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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 54

It was this city that took away everything from her.

“It’s so painful…”

Raiden Meiyi couldn’t help but moan again.

Her heart hurts, and even though several days have passed, Leiden Meiyi still feels uncomfortable inside.

The indifferent glances of her classmates at school replayed in her mind, and the figures of the maids who left her home indifferently also appeared, and the faces of the directors of Me Club with disgusting smiles also appeared in their minds. …..

Just thinking about these things made Mei Lei feel so painful.

“Why… everyone is like this?”

Raiden Mei still remembers.

A good friend who has a close relationship with me and has agreed to eat cake together after school. My uncles and aunts who visit me at home every Chinese New Year and are kind and harmonious to me. She would see her go out every day and see her maid greet her at home after school… She still remembered them, and this experience in her past was definitely not false.

but why?

Why did everyone change after his father was imprisoned? Or is it that everyone is always like this, but everything before was just a disguise? Is it all an illusion created to cater to oneself?

As long as Raiden Mei is no longer the “daughter of the Raiden family”, won’t everyone treat her the same as before?


Tick ​​tock.

Uncontrollable tears fell from his eyes and dripped on the back of Raiden Meiyi’s hand.

All are liars.

All the people I know…all…all!

“big liar!”

Facing the vast Xicheng District in front of her, in this place where no one would come and she was alone, Leiden Meiyi seemed to want to vent all the grievances and uncomfortable feelings she had experienced over the past week in one breath, using all her strength Roared out!

“Everyone is a big liar!”

Break off the relationship.

No matter who you are, just cut off all the people you knew before, stay away from those people you used to have, and go on alone from now on.


Can I still survive?

Mei Raiden knows very well that she does not have the ability to live alone. This does not mean whether she can cook, but how a person can live in society.

She is still a student, not an adult. It is too early to enter the society. Considering that her family’s assets have been frozen, the last funds she has are the pocket money she has accumulated in her daily life. Although there is a lot of it, It will eventually run out one day.

What should I do after that?

I am penniless, I don’t have many skills, I am alienated by everyone, and I actively alienate everyone, can I still survive in this world?


People cannot survive in isolation from other people or other things, especially in a city like this.


Raiden Mei stood up straight and looked down at the city below.

Perhaps the only way I have left is…


The wind blew in his ears, and the scene in his field of vision began to rotate upwards. Leiden Meiyi let gravity catch his body and fly towards the earth. In terms of height, he would fall to the ground in four to five seconds, right?

But, not even a second actually.



Along with a shout, there was the sound of someone grabbing my arm forcefully.

Leiden Meiyi looked up——

“What are you thinking! Are you looking for death?!”

What came into view was a boy with white hair and blue eyes who looked at her with worry.

who is he?

23.Don’t die casually

On the observation deck.

Grasping the fallen Raiden Mei’s arm, Exia thought that following her was indeed the right decision!

(With Raiden Ryoma being arrested and imprisoned, it is almost certain that Raiden Mei will not be in a good situation, and combined with the conversation of passers-by just heard on the street, it is basically certain that she is isolated.)

How do people react when they are deliberately isolated?

Alexia has not studied psychology and does not know the standard answer to this kind of question, but just by looking at Raiden Meiyi walking on the road with a frustrated face and dull eyes, he can probably determine her situation. Quite dangerous.

In such a city, no matter where you go, you can hear gossip about yourself. For people living in this city, this is almost like the whole world is targeting them, and the whole world is rejecting them.

(It’s best to follow up and take a look to avoid any surprises.)

Just because of this natural and innocent thought, Alexia became a stalker following a sixteen-year-old female student.

But luckily, it turned out pretty well.

“You…who are you?” Leiden Meiyi’s eyes and expressions were filled with surprise, fear, fear and doubt.

who is he? Why save yourself? What’s his purpose?

This is the first thing that Raiden Meiyi will think about now.

“Exia. Exia Kaslana.”

Alexia announced her name, and then with a strong tug, she pulled Raiden Mei, who was hanging in mid-air, back to the observation deck!

“You…saved me? Why?”

Leiden Meiyi quickly sat up from the ground, shrunk his hands and feet, and looked at Alexia who was very close at hand with great vigilance.

“Is it… for money? The Leiden family has no money now! Don’t even think about getting it from me——”

“I’m not short of money.”

Exia blocked Raiden Mei’s question with one sentence.

“Of course, I have no interest in what you want to say next. The reason why I saved you is purely because you jumped off the building in front of me – no one wants someone to die in front of them, right? I mean normal people.”

A man who was about to die appeared in front of him.

If you were a normal person, you would definitely try to save him, right? And this is even more true for the Kaslana family.

“I don’t know why you want to commit suicide by jumping off a building. Maybe it has something to do with your recent experiences, but giving up your life like this -“

“Don’t act like you understand my situation!”

Thunder Mei’s sudden roar interrupted Exia’s persuasion.

Not sure whether he was angry or crying, the lightning Meiyi in Alexia’s eyes showed a rather complicated and twisted expression, and he covered his arms with both hands: “I…I really don’t know… ..What should I do in the future…Where should I go, what should I do…I don’t know anything.”

Just like a boat that has lost its way in the sea, lost the guidance of the lighthouse, and is unstable in the storm.

This is Raiden Meiyi’s current state.

“It’s called…Exia, right?”

Leiden Meiyi lowered his head.

“You… saved my life, thank you. But… mind your own business, I really just wanted to-“

“Don’t just want to die.”

Exia interrupted Raiden Mei’s words.

Squatting down so that his eyes met Raiden Mei’s, Ixia stared at the girl in front of her: “Indeed, as you said, what I did was meddling in other people’s business. For saving your life, I don’t have much idea about things, in your opinion – and now in my opinion, this approach is equivalent to controlling your purpose and life with half-hearted awareness.”

When people actively want to die, they need a lot of courage. Whether it is pulling the trigger on themselves or jumping off the rooftop, when they really decide to die, the death that is so close at hand will be passed on to them. I am extremely scared.

Only by overcoming this fear can one die.

Just now, whether Raiden Meiyi acted on impulse or after careful consideration, she did make the decision to die of her own will, while Exia sabotaged her decision based on her own impulse and instinct.

Regardless of whether this is a good thing or not, it is rude to sabotage something that others have finally made up their minds to do.

“I will apologize to you for this. But even so, I want to say to you – don’t die casually. If you die, you will have nothing.”

“what are you saying?”

Raiden Mei could not understand what Exia said.

What on earth is he talking about? Did he save himself? Then why did he apologize?

What a strange person.

“What…what do you want to do?” Raiden Meiyi asked.

“I don’t want to do anything. Like you said, I’m just minding my own business. You bumped into me near the port before, and then I overheard something about you and thought you might do something irrational. , so I followed you here to take a look – that’s probably what happened.”

Alexia explained.

“By the way, this is the first time I’ve met you. I just arrived in Changkong City today. I don’t have any ill intentions towards you. Also, I’ll reiterate again, I’m not short of money, and I’ve never thought about it. You get whatever comes out of you.”


It was completely different from the people Raiden Meiyi had come into contact with before.

[You are the daughter of the Raiden family. I am honored to meet you. This is my business card] – If you were an adult, you would say this.

[Good morning, Ms. Raiden, please give me your advice today. 】——This is what classmates or teachers in school would say to themselves.

[Welcome back, Miss. 】——This is the attitude of the servants at home towards her.

Everyone comes to see her as [Miss Raiden Mei], and except for her father, almost no one comes to see her as [Rainden Mei].

So, pretty much the first one.

Someone who has no idea about [Lady Raiden Mei].

“So, you should calm down first. Although it’s a bit strange for me, a person who has nothing to do with you, you shouldn’t give up your life completely now. Don’t you still have a father? Just so that I can be with you later. When I meet my father again, at least try to survive for now.”


As if by mistake, Leiden Meiyi nodded.

She didn’t know why she accepted Aikexia’s statement. Obviously everything in her field of vision was gray just now, but now…it seems to have a little color?

24. Psychological Counseling Master

In a restaurant relatively close to the Chang Kong Wall.

“There are quite a lot of people. We have been waiting in line for a long time. Have you been waiting for a long time?”

Carrying lunch for two people to a table by the window in the restaurant, Exia sat down and pushed one of them in front of Raiden Meiyi, who was sitting opposite her.

“Uh… I remember in Japan you have to say “I’m starting” before eating, right?”

After clasping her hands together and saying softly “I’m starting”, Alexia picked up the spoon and took a mouthful of the curry rice in front of her.

Although it is said to be fresh and hot just made, after being quick-frozen with Exia’s ability, the temperature is not high, and there is no problem even if you eat it in a big bite. The spicy sensation explodes in the mouth, and the diced potatoes and carrots mix with the rice to create a substantial and full mouthfeel.

(Curry…I remember it is a traditional Indian dish, and it is also developing so well in Japan. I will let Rita try making it later. It should be tastier than the store here.)

Exia has always trusted the maid’s craftsmanship.

Looking at him feasting in front of her, Leiden Meiyi asked with some confusion: “Why…you want to invite me to dinner?”

“I didn’t ask you to.”

Alexia replied.

“It’s just that I’m hungry. If you don’t want to eat, you can give me your share. I’ll have two servings.”

Judging from Japanese time, it was still noon, but for Exia, it had been almost a whole day since she had eaten. After all, he spent half a day at the Destiny Headquarters, and then spent a whole morning at St. Freya Academy. After all, he was indeed hungry for a whole day.

The reason why he ordered one for Raiden Meiyi was that she must be hungry too, and if she didn’t want to eat, he could just eat it himself.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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