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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 41

69. Do you have this awareness?

“The world I live in… In terms that you two can understand, you can think of the entire world as a [dungeon].”

Alexia tried her best to describe the situation on her side of the world using terms from this side of the world.

“A disaster called [Collapse] will periodically occur throughout the world. Although there are many forms, the most common forms are [Infection] and [Monster].”

Where Honkai breaks out, most of the people living there will be infected by Honkai energy, or become dead soldiers and then be punished, or die on the spot. If the rescue team of Destiny fails to arrive in time, there will only be extreme consequences in the end. A few survive.

This is called [infection].

And another kind of [monster]——

“Similar to the dungeon, with the occurrence of Honkai Impact, a monster called Honkai Beast will appear in groups where the Honkai Impact occurs, and the stronger the Honkai Impact occurs, the stronger the Honkai Beast will be. high.”


Aiz’s attention was attracted by this.

“Is it strong?”

“Take Goliath as an example.” Ixia thought for a moment, “Goliath’s power can roughly match the chariot-class Honkaimon among Honkaimon, and is even a little inferior. The chariot-class Honkaimon Honkaimon is considered a weak type among Honkaimon, similar to the Minotaur among Honkaimon.”

This is not an exaggeration, it is a fact.

Chariot-level Honkaimon is one of the most common Honkaimon. It will appear in cities where there is a collapse, and once it appears, it will be in large numbers. Although a single individual is not difficult to deal with and moves very slowly, groups of them can They are also pretty tough opponents.

Generally, air warships dispatched first will conduct wide-area strikes to clean up.

This description surprised both Ais and Riveria.

For the two of them, Goliath is definitely not a strong enemy. It will take a little time to defeat it, and Ais will be much faster – but even so, if they encounter a large number of Goliaths at the same time… ….

“By the way, the size of Chariot-level Honkaimon is about ten to twenty meters. In addition to the Chariot-level, there are also Knight-level Honkaimon and Temple-level Honkaimon… .”

Having said this, Exia pursed her lips and said, “In my opinion, with Miss Ace’s strength, it will definitely be no problem to deal with knight-level or chariot-level beasts alone, but it probably won’t be possible for temple-level Honkaimon. .”

Temple-level Honkaimon is equipped with both a sword and a shield, and its defense and destructive power are extremely high. Coupled with its huge body, it is extremely dangerous. Only A-level Valkyrie will be allowed to fight it alone.


Riveria subconsciously looked at the girl next to her. Although it was not obvious, there was definitely some wavering in her expression.

And Exia continued to explain: “In addition, in addition to Honkaimon, there is also a particularly powerful individual in our world called [Herrscher]. Well… you two can As a magician, the Herrscher does not need to chant when using magic. He has unlimited magic power and can completely destroy the city easily.”

Regarding the records of Herrschers, Exia has confirmed them in the archives – now only two Herrschers have appeared.

The first one appeared in 1952. The collapse caused by its birth caused more than 300,000 casualties in Berlin, Germany.

The second one appeared in 2001. The second Honkai Impact caused by it prompted Tianming to devote all its fighting power. Almost half of Asia was infected by Honkai Energy. In the end, several A-level Valkyrie and a After the S-class Valkyrie, he was defeated by firing Honkai energy fission bombs. As a result, Siberia was razed to the ground.

Riveria is known as Orario’s strongest mage, but compared to the Herrscher’s power, her magic is the difference between a firefly and a blazing sun.

“I don’t mean to exaggerate, Miss Ais, what I said is all the facts that happened in my world. I can understand your desire to become stronger. There are many people like you among the Valkyries who fight against Honkai Impact. But I don’t think you need to actively participate in the battle with Honkai like them.”

“That’s not the enemy you need to face.”

The battle against Honkai energy is very dangerous. Even after going to that world, due to the existence of Exia, Ais does not need to worry about being eroded by Honkai energy, but with her power, she can easily be destroyed in the battle. rout.

As for the artificial stigmata developed by Destiny, and even various Valkyrie armors… To be honest, Exia didn’t want Ais to accept those.

Even if the artificial stigmata can give ordinary people the power to fight Honkaimon, it is not 100% suitable for everyone. The artificial stigmata itself is also a defective product and will have considerable side effects on the body of the Valkyrie.

The same is true for the Valkyrie Armor, not to mention that it is impossible for destiny to let an unknown person directly wear the Valkyrie Armor.

(Of course, in addition to Honkai Impact and Herrscher, the more important thing is… Bishop Otto.)

Exia recalled her guardian.

As an elder, as a benefactor who has taken care of him, guided him, and helped him since he was a child, Bishop Otto has always been a teacher and father in Ixia’s heart. He is very grateful to him for teaching him. Thank you very much. His kindness to his upbringing.

But… Ever since she became a data organizer under Bishop Otto, Exia actually started to alienate him a little bit.

The reason is simple.

Because of the information recorded in the archives.

In order to fight against Honkai, sacrifice is inevitable. The advantage Tianming has gained in facing Honkai is based on countless failures and various cruel human experiments.

Almost all experiments were signed or even led by Bishop Otto.

In order to fight against Honkai, he could regard human life as a number. From a leader’s point of view, there was no problem in this, but Exia did not think this was correct.

(After I go back, whether I apply on my own initiative or Bishop Otto requests it, I will definitely undergo a physical examination, and this is a reasonable and reasonable approach.)

His most important subordinate has disappeared for three months. In order to confirm his personal safety, it is normal to conduct a physical examination.

Of course there is no problem with this. Regardless of God’s favor or Kaslana’s power, Exia was ready to compile a report for reporting.

But it would be different if he took Ais back with him. As a living [person from another world], Ixia didn’t know what kind of things her guardian would do to her, or what kind of thoughts she would have.

After all, in a sense, this is tantamount to discovering a brand new [species], and human beings are always full of unlimited curiosity about unknown things and brand-new things, which is strong enough to break the moral bottom line.

“Anyway, my world is too dangerous for you, Miss Ais. Please think about it again and don’t make the decision to leave me just because of impulse.”

“…It doesn’t matter.” Ais shook her head slightly, “There are so many powerful enemies…it’s just right.”



Exia and Riveria were either silent or sighing. Ais originally came here to pursue power, but now that she hears Exia’s description, she may be even more yearning for a world full of Honkaiju – that will undoubtedly make her stronger.

(Is she obsessed with pursuing power?)

Alexia couldn’t help but think.

“Then… let me explain one last point, Miss Ais. Leaving with me and what it means to be taken away by me.”

After taking a deep breath, Ixia threw out the last trick: “The way I take people away is [Existential Absorption], which means to absorb Miss Ais’s body, consciousness, soul, and spirit, and transfer your All become a part of me.”

“You cannot exist in the world without my order. I only need one word to make you disappear or reappear… which is equivalent to you becoming my slave.”

“You will no longer be you – even then, do you want to leave with me?”

Do you have the consciousness to sacrifice everything in yourself in order to gain strength?

If you want to leave with Exia, having this awareness is the most important thing than realizing the dangers of another world and your own weakness.

70.Before leaving

Ace left.

After listening to Alexia’s explanation, she left Alexia’s room without saying a word, probably to think seriously.

“I’m sorry, Alexia, for causing you trouble.”

After watching Aisi leave, Riveria said with some tiredness: “She has been like this since she was a child. Although she has gotten better in the past few years, she still occasionally behaves in such a stubborn and willful way.”

“No, it doesn’t matter. I think she will give up after she calms down.” Alexia waved her hand, “What’s more… in fact, no matter what Miss Ais said, I have no idea of ​​taking her away with her. — there’s absorption, and that’s not something you should do to your friends and family.”

If Ais really insisted on leaving with him, then Alexia would probably choose to find a place to hide when she was about to leave.

(Friends and family…?)

Riveria thought about it carefully: “You value the relationship with us very much. It may be strange to say this, but… for those of us who have only known you for a month and a half, why do you Are you willing to believe us like this? Exia.”

“I don’t believe everyone.”

Alexia said.

“It’s just that everyone has always shown good intentions to me so far, and everything they do is for my benefit. Under such circumstances, I have to respond to everyone’s good intentions, right?”

As the saying goes, don’t hit someone with a smiling face.

Since other people want to get along with you with good intentions, you must also treat them with good intentions in return. This is how people get along with each other.

Riveria smiled and said: “Then what you say, if we do something to betray you, you will betray us right away?”

“In that case, I will first ask you clearly why you betrayed me. If there is a reason, such as being coerced or threatened, then I will try my best to save you and help you. But if you are purely against me, I have a plan——”

Before she finished speaking, Alexia’s fingers had already reached less than five centimeters from Riveria’s chest.

“Like this, I will knock you all down.”

“…It’s very straightforward.”

“But in the final analysis, this is just the result of my rational thinking. When the time comes…”

If one day, my important friends and family really betray me, can I really still make such rational decisions and behaviors?

Alexia doesn’t think she has that kind of self-control now.

(80%, when the time comes, I will be… so angry and sad that I can’t control myself, and then I’ll go crazy to the person who betrayed me——)


There was a slight cold touch in the palm of my hand.

Riveria didn’t know when she put her palm against Alexia’s hand: “…Well, it’s just like what Lefia said, there won’t be any rejection reaction.”

“Miss Riveria?”

“Sorry, it was a little sudden.”

Riveri took back his hand: “Because when I asked Lefia about your death, I heard about the physical contact between the two of you, so I was a little concerned.”

The elves hate others touching their bodies and will never allow people they don’t agree with to touch them. If they are touched by an unclean person, the elves will immediately slap them off in disgust.

This is also true for Riveria. She is a royal among the elves. Although she has been out for so many years and no longer cares about this aspect, she still has some residual habits.

“I don’t have any dislike for you. It seems that even if I don’t realize it myself, I have subconsciously agreed with you and regard you as a partner and family member of the same clan.” Riveria smiled.

“Actually, I should be the one who might suggest leaving you in the first place.”


Riveria also thought about leaving with him?

“I am from the royal family of elves. I left the elves with Finn and Loki decades ago because I was fed up with the rules and the birdcage-like life of the royal family. [For a wider world] – This is me The reason for going out has still not changed.”

“After all, I am still the first person to become interested in your original world. Loki also suggested to me that if you can take people away, I should go with you.”

Different world.

For Riveria, who had that kind of dream, it was an irresistible temptation.

Riveria is very interested in the sights of other worlds, the culture of other worlds, and the history of other worlds.

“Miss Riveria…”

“Don’t look at me with such worry. Not to mention that you have now told me about your world. The burden I am carrying now makes it impossible for me to leave casually.”

Riveria is the deputy leader of the Familia, and she needs to handle a lot of large and small affairs within the Familia, so she is not someone who can leave casually.

Once people have worries, it will be difficult for them to move freely.

“So, if I really want to leave with you, I can only wait until I have nothing to do in the Loki Familia and truly retire.”

Having said that, after hearing Exia’s description of leaving this world, Riveria no longer had such thoughts.

That would be equivalent to giving everything to Exia. Riveria does not have that kind of consciousness and determination now.

However, although what he said is a bit scary, if you put it another way, it is equivalent to binding the two people together forever. They will never be separated no matter what happens. They have the most sincere contract and love for each other. oath.

In Riveria’s opinion, this can be said to be the most solemn marriage in the world.

(If I want to leave with him, then I…hehe, I would also think about this kind of thing. It is really not suitable for me.)

Riveria smiled and shook her head: “I will also go to Ace to persuade her, and I will also give advice to the others. It is right to pursue power, but she should not blindly pursue it to the point of losing her power. Abandon yourself… Thank you very much for rejecting her kindness, Axia.”

Having said this, Riveria left the room.

Watching her leave, Alexia sat back on the bed.

(I haven’t done anything worthy of being thanked, Miss Riveria. I just don’t want you, my companions, to get hurt. It’s really just such a simple reason.)

Exia once again looked at the countdown to her return.

When that number reaches zero, he will leave this world. In a sense, this is an end, but when he returns to the original world, more troublesome things will definitely follow.

Not just Bishop Otto’s side, but Bianca’s side, Rita’s side, and…



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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