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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 46


“Is it really okay not to fall asleep?”

Looking at Alexia who was standing at the door and insisted on leaving to go back to her home to sleep, Bianca asked with some regret.

Alexia looked helpless: “If I really want to do what you said, is it okay for me and you two to sleep together? Sometimes you say some shocking things without thinking… Besides, I guess tonight Will lose sleep.”

After all, he is still a sixteen-year-old adolescent boy. Regardless of Bianca, living with an eighteen-year-old beautiful girl like Rita who has already grown up, Alexia really feels that it is a kind of torture.

He didn’t want to be terribly sleepy tomorrow because he stayed up all night, which would eventually cause his biological clock to go haywire and cause problems with his itinerary.

After all, he has returned to this world. Bishop Otto cannot let go of his work. He must return to his post starting tomorrow.

“It’s you, remember to go to bed early.”

“Why are you the same as Rita?” Bianca sighed slightly, “Then… see you tomorrow?”

“Well, see you tomorrow.”

“You won’t disappear again tomorrow and then send me a message later to tell me that you ran away to another world, right?”

As if to reassure herself, or to confirm this matter, Bianca asked seriously.

She didn’t want to see Alexia leave without saying goodbye for three months again. When he disappeared from the hospital bed three months ago, Bianca really felt scared and terrified.

[Countdown to the next time traveling]


Glancing at the burning time that automatically appeared in her field of vision, Ixia smiled and nodded: “Well, although I will leave again, at least I won’t leave immediately. I will tell you before I leave next time .”

“Yeah… That’s good. See you tomorrow.”

Saying this, Bianca waved and returned to the house. Then, before Alexia could walk away, Rita came out right after, holding a bag of kitchen waste in her hand.

“Then let me accompany Lady Axia for a short walk. I just need to take out the trash.”



Destiny Floating Island is very quiet at night.

The people living here are either the Valkyries affiliated with the Tianming headquarters, or members of various departments of Tianming. Most of them are scientific researchers and basically do not go out at night.

Aixia was walking home along the road illuminated by street lights. Rita, who was traveling with her, had also thrown the garbage in the trash can on the side of the road, but she did not leave, but followed Aixia all the time. Ksia walked.

“Are you planning to go back to my house with me?”

When they came to an intersection, Ixia stopped and asked.

“No, it’s just a walk after dinner.”

“… Just say what you want to say. I can’t even tell you that you want to tell me something.”

Hearing what Alexia said, Rita also stopped and stared at Alexia for a long time. It was not until Alexia was flinched by her eyes that she smiled softly.

“I’m sorry, I’ve been staring at you for a little too long.”

“Is there something on my face?”

“No, I just want to know what changes you have made during the three months in the other world… But it seems that there is not much change. Lady Youlandel and I still know each other. That Lord Exia.”

Aixia smiled and said: “What changes can be made in just three months? Well… If I have to say it, my mentality may have changed a bit – that’s all I want to say?”

“No. Actually… I have something to ask you.” Rita put away her smile and asked seriously, “Lord Axia, do you… think your sister , are you really no longer alive?”


The smile on Alexia’s face froze for a moment: “…Listening to your tone, is it possible, Rita, that you know the whereabouts of my sister?”

“It’s just an irresponsible guess, and… this is just intuition. I don’t think the bishop told you everything during the day. I believe you also know this. The bishop always likes to talk. Half telling and half hiding, even if he is telling the truth, he often causes misunderstandings because he conceals key information.”

“You mean…the bishop actually knows where my sister is? But he didn’t say it, right?”

“You said that yourself. Rita didn’t say a word.”

Rita cleverly distanced herself from the relationship, and Alexia smiled bitterly when she saw it: “Then why are you telling me this?”

“I want to confirm something.”

“If…if your sister appears in front of you one day in the future, what attitude will you take to face her? Please answer seriously.”

How to treat your sister?

Rita’s question made Alexia think deeply.

What exactly do you think of your sister? Alexia has no memory of living with her sister, and she doesn’t know what her sister looks like. Even if she stands in front of him, if she doesn’t say her name, Alexia will probably think that she is a stranger. ?

After all, for him now, [Kiana Kaslana] is a true stranger who knows nothing.

“I think I will probably start from scratch and try to make her recognize me as a brother, and then I will also try to get to know my sister again… and try to get to know her again. She became family again.”

At this stage, Ixia can only give this answer. He is not a prophet, he cannot predict, and he cannot be sure what his mentality and reaction will be when he sees his sister again.

“Then, if one day in the future, you find your sister and your family… Lord Hollander, how are you going to treat her?”

Rita continued to ask.

“Would you abandon your current family for your former family?”


Alexia answered without any confusion or hesitation, and then came to Rita: “Why do you ask that? Bianca is my important family member, how could I do such a thing as abandoning her? What’s more, Just because I’ve found my past family doesn’t mean I have to abandon my current family, right?”

“Bianca, Bishop, Amber…even you, Rita.”


Rita was slightly startled: “Do you…regard me as your family?”

“Otherwise? You are Bianca’s family now, right? Then there is no reason for me not to regard you as my family. We have known each other for almost two years, so it’s not good to make it too strange, right?” Alexia smiled. road.

“Well, that’s it. Although I don’t know why you have to worry about so many things, I can tell you that your worries are probably unnecessary – just like that, I went back and the dinner was delicious. Thank you, Rita .”

Exia who said this waved her hand and left Rita’s sight.

While standing there and looking at Alexia who was gradually leaving, Rita reached out and stroked her hair that was blown by the night wind.


“Your statement is really a bit cunning. Lord Exia… I will barely give you a passing grade.”

8.The master is here

The next day.

The morning after Alexia returned to this world.

The dedicated training room for Destiny’s Valkyrie.

“Haha~~~~So…why did you drag me to the training room so early in the morning?”

“Of course it’s to have a long-lost sparring session with you.”

Bianca, who had already changed into sportswear, said with a smile.

“When we first contacted on the phone, didn’t you say that you had started chasing me again? Now three months have passed, let me see how much stronger you have become.”

“That’s what woke me up so early in the morning…”

Alexia looked helplessly at her childhood sweetheart who was eager to try, and her competitive spirit was still as strong as ever.

But in fact, Alexia was just like her. It was absolutely impossible to say that he wasn’t a little curious about how much he had chased Bianca in the past three months.

Originally, apart from repaying his debt, the most important reason for him to accept God’s favor was to catch up with Bianca. And now it’s time to verify his results.

“Well, it’s okay to have a sparring match, but -“

Moving her gaze to the outside of the training ground, Ixia looked at Bishop Otto and Miss Amber who were sitting in the spectator seats, as well as Rita who was accompanying them: “Why are the Bishop and Miss Amber here?” ?Don’t you have to work?”

“Haha, don’t worry, those tasks can be handled after your discussion with Hollander is over.” Otto smiled, “Besides, rather than dealing with official duties, I’m more curious about how far you have grown now. Let me take a good look at your growth, my dear child.”

“Please come on, Lord Exia.”

“Please try not to lose too quickly, Lord Exia.”

Amber and Rita also encouraged Alexia in their own ways – by the way, has the latter already acquiesced that Alexia will lose?

(I never thought that I would be able to surpass Bianca in three months, and I even had two months without exercise, but… I shouldn’t have failed as miserably as before. )

In the past, the discussions between Alexia and Bianca basically ended with Bianca’s overwhelming victory. Alexia had almost no power to fight back. Now that I think about it, it was probably the psychological shackles and psychological shackles imposed on him by Bishop Otto. It’s probably caused by the physical shackles that exist for some reason.

Now, some of these shackles have been lifted.

Taking down a training sword from the weapon rack next to it, Exia took a deep breath and adjusted her mental state, which was still a little sluggish due to being forcibly awakened, back to normal, and then——


At the moment when Aixia raised his hand and made the Taixu Sword Qi hand gesture, Bianca clearly felt that the aura on his body had changed.

(I haven’t seen Exia in combat status for two or three years, right?)

Holding the training spear, Bianca waved to Alexia: “You first.”



For a moment, Alexia’s figure almost turned into an afterimage. Bianca only felt a flash in front of her eyes. The next moment, when Alexia’s figure became clear again, the unopened sword blade was already approaching her. chest!

(The speed is much faster than before.)


The handle of the gun blocked the sword blade, and Bianca subconsciously wanted to distance herself so that she could take advantage of her length, but she had just taken a step back, and Alexia’s figure was chasing after her!

The blade swept through the space.


With a clear collision sound, Bianca’s crescent-like spin struck, and the sword blade in Exia’s hand was bounced away on the spot. Then Bianca smiled softly, and stabbed the spear tip in rapid succession. Alexia!

(The flaw was suppressed for a moment… He is really powerful, unlike when he was thirteen years old.)

Unable to fully consider defense when attacking, Exia exposed her weakness during the pursuit, and that weakness was caught by Bianca.

“Swish, swish, swish!”

Stabs mixed with slashes continued to attack Exia.

Bianca is different from Alexia. Strictly speaking, she has not learned the techniques of any school, but thanks to her talents, whether it is unarmed combat or various weapons, as long as she is not too partial, she can basically All cities.

Among them, spears and knight’s guns are the weapons she is most accustomed to using.

(No leaks…)

“What’s wrong? Exia, is this the extent of three months of training?”

Bianca challenged with a smile.

“You can’t catch up with me this way.”

“It’s just sparring training and you’re serious about it?”

Alexia laughed while blocking Bianca’s attack with Cunxin Fist.

Being used to fighting in that world, and suddenly returning here to compete with Bianca, Exia really couldn’t let go. If it were the monsters in the dungeon and the pigman Otta, he wouldn’t mind taking heavy blows, but when it came to Bianca, it wouldn’t be appropriate to treat her as an enemy and defeat her seriously – and then she would probably take it seriously. stand up.

Then the training room would definitely be demolished by the two of them and would have to be renovated.



Frozen air spurted out from the palm, and just when Alexia’s palm touched the tip of Bianca’s gun again, a layer of ice instantly froze the tip of the gun, and then quickly spread to the entire gun body.

Bianca quickly threw away the spear: “Suddenly I used my ability…”

“I didn’t say it couldn’t be used.”

Alexia picked up the frozen gun, smashed the ice on the surface and played with it a few times: “You said it depends on my full strength. Of course, I know how to use it, and I will try my best not to take out anything that will hurt you. After all, the output is just for discussion.”

“Let’s discuss…”

Bianca narrowed her eyes and was about to give Alexia a powerful straight punch with a little more seriousness——


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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