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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 50

“Is it about the divine blood?”

“Yes. There are also two weapons I sent over there.”

Just like Bianca and Rita received the order to attack before, Alexia was informed by Otto about the research progress of divine blood and the transformation of weapons after finishing the discussion with Otto and Fu Hua last night. schedule.

Loki’s Blade and the Shattering Sword.

Although these two weapons are the top weapons in another world, the forging process is quite primitive anyway, and they are completely handmade. From the perspective of destiny, there is nothing surprising about the weapons themselves, at most they are The raw materials used are quite special.

Therefore, as early as the first day back, Exia left two weapons with Otto and asked him to deliver them to the Saint 1504 Research Institute for research and even transformation and upgrade by Changguang XVII. .

Now that two days have passed, some results should indeed be obtained.

(Hopefully there will be some results.)

“Beep beep beep~~~”

Bianca’s personal terminal rang at this time.

Alexia came back to her senses: “Are you ready to go?”

“Well, the aircraft is ready. I will contact you tonight if I have time.”

“Then I’ll wait for your call. You two should be careful on the road.”

After waving to each other and Alexia, Bianca and Rita got up and left.

After watching the two people leave their home and finish off the remaining breakfast on hand, Ixia glanced at the clock on the wall: “At this point…well, it’s almost time for me to set off. Let’s go.” It should be just right if you go there.”

15. God’s favor and divine blood

[Identity authentication passed…]

[Confirmed visitor: Alexia Kaslana]

As Exia used her ID card to open a door in the Tianming research area, such text appeared on the electronic display.

The closed door was opened, and after Alexia walked inside, the first thing she saw was the figures of several busy researchers with their heads down.

Some were in front of the computer typing code that Alexia couldn’t understand, some were writing reports, and still others were simulating some model or experiment on the computer… The only quiet person in the research room was The sound of typing on the keyboard and the scratching of pen on paper.

This is part of the Saint 1504 Institute.

Although the Holy 1504 Research Institute is an important place, it is the cradle of the Gods series of weapons that only dozens of Valkyries are allowed to use in Destiny today, but the area where the weapons were developed and the area where they were designed are not in the same place.

Alexia visited the office where researchers usually write papers and design drawings. The development area for developing weapons is in another area.

Seeing Alexia’s arrival, a researcher who happened to raise his head nodded slightly and greeted him: “Is this Mr. Alexia? The director is waiting for you in her personal office. Do you need me to take you there?”



After a simple exchange, the researcher returned to his research, and Ixia also walked directly to the office of Changguang XVII, whom he had visited once or twice before.

I don’t know whether it is a deliberate design or an unspoken rule. Whether it is Bishop Otto or Director Chang Guang, these leaders’ offices always like to be placed deep in the office, giving people the impression that they are hiding something. It shows that people have a secret feeling, which is mysterious.

Bishop Otto, in particular, sometimes had to close all the windows in broad daylight, and Alexia often had to turn on the lights in the dark when she went to report on work.

“Ms. Changguang, are you there? I am Alexia Kaslana.”

After arriving at the door with the name [Chang Guang] hanging on it, Exia knocked on the door and announced her name at the same time.

Then someone’s voice came from inside: “Oh, the door is unlocked, come in.”



The moment she entered, Alexia heard such a sniffing sound, and then what came into view was a desk scattered with various documents and papers, and a person sitting behind the desk, speaking quickly. A woman with messy hair is eating instant noodles while typing on the keyboard.

(Here we go again…)

It should be said that this is a common problem among researchers. These geniuses only have research in their minds. Generally speaking, nine out of ten are useless people. As long as the private space is left alone for a period of time, it will soon become filled with a lot of paper and fast food. A cluttered space filled with junk.

Moreover, if no one reminds them, this group of people will even mess up their daily routines. Staying up all night doing research is quite normal – for example now.

“Do you want to eat instant noodles early in the morning? Ms. Changguang.”

“Suck…huh? It’s already morning? I thought it was only midnight – ah, it’s true.”

The woman named Chang Guang finished her last mouthful, looked at the time and then looked like she suddenly understood. Then she took out a comb from the drawer at hand and briefly combed her hair, which was messed up due to staying up late. , straightened his clothes before standing up.

“I’m sorry, Alexia, for showing you my raunchy side.”

“Please don’t say it seems like this is the first time I see it, Ms. Changguang. I have reminded you before when I came here. It is best to pay attention to the management and organization of personal space.”

Changguang – Comprehensive Elizabeth·[Changguang]·Mike Smith – the seventeenth generation director of the Saint 1504 Research Institute, commonly known as [Changguang Seventeenth Generation].

Listening to Aixia’s reminder, Changguang Seventeenth smiled slightly: “Of course I remember it, but you have also seen that if I don’t care about it for even a day, my place will be in chaos, right? Not to mention it will be a mess this time. It’s because of you that it became such a mess. If I have to say it, I think half of the responsibility lies with you.”

“…So, has there been any progress in the research on divine blood and my weapons?”

Without getting entangled with Chang Guang on this point, Ixia went straight to the point.

Chang Guang did not answer immediately, but rotated the computer screen towards Ixia. What was displayed above was an analysis result.

“This is an analysis diagram of the [divine blood] you brought back… In terms of nature, it is not much different from our ordinary human blood, there are very few differences.” Chang Guang explained , “However, as the analysis deepened, we discovered in the comparison that there is a power completely different from Honkai energy in the blood – let’s call it [divine power].”

After all, it comes from the blood of gods, so there is nothing wrong with calling it that.

“If you have to say it, it’s like oil mixed with water. Divine power exists in the divine blood. According to the observation results, it is generally in a state similar to a dormant period.”


“That’s right, divine power and divine blood themselves are quite inactive. Even if they are stimulated from the outside, there will be no change. To be honest, I am quite curious about what will happen if the divine blood is boiled.”

Boil the blood of the gods….

“Is it heated over water?”

“Yeah. But unfortunately, there is no change after heating it on an alcohol lamp for two hours. It’s the same after freezing it in the refrigerator for four hours. It’s like it doesn’t accept interference from the outside world at all.” Chang Guang said. “However, contrary to the fact that it cannot be interfered with, it will have a very strong impact on the creatures that come into contact with it.”

Another report was brought out by Chang Guang.

“This is the physical change that occurred in the experimental subjects within ten minutes after we ingested 3cc of divine blood to the mice – it can be clearly found that the body functions have been improved to a considerable extent.”

“You… gave the divine blood to the mice?” Alexia was a little stunned.

“Yeah, what’s the problem? It’s normal experimental behavior.”


(Is this, does this count as bestowing divine favor on a mouse?)

Loki would definitely be furious if he found out, and he might even faint on the spot, right?

“However, this improvement did not last long. It only lasted for more than ten minutes before the experimental subject died. The cause of death was excessive physical weakness.” Chang Guang continued to explain, “You can imagine that a person in his nineties The old man who is very old and may die at any time still has the youthful appearance of seventeen or eighteen years old. From this point of view, we can roughly determine one of the properties of the divine blood – a stimulant.”


“It’s just similar rhetoric. A more specific statement is that it has the function of forcibly extracting body energy, allowing the individual to receive an explosive increase in strength in a short period of time, but it is accompanied by rapid aging of the body. Intuitively To put it bluntly, it means that in a short period of time, you have overdrawn your entire life’s strength.”

Overdraft power?

Is this the nature of divine blood?

“But I don’t have such symptoms.” Alexia asked, “I asked Goddess Loki in the world over there. The grace of God bestowed by gods on other beings through divine blood actually allows us to awaken to our true nature. It is a medium to awaken the latent ability that cannot be awakened in a lifetime and gradually extract it. The blood of the gods and the favor of the gods themselves are just accelerators.”

“Well, I already know this from the report given to me by the Bishop. So, combining your report with our experimental results, we can roughly come up with this conjecture-“

Chang Guang switched the computer screen to another screen.

“The divine blood itself has the function of forcibly extracting power, and the favor of God is equivalent to a kind of controller. It limits the power of the divine blood within a certain range, and allows the divine blood to spread throughout your body as you perform various actions. , and then gradually increase the so-called [ability value]. And when the ability value reaches a limit, God’s favor will unlock part of the restrictions, allowing the divine blood to exert stronger power, which is what you call 【upgrade】.”

“In terms of actual effect, it should be similar to destroying the seedlings, but this method is quite safe. At least judging from the content of your report and your own situation, God’s favor will not cause any adverse reactions.”

Based on the current understanding of divine blood and divine favor, this is the best conclusion that Chang Guang can draw.

Alexia thought for a while: “So…you mean, my life will be short?”

“No, I don’t think so.” Chang Guang shook his head, “For example, people who maintain a healthy lifestyle and exercise a healthy body will generally live a long life, right? And your role in the divine blood Next, you can think that you are always exercising, your body is always healthy and energetic, and the divine blood will transform your body bit by bit.”

“If things go on like this, not only will your life span not be shortened, but you will even live longer – of course, this is just a conjecture. The actual situation will have to wait for subsequent research and analysis and a physical examination on you.”

Chang Guang stood up as he spoke: “There are only so many reports about the divine blood. Unfortunately, there are only two days and no decent results can be produced. I think this will be a long-term task… So, do you want to take a look at your weapons next?”

“Well, I’m done.”

16. Going to visit the Far East Branch?

Exia’s two weapons, Loki’s Blade and Smashing Sword, have not yet been sent to the development area, and are still kept at the research institute.

After Chang Guang took care of herself briefly, she took Alexia to the secret room where they were kept.

Like many other weapons, they are now stored in special containers, suspended in mid-air and rotating automatically.

“Compared with the divine blood, there is nothing special about these two weapons.”

Chang Guang looked at the two weapons.

“The forging process itself is quite retro. Compared with our technical level, it is about the same as the forging technology of thousands of years ago. Apart from the raw materials forged into weapons, there is nothing worth mentioning.”

“And speaking of raw materials…the two weapons are completely different.”

Chang Guang knocked on the container containing Loki’s Blade: “The metal used in this long sword is tougher than any natural mineral on the earth. The molecular structure is very strong and stable, and it is almost difficult to be destroyed. ….Having said that, it now has a weathered appearance, as if someone had given it a full and unceremonious beating.”

“Do you have any idea?”

“…Probably he directly withstood my power.” Ixia said as she gathered a small piece of ice in the palm of her hand. “I can freely control this frost power now, and then I will In this world, this power is often injected into the sword body to wield frost shock.”

“I see, then it’s understandable why it looks so obviously damaged – you really don’t care about your weapons.”

Chang Guang glared at Aixia slightly.

“Then according to your statement, this big guy here should have been severely tortured by you, right?”


Exia had only seriously used these two weapons once after getting them, and that was the duel with Ota.

Alexia frowned: “So… is the damage serious?”

“The long sword is a little better than the giant sword, but not much better. Judging from the power you showed in the training room yesterday, these two weapons will be broken if you use them seven or eight times.”

“Can it be fixed?”

Not to mention the Sword of Shattering, the Blade of Loki was a weapon that she got after she owed a lot of debt in another world. Although the debt has been paid off, Exia doesn’t want the weapon to be scrapped just over a month after she got it. .

Chang Guang smiled and said: “This is the reason why I hope you can come. The family members must be notified before the operation, and the family members’ consent can be obtained before proceeding – the same goes for the equipment in my opinion.”

“With the current technology, repairing it is a little difficult, because we don’t know the specific properties of these ores from other worlds. It would be bad if we did something wrong during the repair process and it was scrapped.”

“So…if you, the user, agree, we want to use soul steel to transform it and make it into a new Gods series weapon.”

——[Throne of the Gods]

The collective name for the most cutting-edge weapons developed by Destiny, most of which are named after mythological gods to symbolize their power and uniqueness.

And as Chang Guang said, every Gods weapon is made of soul steel, which is a metal block composed of hundreds of millions of nanorobots, which has an extremely good effect of isolating Honkai energy. . When a piece of metal is damaged by erosion, the nanorobot can automatically repair it through reconstruction. In addition, due to the characteristics of nanorobots that can be freely reconstructed, most soul steel weapons also have the ability to change their appearance.

Axia remembered that there were only ten people in Tianming who were allowed to use the Gods series weapons, and Rita happened to be one of them.

(Throne of the Gods…)

“What about the specific renovation plan?”

Chang Guang shook his head: “This will have to wait until the follow-up design. After all, it is only two days. We feel that there is not enough time just to study the divine blood. Where will we have time to design a new throne of gods? The fastest. …..It will take about a year.”

One year?

It’s surprisingly long, but considering the special nature of the Gods’ weapons, this time doesn’t seem to be too long? Even acceptable.

“I understand, then please transform these two weapons into thrones of gods, Miss Changguang.”

“No problem, I really appreciate you being so easy to talk to, Alexia.” Chang Guang breathed a sigh of relief, “That’s it for what I want to explain to you. If you want to know more, temporarily I can’t take it out anymore. I’ll let you know when new research progress appears later.”



After saying this to Chang Guang, Exia left the Saint-1504 Research Institute.

The nature of divine blood, the role of God’s favor… Before today, he had never thought that the power he accepted with a hot head still contained these inside stories. He even estimated that other adventurers They don’t even know the inside story.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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