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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 48

The lance smashed the ground! The already shattered streets were further shattered.

But the next moment——


A deafening roar suddenly erupted! It resounded throughout the entire training room and even made several people in the viewing room tremble!

What happened?

“Wait, this is… Mr. Bishop, the temperature in the training room is dropping rapidly.” Amber, who has been observing the situation in the training room, quickly reported, “It has reached minus ten degrees, and it is still falling. middle.”

(The temperature dropped sharply? Could it be that——)


Just as an idea came into Otto’s mind, an icy blue light suddenly flashed in the training room!

Under the eyes of everyone with varying degrees of surprise, a line of solid ice slowly spread in the middle of the temple-level Honkai Beast’s body, and then along the ice mark, the huge body suddenly split into two halves, facing both sides. It collapsed!


Throwing the lance that was frozen into ice blocks into the nearby building, Ixia walked step by step from the deep pit created by the lance back to the street that was already full of frost, holding the ice-condensed lance in her hand. He put the big sword on his shoulder, breathed out a breath of cold air with ice slag, and looked in the direction of the viewing room.

“Report to the Bishop.”

“The mission of defeating the Temple-level Honkai Beast—Exia is completed.”

There is no fighting process at all.

Some were just a simple blow. The temple-level Honkai Beast that ravaged Exia many years ago was now cut in half by Exia with one blow!

This far exceeded everyone’s expectations!

11. New possibilities

Killing the temple level Honkai Beast instantly with one strike.

No one expected this result, including Exia herself.

But, he knew the reason.

【He will save the world】

——Strengthen magic

——All ability values, skills, and development effects have been greatly enhanced.

——Second strengthening based on mental status

——Cannot be used actively·closed

——It automatically takes effect when targeting Honkai and elite enemies.

This magic that Alexia awakened through the Grimoire three months ago but has never used once took effect just now, and the content has also been updated.

(Same as I thought.)

Loki and others do not know the activation conditions of this magic. No one in the other world knows the hidden activation conditions.

Except Exia.

After all, there is no Honkai energy at all in another world, and neither Honkaimon nor Herrscher exist, but in this world…

(As long as I fight Honkaimon as my opponent, can I be in a magic-triggered state all the time?)

Whether it’s Honkaimon, Herrscher, or even judging from the current situation, even if it’s a simulated Honkaimon, as long as it meets the precondition of [Honkai], then this magic can be triggered stably, allowing Ike to West Asia’s abilities have been greatly improved.

Whether it’s ability value, the skill effect of Kaslana’s blood, or just one development ability… all powers will be improved under the effect of magic, and the extent of the improvement will vary from Ai Judging from Kesia’s physical sensation, it’s probably doubled.

Of course, the actual effect is definitely not doubled, and the body perception is easy to make mistakes, but even so, the effect of magic is indeed powerful.

(This is the magic of Kaslana…)

Magic was born to fight against Honkai, to defeat Honkai, to kill Honkai.

As long as I have this magic, then I——


Just when Alexia was thinking this, a shout from Bianca suddenly pulled him out of his thoughts, and then Alexia felt a super-speed impact hug from his childhood sweetheart!

Bianca jumped up and hugged Alexia. Bianca looked at him with shining eyes: “It’s so powerful. That blow just now was so powerful! It knocked down the temple-level Honkai Beast in one blow! I’m telling you, You definitely didn’t use your full strength when you sparred with me, aren’t you much better than me?”

“No, no, I’m in an enhanced state – and you get off me first! It’s so heavy! I’m still cold! You’re not cold!”

Alexia quickly threw away the ice sword and peeled Bianca off her body with a blushing face: “Besides, why are you so excited? You can do the same thing, right?”

“Probably, I haven’t tried it either – Lord Bishop, can you make me…”

“Unfortunately, we can’t do it now, Hollander.” Otto walked over helplessly and said, “Because of Exia’s blow just now, there is a problem with the simulation function in the training room, and it will take time to repair.”

Was the training room damaged by yourself? !

(I… Is my blow so powerful?)

Alexia was a little surprised: “I’m sorry, Lord Bishop, I couldn’t control my strength.”

“No, no, no, this is not your fault, Alexia, and I am not angry or dissatisfied.” Otto smiled and shook his head, “On the contrary, I am extremely happy and joyful now. You are indeed looking forward to I showed you your growth in another world, and it was growth far beyond my expectations!”

“As your teacher, as your guardian, I am pleased from the bottom of my heart for your growth. You are really a student that I am proud of, my dear Ixia.”

Otto stepped forward and hugged Alexia.

And behind him, Rita and Amber, and…

“Well done, you’ve really gotten stronger, Alexia.”

Teacher Fu Hua, who rarely praised himself in the impression, now also has a look of relief. One’s own students have reached a new realm, and as long as they are a teacher, no one will not be happy about it.

“…Thank you for the compliment, Lord Bishop, Master.”

Alexia said with some embarrassment.

“But I think I’m still far away, and I will continue to improve in the future.”

He just defeated a temple-level Honkai Beast. Exia didn’t think that he had caught up with Bianca just like this. After all, this was his own power enhanced by magic. He should be far behind under normal circumstances. .



Suddenly, a strong sense of dizziness suddenly filled Aixia’s brain, and her whole body seemed to have lost all strength in an instant, and she fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Otto, who was nearest, quickly supported him: “Are you feeling unwell? Exia, the blow just now exhausted your strength?”

“No…I think it’s…”

In the different world, Exia heard Lefia say that because magic is refined from mental power, every time you use magic, you need to consume mental power. If you don’t use elixirs to recover in time, you will easily become exhausted. situation, and then faint.

(By the way, my magic also requires mental strength, but… did I use it for a minute?)

Definitely not.

From the time Exia felt her power increase to the final instant kill of the temple level, it only took more than ten seconds, not even half a minute, to fully count.

Just continuing for such a period of time exhausted his mental energy? So how much mental energy does this magic consume?

And importantly…

[Automatically effective].

This magic is completely out of Exia’s control and will automatically take effect whenever facing Honkai Impact.

In this case, Exia would not be able to fight for a long time.

(I thought I could catch up, but… it still didn’t work?)

Alexia struggled to hold her head and stood up unsteadily.

Seeing him like this, Otto sighed helplessly: “No need to hold on, Alexia, since you have consumed too much strength, go back and rest first, have a good sleep, and wait until you recover. Let’s talk about what happens next.”

“Well…I understand, Lord Bishop.”

“Then let me take you back, Lord Exia.”

Rita came over and lent her shoulder to Alexia, helping him slowly walk out of the training room, followed closely by Bianca.

Looking at the backs of the three people leaving, Fu Hua suddenly asked: “Is this what you want me to see? Otto.”

“Of course not, old friend, it’s a surprise to me that Exia has such a powerful power.” Otto had already put away the smile on his face, “But, it seems that it won’t last long. ….. I’ll ask about the relevant situation later, I don’t think he will hide it.”

“…So, what exactly is it that you want to tell me?”

Otto did not clearly state the real purpose of calling Fu Hua to the headquarters this time.

“It’s nothing, it’s just some speculation.” Otto said, “Now that Exia has the power to go to a different world in the true sense, in addition to the new possibility of defeating Honkai, I think we also have You can pursue other possibilities, such as…”

“——The possibility of [allowing you to regain the power you had five hundred years ago].”

12. Best sleep aid

Regain the power of five hundred years ago.

Hearing Otto mention this matter, Fu Hua subconsciously remembered some things from the past.

This is something that only a very few people in Destiny – it can even be said that only Otto and Kohaku – know.

Fu Hua is not a person living in modern times, but an [immortal] from China who has been living in the world since five hundred years ago, or even from the past. She is at least several thousand years old, and has been since human beings were still in primitive times. She has existed in the world since the agricultural civilization period.

In her long life, she has only done one thing, and that is to protect Shenzhou, protect the people of Li, and fight against Honkai. Therefore, she left a large number of legends and myths in China, and the people of China used to respectfully call her the “Red Kite Immortal”.

But even an immortal is not invincible. She suffered a heavy blow five hundred years ago and lost most of her power. Feeling that she could no longer protect Shenzhou independently, she chose to cooperate with Otto.

This is how the Valkyrie named Fu Hua came into being.

Pushing up his glasses, Fu Hua asked, “Do you mean that there is a way for me to regain my power in a different world that we don’t know about?”

“It’s not impossible, right? Maybe there is a way for you to regain your memory.”

Power, memory.

This is the thing that Fu Hua has lost the most. She has paid too much to fight against Honkai. Her power has been weakening since five hundred years ago.

If you can get back your past power and memories, it will undoubtedly be a great help in fighting Honkai.


“Why do you want me to get back my past power?” Fu Hua continued to ask, “I don’t think you are so keen on fighting against Honkai people. You…want to let me get my power back, confirming What’s your guess?”

The two of them have been friends for five hundred years. Even if they don’t know each other, Fu Hua can more or less think of Otto’s methods.

“Haha~~~You really worry too much, Immortal Red Kite.”

Otto chuckled.

“I have never lied to you. I can tell you sincerely here that I look forward to you regaining your once unparalleled power.”


Otto didn’t lie.

But he also didn’t tell the truth, and he didn’t tell everything. Fu Hua was sure that he had other agendas.

“…So, we still need to meet with Exia later, right?”

“Of course, this is something related to him and something that only he can do. I believe he will not refuse this opportunity to repay your kindness. He has always been a good boy and knows how to repay kindness.”

If you really want to count it out, besides being a master, Fu Hua is also Alexia’s eldest sister. Alexia was ten years old when she became her disciple, and she was still a child. Fu Hua was teaching him Taixu Sword Qi and Cunxin Fist. At the same time, they are also the family members who take care of his life.

The year he lived under Fu Hua’s sect, the kindness of upbringing and education, if he mentions it, Ixia will definitely remember it in his heart. Maybe he will always remember it.

“…I don’t like your approach of taking people’s feelings into consideration. You are kidnapping him.”

“You’re right. I may be kidnapping him, but he is willing to do so. I can be sure that if I want to put it more appropriately… it should be me, him, and the three of you. A [transaction (repaying favor)] between them.”

Looking at Otto’s smile as if he had everything under control, Fu Hua looked at his apprentice who could no longer see his back.




The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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