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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 51

Those gods must be the only ones who know the nature of God’s favor.

(Is there no side effects of trying to force a child to grow? If there is no problem in the result, then it means there is no problem, right?)

Thinking this, Exia glanced at the time.

10:13 am.

(It’s still early for lunch…what should we do next?)

Alexia didn’t know what to do.

In the other world, I was probably fighting monsters in the dungeon, or helping with farm work in the fields. As for my earlier self, I was probably helping Bishop Otto organize documents and prepare things he would need for his upcoming trip.

But now, he was not in another world, and Otto said he didn’t have to go to work. For a moment, he didn’t know what he should do!

(How about… go to the training room and train independently?)

Maybe this can improve the ability value a little. Anyway, the ability value can be automatically updated now, so there is definitely no harm in exercising.

“Eh? What are you doing here? Alexia.”

At this moment, a car suddenly stopped in front of Alexia. The window on the passenger seat rolled down, and Fu Hua’s face was revealed from inside.

“Master?” Alexia was a little surprised.

“Why are you here?”

“I’m going back to the Far East Branch, and now I have to take a plane. What about you?”

Fu Hua didn’t like staying at the headquarters, so staying for one night this time was already very good. Moreover, she is still a Valkyrie from the Far East Branch. This time she came here with the order of the headquarters and cannot leave for a long time.

“I came here to see the research status of divine blood and weapons, but… I don’t know what to do next, I’m a bit free.”

Alexia explained her situation to Fu Hua.

After listening, Fu Hua thought for a while.

“Then…how about going out for a walk? For example, take a leave with Otto and go back to the Far East Branch with me? You haven’t visited it yet, have you?”

Going to visit the Far East Branch?

17. St. Freya’s College

Among the many branches of Tianming, the Far East Branch is considered the most special branch.

Compared with other branches similar to the garrison, the operation model of the Far East Branch is actually a [school]. To be even more specific, the Far East Branch itself was an academy called [Saint Vu] before becoming a branch. Leia’s Valkyrie Training School.

When Alexia was in the orphanage before, she met a Valkyrie from the Far East Branch. At that time, St. Freya Academy had just been established. In order to recruit students, the other party went to various orphanages supported by Destiny. Enrollment promotion is ongoing.

But Alexia did not go there at that time. Instead, she and Bianca chose to enter the Valkyrie Training School at the headquarters.

On the one hand, he wanted to accompany Bianca, but on the other hand, the educational policy of St. Freya Academy was relatively loose compared to the training at the headquarters. What it cultivated was not purely soldiers who fought against the Honkai Impact, but more It is to cultivate students as a [person].

“I didn’t expect that the Bishop would allow me to come to the Far East Branch so easily.”

At the landing airport of St. Freya College.

Walking off the plane with Fu Hua, Alexia recalled Bishop Otto’s reply before setting off.

[You no longer work under me, so you don’t need to report your trip to me or ask for leave. Let yourself be a little more free, Ixia]

[Also, remember to say hello to the lovely Teresa for me]

After Ixia submitted the application for going out to Otto, Otto gave such a response in just ten seconds.

Although there were conflicts between them, in Bishop Otto’s view, Theresa was just a little willful and in a rebellious stage, so even though he was unilaterally disliked by her, he still doted on her. My own granddaughter.

He would always meet the demands of the Far East Branch. It was common for him to send people to the Far East Branch to ask questions in the name of inspection – he would even disguise himself and sneak into the Far East Branch from time to time!

There was a time when Ikesha went to report on work and found that Miss Amber was the only one in the office, while the bishop he respected had abandoned his work and went to the Far East Branch to meet his granddaughter at some point – that time Iike Sia and Miss Amber worked overtime until midnight.

So sometimes Ixia really feels that her guardian is really bad in some aspects.

“Then…is this the Far East Branch?”

Alexia looked at a teaching building not far in front of her that was mainly white and looked like a church.

Ms. Teresa, the head of the Far East Branch, is a very devout nun. This church-like teaching building must have been specially requested by her, right?

“How does it feel?”

Fu Hua came to Alexia from behind and asked.

The current time, according to local time, is almost less than eight o’clock in the morning. In St. Freya Academy, girls wearing destiny uniforms and carrying schoolbags can be seen everywhere heading towards the teaching building.

St. Freya’s College is a girls’ school.

After all, in terms of Honkai energy resistance, women are generally greater than men, and the same is true for the matching of artificial stigmata.

Looking around, I can only see girls in their prime of life. Each of their faces is filled with youthful vitality. They don’t look like they will fight against the valkyrie of Honkai in the future. On the contrary, they look like… An ordinary female student.

“Is this… really the Valkyrie Training School?”

Alexia was a little surprised.

“Even if the school spirit of St. Freya Academy is very relaxed, it is too…there is no sense of tension that a Valkyrie Training School should have.”

The Valkyrie training at Tianming Headquarters is quite rigorous, with a large amount of training. Basically, you will be exhausted every day. There is also strong competition among the students. To put it bluntly, it is a small military school, lifeless. of.

In contrast, the environment of St. Freya College…

Fu Hua chuckled: “This is indeed a Valkyrie training school, but its teaching style is very different from the headquarters. St. Freya Academy is divided into three grades, and first-year students will not accept There is too much Valkyrie training, and it is more about learning Honkai related knowledge and general school courses, and at most it is normal physical training. I will not start formal Valkyrie training until the second half of the semester.”

“In the words of Principal Teresa, it is [let students not forget to understand the beauty of the world while becoming Valkyrie].”


(Do you understand the beauty of the world?)

Most of the Destiny Valkyries are orphans, either survivors of the Honkai incident or girls who were abandoned shortly after birth. This is the same even in St. Freya Academy.

Of course, most of these students are traumatized and need psychological treatment. The treatment method at the Destiny Headquarters is to direct their inner trauma to their hatred of Honkai as much as possible, so as to strengthen their confidence in becoming Valkyries and their determination to fight against Honkai, and to cultivate first-class Valkyries (soldiers).

Almost the exact opposite of St. Freya Academy.

In Alexia’s view, this method is too gentle for training Valkyries. These students of St. Freya Academy cannot even be said to be warriors.


“From a personal point of view, this seems good.”

“Well, I think so too.” Fu Hua said with a smile, “Well, since I have to go to class now, you can take a look around by yourself first. I will find you later.”

“Okay…eh? Class?”

After subconsciously nodding, Alexia was stunned for a moment, turned to look at Fu Hua and thought for a while: “Master, are you the teacher here? You have decided to teach Taixu Sword Qi and Cunxin Boxing on a large scale. Is it coming?”

Fu Hua shook his head: “No, I am a first-year student here. Because there was a shortage of people here before, and Otto was worried about Principal Theresa, so he gave me a false identity and asked me to pretend to be a student. I came here to help. After all, the strength of the Far East Branch is very weak. Counting me, there is only one S-level Valkyrie and two A-level Valkyrie. The rest are only dozens of B-level Valkyrie. Add up There are less than thirty people.”


Alexia was silent.

student! ?

My master is a student! ?

And what did he just hear? There are only about twenty Valkyries in the entire Far Eastern branch’s official establishment?

Can this actually be considered a branch?

(No…Normally speaking, the number of Valkyries in a branch, based on a three-person team, must be at least seven or more? This still only counts B-level and above, including those responsible for branch operations. There are even more C-level Valkyries. In addition, there must be a certain number of logistics departments and personnel, otherwise the maintenance of weapons and equipment will also be a problem… St. Freya Academy shouldn’t have all these, right?)

If this is the case, then the reason why this Far East branch can be established——

(Bishop Otto, what a backdoor did you open for Ms. Teresa!!!)

18. Nephew! Call me aunt!

Alexia knew that Bishop Otto was doting on Ms. Theresa, but she never expected that he would be so tolerant.

(Speaking of which… Tianming’s financial expenditure seems to have been often spent on the Far East Branch in recent years… After returning this time, it is best to ask the Bishop – no, to Miss Amber Can you give me some feedback?)

With such a deadly bishop in front of her, Alexia really felt that Miss Amber had worked too hard in the past. How about she offer to reinstate her position in the future to help her relieve some of her work pressure?

“Eh? Why is there a man in the academy?”

Suddenly, such a voice sounded behind Alexia.

Alexia turned around and saw a red-haired woman wearing a red Valkyrie uniform standing behind him, looking at him with eyes that looked at him with suspicion.

The Valkyrie from St. Freya Academy? And look at the handout she is holding… is she a part-time teacher?

(Eh? Wait, I remember she is…)

After taking a closer look at the face of the red-haired Valkyrie, a slightly distant memory emerged in Alexia’s mind.

He remembered that when St. Freya Academy was first established, the people who came to the orphanage to recruit students were…

“Miss Wuliangta Jizi?”

“Huh? You know me?”

The red-haired woman known as Wuliangta Jizi looked at Exia with some surprise: “By the way, I just discovered that the clothes you are wearing have the symbol of destiny… Are you a person of destiny?”

“Ah…well, yes, I am from the Tianming Headquarters, my name is Alexia Kaslana. This time I was invited by the A-level Valkyrie Fu Hua to visit the Far East Branch and St. Freya Academy.” Ixia quickly explained, “However, because it was a temporary decision, there is no paperwork, and this visit is also in a personal name.”


Wuliangta Jizi listened to Aixia’s explanation and looked at him several times with doubtful eyes: “Well… speaking strictly is indeed the style of the group of people at the headquarters. However, you said you knew him Fu Hua? Do you have any evidence?”

“Is it okay to make a phone call? In addition, my personal file at Tianming Headquarters should also be used as evidence.”

As Alexia spoke, she showed Wuliangta Jizi Fuhua’s phone number in her personal terminal, and at the same time called up her own personal file.

Wuliangta Jizi came up to take a look.

(It is indeed the personal terminal model equipped by Destiny, and the phone number is correct… Alexia Kaslana, the young master of the Kaslana family, was originally a data organizer under Bishop Otto , now a special operations operator on a secret mission…)

After a cursory look at Ixia’s information, Wuliangta Jizi also put away her caution – the evidence was so convincing, and she didn’t need to continue to doubt it. After all, these things couldn’t be faked.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Kaslana, I doubted you just now. I am Jizi of Wuliang Tower, the A-level Valkyrie of the Far East Branch and the captain of the fifth team, and the captain of the floating battleship Hyperion.” Wuliang Tower Ji Zi took the initiative to reach out her hand, “By the way, you just called my name…Have we met before?”

“Yes, you may not remember, but I met you in the orphanage before. At that time, you were promoting St. Freya Academy.”

(Oh, no wonder then…)

Wuliang Tajizi did have relevant memories, and after Exiya said this, Wuliang Tajizi also decided that he looked familiar, as if the two of them had indeed met once before.

“Then you come to the Far East Branch this time…”

“I’m just here to visit. I was entrusted by Bishop Otto to say hello to Ms. Theresa.” Aixia truthfully reported her purpose, “However, because Fu Hua…senior she went to class. , so now I’m worried about where to go, it’s really a bit big here.”

Wuliangta Jizi smiled when he heard this and said, “Then let me show you a section of the way. I happen to have to go to class, and there is a section of the way together.”

“Okay, please, Ms. Wuliangta.”

(This guy is quite polite.)

Although there was only a few words of exchange, Wuliangta Jizi already had such an impression of Alexia.

(He looks about sixteen or seventeen, right? In contrast, those overly lively little girls in my class are really…well, it’s really difficult to be a teacher.)

After all, Valkyrie is a warrior, not a teacher, and she certainly cannot teach others. Therefore, Wuliangta Jizi has been stumbling on the road of being a teacher over the years, and it is not easy to survive until today.


The principal’s office is actually on the top floor of the teaching building.

Soon after following Wuliangta Jizi into the teaching building, Alexia was guided by her to a path to the office.

“Is this right here?”

Looking at the plaque on the top of the door called [The Principal’s Office], Ixia raised her hand and knocked on the door.

“Is Ms. Teresa here?”

“Oh – yes! Yes! Please come in!”

For some reason, there was a strange scream inside, and then a voice that sounded like a girl’s.

Alexia opened the door and walked in: “Excuse me, Ms. Theresa, I’m here from the headquarters…Eh? Where is the person?”

There is no one in the office.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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