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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 45

“…No, no need.”

Alexia shook her head.

“I will choose a time to go by myself later, but now… I don’t really want to go.”

I just learned her mother’s name today, and then went directly to see her mother’s tombstone – Aixia couldn’t muster the courage from the bottom of his heart, and he didn’t think he could go see his mother.

If the mother knew that her son was an unfilial son who couldn’t protect his sister and even forgot the names of his family members, even the most powerful person would be angry.

“I’m sorry for making you worry about me, Rita. I’m actually fine.”

“Is it……”

Looking at Alexia who was still staring out the window through the rearview mirror, Rita sighed slightly: “I understand… So, is there somewhere you want to go, Lord Hollandel?”

“I…I am free.”

Bianca didn’t know how to answer.

As a childhood sweetheart, she was currently thinking about how to comfort Alexia, but she didn’t know how to comfort him. What if she said the wrong thing and had the opposite effect? So now her heart and mind are all messed up.

(These two are really…)

Rita couldn’t help but feel helpless.

“Then…can you please accompany Rita to a place?”

“Eh? Where to go?”

“Let Lady Alexia fulfill her previous promise – buy a new set of clothes for Rita. Don’t say you have forgotten it, not even two hours have passed since you said this.”

Alexia couldn’t help but smile when she heard this: “Of course I remember. After all, it was me who tore your clothes. Whether it’s one or both of your clothes, I will compensate you.”

“Then let’s buy a new set of clothes for Bianca-sama. The weather has begun to enter winter recently, and Bianca-sama also mentioned it to me two days ago, saying that the clothes are too small… “


When Rita mentioned this, Bianca immediately blushed and slapped her shoulder. Exia on the side glanced somewhere uncontrollably under the influence of these words.

Bianca is only thirteen years old this year, which is the time for her body to grow. Compared with before Alexia left, in the past three months——

(Hmm…it seems to be true…)

“Ah, Lord Exia? Where are you looking?”

“Uh-no, I didn’t watch it!”

Rita, who was sitting in the front seat, once again noticed the small movements of the only male present through the rearview mirror. One sentence directly made Alexia feel guilty and turn her head 180 degrees in the opposite direction!

(It’s not because of what you said!)

After all, Alexia is a normal boy, and it is normal for him to have uncontrollable eyes.

Seeing her childhood sweetheart’s reaction, Bianca couldn’t help but blush even more. As she moved towards the car door, she asked with sharp eyes: “Exia, did you see it?”


“Then turn your head and look into my eyes and say.”

“I just twisted my neck with too much force, and now it hurts so much that I can’t turn back.”

“Then do you want me to rub it for you?”

“Just to be on the safe side, I’m asking, my neck won’t be broken, right?”

“Of course not – by the way, Rita, why are you smiling like that?”

Just as Rita could see what was happening behind her through the rearview mirror, Bianca also saw Rita sitting in front with an unknown smile on her face through the rearview mirror.

Rita smiled slightly and said: “No, I just saw the two of them being so close, like an immature high school couple, I couldn’t help but…”


“Rita, what are you talking about?”

Like a bomb that was detonated, Alexia and Bianca almost jumped up at Rita’s words.

Alexia: “Qing…Rita, how did you know that I, a sixteen-year-old, and Bianca, a thirteen-year-old, are lovers? Take a step back and say that she is still a couple. Just a middle school student!”

Bianca: “That’s right.”

Rita: “You two are really a couple.”



In an instant, the two people in the back row were directly hit.

Looking through the rearview mirror at the two men who were so shaken that they couldn’t speak, Rita smiled softly.

(Haha, it’s really interesting…but it seems like it should be fine for the time being.)

Although it might be okay to just leave it alone, since Lady Hollander is so preoccupied, Rita really can’t just sit back and do nothing. It’s best to get the next two people out of that preoccupied state.

As for the embarrassment of the two people behind…that is purely Rita’s personal interest.

For the two of them, the elder Rita is half a sister, and what sister doesn’t like to tease her younger siblings from time to time?

(However, I thought Lady Alexia had matured a little after being away for three months, but she was still the same… Well, I’ll try it again during dinner later.)

Alexia and Bianca, who were sitting in the back seat, had no idea that Rita in front was already planning tonight’s [arrangements].

6. Sleep together tonight

As a result, the incident of accompanying Rita and Bianca to the mall to buy clothes for them did not end until after six o’clock in the afternoon.

For almost three and a half hours, Alexia was like a follower, following the two of them—following Rita to be precise—running around the mall. Even Bianca was led by Rita. Traveled to many places.

After all, neither Alexia nor Bianca are very good at dressing up. For the choice of clothing, Bishop Otto and a Valkyrie named Ragnar were in charge of the choice of clothing when they were young, but now it is Rita.

Of course, because of work reasons, Alexia’s clothes were still prepared by Bishop Otto.

And now, inside the home where Bianca and Rita live.

“Huh~~~ It’s okay to just leave it here?”

Putting together a dozen large bags with two hands on the coffee table in the center of the living room, Exia breathed a sigh of relief.

Although this was not the first time he went shopping with Rita and Bianca, no matter how many times he went shopping, he still felt that it was a physical job. Even though he had been given the favor of God, his physical strength had been greatly improved compared to before. , but still feel exhausted.

“Thank you for your hard work, Mistress Axia, I will help Mistress Bianca sort out and put them in the closet later – I have spent a lot of money on you today.”

Rita said with a smile and served Aikesia a cup of freshly brewed black tea: “Please take a rest, Master Axia, dinner will be ready soon.”

“Huh? Are you prepared for my share too?”

“Of course, today is the day that Exia returns after three months. How can I not help you clean up the dust? And…delicious food has the magic power to make people happy.”

“…Thank you. I’ll excuse you then.”

Realizing the meaning of Rita’s words, Alexia had no choice but to accept her kindness with a smile.

After smiling slightly, Rita turned and walked into the kitchen.

(It took her a lot of trouble… By the way, when did she put on the maid outfit?)

I didn’t notice it when I spoke just now, but at some point Rita had changed from private clothes to maid clothes – I haven’t seen her for three months, and looking at her now, I really miss her inexplicably.

(Speaking of maid uniforms…I don’t know what’s going on in the other world. The expedition should go well, right?)

When it comes to maid outfits from another world, the first thing that comes to Exia’s mind is the Mistress of Fertility, and when she thinks of the Mistress of Fertility, she naturally thinks of the Loki Familia.

It’s been a month since I left, so the expedition should be over, right? Friends in that world should be okay, right?

“What are you thinking about? Exia.”

At this moment, Bianca’s figure rang from her ears. Like Rita, she had changed into home clothes and had sat down next to Alexia at some point.

Alexia moved her position to give her more space: “Nothing, just thinking about things in the other world.”

“A different world…”

Bianca swung her feet.

“Tell me, Exia, what you experienced in the other world.”

“Didn’t I already compile it into a report? You can look back and read it yourself.”

“But I want to hear what you have to say.” Bianca smiled, “Reports are too boring, and your report must have been reduced a lot. I want to listen to it all from beginning to end, during the three months you were away. What have you been through…I want to hear you tell it yourself.”

Alexia and Bianca were childhood sweethearts, with almost no secrets between them for seven years.

But now, Alexia has something that Bianca doesn’t know. What he has experienced in the three months in the other world, even through daily exchanges of information, occasional phone calls, and reports, he has learned about it. about there.

But Bianca really wanted to listen to it again, just like before when the two of them were in the room together and listened to Alexia reading fairy tales to him and herself.

“Or do you have any secrets over there that you can’t tell me?”

“No, I can’t have any secrets from you. But since I’m going to say it, let’s wait until we discuss it at the dinner table later, and let Rita hear it. After all, it’s not good to exclude her, right?”

“Oh, that’s right – Exia, are you staying to eat today? Do you want to stay?”


Alexia thought about the bedroom in her house that she had smashed. It must have looked like it couldn’t be slept in.

“No, I’ll just make do with it in the living room on the first floor today. Besides, living here…you only have two rooms here, right? Do you want me to sleep with you or Rita?”

“Isn’t that exactly the same as when I was a kid?”

“I said you…”

Looking at Bianca who looked indifferent and even looking forward to it, Alexia smiled helplessly – indeed, the two of them had not slept together since they left the orphanage, and he was the one who requested it. After all, at that time, he gradually realized the difference between men and women.

Unexpectedly, Bianca hadn’t fully realized that she had reacted like that in the car before.

“Lord Alexia, do you want to stay?”

Rita, who was busy in the kitchen, also turned around while chopping vegetables with a kitchen knife: “Then Rita’s room will be given to Lady Alexia.”

“Eh? Then where will you sleep?”


“Then I’d better go back and sleep on the sofa. How can a guest sleep on the bed and let the host sleep on the sofa?”

Alexia refused.

“Then… Sir Alexia, do you want to sleep in the same room as Rita?”


A familiar scene.

Alexia was so frightened by Rita’s words that she hit her head on the coffee table!

Sleep with Rita! ?

“…Rita, are you…serious?”

“It’s okay if Lady Alexia wants to sleep with Lady Bianca, but please be careful when sleeping at night, maybe…”


I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but Rita just happened to cut it off with a kitchen knife.

“I’d better go back to sleep…”

Instinct made Exia say this.

Looking at Alexia who suddenly looked not so good, and then looking at Rita in the kitchen, Bianca held her chin in thought for a while, and then clapped her hands as if she had a flash of inspiration.

“I said… how about the three of us sleep together in my room tonight? That way Rita can rest assured and Alexia doesn’t have to go back to sleep.”

Alexia, who was drinking black tea: “…”

Rita who was cutting vegetables: “…”

7.You are my family too

The dinner prepared by Rita was quite sumptuous. Although due to the family’s conditions, she was unable to prepare a dinner table, under the limited conditions, Rita still prepared dozens of dishes that were both delicious and delicious.

Tuna, broccoli, roast beef, asparagus…basically all common ingredients. For Exia, who basically only had bread, rice and meat for three meals in a different world, it was really touching to eat the dishes of her hometown again after three months.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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