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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 43

No matter what, it is my true home.

(I can go back soon.)

【Ten, nine, eight…】

The final countdown began in the field of vision, and at the same time, the dark world began to turn white, just like the clouds were clearing and the sun appeared. Exia could clearly feel that the [space] was opened, and she also fell from the original space into another space.



The wind howled in my ears.

The body was instantly restrained by gravity, and accelerated downward uncontrollably.

There is no doubt that this is——

“Falling from high altitude again——————???”

Just like when she first left this world, when she came back, Exia was thrown down from the sky again!

Moreover, at the end of the field of vision, I can still clearly see the destiny floating island that I am very familiar with!

He was thrown directly onto the floating island!

(No, wait, I remember this area is…)

As she continued to fall, Exia suddenly remembered something.

Judging from his current situation, it is not difficult to determine where he will land, but the problem is that the environment around that location… He is actually quite familiar with it.

The scene in the field of vision zoomed in rapidly, and the roof of a house gradually came into Exiya’s eyes.

(Isn’t this my home? Ahhh!)


Just as Ixia was roaring in her heart, the distance between him and the roof of his house had quickly shrunk to zero. He crashed directly through the roof of his house, and just after his head smashed through the ceiling——

“Ah ah!”

Such an exclamation suddenly reached Alexia’s ears.

(Bumped into someone?! Who is at my house?!)

With this thought, Alexia quickly got up from the messy ground. However, the moment he raised his head, what he saw was the person who was pressed under him…

“Rita? What’s wrong? There was a loud sound just now——”

This shout came from outside the door, and at the same time, there was the figure of Bianca wearing an apron and holding a feather duster in her hand.

And when she came to the door and looked into the room, Bianca froze on the spot.

What came into view was Alexia’s bedroom, whose ceiling had been smashed through for some reason, his adjutant Rita, who was pressed to the ground for some reason, and… Exia, who was pressed on top of his adjutant for some reason. .

(It’s over.)

This was the only thought in Alexia’s heart at this moment when she saw Bianca’s figure and eyes.

2. As we all know, this is force majeure

Alexia thought of countless occasions to see Bianca again.

Maybe he returned to the empty home and went to find her by himself.

Maybe it happened to appear in front of her when he came back.

Or is it…….

He had thought about many situations, but they definitely did not include this one.

“That, that, Bianca…”

“Long time no see, Alexia.”

Just when Alexia was about to explain, Bianca put down the feather duster first and said with a kind face: “It’s been three months, and it’s true that I came back today as you said. “

Alexia will be back today.

Because she has always been in contact with Bianca, Exia told Bianca accurately when she would come back.

“Well…I’m back, Bianca. Long time no see.”

Looking at her childhood sweetheart with a gentle face, Exia subconsciously let go of her nervousness and responded with a smile.

He seemed lifeless.


“So, how long are you going to keep holding Rita down?”

The smile on Bianca’s face remained unchanged, but for some reason, Alexia heard a full sense of questioning in these words and voice.

“Rita would also like to ask Lord Axia about this matter.”

The maid girl below also asked, her burgundy eyes covered by bangs seemed to contain a different meaning.

“If it’s just Alexia-sama and Rita alone, it doesn’t matter how long you wait, but you’ll still be here, please have close contact——”

“Let me tell you first that I didn’t mean it! This is purely force majeure!”

Before Rita could finish her deliberately ambiguous words, Alexia had already jumped up on the spot and shrunk to a corner of her room, raising her hands to show her innocence.

Standing up from the ground, she patted the dust on her maid uniform and apron and the debris from the ceiling. Rita looked at the holes in her clothes with some concern – the apron had many rips, and there were many more private clothes underneath. There was some damage, and the black pantyhose were also torn.

Looking at Alexia who looked a little embarrassed in the corner, Rita raised the corner of her mouth slightly: “What a unique way to come back… I still like this outfit very much, even if it’s broken like this.” Isn’t it possible?”

“I will pay for all your clothes later. I will accompany you to the mall to choose any new clothes you want!”

Alexia shouted quickly.

“By the way, why are you in my room?”

“Isn’t it because you said you were coming back today that Rita and I came to help clean up the dust that has accumulated in your place for three months?” Bianca said, “I didn’t expect you to come back so early. But …”

Bianca looked up at the ceiling where Exia had smashed a hole.

“I don’t think there’s any need to clean up now, right? Why did you come back like this? I thought you would knock on the door and come back.”

“I don’t know this myself. If I have to say it, I was just thrown down.”

Although she thinks it’s impossible, Ixia estimates that every time she goes to other worlds in the future, she will fall from the sky like she did now… Is it better to carry a parachute with me in the future?

“By the way, Rita, are you hurt?”

Alexia asked.

“Did you get hit directly by me?”

“Ah, don’t worry about this. I have neutralized most of the impact of Sir Alexia. If I have to say… I took the initiative to catch Sir Alexia just now. Unfortunately, it is really It was a bit hasty, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have fallen to the ground.”

Rita said with a smile.

“Or is it that Lady Axia hopes that Lady Youlandel will catch you?”

“Then I think I should have been punched back into the sky by Bianca by now.”

If it were Bianca, and she was suddenly hit by a situation similar to an air attack, the first action she would take would definitely be to fight back – and the result would be that Exia was blown away.

Being called into the hospital again just after returning…thinking about this kind of thing makes Alexia feel pain.

“Thank you anyway, Rita.”

“You’re welcome. Compared to this…”

Rita looked at the roof on the ceiling like Bianca: “In this situation, what are you going to do, Lord Alexia?”

“We can only ask Bishop Otto to send someone to repair it, right?”

Although he had just come back, Alexia also knew that he still had a lot to do next, especially meeting Bishop Otto to report on his experiences in the past three months – the matter of repairing the house would have to wait until then. we have a deal.

“That’s all we can do, oh~~~Have Rita and I been busy for a long time in vain?”

“I’m really sorry…”

“I know you didn’t mean it.” Bianca smiled and waved her hand, then set her sights on Alexia.

In fact, Bianca saw it when she entered the room. The thing she was carrying on Alexia’s body was just because Rita’s matters had a higher priority, so Bianca didn’t ask. Now…

“Did you bring anything back? Exia. It looks like a weapon?”

“Huh? Well… I used it over there. I don’t know if it’s better than what we have here, but it’s the top weapon over there.”

As Alexia spoke, she pulled out the Loki Blade from her waist and the Shattering Sword from her back. Both Rita and Bianca were a little surprised to see a giant sword and a long sword.

Although through regular contact, both of them knew that Exia started fighting as a warrior in that different world and often went to a place called the dungeon, but this…retro weapon, the two This is the first time we meet.

“Did you go to some primitive world?”

“In a sense, yes.”

Compared with the world here, the world over there is indeed much more primitive, both in terms of culture and technological development.

“Beep beep beep beep!”

Suddenly, three voices sounded in the room at the same time. The three people in Exia took out their personal terminals from their pockets – there was a group message.

As for the sender…

“It’s Bishop Otto.”

“The noise you made is so big, it’s impossible for the Bishop to not notice it.” Bianca glanced at the content of the message, “The Bishop asked us to take you there, probably because he wanted to tell you something.”

“I guess so.”

Alexia sighed slightly and put away the weapon: “Then let’s go – I also have a lot of things to ask Bishop Otto.”

The power he has, his past seven years ago… Bishop Otto has always said “I will explain it to you when the time comes”, now it should be considered “the time”, right?

3. Reporting and exchange

Destiny Floating Island.

In the Grand Bishop’s private office.

“Long time no see, how do you feel about your trip to another world? My dear Alexia.”

When Alexia walked into the office, the first thing she heard was the voice from her guardian, which sounded like lines from a drama.

Looking at Otto Apokalis sitting behind the desk, wearing only a white shirt and slim trousers, Alexia took a deep breath and bent slightly towards him: “Long time no see. I’m safe. I have returned from another world without incident, dear bishop. Regarding my unexcused absence from work in the past three months, I will submit a report and self-criticism later, and voluntarily accept any punishment.”

“Well~~~~ It’s good that you have such a sense of self-consciousness, Alexia. In the three months since you were gone, Amber’s workload has increased by 60% compared to before, and I also have to work because of the extra work. I have to cut back on some of my sleep time and rest time——”

“In the next few days, I will work overtime until the bishop is satisfied.”

Exia offered the punishment.

Otto couldn’t help but smile bitterly after hearing this: “No, no, no, no, Alexia. Indeed, if it were me three months ago, I would definitely let you be punished. To put it bluntly, you are very important to me now. , your departure has almost messed up my schedule.”

“But it’s different now, Axia. Bianca reported something extremely important to me, and I also believe that your return will bring me important information that is equivalent to priceless treasures.”

Otto knocked on his desk as he spoke, and a chair rose in front of Alexia. Otto stretched out his hand and said: “Sit down, Alexia, my dear student and child, talk to me. Let’s see what you have experienced in the other world. Hollander and Rita should also stay together. I believe you are also very interested, right?”

Two more chairs rose.

Sitting down on the chair with some helplessness, Alexia adjusted her breathing and copied a folder that had been prepared in her personal terminal to the three people present.

“This is a part of the report about the other world that I compiled in the world over there. Due to the time limit of only one month, the content is not very detailed, but about the most important part of the information about the other world, I collected and compiled it as much as possible Get up and ask the Bishop to take a look.”

“Yeah, well done.”

Alexia is Otto’s data organizer, and Otto has always trusted his ability to organize information.

As he said himself, the content of the report is not much, only three or four pages in total, and after excluding the redundant table of contents and preface, only two pages are left that are actually valuable.

Otto, Bianca and Rita each spent a few minutes reading the report in detail and found that its content mainly covered four aspects.

The special existence named [God] that descended from the sky, the [Dungeon] that can produce various monsters without limit, the [God’s Favor] given to other people by the gods, and what Exia experienced in that world. 【journal】.

“Gods, dungeons, God’s favor… I see, it is a very interesting different world. The gods sealed themselves for pleasure and lived with ordinary humans… Hahaha, in my opinion It seems there is some irony in this.”

Otto couldn’t help laughing.

For them in this world where they have been persecuted by the Honkai (gods), it is simply unimaginable for the gods to coexist peacefully with themselves.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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