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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 40

Exia and others left the battle wilderness and successfully returned to the Loki Familia’s camp.

“…So, in less than a month and a half, you will leave our world?”

After listening to Loki’s retelling of Exia’s departure, the several first-level adventurers gathered were a little surprised.

Finn crossed his arms across his chest: “It’s really unexpectedly fast, even though I heard Loki mention it…”

“I’m sorry. I wanted to find a time to talk to you, but I was busy making money some time ago, and then I was in a coma for a month.”

Alexia bowed slightly to everyone: “Everyone has taken good care of me during this period. I am really grateful. I will try my best to repay you before leaving.”

Tiona quickly shook her head and waved her hands: “No need, we didn’t help you much.”

Tione also nodded: “You don’t owe us anything—you owe it to the leader! Don’t leave until the leader says you can leave!”

“It doesn’t matter to me. Exia really doesn’t owe us anything now, does she?” Finn said with a smile.

Whether it was first-level weapons, grimoires, or the compensation for damaging the courtyard in the first place… all kinds of debts were repaid with the compensation from the Freya Familia and the guild’s remuneration. , now Exia is completely light.

“However, if you are leaving in one and a half months…what will you do in the next period?” Riveria asked, “You are now prohibited from entering the dungeon.”


This sentence made Exia stunned: “It is forbidden to enter the dungeon? Why?”

“It’s not because of your power.” Loki reminded, “The old man from Uranus said that Zaganat will appear probably because your power stimulated the dungeon, and the floors were destroyed… ….If you continue to use that kind of power in the dungeon, I’m afraid Jagannath will wander around, so now you are the only person in the guild who is banned from entering the dungeon.”

In thousands of years, Exia is the first and only person to have been treated like this.

But if you can’t go to the dungeon, what will Exia do in the next month and a half?

“How about taking a good look around this Orario?” Riveria suggested, “When you came to our world, your specific activity time was only half a month, and you spent all of it in the dungeon. You probably haven’t had a good walk through this city yet, right? It’s a good idea to visit it before leaving.”

“Then let’s start taking Exia-kun around tomorrow to watch!”

Tiona was the first to raise her hand, but was immediately pushed back by Tione.

“Idiot, where do we get the time? Isn’t the expedition going to start next week? There are still preparations to be done before then.”


This matter should have been completed a month ago, but due to the unexpected situation of Exia and Lefia, it was delayed for a month. In addition, Exia has now been banned from entering the dungeon… ..

“I always feel a little sorry for everyone.”

“It’s okay, you don’t have to worry about it.” Finn smiled, “Let’s talk about tomorrow’s matters tomorrow. I think you have more important things to do now, Alexia.”

“Something more important?”

“Your childhood sweetheart – you were in a coma for a month, and you haven’t contacted her for a month, right? When we were taking care of you, we heard your magic item ringing many times…”


As soon as Finn finished speaking, Alexia grabbed the door—no, I should say, knocked the door away and rushed out at full speed!

“Oops ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Such wailing and wailing came from the corridor.

She stuck her head out from the door and looked at Alexia who had disappeared in a hurry. Tiona smiled happily and said, “Oh my, I always feel that Alexia-kun will not be able to hold his head up in front of his childhood sweetheart~~~”

“We don’t need to interfere too much in other people’s emotional affairs. Compared to this…”

Finn looked at Loki: “Now that Exia is gone, can we talk about it, Loki? That’s what Exia hid from you.”

“hold head high!”

Loki smiled and jumped on the table and crossed his legs: “Well, actually it’s not a big deal. Before we came back, we asked the little guy if he could take someone with him when he left. Although he said at the time It’s not possible, but actually… it’s probably possible.”

Alexia was lying.

Loki saw this, and Freya must have too, because people can’t lie in front of the gods, and the gods can tell at a glance whether what they say is true.

【Sorry, no】

What Alexia said was undoubtedly a lie.

“We don’t want to investigate why he lied. There are many possibilities. Either there will be dangers in taking people there, or he doesn’t want to take people back, or what price it will cost to take people back… ..But it doesn’t matter, to be honest, we really want to go and see that world!”

Loki made no secret of his inner desires.

“But we still have things we want to do in the world here, and we have to deal with three important commissions, so – how about we send someone to follow that kid back secretly?”

Follow Exia back to his world in secret?

Hearing what Loki said, several first-level adventurers looked at each other, and then Finn said: “I don’t think this is good, Loki.”

“Eh? Why!”

“It’s a very simple reason, and I think you also know it – this will undoubtedly offend Exia’s good intentions.”

Alexia is a trustworthy companion.

After this incident, everyone in Loki’s family understood this, and also knew that he regarded them as companions. And he deceived them and said that he couldn’t take anyone away with him. No matter what reason he had, his starting point should be for their sake.

Loki’s actions undoubtedly betrayed his good intentions.

“……I wanna go.”

However, some people raised objections.

Everyone’s eyes focused on the speaker at the same time.

Ais, who had been silent from the beginning, clenched her hands slightly and said seriously: “I want to go to his world. I want to know…the origin of his power.”

Why is Exia so powerful?

Why can Exia control that kind of power?

Why can Exia become stronger so quickly?

These questions have been lingering in Ais’s heart since he first came back from the dungeon and showed his abnormal growth rate, and they have become more and more intense as he behaves and grows.

She wants to know the answers to these questions, she wants to get in touch with powers she has never been exposed to, she wants to go to her unknown world and gain new power.

She wants to…become stronger.

Seeing Ais speaking these words seriously, everyone else in the room fell silent, especially those who knew a lot about Ais’ past. To be honest, it was not surprising that Ais would have such thoughts. .

“Then, let’s try asking him, Ais.”

After thinking for a long time, Riveria said this.

“Ask him why he doesn’t want to leave with him.”


[How are you doing over there? 】

【not here? Why don’t you speak? 】

[It’s been three days, where have you been? 】

[If you don’t reply for a week, what are you busy with? 】

[You wait when you come back! 】

[It’s been half a month…Did something happen to you? 】


When Alexia rushed back to her room, took out her personal terminal and opened it, what came directly into her view was a large number of 99+ unread messages from Bianca!

From the normal greeting at the beginning, to the obvious dissatisfaction when he found out that he didn’t reply, to finally the worry when he realized that something might have happened to him…

Looking at the more than two hundred messages in the communication column, the more Alexia swiped upwards, the more sorry she felt.

[Rita and I are going on a mission, which will take about three days. If you see it, please remember to reply. I don’t believe something would happen to you like this, right? 】

This was the message Bianca sent last night, when Alexia was still asleep – he woke up less than three hours ago.

Without choosing to reply to the text, Axia opened the voice recording: “Sorry, Bianca, something happened to me before. I was seriously injured and was in a coma for a month. I just woke up today. I’m sorry for making you worry.”

(I should have read her messages as soon as I woke up…what was I doing?)

After sending out the voice, Exia slapped her face with some self-reproach. Why was he in such a hurry to go to the Freya Familia? It’s not impossible to do that kind of trivial matter tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I should first consider that in addition to the members of the family, there are other people who will worry about me.

Go back to your original world and apologize seriously.

“Exia, are you there?”

Just when Ixia was thinking this, Riveria’s voice suddenly sounded outside the door, and then the figures of Riveria and Ais walked in through the door that was not closed.

Looking at the personal terminal in Exia’s hand, Riveria said, “Have we disturbed your communication with your childhood sweetheart?”

“No, she shouldn’t be able to contact me now. I just left her a message first to make her feel at ease.” Exia explained, “Compared to this, what’s the matter with you two? You came to me all of a sudden. .”

“Well, there is indeed something… To be precise, Aisi has something to tell you. It’s about your departure.”


Alexia frowned.

Ais walked forward and stared into Alexia’s blue eyes: “Exia…can you take me with you?”


Go together?

This means…

“Miss Ais, you want to go to my world? Who told you about this? Goddess Loki?”

Ais nodded.

Riveria added: “When you explained it to Loki, you said you couldn’t bring anyone with you, right? But for gods, lying is useless. Any lies, inducements, misunderstandings, word games… .Even the gods can see it clearly.”

There is one thing that everyone in Orario agrees on, that is, when facing the gods, it is best to remain silent and say nothing.

“Is it……”

“Loki originally planned to follow you secretly when you left, but we all rejected it…except for Ais.” Riveria looked at Ais, “She has always been very kind. I’m curious about why you can grow so fast, and I think if I go to your world with you, I might become stronger, so…”

(Is that why you want to leave with me?)

Alexia looked at the swordswoman staring at her in front of her, and after a moment of silence, she asked: “Why are you so thirsty for power? Miss Ace.”

Aisi is at level 5. In terms of ability value, she has reached a point where it is almost impossible to progress. If she wants to go further, she can only upgrade.

But to be honest, the first-level adventurers in Orario are already very strong. There are probably only a few dozen of them in all of Orario, not to mention that Ais is only sixteen years old now, and there is still plenty of time to grow. There is no need to do something like going to another world where the risks and safety are unknown.

If you want to upgrade, the upcoming expedition is also an opportunity.


“Because of what happened when Ais was a child.”

Riveria explained on behalf of the hesitant Ais: “I won’t go into the details. This is Ais’s own business. I can’t say too much, but generally speaking, Ais’ parents are He left her when he was a child to fight against powerful monsters and never came back.”

“After that, Ais has always wanted to find her parents, and has always been hostile…or hating monsters. That’s why she became an adventurer. And now she sees this different world like yours After your visitor has such a powerful power, she will naturally be attracted to you.”

To be precise, he was attracted by Exia’s power.

(It’s very similar.)

Alexia thought so after hearing this.

Aisi’s past, Exia has been exposed to too many similar situations in the past.

The city where he lived was attacked by Honkai, and his family was killed by Honkai beasts to protect him. In the end, in order to avenge Honkai and his family, he became a Valkyrie and devoted himself to the battle against Honkai – this way Exia has seen too many situations in Tianming’s archives.

Most Valkyries have a similar past.

“Of course, we are not necessarily asking you to take Aisi away, we are just trying to ask.” Riveria continued, “You choose to hide this matter, which means that taking people back is not a casual matter. If possible, can you explain it to us?”

“Why can’t you take people away with you? Or is the world over there much more dangerous than here?”

“……I see.”

After thinking for a while, Exia sighed slightly: “I will explain to you to a certain extent the reason why I can’t take people away with me, and part of the situation in the world over there, but even if I explain it, it won’t be enough. It doesn’t mean that I am willing to take Miss Ais and leave with me. I hope that after hearing this, Miss Ais can give up the idea of ​​leaving with me.”

“Leaving with me, at least in my opinion, is definitely not a good option.”

Alexia’s expression and solemnity made both Ais and Riveria feel that he valued this aspect – he really thought about them from the bottom of his heart, so he didn’t want to take Ais away.

“You tell me.” Ais responded, “I…will not give up. I will convince you to take me away with you.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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