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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 39

Of course, the main cause of those riots are those idiots who use their lower bodies to think about problems, but to a certain extent, they cannot be blamed. After all, Freya’s daily dress quite challenges the willpower of others.

In fact, Freya is dressed like this now.

Rather than saying that she is wearing clothes, it is better to say that she is an outfit made up of several pieces of cloth connected together, which makes people doubt whether it can achieve the most basic effect of clothes.

Snow-white arms, slender thighs, perfect curves from chest to abdomen, shoulders as smooth as jade, excellently shaped buttocks… large areas of supple limbs were displayed in Exiya’s eyes, and in addition From her sitting position, Alexia only needs to move her eyes slightly, and she can even see the bottomless abyss that makes it impossible for people to climb out again.

She knows how to show off her body and how to seduce others.

If it were any other male, his body would have naturally reacted instinctively by this time. No one would be able to remain calm in front of this goddess.

But Alexia doesn’t care.


The divine wine in Freya’s hand froze into ice cubes unknowingly, and the drunken Loki shuddered violently, and his dizzy head was instantly awakened by the cold air around him.

“Wow…it’s so cold…Xikexia, you kid, why is it so cold all of a sudden! Do you want to freeze us to death?”

“No, I just wanted to keep myself calm.”

Even if a fire ignited in his heart, all he had to do was suppress it with extreme cold and force himself to calm down – Alexia suddenly felt that this power of hers was quite convenient.

Looking at Alexia, who was surrounded by cold air and her whole body was releasing cold air, Freya couldn’t help but laugh softly: “Haha, it’s really an interesting reaction… So, what are you going to do? Do you refuse my invitation?”

“Yes. Although it is an attractive proposal, I don’t want to waste my time on it.”

“That’s really a pity.” Freya felt pity from the bottom of her heart, “So, what do you want to say? I think you have something to say to me, right? Otherwise, you wouldn’t have followed Ota here obediently. ”

Alexia nodded: “Two things – one is to express [thank you] to you. Although the method is a lot excessive, thanks to your [blessing], I have now successfully become lv.2.”

“Thank you…” Freya tasted these words, “Is there anything else? If there is one, then there is the other, right?”

“Yes. The second is…”

In the middle of her words, Exia suddenly stretched out her right hand and pointed her fingers at Freya——


The frost shock erupted in front of Freya, and the icy blue storm instantly froze her and the entire chair in the huge ice, leaving only her head on the outside.

An assassination at extremely close range!

Even though he was standing directly beside him, Ota was completely unable to react to Exia’s sudden attack – no, it should be said that he was unable to stop it.


“Stop it, Otta.”

Freya spoke to stop Ota who was about to draw his sword. Her silver eyes stared at Exia: “Assaulting the gods… Do you know what this means? A boy from another world.”

“I don’t know, and I don’t want to know either. After all, I… [We] have no respect for the so-called gods since a long time ago.” Ixia said coldly.

Gods are not worthy of belief.

When facing collapse, it is useless to pray to the gods. The gods will not give any help. In the end, the only one you can rely on is yourself. There is even a saying that Honkai itself is a disaster sent by the gods.


“This is a gift in return, goddess Freya. You gave me a gift in your own way, and I will give you a gift in return in my own way. My own share was returned to Ota just now, and now this The share belongs to Lefiya.”

“The person you like is me, so please don’t involve Lefia. All your plans should be directed at me.”

The people of the Loki Familia are Alexia’s family and friends. Even though they have only been together for half a month, Alexia is very grateful for their care and protection in all aspects – even if this kindness may not be purely.

Therefore, Exia came to return the favor to the goddess Freya who almost hurt her friend (Lefiya).

“This frost won’t cause you any harm. I just froze you. Gods shouldn’t catch colds, right? Lefia didn’t receive any harm in the end, so I won’t hurt you either. Later, O Just crack the ice cubes.”

“Then, this is what I have to say. Please forgive me for any offense. I’ll take my leave. Let’s go back, Goddess Loki.”

With that said, Alexia stood up and walked towards the door, while Loki looked helpless, spreading his hands and chasing after him – taking a bottle of wine on the table with him.

Looking at Alexia’s back, Freya suddenly asked: “Exia, wait a moment.”

“Is there anything else? Goddess Freya.”

“Well, the last…no, two questions.” Freya smiled, “When are you going to leave this world? And…please tell me your criteria for choosing a mate.”


What did this goddess say?

66.Sorry, I can’t bring anyone with me

Time to leave and criteria for choosing a mate?

The two questions Freya asked made Exia pause for a while.

And Loki also grabbed Alexia’s neck: “Ah~~~Yes, yes, yes, we also want to ask about this matter. When are you going to go back?”

“Go back…why do you think I will go back?”

“Well, it’s the so-called intuition of the gods.” Loki said with a smile, “You have had this feeling since you came to this world. I guess only us gods can feel it – you have a feeling that does not belong to this world. The world feels like leaves falling on water.”

The leaves fall down, even if they stay on the water for a while, but as soon as the wind blows again, the leaves will float far away.

Alexia is still in this world, but the feeling of being far away from him can be detected by any god – he will leave this world one day.

“You are a little guy from our family. Even though I finally picked up such a good young talent like you, I still have to watch you leave. If you think about it carefully, it would be a huge loss. But when you leave, we probably won’t be able to keep you.” Come down.”

Alexia came to this world suddenly, so when she leaves, she will probably leave suddenly too. Loki, who cannot use his divine power, will definitely not be able to force him to stay when the time comes.

“So, tell us first when you will leave, so that we can hold a farewell party for you.”

“Goddess Loki…”

Looking at her main god who was smiling heartlessly, Exia glanced at the burning time that gradually appeared in her field of vision.



“About… there are still forty-two days. Although I don’t know how I will leave. After all, when I arrived, I was inexplicable.”

“Forty-two days, surprisingly fast.”

“I originally wanted to tell you guys not long before I left, but I didn’t expect you, Loki, to take the initiative…” Exia said, “There is no need for a farewell party. There is no need for this.”

Just say goodbye to everyone at the door as usual when setting out for the dungeon.

Loki patted Alexia on the shoulder: “Don’t be so disrespectful – there is another thing I want to ask.”

“What’s up?”

“Can you take someone with you when you leave?”

Alexia: “…Eh?”

With people?

What brings people?

“Uh…you want to ask me if I can take someone with me to my side of the world when I leave?”

“Yes, yes!” Loki nodded quickly, “We are quite interested in your world over there and want to go there. The new world is definitely more interesting than the world here.”

This lower realm is very interesting, otherwise it would not have attracted many gods to come down to earth to experience life. But anyway, the age of gods has been open for thousands of years, and the gods have done most interesting things, so it is natural to want to develop some new ones. fun of.

【Different world】.

This is undoubtedly a treasure trove yet to be developed.

(So…then, can Loki’s question be answered?)

[God, no. Not a god, yes]

Such burning words appeared in the eyes, and then, as if listing various precautions, dozens of additional lines of text appeared, and automatic scrolling began.

[Limited number of people: 1 person]

[Mode of existence: existence absorption]

[Limited display time: 12 hours/day]

[Limited display range: 100 meters]


Clauses like this emerged one after another, adding up to about thirteen or four things to note.

And to sum it all up——

(I can only bring one person back. The method is to absorb the other person’s whole person and become a part of me. Then I can only let the other person move outside for twelve hours a day, and the distance cannot be more than 100 meters from me. In addition, sharing of thoughts and physical fitness There’s no need to worry about not being able to resist Honkai Energy, I’ll bear it all…)


Various reminders are quite complete, even taking into account Honkai resistance.

But rather than taking him back with him, he turned that person into Exia’s property.

[tip: There is absorption]

[Disintegrate the opponent’s body, integrate the soul into yourself, and then reconstruct the body when it appears]

(That is… treating the opponent as a summoned object in the game?)


If he does this, then the person brought back by Exia in the future will never be able to leave him, because the other person has merged with him and become a being similar to the spirit behind him that cannot be freed.

Looking at Loki and Freya who were waiting for her answer, Exia pursed her lips and said, “…Sorry, no. I don’t seem to be able to take anyone back with me.”

“Can not be done……”

Loki is obviously a little disappointed. It’s really disappointing that he can’t go to another world.

“Well, although I have thought about this possibility for a long time, it is really boring to hear it actually – that’s it, Freya, don’t think about your wishful thinking.”

“Hehehe, what are you talking about? Loki, I don’t understand.”

Freya smiled and said: “I have never asked such a thing. Besides, compared to this, you haven’t answered my other question yet, Alexia.”

“Uh… Criteria for mate selection? Why do you ask about such a thing?”

“It’s just a reference. Although this meeting between us is not that wonderful, I think we will meet again. When the time comes…”

“Then I think it’s better if I don’t tell you.”

Alexia probably knew what Freya wanted to do – besides, in fact, he didn’t know what his criteria for choosing a mate were. If he had to say it, it would be Bianca.

“In addition, although I may come back after leaving this world, I don’t know exactly when I will come back. You don’t need to pay too much attention to me.”

Exia has confirmed before that for traveling back and forth to the same world, you need to wait three months after leaving before returning. But Aixia is not sure that she will come back in three months.

It could be half a year, it could be a year, it could even be a few years, or even forever.

For someone like him who might not come back, Goddess Freya doesn’t actually need to pay much attention.

“Okay, okay! Stop fantasizing about our little guy, you idiot!” Loki suddenly intervened between the two of them, “Why are you still hanging on after being dumped? Only those idiots Only then will I like a nymphomaniac like you who has three hundred hearts but two hundred intentions. Let’s go, Aixia!”

“Ah…Okay, farewell, Goddess Freya.”

Exia, who was dragged by Loki, quickly left the room.



Otta punched the ice surface with his fist, and the ice layer that froze Freya instantly shattered into pieces of ice and scattered on the ground.

After moving her body covered with ice chips, Freya smiled and said: “You are right, Loki. If you are dumped, you really shouldn’t continue to stalk. That kind of love is too ugly. But… ….”

Recalling the fire she had just been staring at and the unbreakable ice that froze her, Freya’s cheeks couldn’t help but turn slightly red.

“This time…even if it looks a little ugly, I don’t think it matters.”

67. I want to go together

Another hour later.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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