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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 47

“So it’s here?”

Such a voice suddenly came from the door of the training room, attracting everyone’s attention. Bianca and Alexia also stopped their sparring at the same time, and looked at the door.

The visitor was a gray-haired girl wearing glasses, wearing a smart uniform, and walked into the training room as if she was looking for someone.

Looking at this girl who suddenly walked in, Alexia’s expression immediately changed.

“Ah, you’re here? My old friend, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” Otto smiled and greeted the girl, “I’m really sorry for having you come over from the Far East Branch in a hurry, because it was really unexpected.”

“It’s okay, I understand.”

The girl pushed up her glasses and looked at Alexia who was standing aside.

“Long time no see, Ixia, it seems like she’s back safely…”


Alexia nodded somewhat cautiously.

“Long time no see, Master Fu Hua.”

9. I can’t let go in front of the master

There are many teachers in Exia.

Otto, who taught him at first, later went to instruct the Valkyries in the Valkyrie School, Miss Kohaku, who was a senior at work… and the person in front of him——

Fu Hua.

Although at first glance she looks like a good-looking man and is often mistaken for an androgynous boy, she is actually a woman and a destined A-level Valkyrie.

Alexia was sent to her by Otto five years ago. Under her guidance, she learned Taixu Sword Qi and Cunxin Fist. Basically, the power that Exia had before her awakening was all due to her education.


“Master, why did you come to the headquarters all of a sudden?” Alexia looked at Fu Hua with some confusion.

As the destined Valkyrie, Fu Hua actually doesn’t come to the headquarters very often.

After all, her identity as a Valkyrie is just a name.

Alexia heard Bishop Otto say that Fu Hua was his partner.

Tianming helps the Shenzhou region fight against the Honkai Impact, and in exchange, Fu Hua will join Tianming and become a Valkyrie, fulfilling the orders directly from Bishop Otto. Perhaps for this reason, Fu Hua has almost no instructions except Bishop Otto’s instructions. Will come to the headquarters.

“You are the bishop, what mission do you have?”

“No, it’s just that Otto told me yesterday that you were back. He also told me about the [different world]. I was a little curious, so I came back here. I will return to the Far East Branch tomorrow.”

The Far East Branch is one of the dozens of branches of the Destiny Headquarters scattered around the world. After all, collapse occurs all over the world. If there is only one headquarters, it is easy to be in a situation where there is no time for rescue.

The Far East Branch is the latest branch to be established among many branches. It was initially established in 2009. The branch leader is Destiny’s S-level Valkyrie Theresa Apokalis.

In terms of relationship, that person is the granddaughter of Bishop Otto. But Alexia had not met her directly. Like Fu Hua, she rarely returned to the headquarters after establishing the Far East Branch. It was said that she had some conflicts with Bishop Otto.

“Compared to this, am I interrupting your sparring session?”

Fu Hua asked.

Bianca nodded quickly: “Because Ixia said that he became a lot stronger in the other world, and also said that he would start catching up with me again, so I wanted to see how much stronger he had become.”

“Is it……”

Fu Hua glanced at his disciple: “Have you regained your confidence? Alexia.”

“Let’s just say… I made Master laugh.”

Alexia was a little embarrassed. Although she has indeed become stronger, Ixia never thinks that she can catch up with her master. Maybe no matter how long it takes, she will just do what she wants in front of her master.

“Okay, old friend, come here and watch the battle together.” Otto smiled and waved, “I think you must also be curious about how much progress your students have made now, aren’t you? He is also a teacher of Exia. , I think our moods are the same. The serious matters I mentioned to you can only be discussed after this discussion is over.”

“That’s fine.”

Fu Hua sat directly on the chair that Rita had prepared for him: “You guys go ahead, Ixia, Hollander.”


Looking at her master who was sitting next to her with a serious look on her face, Aixia immediately became nervous – her master was next to her, and if she didn’t play well… she would definitely be scolded by the master and then punished. Punishment?

(But facing Bianca with all my strength… Tsk, I can’t beat her as a monster.)

Thinking of this, Exia’s hands holding the gun trembled slightly.



“So, you have made such progress in the three months in the other world?”

Tens of minutes later.

Seeing that Alexia had been beaten with all her strength by Bianca and could only lie on the bench, Fu Hua sighed helplessly: “My movements are stiff, my moves are slow, and my eyes are looking towards me from time to time. I can see that you have been thinking wildly during the sparring session…what’s going on?”

“I’m sorry, Master, this disciple is embarrassed.”

“No… Even so, it’s better than before.”

Fu Hua shook his head.

With her eyesight, it can be seen that Alexia has indeed improved. If it was the him she knew, he would probably be defeated in the tenth move in the fight with Bianca. In terms of physical fitness and technique, There has always been a gap between the two.

But now, even if it was the same as what Fu Hua said, Alexia kept thinking wildly during the sparring and had big problems in all aspects, but she persisted until the thirty-fifth move before she was kicked in the face by Bianca. Down.

It has improved a lot compared to before.

Whether it’s physical ability or combat experience.

“Is it because you have experienced some things in another world that prevent you from letting go?”

“That’s right…”

After all, Bianca is not a monster, so naturally you can’t hit her with a full-force frost blast as soon as she comes up – even if there is only a one in 10,000 possibility, it would be bad if Bianca is hurt.

“Then, how about another way? Exia.” Otto, who was also sitting on the side, smiled, “You can’t exert your full strength when facing Bianca, and we have no way of knowing your true power. Then you Do you want to try a simulated battle? Or simply let you take a Valkyrie assessment?”

Destiny’s training content is roughly divided into three parts. The first is physical training, the second is psychological training, and the third is simulated combat-using the computer to simulate Honkaimon’s data so that Valkyrie can engage in actual combat.

Exia has conducted many mock battles before.

“As for the mock battle… I think it’s probably fine.”

Honkaimon, like monsters, are targets that must be defeated. If they are used as opponents, Exia believes that she will no longer be as restrained as before.

“As for the difficulty… Mr. Bishop, I would like to apply for the difficulty of the A-level Valkyrie assessment.” Alexia said.


Otto smiled slightly.

“In other words, are you ready to directly challenge the temple level? Will it be a bit reluctant for you?”

“I remember Bianca passed it last year, right? And she passed it quite easily… If I want to catch up with her, I think I have to do at least this step.”

If you want to catch up with Bianca and prove that you are indeed chasing her, the first thing you have to do is not defeat her, but to complete what she has done before and confirm that you are indeed catching up steadily.

And then, until the end, to accomplish what she failed to do.

10. It will be over soon

Simulated combat training room.

In order to watch Exia’s actual battle, in addition to Otto, Amber and Fu Hua who had wanted to watch the battle from the beginning, Rita and Bianca also came to the viewing room.

“Temple level…”

Looking at the difficulty level chosen by Alexia, Bianca frowned: “I remember he also challenged it once before, right?”

“That’s right. He challenged once, much earlier than you, but unfortunately, he failed before he could persist for even a minute.”

This was the reason why Otto asked before if he was a bit reluctant towards Exia.

Temple-level Honkaimon is a very powerful type among many low-level Honkaimons. Valkyries below the A-level Valkyrie must act in small groups to be able to defeat it, and even an A-level Valkyrie can defeat it alone. Super Valkyrie, you must also be careful when fighting with it.

It is not without reason that it is listed as one of the assessment criteria for A-level Valkyrie.

The time Exia challenged him back then, he failed as Otto said. He misestimated his strength at the time, and was ravaged by the temple-level Honkai Beast in less than a minute. I lay in the hospital for two days before recovering.

“So, this time I will apply for this mock battle. In addition to showing my own strength, it is also a challenge for Sir Alexia to face my past, right?” Rita looked down at Alexia, “But let’s not talk about it. There is no Valkyrie armor suitable for Lady Exia, and she doesn’t even carry weapons…”

At this moment, Alexia was standing in the training room without any armor on her body or any weapons in her hands. At first glance, she looked like an ordinary person with bare hands.

Are you going to challenge the temple-level Honkai Beast like this?

“Since he made this choice, it means he has full confidence, doesn’t it?” Otto said with a smile, and then turned on the loudspeaker, “Okay, Alexia, are you ready?”

In the training ground.

Hearing the voice from Bishop Otto, Ixia raised her head and looked towards the viewing room: “No problem, you can start at any time.”

“Very good. Then let me explain to you one final note – the difficulty of your challenge this time is the actual combat assessment of an A-level Valkyrie. The enemy you need to face is a temple-level Honkai Beast. The time limit is one hour. At the same time, the venue The environment is simulated as a city, and the weather environment is simulated as a rainy day.”

“Is it okay to set this up?”

“completely fine.”

It’s better to say just right.

After all, if this happens, it will be over soon.

And as Exia’s words fell…


The scene in the entire training room dissipated and decomposed in an instant as if it were covered by blocks, and then reassembled under Exia’s feet. In an instant, it changed from an empty training room to a dilapidated city street.

[A street destroyed by Honkai Impact]

Alexia had such a sense of déjà vu.

He had seen too many scenes of cities struck by Honkai Impact. Collapsed buildings, broken avenues, collided vehicles, swaying telegraph poles, clean stores with shattered windows and doors…the simulated scene is like this in any collapse event. It was an ordinary scene.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

The sound of rain echoed in my ears, and light rain fell from the sky, washing the broken streets.

Then, right in front of Exia——


A huge figure stood on the ground.

The white silicon-based carapace, the purple light patterns all over the body, the white giant shield and the white lance connected with the arm – looking at the Honkai Beast that is more than 20 meters tall in front of him, Exia took a deep breath. tone.

(Here we come, temple level.)

The strength of Honkaimon generally follows one principle – a small size does not necessarily mean it is weak, but a large size does not necessarily mean it is strong.

With a height of more than 20 meters, which is about the height of five or six stories, it only needs a slight wave of the lance or giant shield in its hand to cause huge damage to the city, and compared to other Honkai Beasts, the Temple Super Honkaimon’s defense is quite powerful, not just its shield, but its entire body.

(Can I defeat it now?)

Pointless self-questioning.

The request you put forward must be completed no matter what. If you can’t defeat even the temple level, then stop saying that you want to catch up with Bianca – she has already surpassed this level.

Therefore, it is not a question of whether it can be defeated, but that it must be defeated.


The atmosphere trembled.

The temple-level Honkaimon discovered the insignificant existence standing on the path it must pass, so it followed its innate destructive instinct and raised its huge lance at him, with the momentum to penetrate him along with the ground. It stabbed down with a bang!

The rain curtain was pierced, and the spiraling gale whipped up by the stabbing force whipped up the storm and hit Exia first.

Alexia didn’t move

Can’t move? Are you unable to move now because of the shadow of your past failures?

People in the viewing room couldn’t help but think so.



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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