bronya forcefully.

“Sister Bronya…”

“Well, it’s me, Xi’er.”

Bronya hugged Xier harder.

“I finally… finally found you, Xier…”

How many times have you dreamed of such a scene in your dreams?

Just like she had forgotten many things, since Xi’er fell into the quantum sea and she could not bring her back to the real world, Bronya could not remember how many times she had dreamed of bringing Xi’er back.

But no matter how many times she forgets, Bronya still remembers some things that will never be forgotten.

She still remembers the first time she and Xi’er met, the way Xi’er cried, the celebration of Xi’er’s birthday, and the warmth of Xi’er’s tears… Bronya still remembers these, Even the hug now was exactly as she remembered it.

The touch of this hug also made her more convinced – she had really found Xi’er again!


The corners of his eyes were moist for some reason.

There is a feeling of something running down the sides of the cheeks.

It was obvious that her emotional circuit had been damaged early in that experiment, but at this moment, Bronya regained the feeling that she had forgotten for a long time.

[Then, we have made an agreement… No matter how confused the hope is, Bronya will find a way to rescue Seele]

This passage quietly surfaced in my memory.

This was the agreement that Bronya made with Seele at the end of that unforgettable summer—the agreement that they made together with their first kiss.

And now, she has come to fulfill their agreement.


“Sister Bronya…”


(That’s Xi’er.)

at the same time.

Standing by the wall not far away and looking at the pair of girls hugging each other, Alexia’s eyes focused on Xi’er for a moment and then she said to Shajo Aige in her heart:

(Miss Aige, prepare a barrier.)

(You want to use it on sister Bronya and sister Xier, right?)

Sajo Aige quickly understood Alexia’s thoughts, and without Bronya and Seele noticing at all, she quietly enveloped the two of them with an invisible barrier and added sound isolation. and the magic of spatial occlusion.

She could understand what Exia meant.

Bronya finally found her sister Xier, who was most important to her. At this touching moment when the two reunited, any interference from the outside world would be punished by God.

Leave time and space to them before they have their own reunion.

As for Exia—


As if predicting the future, Ixia raised her hand to her side and caught the head of a dead soldier flying towards her. In the blink of an eye, she froze it into an ice sculpture and crushed it into pieces. .

“So, are all the dead soldiers here too?”

“It seems so, but most of the people within the sensing range have been killed. I’m afraid the one who did it was…”


A clear cutting sound interrupted Shajo’s singing voice.

Not far away, standing among the corpses of a large number of dead soldiers, the figure that had flashed in front of Ixia’s eyes had killed the last enemy. After sheathing the blade that exuded a strong chill in his hand, he used He looked in the direction of Alexia with cold eyes.

That was a girl that made Exia feel unbelievable.

She has long, smooth hair like cherry blossoms, and a pair of long fox ears of the same color on her head. There is crimson eye shadow on the gray eyes. Wearing nothing special about a gradient transparent white shirt and a black and blue short jacket, the lower body is black and blue hot pants. For some reason, only one right leg is wearing white stockings, and the smooth skin of the left leg is Directly exposed to the air.

Although the clothes are different,…


Alexia asked in a positive tone.

Yes, it’s [Sakura]. The girl who appeared in front of Exia was exactly like the Yae Sakura he knew! There is no difference between the two except their clothes! It’s as if they are the exact same person carved from the same mold!

(Could it be that she is the Sakura that Mr. Su mentioned just now?)

When hearing Exia’s voice, the girl who looked exactly like Yae Sakura also twitched her fox ears: “…Kevin? Why are you here? Didn’t Mei ask you to deal with the riots that occurred on other floors? “

“Eh? Kevin? Me?”

Alexia was a little surprised.

[It seems that Sakura has mistaken you for Kevin. The two of you are indeed very similar in appearance. It can be said that you are 80% or 90% similar]

Su said.

“Is that so…Um, Miss Sakura, you have recognized the wrong person. I am not Kevin.”

“Huh? Really?” Sakura blinked, “Well… indeed, Kevin and I just separated before. He should still be on the floor above. He can’t appear here, let alone here. I went to change my clothes before coming here.”


After saying this, the ice blue blade that had been sheathed suddenly came out of its sheath, and Sakura’s expression turned cold for a moment.

“So, who are you?”

“I am Exia, Exia Messiah Kaslana, you can say… I am a person from [another world].”

114. The most terrifying and powerful enemy

People from another world.

This statement made Sakura a little surprised.

But this surprise only lasted for a moment. After glancing in the direction of Bronya and Xi’er, Sakura asked: “It seems that you are Miss Xi’er’s companions?”

“That’s right. Bronya is here to find Xi’er, and I am accompanying her.”

“Yeah, that’s great.”

Part of the cold look on Sakura’s face disappeared: “I won’t ask why you can appear in this place, and you and Kevin look so similar. However, since you are Miss Xier’s companions, then hurry up and bring her Let her leave here. This base is very dangerous now. Death warriors and Honkai beasts are filled here for some reason, and it is not suitable for outsiders like you to stay.”

After saying this, Sakura put away the blade and galloped towards the road leading to the next level not far away, and her figure disappeared from Exia’s eyes in the blink of an eye.

Looking at her leaving figure, Alexia did not chase after her, but stood quietly and looked at the other side of the corridor in the opposite direction from where Sakura left.

[I thought you would catch up]

Su’s voice came from the bottom of my heart.

(Even if you want to catch up, you should know what happened before you catch up… Mr. Su, when is this pre-civilization world bubble?)

[This is the period of the Twelfth Herrscher]

Sue explained.

[If my memory is correct, after defeating the Eleventh Herrscher at a painful price, Fire Chaser Moth soon discovered the Twelfth Herrscher—that is Sakura’s sister. However, even though it was discovered, it only confirmed the Herrscher’s unique Honkai energy reaction. Sakura’s sister herself did not have any tendency to become a Herrscher]

[As a result, Sakura’s sister was imprisoned for safety reasons. After Sakura learned about this incident, she invaded the base where her sister was detained because of her distrust of the Fire Chaser Moth, and prepared to take her sister to escape from the Fire Chaser Moth]

[I think you can experience the specific details of the incident now. At the end of the incident, Kevin, who received the instruction to stop Sakura, only brought back the news of Sakura’s death, and the 12th Herrscher was also captured by Mei. Sealed…but before being sealed, the Twelfth Herrscher, who was an ultimate virus, had already seized control of the nuclear bomb silo and launched nuclear bombs into the only three remaining cities of mankind]

[Our civilization declined as a result and had to go underground. And not long after that, we came to the moment of facing the final Herrscher… I won’t talk about this now. 】

(I see… that is to say, the place and time we are in now is before everything is over?)

[Well, maybe this is when everything has just begun. However, Sir Alexia, please don’t think about making changes yet]

Su reminded.

[The world bubble you are in is just a remnant of the past. No matter how you change it, there will be no substantial gains in the end regardless of the impact it has on the direction of things.]

[Everything before our civilization has long since died. This is an established fact. You don’t need to worry too much about us becoming losers]

“……I know.”

Alexia clenched her hands slightly.

And it was at this moment——


Bronya and Seele, who were wrapped in the barrier of Sandiao Aige, walked out of the barrier hand in hand.

Alexia smiled slightly: “Is the reunion of the long-awaited reunion over? Bronya.”

“Yes.” Bronya, whose eyes were still slightly red, nodded, “Thank you, Master, for your concern. I also bothered Miss Shajo with the barrier. Bronya is fine here.”

“That’s good, then…”

Looking at Xi’er who was timidly hiding behind Bronya and looking very afraid of strangers, Aixia bent down and got in front of this cute girl with sea-like pupils, and smiled in the gentlest tone possible: “Hello, Miss Seele, I am Alexia. Alexia Messiah Kaslana is Bronya’s friend. Next, she and Bronya will take you back to the real world. .Please take good care of me.”


I don’t know if Alexia’s gentle tone had an effect, but Xi’er moved a little bit away from Bronya: “…Well…Hello, big brother… .I am Seele, Seele Fleur. Thank you and Sister Bronya for coming to save Seele…”

“You’re welcome, this is what I should do. So – Mr. Su, can Bronya and Miss Xier return to their original world now?”

[Well, no problem, I will start to open the channel, wait a moment]

Su Chuan came back with a positive answer.

And very quickly, just a few seconds later, just like when the channel was opened in the quantum sea before, space distortion appeared in front of the three people of Exia again.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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