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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 4

Exia said her name.

“Exia Kaslana.”

6.Take off your clothes first!

At Exia’s request, Finn almost started from scratch, explaining the situation of the world he came to now.

First is God.

Unlike the gods that Ixia knows that only exist in myths and do not actually exist, in this world, gods do exist, and they are not divided into different gods, but all the gods. They all live in the same place called [Heaven].

It’s just that some of the gods now don’t live in heaven.

About a thousand years ago, the gods in the heavens were fed up with the boring life in the heavens. They chose to seal their divine power and took the initiative to seek excitement in the lower world and live like humans.

The city chosen by the gods to live is this city called Orario.

The reason is simple, because Orario can give them enough stimulation. After all, Orario has been the most important place in the world since a long time ago, long before the gods came to the human world.

Because Orario has the only [Dungeon] in the world.

It is a super large maze located underground in Orario. The internal environment is complex and changeable, and ferocious species called monsters are produced. It is a very dangerous place.

As for such a dangerous zone, humans living in this world have been exploring it as a matter of course.

The gods appreciate this behavior. In their eyes, it is a commendable thing for humans to explore dangerous areas, and the various things that happen during the exploration process are also quite interesting and valuable.

Whether it is dying in a battle with a monster, or whether it is defeating a powerful monster by racking your brains with all your strength – these things make the gods find it interesting and exciting.

Therefore, in order to seek more fun and more excitement, the gods took the initiative to join the exploration of the dungeon. However, they could not use any divine power in the lower realm, so the method they chose was to give power to the people in the lower realm, allowing them to People who have received the favor of God can explore deeper dungeons, presenting them with more fun.

And that favor is the [sacred text] mentioned by the red-haired goddess named Loki before – God’s favor will appear in the form of words and data on the back of the person who receives the favor. And people who are blessed by the same god will gather under their own god and become that god’s dependents.

The few people Alexia is seeing now are members of the Loki Familia.

In this way, the people in the lower world received the power given by God and were called “adventurers”, and they began to explore deeper into the underground city day after day.

“…That’s basically the situation. Do you have any other questions?”

Finn ended with these words.

Alexia held her chin and thought.

(Family, sacred text, adventurers, dungeons, monsters… It’s like coming to some game world, and then… the focus is undoubtedly [sacred text] and [dungeon] )

[Do you desire power? 】

Although the burning text was no longer in sight, Exia could somewhat understand what it meant.

He initially chose yes, which expressed his desire for power, and then he came to this world. This may be because some kind of power behind the words responded to his wishes and allowed him to come to this world to gain power. .

And that power is undoubtedly the sacred text and the dungeon.

Sacred text is a blessing given by the gods to people in the lower world, allowing them to transform from ordinary people without any power into heroes and strong men who can rival monsters, and effectively improve their physical fitness.

There are endless monsters in the dungeon. As long as you keep entering the dungeon to fight monsters, it will be difficult to improve. Whether it is actual combat experience or combat feeling.

(I see. Although the reason is unknown and I don’t know what the text is about, I can regard the current situation as the opportunity it gives me – an opportunity to gain strength.)

Thinking of this, Aixia shook her head: “No, it’s good to have a general understanding of the situation. Maybe there will be other questions later, but let’s talk about that at that time.”

“Then, it’s your turn to answer our questions.” Finn said, “Our questions are very simple, just like what Loki asked just now, who are you? Where are you from? Why did you fall from the sky? .”

“My name has been mentioned just now, Ixia Kaslana. As for the next two questions…just like I couldn’t understand your situation just now, you may not be able to understand me either. Generally speaking, the situation there – it’s probably [I came from another world].”

From another world.

This is indeed the only way Exia can describe herself. Whether it is for Finn and others living here, or for Exia living over there, each other’s world is genuine to the other. of another world.

“It’s a different world…is it really like this?”

Loki opened his eyes slightly.

“Actually, when you hit me in front of me, for a moment, we felt a little fluctuation in space. I guess it was caused by you coming here from another world. We thought it was an illusion at first. .”

“Eh…can you accept it?” Alexia asked doubtfully, “I myself think this reason is full of suspicion, do you just accept it?”

“Well, after all, we are gods who have lived for hundreds of millions of years. The ability to tell whether a person is lying or not is very difficult. Although you are indeed hiding something, you are not lying – everyone has their own little secrets. , even if we are gods, we have no right to force a person to tell everything.”

Loki laughed.

not to mention……

(This kid himself doesn’t understand the current situation. It is indeed the reaction of a newcomer who has just arrived. He can’t pretend. It’s a different world…hehehe, although it’s not what we want. A treasure, but this can be regarded as an unexpected gain. Who knows what kind of fun a person from another world can bring?)

Thinking of this, Loki couldn’t help but let out a weird laugh, and looked at the surrounding members of the Familia who were a little helpless.

On Exia’s side, she was relieved to see Loki’s attitude: “That’s good…Thank you for your understanding, Ms. Loki…ah, no, it should be said to be Loki. A goddess?”

“It doesn’t matter what you call it. Compared with this, it’s time to talk about the second business, right?” Loki said with a smile.

“Second business?”

“Well, to put it bluntly…”

Loki smiled and came to Exia and leaned close to his face.

“——Take off all your clothes first and let us see!”

Alexia: “……”


7. If you don’t have money, just sell yourself.

What Loki suddenly said made Exia stunned.


“Why are you taking off your clothes?”

“Of course it is to engrave sacred words on you and let you join our family.” Loki said matter-of-factly, “By the way, you have no right to refuse.”

Join Loki’s family?

Alexia frowned: “I haven’t said that I want to join your family, have I? Please think about it again. Now I want to start to understand the general situation of this world…”

“No~~~ In that case, you might be eaten up by some flirtatious goddess in the blink of an eye! And as we said just now, you have no right to refuse – come on, come on, look here .”

Loki opened the window as he spoke. Exia looked out the window and saw an open space outside. It should be said to be a courtyard, right? A huge crater is imprinted on the ground, looking like it was struck by a meteorite. A large amount of broken ice that has not yet melted can be seen in the center.

“You smashed it out.”

Loki said.

“What did we just say, right? You suddenly fell from the sky and hit us in front of us. You scared us half to death, and you also made such a big hole in one fell swoop! The entire family members were shocked. I was shocked! Although the excitement is quite exciting, and a person falling from the sky is also quite interesting, but one code equals one code, and the compensation still has to be calculated.”

“Compensation…so letting me join your family is [compensation]?”

“Ang! Join our family and become an adventurer in the dungeon to defeat monsters and make money – this is how you pay off your debts!”

“No, this is just-“

“By the way, it’s impossible for you to pay off your debts bit by bit through a step-by-step approach.”

Loki took out a piece of parchment from somewhere. Ixia took it and looked at it, and found that it was a dense list of debts.

[Destroying the courtyard of the Loki Familia, compensation will be 400,000 Wallis according to the market price]

[Creating a huge commotion that affects the normal activities of the dependents, compensation of 120,000 Wallis will be calculated based on the daily turnover of the dependents]

[Destroying the courtyard and destroying vegetation, compensation of 100,000 wallis]


Entries like this are almost full of parchment, and the total adds up to more than 1.5 million Wallis – by the way, this Wallis should be the currency unit of this world, right?

And at the end of the parchment…

[The attempted attack on God Loki caused him to become overly nervous and almost commit the crime of killing gods. The compensation is tentatively scheduled to be 1.2 billion Wallis]

“Two billion!?”

The outrageous number made Aixia shout out!

“Isn’t this compensation too…?”

“Ah, do you know how much it costs to attack a god like us?” Loki sneered, “Even if you didn’t mean it, the fact is the fact. Just understand your situation and accept our punishment. ,brat–“


Before Loki finished speaking, a staff hit her head directly. Riveria took the list from Exia’s hand: “You really made this list? …Although I also think that Ixia needs to make a certain degree of compensation, the last one is obviously unnecessary. It’s just your selfish desire, right?”

“It’s not selfish! We are very serious! If we had taken another step forward, we would have been smashed to death by him! Then we would have to return to heaven and never come down again. It would be boring to death! With us Compared with the sad future he will face, just letting him accompany 1.2 billion is already very lenient, okay!”

“Finn, I’ll cross that last one out, okay?”

“Of course, this is more reasonable. Let’s cross out the other outrageous ones as well.”

Riveria and Finn just didn’t take their gods seriously at all, they just modified the parchment on their own, and then handed the modified version back to Exia. .

Finn said: “Actually, you only need to compensate this part, Ixia. Although you did not mean it, it is a real fact that you caused losses to our dependents. Please accept this.”

“Let me see…eh?”

After reading the parchment again, Exia couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment.

The previously densely packed sheet of compensation items has now been revised to only seven or eight items. The total compensation is only about 800,000 Wallis. Even if you don’t look at the astronomical price of 1.2 billion, it is only Half of the original.

(It can be said to be a lenient treatment… Well, after deleting a large number of duplicate entries, the price is indeed the same, but…)

Alexia glanced at the message [Join the Loki Familia]: “Is it necessary to join the Loki Familia…?”

Finn nodded: “Let’s put it this way, or if you want to complete the compensation as quickly as possible, there is only this option – in this Orario, the most profitable profession is adventurer, the fastest way to make money Just go into the dungeon.”

“Defeat monsters, collect magic stones and rare materials dropped by monsters, and submit them to the guild in exchange for Wallis. This is our lifestyle as adventurers.”

“You said you came from another world, so it goes without saying that you don’t have any currency from our world, nor any access to our world. You will definitely encounter obstacles everywhere when you go out to work. What’s more important is that you can’t earn much money. not much.”

“Yes, yes~~If you don’t have money, you have no choice but to sell yourself to us!”

Loki was making fun of him next to him.

However, judging from the current situation, what Finn said is absolutely correct. If you want to pay off this debt as soon as possible, becoming an adventurer is indeed the fastest way.


[Do you desire power? 】

Such words seemed to appear in Alexia’s eyes again.

Even if it was not his intention, the reason why he came to this world was because a certain existence represented by the words responded to his thoughts and gave him the opportunity to gain power.

Sacred text, dungeon.

If you seize this opportunity, you will gain strength.

(Power…if I have power, can I…catch up with Bianca?)

The record between Alexia and Bianca is, three hundred and twenty-eight battles, three hundred and twenty-eight defeats and zero wins. He has never defeated Bianca once, even those instructors, even Bishop Otto, and even Bianca He has said that being born in the Kaslana clan must contain some kind of power, and he will definitely inspire that power to become a powerful warrior one day, so there is no need to be impatient and discouraged now.

But no matter what, Exia is also a boy. What boy would be willing to watch himself lose three hundred and twenty-eight times in a row? And he still lost to the same person, to his childhood sweetheart – it may be a bit bad to say this, but losing to a girl all the time, Exia really felt ashamed of herself.

But now, the opportunity was before him.

(Power…I, can get power…)

“Can you answer a question for me? Goddess Loki.”

“Huh? What?”

“After joining your family and receiving your divine favor, can I become a powerful warrior?”

This question made Loki laugh: “It depends on you, little guy. The divine favor given to you by our gods is essentially an accelerator, which can stimulate the things that you may not have been able to stimulate in your lifetime. Discover your potential and turn this possibility into your experience and become the nourishment for your growth.”

“In other words, whether you can become stronger in the end depends on your own potential ability – in the final analysis, it is talent!”


God rewards hard work, hard work compensates for weakness… These words do have some truth, but in the final analysis, does it still depend on talent?

(So, I must be talented, right?)



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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