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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 52

Obviously there was indeed a sound coming out just now, but not a single person could be seen in the room.


“What do you mean it’s haunted! How rude, I’m here!”

The voice came out again, and then Alexia saw a small hand raised from behind the desk. After he walked over and took a closer look, he found a very young-looking little girl sitting on a chair. On the top, he had a straight face, exuding a vague majesty and aura.

Is this Theresa Apokalis?

Alexia had never met her directly. She had only heard of her name in the past, but this was actually her first time meeting her in person.

Looking at Alexia who was looking at her, Theresa also stared at the young man who suddenly came to her office.

“White hair, blue eyes…are you from the Kaslana family?”

“Well…yes, I am Alexia Kaslana. First time meeting, Ms. Theresa.” Alexia bowed slightly to the young girl, “This time I was invited by Fu Hua. , came to visit St. Freya College, and also brought the Bishop’s—”

“Wait! What did you say your name was?”

Alexia was interrupted by Theresa before she finished speaking.

Teresa hoped she had heard wrong.

“You said your name is Alexia? Alexia Kaslana?”

“Uh…yes, is there any problem with this? Ms. Theresa.” Alexia was a little confused. Does her name have any special meaning to Theresa?

After hearing Alexia’s confirmation, Theresa seemed to want to see something from him. She stared at him with her lovely eyes for a long time, until she felt a little hair on Alexia’s back. As if he was finally confirmed, he breathed a sigh of relief and sat down.

“Exia… Ixia… I didn’t expect you to grow so big. The last time I saw you, you were just a little baby.”


The words that came out of Theresa’s mouth made Alexia stunned: “Ms. Theresa, you… do you know me when I was a child?”

“Well~~~ What you said is really sad. I obviously hugged you when you were a child.” Theresa supported the desk with both hands, jumped up to the table and looked down at Ixia, “Don’t say we know her, if we really want to talk about our relationship, you have to call me auntie, Aixia.”


Big, big aunt? !

19.Memory in the small garden

The head of the Far East Branch, Ms. Theresa Apokalis, is his aunt? !

The sudden information made Exia freeze on the spot for a moment.

“It looks like you don’t remember, right?”

Theresa looked at her eldest nephew who was stunned in front of her.

“But that’s right. I only met you once when you were just born. Not long after that, you were taken away by your grandfather for special treatment. Even your parents could only visit you once a week, and I I’ve never been there even once. No wonder you forgot.”

“You…what are you talking about?”

Alexia couldn’t understand Theresa’s words.

Was he taken away by Bishop Otto after he was born? Special treatment? what is that? Parents only meet once a week? Why?

“Do you… know what happened when I was a child? Ms. Theresa?”

“Eh? Don’t you remember?” Theresa was a little surprised.

Alexia nodded: “I lost my memory due to an accident seven years ago. I have no memory of before I was nine years old… Ms. Theresa, you should know, right? It was my father who took me and The time my sister left. After that, I forgot my original name and past events…”

“Ah, that’s what happened…”

Theresa also remembered the incident seven years ago when Siegfried took his children and defected from the destiny.

But amnesia?

This was different from what she learned later. Her grandfather, Bishop Otto, said that both Exia and Kiana were rescued, but because they needed to receive special treatment, she could not meet them at that time. Subsequently, Theresa also conducted some investigations in her own way to confirm whether her grandfather’s statement was true. She did not feel relieved until it was confirmed to be correct.

(Special treatment… does it mean to treat Alexia’s amnesia symptoms? But like this, it shouldn’t be said to be cured, right? And…)

Forgot your original name?

Isn’t Alexia’s original name just Alexia Kaslana? This name was given to him by Teresa.

“…Okay, I have a general understanding of the situation. It seems that we have many mistakes in each other’s understanding of the past.”

After pondering for a while, Theresa pointed to the sofa in the room: “Anyway, sit down first. I will tell you the past bit by bit, Alexia.”

“…Okay, please, Ms. Theresa——”

“You’re going to call me auntie.” Theresa said with a smile, “Even if we only met once when we were children, we don’t have to be so hostile, right?”

“It’s… eldest, eldest aunt.”

A very unfamiliar title.

So far, there are only four people that Alexia considers to be her real family members, Bishop Otto, Miss Amber, Rita, and Bianca. Even those relatives in Kaslana’s family who were not very close to him, he did not intend to treat them as family members.

However, Ms. Theresa… she suddenly had an aunt, and Alexia couldn’t accept it quickly.

“Well… let me think about it, where should I start talking to you?”

“If you can, please start from the beginning, please. Auntie.”

But even so, this was an opportunity he had never thought of.

Unexpectedly, this impromptu visit to the Far East Branch would actually give me the opportunity to learn about my past, and those who knew about it seemed to know quite a bit about it.

(My past, my childhood…what was I like before I was nine years old?)

“I know, let’s start from when you were born.”

Theresa thought about the past and began to describe what happened sixteen years ago.


In 1997, Cecilia Chaniat, the most powerful Valkyrie in destiny, and Siegfried Kaslana, an outstanding warrior of the Kaslana family, gave birth to their first child. Teresa named her [Axia Kaslana].

However, on the third day after birth, for some unknown reason, Exia suddenly suffered from an unexplained high fever. At the same time, her body’s temperature dropped rapidly and she was almost on the verge of death. In order to save Exia’s life, Bishop Otto took her away for special treatment.

The treatment was said to be going well, and Siegfried and Cecilia, who were allowed to visit once a week ago, also said that their son was recovering well, but Theresa was not allowed to see Exia even once.

After that, the second Honkai Impact occurred, Cecilia died, and Siegfried returned to Destiny in frustration. He lived with his daughter Kiana in despair all day long. When visiting my son, I almost never leave the house.

Then, about seven years ago, Siegfried suddenly took his daughter and son with him, snatched an aircraft and escaped from his destiny, but in the end the plane crashed near a snowy mountain.

The whereabouts of Siegfried and Kiana are unknown. According to what Theresa was told and what she later verified in many ways, Exia was recovered by Destiny and was fine after receiving special treatment.

“That’s pretty much how it went.”

Teresa ended with this sentence.

“How does it help you recall the past?”


Alexia did not answer, but held her forehead with both hands, lowered her head and repeatedly thought about the past that Theresa said.

But no matter how he thought about it, he never felt familiar at all.

Even if a person loses his memory, he will still recall some things when he comes into contact with something important to him, such as returning to his room and seeing photos from the past… These are very important to him. Even if you lose your memory, you may not completely forget it, there will still be some residue.

But Exia has no such residue.

(Is what Ms. Theresa said… really about my past?)


“At this time, Ixia should have already been in contact with Theresa, right?”

Facing the sky outside the window, Otto raised the red wine glass in his hand, as if toasting to the sky.

“Unfortunately, Alexia, now is not the time for you to know the past. That time has not come yet. Before you see your father and [sister] again, you cannot know the past – you have to accept despair. too early.”

“So as an alternative, let’s accept [Exia’s past] that I have been preparing for you for the time being.”

Otto looked at the far east end of his field of vision.

“Of course, I can promise you who are not here that this past is not false, but a real past.”

after all.

When a person is given such a memory, and people around him recount such memories to him countless times, and if he still can only get such a memory after exhausting all means to investigate, then no matter whether the person concerned is willing to accept it or not, it will It is true.

Is not it?

“Let’s continue to live in the [Hako Garden] for a while. As for you who can leave this world, I believe that the day when you take the initiative to break the Little Garden will not be far away – I am looking forward to the moment when you graduate in my hands. My proud student, and my proud [son].”

20.Mother’s dream

Alexia was silent for a long time.

He couldn’t feel any sense of reality or familiarity about what Theresa said. If it was really related to his past, then he would only have a sense of not seeing it.


Seeing Alexia’s silence, Theresa couldn’t help but frown.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“…No, it’s nothing, it’s just a little hard to accept. After all, it’s a past I don’t know about at all. It’s… hard to accept for a while.”

After taking several deep breaths to calm down her mood again and adjust to a normal state of mind, Aixia raised her head and looked at Theresa: “Anyway, thank you for telling me these things, Theresa… Auntie.”

“Yes, that’s good. After all, I think grandpa will never tell you such a thing. He always likes to tell half and hide half. He knows everything but refuses to say it.”


Alexia smiled bitterly.

This is one of the most common speaking techniques used by Otto. Instead of saying it directly, it allows people to get the full picture of the matter through their own investigation and thinking.

“Speaking of which, why did you suddenly come to my place this time?” Theresa then brought the topic back to the beginning.

“Oh, I accepted Fu Hua’s invitation to visit St. Freya, because I have been fired by Bishop Otto and have nothing to do for the time being, so I just walked around to pass the time.”

(It’s better not to talk about my ability to travel to another world now. Even if I did, Ms. Teresa probably wouldn’t believe it.)

If it weren’t for her previous contact and seeing her disappear and return with her own eyes, Ixia estimated that Bianca and the others wouldn’t believe it.

When she heard what Aixia said, Theresa immediately puffed up her mouth angrily: “Fired you? Grandpa, why did he do this! You are only sixteen years old, how are you going to survive on your own if I fire you? “

“Well…actually, life at Tianming Headquarters is not bad, and I have some savings now – and it is said that I was fired, but in fact I was assigned a special secret mission. In fact, I should be transferred.”

“So that’s it. That means grandpa has some conscience.” Theresa breathed a sigh of relief, “So, have you visited this school?”

“No, not yet. I thought I should come and say hello to you, the head of the branch, before visiting. In addition, the bishop also asked me to say hello to you on his behalf. Then I will prepare to visit… “

(But since it’s a visit, I can only walk around by myself, right?)

“Grandpa’s greeting… Oh, I understand. Later, you can verbally thank grandpa for his concern for me.” Theresa sighed helplessly, “Then, do you need me to take you with me during the visit?”

“Okay, trouble.”

St. Freya College is also a girls’ school. If a newcomer like Alexia accidentally goes to the wrong place, such as entering the locker room by mistake, you can imagine what will happen with your feet. Impact.

(I was invited here by Master Fu Hua. If I did something like that…if nothing else, the master would definitely be affected, and I would definitely be re-educated by him!)

Even though several years had passed, Alexia honestly didn’t want to experience her master’s fist again.


The morning after that, Ixia followed Theresa and briefly visited the entire St. Freya Academy.

It is slightly different from what Ixia initially thought. Although the main body is a school, St. Freya Academy does have the most basic functions of a branch. Including logistics, everything is different from other branches. Big difference.

At most, the difference is in scale, but St. Freya College is originally more inclined towards schools than branches, so it is understandable that the scale is not large.

However, there are aspects that transcend other branches.

For example, take the aerial battleship Hyperion. You must know that all other branches use aircraft. Only particularly important branches will be equipped with aerial battleships. The Far East branch, which has only been established for four years, can have an aerial battleship. No matter how you look at it, it is too outrageous.

In addition, there is a training ground with the same specifications as Tianming Headquarters, and a simulation training room loaded with the latest data…

“It’s simply a smaller version of the headquarters…”

Even though she was disliked by her granddaughter and still doted on her in every way, Ixia no longer wanted to complain about her bishop.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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