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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 5

Although the family represented by my own surname has become increasingly popular with artificial stigmata and the number of Destiny Valkyries has greatly increased, there are fewer and fewer warriors in the family, but no matter who it is, everyone has said the same thing. They all believe in the same sentence.

[Kaslana’s body contains the power to save the world]

This is not groundless, but a fact summed up from the history of Kaslana and the rescue deeds performed by countless generations of Kaslana in the past.

Every Kaslana can become a hero who saves the world, and the blood of Kaslana has such potential.

“I see.”

Taking a deep breath, Exia looked at Loki seriously: “Please let me be your dependent, Goddess Loki.”

At this moment, Exia sold herself to the Loki Familia

8.You can drain me dry

An expected result.

Although the process was not in line with Loki’s expectations, at least now Loki could see that Exia did not decide to join his family just to pay back the money.

She had seen similar looks for thousands of years, and the child who showed such looks at that time was now a famous adventurer in her family and became a famous adventurer throughout Orario.

(If this kid can become the second Aistan, then we will not only make money? It will be a huge profit, and we will die from the blood. The only problem is to beware of a certain idiot, an alien visitor, All the gods in Orario must have noticed… Hehehe, we’ll have some fun in the future.)

Loki, who was thinking this way, smiled and patted Alexia on the back: “Then take off your shirt, and we will bestow favors on you now.”


Alexia took off her shirt decisively and turned her back to Loki.

Then Loki pricked his finger with a needle and dripped a drop of his blood on Ixia’s back.

This is the ritual of conferring favors. The sacred words used by the gods will be engraved on the back with the divine blood as the medium, and after that, they will become the favor of that person.

For Loki, this was something he had done countless times.

But just when Loki thought it was all over…


A terrifying attraction suddenly burst out from Alexia’s body, and then Loki felt that his body was completely out of control, and his bloody fingers pressed hard on Alexia’s back.

“Eh? Eh? Eh? What’s going on?!”

Loki pulled out his hand hard: “Is our hand sucked? Is there some super glue stuck to your back!?”

It was like being attracted by a strong magnet. No matter how hard Loki tried, his hand seemed to be on Axia’s body and he couldn’t move it at all.

Not only that, Loki could clearly feel that his divine blood was continuously flowing into Ixia’s body – more accurately, it was being sucked away.

“Loki, is there anything special going on?”

Seeing Loki’s hand still attached to Alexia’s back, Finn asked with some confusion.

“Our hands are sucked.”

(There’s something in this kid’s body that’s sucking our blood… Hey, hey, hey! This is no joke. If it sucks us in like this, we’ll lose too much blood. But this kid’s body won’t be able to bear it. Exploded by the power of the gods!)

I finally got lucky and picked up an interesting seedling. It would be such a loss to lose it like this.

“Finn, come here and drag me away. We don’t have the strength to pull my hand back.”

“I see.”

Although he didn’t know what Loki was thinking, Finn could tell that something unexpected had happened. He stepped forward and held Loki’s arm and pulled it——


Not moving at all.

Finn was a little surprised. With his strength, he couldn’t take Loki’s hand away? Even if he is not specialized in strength, he is still a first-level adventurer in Orario, and his strength is definitely not weak…

(It’s not that Loki didn’t want to take it off, but it was sucked.)

“Any questions? Goddess Loki, Mr. Finn?”

Alexia, who had her back turned to the two of them, asked doubtfully.

Loki frowned: “What’s going on with your kid’s body? It’s been sucking our blood. Is it a bottomless pit? You can still speak normally. You’ve sucked about half a cup of our blood. You Is it really okay?”

“Eh? No, I just feel quite comfortable, like taking a bath in a hot spring in the winter.”

Alexia felt more comfortable than ever before. Ever since Loki’s blood dripped into his body, he felt like something was coming out of his body. True to his metaphor, he felt like a steak being defrosted.

The [stiff] body began to become soft, and the [unnatural] joints began to become smooth…

(What’s going on with this kid’s body?)

Looking at Alexia’s reaction, Loki was completely stunned. This was the first time she encountered such an outrageous situation.

“…Let go, Finn.”

“Is that okay? Loki, I can go get Gareth.”

“No, no need, we’re a little curious.” Loki smiled.

(This is probably the first time in history that this little guy is actively thirsting for the blood of our gods. We are a little curious about what you will become in the future, Exia.)

Seeing what the gods said to him, Finn had no choice but to retract his hand and stand next to Riveria, while Loki no longer resisted and allowed his blood to be absorbed by Exia’s body.

Two minutes passed in everyone’s silence.

It wasn’t until he lost all feeling in his arm that Loki vaguely felt some signs of being able to move freely, and retracted his hand from Exia’s back.

About a cup of blood was lost, right?

This is the first time in the lower world for thousands of years that Loki has lost so much blood.

“Is it over? Goddess Loki.”

Feeling the comfort in her body, she stopped, and Alexia turned around and asked.

“Well, you almost squeezed me dry. Wait a minute, let’s record your status on parchment…eh?”

Halfway through, Loki was stunned for a moment: “Why isn’t it the crest of our clan? What is this? A sword?”

Looking at the pattern on Exia’s back, Loki blinked in surprise.

The styles of sacred characters of each Familia are different, and different gods have different coats of arms. The one of the Loki Familia has the pattern of a clown.

But now what’s on Alexia’s back is not a vertical sword, but a vertical sword with special frames on both sides, as if it’s shining.

And that’s not the only weird thing.

“…Hey, Axia, your name is [Axia Kaslana], right?”

“Eh? Well, yes.”

“Real name?”

“…Probably not.” Alexia said, “This name was given to me by my attending physician when I was a child. I had long forgotten what my own name was at first. The doctor said that the time has come. Nature will tell me.”

“Oh, that’s it~~~~~”

Seeing that the name that appeared on Exia’s back was not [Exia], Loki seemed to realize something and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

(Interesting. Just these one or two sentences can remind us of a lot of things. Exia, in addition to the fun of being an adventurer, you seem to be able to provide us with fun in other ways.)

9. Toward the heart of hometown and old friends

Alexia Kaslana


Strength: i(0)

Durability: i(0)

Dexterity: i(0)


Magic: i(0)




【Kaslana’s Blood】

——? ? ? ?

——? ? ? ?

——? ? ? ?

——? ? ? ?


After Loki rubbed the sacred words on Exia’s back on parchment, looking at the status and ability values, the three natives of this world fell silent.

There is no problem with the ability value. No matter how powerful the warrior was before, when he first received the favor, the whole ability value was the same as zero.

The same is true for magic. Judging from Exia’s situation, he does not possess any innate magic, and he did not awaken acquired magic after receiving God’s favor. This is a normal thing.

The problem is skills.

It is not impossible to obtain skills as soon as you receive a favor. After all, some races have certain talents and talents, and the power of blood will also be manifested as skills.

[Kaslana’s Blood] – Judging from the name, it should belong to the latter.

But the details are all question marks? Isn’t this just because it’s completely unclear what the specific effect is except for the name?

(Kaslana, Ixia’s surname… Speaking of which, Loki asked about Ixia’s name just now.)

Finn took a closer look at the name on the parchment. Although it was not obvious, there were indeed some traces of modification.

Loki rewrote Exia’s true name, which was supposed to be manifested by God’s grace.

“Exia, can you tell us something about your family?” Riveria looked at Alexia who was getting dressed, “Your family…the Kaslana family is Is there a clan with any special bloodline?”

“Family… To be honest, I don’t know much about it. What I know is only the part recorded in the database.”

Alexia said.

“I don’t have a close relationship with my family. Although I go home every year at the end of the year, to be honest, my family doesn’t care about me very much. I have never heard of such confidential matters as the secrets contained in the family bloodline. At most, I only know about Ka The people of the Silanna clan are extremely resistant to Honkai energy, and have been knights of the people for generations, shouldering the mission of saving and protecting…”

These are words that make Alexia’s ears tingle. In the past, because he did not show the power that a Kaslana should have, he was often talked about by the elders in the family when he returned home.

“Ah, I’m sorry, you don’t know what Honkai Impact is, do you? In fact, it can be regarded as a special virus.”

Seeing that Loki and others seemed a little confused, Exia immediately realized the difference in knowledge and quickly gave a corresponding explanation. Viruses should exist in every world, right?

(Extreme resistance to a certain substance?)

Alexia’s explanation made the three of them frown.

Among these four lines of question marks, one should represent this point, and——

(It should also have some ability related to [absorption] and [swallowing], as well as [ice].)

The act of absorbing Loki’s divine blood and the terrifying frost that fell from the sky were undoubtedly part of the power of Kaslana’s blood.

In another world, is this power continuously passed down throughout the family?

(Oops, it really gives us goosebumps. If a family with this kind of power is a knight… is the world over there going to have to deal with some powerful and deadly monster?)

After squinting at Exia for a while, Loki suddenly smiled and said: “That’s it for today, Exia. You have to have a good rest first. You will fall from the sky all of a sudden. To be on the safe side, you should rest for a few more days. It’s better to observe your physical condition.” As for you becoming an adventurer and going to dungeons to make money and pay off debts, wait until you can move around freely. “

“Okay, I understand, Goddess Loki.”

“Just call us Loki. If you join the Familia, we will become family members. Please be polite to each other.” Loki showed no airs of godliness at all. He patted Exia on the shoulder and left the room.

Finn and Riveria also walked towards the door immediately.

“Then let’s take our leave, Alexia. We all have things to deal with. If you have any questions, just call and we will arrange someone to take care of you.”

“Sorry to bother you two.”

“It’s nothing. Oh, by the way, those things on the table were scattered around you when you dropped them. They should be your things. We collected them for you. I just don’t know if they are broken. You can check them yourself. Well, after all, we have no idea how to use those things.”

After Finn said this, he left with Riveria.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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