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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 384

[The channel has been opened]

“Okay. Bronya, you and Miss Xi’er go back first. Then take Miss Xi’er directly to the bishop or Miss Amber, and give her a physical examination first. After all, after staying in the Quantum Sea for so many years, her body There is no guarantee that there will be any hidden dangers.” Alexia warned.

“Bronya knows – then Bronya and Xi’er will take the first step. Master, please come back soon.”

“I will.”

After saying this, Bronya took Xi’er’s hand and took the lead in trotting into the door to the original world opened by Su using the Thousand Worlds Yiyuan.

After watching Bronya and Xi’er leave, she did not catch up immediately. Exia just stood there for a while, waiting until there was a burst of footsteps behind her and then said: “Mr. Su, close the door temporarily. Well, wait until I contact you before opening it.”

[…You still plan to face Kevin directly, right? 】

“Well, as I said before, I will try to find a way to deal with Mr. Kevin.”


Su was silent for a while.

[Then, there is something I want to remind you, Exia]

[For Kevin now, words won’t work. The only way you can convince him is to defeat him. And even among all our fusion warriors, Kevin is the undisputed strongest and the hero of our era. Maybe being locked up in the quantum sea for fifteen hundred years will weaken his strength, but even so, I think he is far better than you in a normal state]

[If you really want to start a war with Kevin, then my suggestion is that you’d better go all out from the beginning]

[He will be the most terrifying and powerful enemy you have faced so far]

115.Ark Project plus

The most terrifying and powerful enemy.

This may be the most exaggerated description that Alexia has heard in the past two years. If it were a different person, although Alexia would not completely ignore it, she would not take it completely seriously either.

But now, the person who said these words was Su from the previous civilization. He should be the person who knows Kevin best now.

And if he describes it like this…

“I’m somewhat curious about how strong you are, Mr. Kevin.”

Turning around, Alexia looked at the figure who had been standing behind him at some point, and then shifted his gaze downwards: “That big sword… is it the Holy Judgment of Heavenly Fire? The real thing It should still be in the hands of Mr. Siegfried, is it just the memory itself that exists in past memories?”

“You surprise me by staying here.”

Holding the Heavenly Fire Holy Seal in his hand, Kevin stared at Exia in front of him: “I thought you would be with Sakura now to witness the truth of the 33rd floor underground.”

“Well…if you want to know, you can know it at any time. After all, Mr. Su is in Tianming now. If I want to know anything, I can just ask him directly.” Alexia said, “Besides, It would be useless even if I went there. You also said that this is your past, at best it is just a projection of the past.”

“What happened more than 55,000 years ago, even if I make changes now, it will not affect the past, right? Then do I have any reason to chase Miss Sakura?”

“A very rational judgment.”

Kevin didn’t know if he was praising him or not. His tone was as calm as ice and no matter what he said, his mental state could not be felt.

“Then, if you stay here and wait for me to come, can I assume that you are willing to negotiate with me?”

“Didn’t you say you have something you want to tell me? It just so happens that I just heard something from Mr. Su, and I’m going to talk to you.” Alexia smiled.

After hearing Su’s name, Kevin pondered for a few seconds: “…Is that so, has Su told you? There are several plans implemented by our Forerunners, and I want to implement the Stigma Project. Things. And what you want to tell me now is your opposition to my Stigma Project, right?”

“That’s right.”

Exia put away her smile and said seriously: “From an objective point of view, I admit the rationality of the Stigmata Project, but the price it paid is too huge, so huge that even if it defeats Honkai, humanity has already It is no different than death. So I hope you can give up the idea of ​​executing the Stigmata plan.”

“Do you think you can defeat Honkai without paying any price?”

Kevin asked coldly.

“Is the collapse of this era a threat that you can face with this kind of mentality of playing house?”

“I don’t think we won’t make sacrifices.” Alexia clenched her fist. “The first collapse almost completely destroyed Berlin, Germany. The second collapse left scars that are difficult to heal throughout Siberia. . And even the third Honkai, which was the least harmful, reduced Changkong City to ruins… I know very well that in the face of Honkai, sacrifice is inevitable. Maybe one day I will do it for… Fight and give your life.”

But even so——

“If the human race we want to protect perishes, then what is the point of defeating Honkai? A civilization that is just a mere form and an empty shell is meaningless even if it is preserved.”

“If we don’t implement the Stigmata plan, we won’t even have a chance to retain the form and the empty shell.” Kevin responded coldly to Ixia’s point of view, “Let’s stop the conversation here. You and I have different ways and angles of looking at things. There is a huge gap, and…this is just an idea you came up with when you know nothing about Honkai. After you understand the truth about Honkai, can you really hold on to it? Do you have such naive thoughts?”

The devastating… truth?

Alexia frowned: “What do you mean? Does Honkai have any secrets?”

“If you want to know, go to the World Snake.” Kevin said, “I should have asked them to invite you. And in the World Snake, there is a place called the Paradise of the Past, where you want to Everything you need to know and all your questions can be answered there. And if you still want to argue with me about the Stigma Project, then wait until you come out of the Paradise of the Past.”


“Have you finished what you want to say? Then it’s my turn – can Sue hear it?”

[…Well, I can hear it, Kevin]

Although I don’t know what method Kevin used, it seems that he can intervene in the spiritual dialogue between Exia and Su.

After confirming that Su could also participate, Kevin continued: “There are two things I want to say. One is about the possibility of restarting the Ark Project.”

Restart the Ark Project.

Kevin’s idea, Su and Exia were both startled, and soon, Su also understood what Kevin meant.

[Is it because of Sir Alexia? 】

“Eh? What do you mean?”

[What Kevin means is that I hope you can become the executor of the new Ark plan, Your Excellency Alexia]

Sue explained.

[The essence of the Ark Project is to adopt an evasive attitude in the face of Honkai and go to the depths of the universe to find a new habitable place to avoid Honkai’s attacks. But the Ark plan we implemented left the solar system a long time ago, and there is no longer any contact, and it is almost ready to fail]

“But now, Project Ark has another path – that is the other world you can reach, Ixia Messiah Kaslana.” Kevin said, “Although the principle is unclear, your He indeed has the ability to move between real different worlds.”


Alexia probably understood what Kevin meant: “Mr. Kevin, are you planning to… let me find a livable different world and then bring all the humans in our world there?! “


Kevin nodded seriously.

What a fantastic plan this is! ! ! ! !

Alexia almost wanted to shout out like this!

Although it is not difficult to find a livable different world in the first half, there are as many different worlds as stars, and you can definitely find it if you look carefully, but the problem is in the second half!

[The population of today’s era has exceeded 7 billion. To transfer all such a large number of humans to another world…it will definitely be difficult to implement, Kevin]

“That is to say, and there will definitely be people who are unwilling to accept the transfer – to say the least, even if all mankind agrees to accept the transfer, I can only transfer a maximum of twelve people at a time. How many transfers will it take? How many years will it take to complete the Ark Project?!”

Even taking the full 7 billion, it would take at least 58,000 times, not to mention that there is at least a three-month interval between each transfer of Exia…

[There is no possibility at all, Kevin]

Kevin thought for a while: “…It does seem to be the case.”

“…Mr. Kevin, are you planning to do this without even thinking about it?” Alexia was a little dumbfounded, “Mr. Su, Mr. Kevin…he turned out to be like this. ?”

[Kevin is not good at making decisions in general directions. In the past, May gave instructions and he followed them. To be honest, I think it’s amazing that he can come up with such a plan]

Su’s words left Exia speechless again.

This…is this the strongest hero from previous civilizations?

“However, this plan does not seem to be completely unfeasible.”

However, just when Alexia was surprised by Kevin’s whims, the voice of Shajo’s love song suddenly rang out.

116. The possibility of crossing the end

The words spoken by Sajo Aige who appeared quietly made both Exia and Su stunned.

Kevin immediately asked: “Is there a witch in Alexia? If you say that, does that mean you have a way to make the Ark plan a feasible plan?”

“Roughly the same.”

“Let’s talk and listen.”

The same reaction as expected.

Shajo Aige pointed at herself: “The specific method is naturally me – or the Great Holy Grail. Prince, do you still remember the original effect of the Great Holy Grail?”


Alexia frowned in confusion.

The most original effect of the Great Holy Grail?

“I remember it was…uh…something to do with magic, right?”

“As expected, I don’t remember.” Sajo Aige sighed, “However, for the prince, the Great Holy Grail is just a simple wish-making machine, and it is normal not to care about it – the Great Holy Grail The real function is to realize the [Third Magic·Soul Materialization].”


That is an ability that exists above magic in the world of Sajou Aige.

Thousands of years ago, there were many magics, but with the development and progress of the times, there are only five magics that still exist in modern times.

And [Soul Materialization] is one of the five great magics.

It is a magic that can achieve immortality, allowing humans to take care of their frail bodies and exist in the world forever as a materialized soul, possessing infinite magic power and not being troubled by any birth, old age, illness or death.

“The current Great Holy Grail can do this.”

Shajo Aige explained.

“And the prince’s rules for bringing others to another world do not seem to apply to souls. At least when Liya and I were brought to this world by the prince, we did not occupy his number. In other words – [The prince can Carrying countless souls].”

“Based on this situation and combined with the effect of the Great Holy Grail, I think the specific solution should be obvious, right?”

Yes, it is indeed obvious.

Even Kevin can think of Shajo Aige’s solution.

“Use the power of the Great Holy Grail to use the magic of soul materialization on all humans, and then use Exia to carry it to another world, completing the world transfer of more than seven billion humans at once -?”

“That’s right.” Sajo Aige smiled, “Although the effect of the Great Holy Grail is limited, the prince still has the power of the Sekiryuutei that can be multiplied infinitely, which can completely make the Great Holy Grail exert super-standard effects. And even this There is no concept of soul in the world, and we only need to forcibly use [Holy Annihilation], a forbidden spell that rewrites the rules of the world, before that, to allow souls to exist in the world.”

The wish-making power of the Great Holy Grail can ignore any conditions.

As long as Exia can provide equivalent magic power, there is nothing in this world that the Great Holy Grail cannot do.


Kevin paused for a moment: “Can the power of [Holy Annihilation] turn this world into a [world without collapse]?”

Alexia: “!”

Su: [! 】

Unbelievable words came out of Kevin’s mouth.

Holy Annihilation is a forbidden spell that rewrites the rules of the world, and since it is such a forbidden spell, theoretically speaking, it should be able to make changes to the world that is currently suffering from the collapse!

Even if it doesn’t work at first, Exia still has the power of the Sekiryuutei!

“Hmm…probably not.”

Sajo Aige thought for a while and then shook his head and said: “There is a certain conflict between the rules of this world and the rules that Holy Annihilation itself can interfere with. If it is limited to [this world], then there is no problem in making changes. But [Honkai] This mechanism is too huge, and even if it is combined with the power of the Holy Annihilation of the Sekiryuutei, it should not be able to effectively interfere.”

“Speaking of which…actually, it’s totally fine not to carry out the Ark project now, right?”

Floating to Alexia’s side, Shatiao Aige gently hugged Alexia: “According to what I heard just now, there should be a total of thirteen Herrschers? And the Lawsmen faced in this era are The Herrscher is only the third one, and there are ten Herrschers who have not yet arrived – can this be considered as such?”

“[The prince still has plenty of opportunities to become stronger].”

“The possibilities and future of a prince who can travel in infinite different worlds are equally unlimited. He only needs to become strong enough to defeat the last Herrscher before the final Herrscher arrives. In terms of results, the same is true. Is it the same?”

In theory, it is.

[Any wisdom in the universe is limited by its own way of existence] – Suddenly, Kevin and Su remembered this sentence at the same time.

Kevin once said that Exia has not yet reached a level where he can discuss things with him, and the way and angles they look at things are completely different.

But this is also true for Exia.

Indeed, Kevin is a person from a pre-civilization, and he has enough knowledge about Honkai, which allows him to pretend to be omniscient in front of Exia. But the possibilities that Alexia possesses and the breadth of his vision are not comparable to Kevin’s.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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