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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 49

Rita did not take Alexia back to his home, but to her and Bianca’s home, which was relatively close.

Putting Alexia, who was almost exhausted, on the sofa, Rita asked with concern: “Are you feeling a little better? Sir Alexia.”

“I just feel a little sleepy and have a headache…”

Alexia didn’t have the strength to speak.

Looking at his pale face, Rita thought for a while and then looked at Bianca: “Ms. Hollander, please take care of Mistress Axia here while I go get some medicine that can calm the nerves and help you sleep. “

“Well, leave it to me.”

Although she is now the most destined Valkyrie, when it comes to taking care of people, Bianca can only listen to Rita. After Rita ran to find medicine, she sat down next to Alexia and rubbed her hands gently. Tap his temple.

“Would this make you feel better? Alexia.”


“Really, what did you do? You lost strength all of a sudden. Did you not sleep well last night?”

“Uh… Actually, I didn’t expect this to be the case…”

Alexia thought for a while and told Bianca about the magic she had mastered and the basic concepts of magic.

After frowning and listening to Exia’s explanation, Bianca said: “Is that so…then you can recover as long as you have a good sleep? Right?”

“Yeah. I think Rita also thought of this before going to prepare sleeping pills for me.”

“It’ll be good if you can recover, but don’t make me worry too much about you. It really scared me just now.”

The moment Alexia fell, Bianca felt her heart skip a beat.

Looking up at Bianca who looked worried, Alexia raised her hand with some effort and gently placed it on her head: “It’s not your turn to worry about me yet… There’s no time when I’m not worried. you?”

Because she is a few years older than Bianca, Alexia used to worry about Bianca. It was not until the two met Rita that Alexia felt relieved about her. After all, she had been worried about Bianca since then. Rita.

After patting Bianca’s head gently, Alexia’s eyes became increasingly heavy.

(Can’t you hold it any longer? I’m so sleepy…Oh, let’s take a nap first…)

With this thought, Exia lowered her arms and closed her eyes.

Catching his fallen arm and putting it on his chest, Bianca stared at Alexia’s sleeping face for a long time, then lifted his head as gently as possible and placed it on her lap. superior.

“But…it’s my turn to take care of you now, isn’t it? Alexia.”

“You’ve really become more powerful.”

Second floor.


Holding a box of sleeping pills in her hand, Rita, who was about to go downstairs, looked at the two people in the living room, sighed slightly and put away the pills.

(This is no longer needed…it seems that compared to drugs, being with Bianca-sama is already the best sleep aid, right?)

13. Discuss another world

Alexia slept until dusk.

When I opened my eyes again, what came into view was the light of the setting sun shining through the window, and…

“Good afternoon, Lord Axia, did you have a nice dream?”

Rita’s smiling face looked down at her.

Why does Rita look at herself like this?

This question was answered in the next moment, because there was a soft touch on the back of Alexia’s head.

(Lap pillow? Rita is giving me a lap pillow?)

At the same time when she realized this, Ixia quickly jumped up from the sofa.

Seeing such energetic movements, Rita smiled slightly and said: “It seems that she has completely recovered. Sir Alexia, it is really great to be so energetic.”

“…Why am I lying on your lap?”

“It was requested by Lady Bianca.” Rita explained, “After you fell asleep, Lady Bianca took the initiative to give you a knee pillow, considering that the sofa might be a bit hard, but this is a physical job, Bianca She gets tired quickly and has daily training to complete, so after she heads to the training room, I take care of it.”

“Can’t you just give me a pillow?”

Alexia glanced at the pillow placed on the corner of the sofa.

Rita smiled softly: “That might cause a stiff neck. Or does Lady Alexia think Rita’s knee pillow is not perfect and comfortable enough?”


After recalling what she saw when she opened her eyes just now and the feeling that still lingered on the back of her head, Ixia turned her gaze to the side: “That’s not…forget it, thank you, Rita. Give me a pillow.” Are your legs numb after being here for so long?”

“Thank you for your concern, Sir Alexia, but it doesn’t matter. You will recover soon.” Rita said as she stood up, “Then, let’s set off, Sir Alexia.”

“Let’s go? Where?”

“Previously, while you were sleeping, the Lord Bishop had given a notice, asking me to take you to see him and Lord Fu Hua after you woke up, saying that we had important matters to discuss – that is, the details of your trip to another world. Condition.”

Different world.

When this matter was mentioned, Alexia’s expression became serious.

Indeed, it is impossible not to discuss this matter with Bishop Otto. After all, there are still many doubts and puzzling points about the fact that he can go to another world.

“I know, take me there, Rita.”

“As you command, Lord Exia.”

Tens of minutes later.

Under the leadership of Rita, Exia met Otto and Fu Hua again in a restaurant. The two seemed to be having dinner. When he saw Exia and Rita arriving, Otto also greeted him to take a seat.

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, Alexia.”

“I’m sorry that I’ve been sleeping until now and wasted the Bishop’s time.”

“Then I hope our next meeting can satisfy me – prepare a dinner for Alexia, Rita. I believe he must be starving after sleeping all day.”

Hearing this, Rita bowed slightly and left.

Sitting diagonally across from Otto and Fu Hua, Alexia asked: “Then… Mr. Bishop, I heard Rita said that you wanted to talk to me about my trip to another world, right? ?”

“Well, that’s right.” Otto shook the red wine glass, “Although I am happy that you can come back with great strength, and feel relieved that you can come back safely, I also have to admit that I am The fact that you can travel to another world is interesting in itself.”

“Because you were not in good condition yesterday, I didn’t ask you in detail, but today I hope we can have a good chat again.”

Alexia nodded: “I understand. But…actually I don’t have much clue about this matter, and I may not be able to answer all the questions of the Bishop.”

“It’s okay, we’ll just ask some simple questions, and I think you should be able to answer them.”

Otto took a sip of red wine, as if asking where to start, and then asked: “First of all…well, I want to confirm, can you control your ability to travel to another world? “


Alexia organized her words: “Furthermore, I think that my ability to go to another world is not due to my ability. To be more precise… I should have been [sent] to another world by someone.”

Being sent to another world?

Otto frowned: “You mean, someone is behind this?”

“I think so. The evidence is… you two may not be able to see it, but from time to time some burning words will appear in my eyes, explaining to me some precautions for traveling in different worlds, and will also answer Some questions of mine, give me some tips.”

“I think this is that existence – assuming it is existence x, these words should be the information that existence x gave me.”

(Are the burning words visible to only Exia?)

Otto continued to ask: “Those precautions you mentioned…what are they specifically?”

“Countdowns, reminders and the like. For example, the reason why I can be sure that I will come back today in three months is because existence x told me the time in the form of text and has been counting down for me. In addition… …”

Alexia glanced at the looming time in her field of vision: “There is still a countdown in my field of vision. About three months from now, I think I will go to another world again.”

Stay in another world for three months, return to this world, stay for three months, and then go to another world again.

Although it is not certain whether this is really such a pattern, as far as the current situation is concerned, it should be such a cycle. And the way to come to another world… most likely is by falling from a high altitude.

“Three months… It seems that from now on, you will go on business trips from time to time.” Otto smiled, “I will ask Amber to set up a special department later, specifically for handling unusual cases.” The problems of the world.”

“Can you decide what kind of world you go to?”

This time it was Fu Hua’s turn to ask.

Alexia shook her head again: “Probably not. As I said before, this ability is not under my control. I think all I can do is adapt to this ability and travel to different worlds again and again – However, there is no problem in contacting here, and I can also bring things back from another world, continue to improve in the other world, and even gain new powers.”

This is something that has basically been determined. As long as the things that Exia takes with him when he goes to or leaves another world, he can go to or leave the other world with him.

“By the way, speaking of what I brought back… Mr. Bishop, how is the analysis of the divine blood at the research institute?”

Yesterday, before leaving the office, Exia had already given the excess divine blood to Otto for him to analyze. After one day, he should have come up with some results, right?

“There are some results. I’ll give you a report later. Now let’s focus on traveling to another world.” Otto brought the topic back, “Then the next question…”

14. St. 1504 Institute

Otto, Fu Hua and Alexia, the three of them discussed about the different world for several hours.

It wasn’t until the sun set in the west and night completely replaced the sky that the conversation between the three of them ended with the end of dinner.

During these several hours of conversation, the three of them – Otto and Exia to be precise – had temporarily confirmed quite a few conjectures about various things about the other world.

For example, the nature and method of traveling to another world, the feasibility of conducting some experiments in another world, and the goal of finding new ways to fight against Honkai Impact from another world… Compared to Exia, who has shallow knowledge, Ou The Bishop of Destiny undoubtedly thought of more.

Both good and bad aspects.

In the end, “Temporarily let Exia continue to travel to another world according to Existence

Otto half-jokingly gave Exia the honorary title and position of [International Exchange Ambassador].

Although they don’t understand why Existence

Then, time came to the third day after Exia returned to this world.

“Mission? Today?”

Alexia’s house.

Just like yesterday, Alexia, who was woken up early in the morning by Bianca again, looked at Bianca in front of her: “Are you going to go out to solve the Honkai incident again?”

“Yes, I just received it in the morning. It said that there were a lot of Honkai Beasts appearing in Siberia. The local branch was a little overwhelmed, so I applied for support from the headquarters.” Bianca said while biting toast. , “It has not been very peaceful over there since the second collapse.”

Collapse will occur all over the world. Although according to data observations in recent years, the intensity of collapse in different regions will vary depending on the level of local social development, there are exceptions.

Siberia is one of them.

It was once the main battlefield of the Second Honkai Impact. Afterwards, the entire territory was baptized by Honkai energy fission bombs, and was essentially reduced to ruins.

However, for some unknown reason, Honkaimons of high strength appear there from time to time, and the concentration of Honkai energy is higher than in surrounding areas. Therefore, it is not unusual to go there directly to support the local branch like now.

Alexia had accepted a similar mission before, but at that time he stayed at the headquarters to provide rear support to Bianca who was heading to the local area – to put it bluntly, he just instructed her where to find Honkaimon.

“Will Rita come too?” Alexia asked Rita who was standing behind Bianca.

“Of course, after all, I am Lord Hollander’s adjutant, so there is no reason why I should not do it – but, what is more regrettable is that this time it is still not Lord Aixia who will connect with us.”

When Rita mentioned this matter, Bianca also showed a regretful expression. After finally waiting for three months for Alexia to come back, she actually wanted to work with Alexia, but this time it was still Amber and the local branch are responsible for cooperating with the two.

Alexia smiled bitterly: “What can be done about this? I haven’t resumed my original position yet… It would be better to say that Bishop Otto seems to have deliberately not let me do my previous job, and seems to hope that I can concentrate on it. Things from another world.”

In the past, Alexia had no strength, and he took the initiative to withdraw, so Otto simply let him work under him, which was regarded as a sinecure – although he had to work overtime every now and then.

But now, Exia has new value, so naturally he can’t continue to deal with the boring paperwork before.

“Then what are you going to do next?” Bianca asked, “There are still three months before you leave again and go to another world? What are you going to do in these three months?”

“Let’s improve my strength in our own way. In fact, I’m going to go to the Saint-1504 Research Institute soon.”

St. 1504 Institute.

It is the most important research institute in Tianming, and it is also a research institute with an extremely long history, its origins can be traced back to 1504 AD.

At that time, there was a swordsmith named [Changguang] in the far east who traveled thousands of miles to Tianming in order to study technology. After setting up his own workshop, he began to research weapons from pre-civilizations and tried to use the body parts of Honkaimon. Forge weapons.

Since then, time has continued to pass, and the original workshop turned into a design bureau, and the design bureau turned into today’s research institute. However, the name of the person who first established the workshop was “Chang Guang”. Stubbornly retained it, and even accumulated a succession of titles similar to those of European aristocrats.

From the original swordsmith Chang Guang to the present, it has gone through sixteen generations of iterations in the past five hundred years, and finally developed into the current Saint 1504 Research Institute. Most of the important research in Tianming and the most cutting-edge weapons and equipment are from This institute.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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