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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 55

“So, are you going to eat or not?”

Alexia put the spoon on Raiden Mei’s portion of curry rice.

“……I eat.”

After hesitating for a while, Leiden Meiyi seemed to have given up her struggle, picked up the spoon and took a big spoonful – to be honest, she was also very hungry, and she hadn’t actually eaten much in the past week. She only gave up when she was so hungry. Eat some.

“Ugh…it’s so hot!”

The tongue just touched it lightly, and the hot touch made Leiden Meiyi quickly shrink back.

Why is it so hot? Seeing Aixia eating it so fast, she thought it wasn’t hot!

“It’s just been made, can it not be hot? You are so confused right now that you don’t even have the ability to judge…”

Alexia looked at her helplessly, put her hand on the surface of her curry rice for a second or two, then pointed her finger at her half-open and half-closed lips, and shot a burst of cold air into her like an injection.

“Good ice! What…what did you do?”

“It’s nothing, just a little magic trick. If you still feel it’s hot, just drink it with water.”

He is indeed a strange person.

Raiden Meiyi confirmed this matter again. He obviously looks like a young man of similar age to himself, but he behaves like a mature adult in everything, and the things he does are also very strange.

Whether it was to somehow save him or to somehow bring him here to eat.

And it’s the same now.

Leiden Meiyi is also a celebrity in Changkong City. Because of what happened before, everyone in Changkong City now knows her. Out of disgust, there are basically no guests around the two of them, and those guests who are far away whisper. Whispering some gossip.

It was a shame that the person in front of her could still sit and eat in front of her with a calm expression.

(Is your name… Alexia Kaslana?)

It’s an obvious foreigner’s name. Does that mean he is a tourist visiting Changkong City? one person?

(Normally, would someone risk their own lives to save a stranger when they first come to a strange city?)

He fell from a high place, and the terrain was like an observation deck without any protective measures except for fences and handrails. He would also fall if he was not careful. Hasn’t he ever thought about this?

From Raiden Mei’s perspective, Exia is really a strange and deadly person.

“I’m done eating.”

And just as she was thinking about it, Exia had already finished the curry rice in front of her, wiped her mouth with a paper towel, then supported her chin with one hand and looked at Raiden Mei.

To be precise, he was staring at her.

Leiden Meiyi was a little uncomfortable with his gaze: “…Why are you looking at me like that?”

“It’s just a confirmation. Let’s see if you feel better compared to when you were on the observation deck just now. As a result, your complexion is much better and there is some sparkle in your eyes. That’s good.”

“…Thanks. For saving me.”

Raiden Meiyi put down the spoon and formally lowered her head to thank Alexia, but just as she lowered her head, a hand appeared in her field of vision, holding her hair in the air.

“Be careful of getting it into the curry, your hair is too long – it’s better to be fine than anything else.”


Twisting up her hanging hair, Leiden Meiyi continued: “I will definitely find a way to repay you for this life-saving grace. Although I have nothing now, I will not break my promise.”

“No, you should take care of yourself first. Don’t talk about thinking about others if you can’t take care of yourself. Just take it as the experience of someone who has been through it – after losing everything , the first thing to do is to live, so that the things you lost before will come back bit by bit, or you can get new things that can replace the things you once had.”

Raiden Mei’s situation is actually somewhat similar to that of Exia.

Both of them lost their past that was very important to them, and then fell into confusion, uneasiness, and even despair at this point in time. But Alexia met Bishop Otto and Bianca at that time, and thanks to the two of them, she got new things that were as important as the past, but Raiden Mei didn’t yet.


Raiden Mei thought of what Exia had just said to her on the observation deck.

[Think of it as just to be able to meet my father again]

(Father…Father, you must not have given up yet…)

This incident was undoubtedly a long-planned frame-up. Raiden Mei never thought that her father would be such a shameless fraudster. Even if she was dismissed by the board of directors, lost everything, and was in prison, her father You will definitely not give in.

As her father’s daughter, what she should do is…

(Try your best to survive and wait to see your father again…?)

If his father gets the news of his daughter’s death after he is released from prison in the future, no matter how mentally tough he is, he will definitely collapse, right?

Now that his mother has passed away, the only family his father has is his daughter.

“…Thank you, Mr. Kaslana.”

Raiden Mei said solemnly to Alexia again.

“Thank you for your enlightenment. I… now know a little bit about what I should do.”

“That’s good.”

Alexia stood up with a smile and was about to walk to the counter to pay.

“By the way – aa?”


Leiden Meiyi was stunned for a moment, glanced at the half-eaten curry rice in front of him, and nodded helplessly.

(I’m a bit fussy about this aspect…it’s really weird in every aspect, Alexia Kaslana.)

“Then, see you again when you have the chance, Raiden Meiyi.”

“Huh? Hey…please wait a moment!”

25. Stay overnight, but be a master

After hurriedly paying for her share of curry rice, Raiden Mei ran out of the restaurant chasing Alexia.

Turning to look at her who had followed her out, Alexia asked doubtfully, “What’s wrong? Is there anything else?”


There is nothing more to say.

Leiden Meiyi didn’t know why she wanted to run out and catch up with him, she just suddenly wanted to do so.

After pouting and thinking quickly, Raiden Meiyi stared at Alexia and said: “Contact information…”


“Please give me your contact information!” Leiden Meiyi repeated, “You are my savior. I also said before that I would repay you, so please give me your contact information so that I can see my father again later. After that, I can-“

“Ah~~~Hmm…then maybe we don’t have to wait until then.”

Alexia pointed at herself: “If you just want to repay me for saving your life, then I still have some time. As a local, you can take me to visit Changkong City – that’s it. After all, I am the first When you come here for the first time, you are not familiar with the place, and it will be difficult to get lost. It would be good to have a local as a tour guide.”


Raiden Meiyi was stunned.

“Is this…is this okay?”

“Then how do you want to repay it? Besides, I haven’t done anything special, so there’s no need for you to keep this kindness in mind. Favor debts are particularly difficult to deal with, and it’s the same for both parties.”

Didn’t do anything remarkable?

Saving someone’s life, isn’t it a particularly remarkable thing in his opinion?

Leiden Meiyi clenched her hands slightly: “I…I know, if you think this is okay, then I am willing to take you to visit Changkong City.”

“That’s good – please lead the way, Raiden Mei. First, I want to go to the library or bookstore…”


“——So, you and that Raiden Meiyi walked around Changkong City all afternoon, and you didn’t even remember to come back until after seven o’clock in the evening?”

It was around eight o’clock in the evening, almost nine o’clock.

In the teachers’ dormitory of St. Freya.

Theresa listened to Alexia’s retelling of her half-day experience in Changkong City, and then took a look at the various large and small packages of local specialties placed on the table. She sighed helplessly: “At least give me a call. , I also thought that you might come back for dinner, so I specially left a portion for you.”

“Sorry, Aunt Theresa, I didn’t think carefully.”

Alexia bowed her head and apologized.

Wuliangta Jizi, who was sitting on the side, came over with a can of beer, pressed down Exia’s head and rubbed it hard: “Okay, okay! Principal, please don’t bother with the little guy. It’s too strict, I just met a girlfriend when I came to Changkong City, so it’s not a big deal to date outside for a day!”

“It’s not a date, Miss Wuliangta, and Raiden Mei is not my little girlfriend. Did you drink too much and start talking nonsense?”

Alexia took off Wuliangta Jizi, who was smelling of alcohol, with some disgust, and threw her on the sofa.

This is what he discovered after he came back. As a dignified A-level Valkyrie, the highest combat power and commander of St. Freya Academy besides Teresa, Wuliang Tajiko is actually a hopeless person. Super drunkard of drugs!

In less than ten minutes since he came back, she had already drank eight or nine cans of beer, let alone before he came back. Looking at the cans scattered on the ground, you can tell that she has been drinking from dinner time until now.

【Tomorrow is a weekend where you don’t have to do anything! Don’t let anyone stop me tonight, let me drink to my heart’s content! 】

These are the original words of Wuliang Tajizi.

By the way, the smell of alcohol on her body was now so strong that Alexia only had it with her for a short while, and it was already on her body.

“Do you really need to worry about this? Auntie.”

“It doesn’t matter, just let her go. This is also a way for her to relieve stress.” Theresa waved her hand casually, “After all, the date with a rich man just ended last night.”

“What are you talking about, Teresa! It’s because I don’t like that sissy! She wasn’t dumped!”

“I didn’t say you were dumped!”

(I see…it’s an emotional problem unique to older women.)

Alexia nodded with some understanding. It’s no wonder that Wuliangta Jizi was gossiping just now. She just broke up a relationship yesterday, and today she heard that he and Raiden Mei were shopping in Changkong City. It must be natural. Just think wrongly.


“You brat, why are you nodding! Isn’t it just that I caught a little girl at the speed of light! If I show my true skills, I can catch a good man in minutes!”

“I didn’t say anything at all!”

Alexia looked innocent.

Theresa patted her nephew on the shoulder helplessly: “Let her get drunk and go crazy alone. I will take you to the room where you will sleep tonight. It has been prepared for you.”

“Eh? Isn’t there a plane back to the headquarters?”

“Don’t even look at what time it is.” Theresa pointed at the clock, “Our academy doesn’t have aircraft, just a floating battleship. We won’t let people fly it in the middle of the night just to take you back. . As for you buying a ticket now, I’ll wait until you fly back to Europe and then call a special plane to pick you up. I’m afraid it won’t be dawn.”

“So, you stay here for one night today, and tomorrow I will help you call a special plane to take you back to the headquarters – just in time to send back the supplies that grandpa forcibly gave me last month.”

Alexia smiled dryly: “Okay… I understand, then I will bother you all night, thank you auntie.”

“It’s a small matter. Come with me.”


Following Theresa’s footsteps, Exia left Wuliang Tajizi’s room.

Later, in the next room——

“Welcome back, Alexia. I have tidied up your room and put the hot water in. Go take a shower first.”

The first thing that came into view was Fu Hua, who was wearing pajamas.

Alexia was stunned for a moment, and turned to Theresa with a stiff neck: “Big, big, big aunt…this is…”

“When I was thinking about where you would stay tonight, I happened to meet Fu Hua. Fu Hua said that since she brought you here, let you sleep in the same dormitory with her. It just so happened that she could still watch you. , lest you do something not very good.”

For example, entering the women’s restroom by mistake, or stumbled upon other female teachers looking disheveled in the morning.

If you live with Fu Hua, you won’t have this problem.

“I see… Why are Teacher and Fu Hua in the teacher’s dormitory? Aren’t they students?”

Fu Hua pushed up his glasses: “Because I am the acting martial arts teacher of the college and I am allowed to live in the teachers’ dormitory. Is there any problem? Rather than this, Alexia, you’d better take a bath quickly. The bath water will be cold. It fell.”

“That’s it, I’m going to bed early. Good night, both of you. My nephew, I’ll leave it to you, Fu Hua.”

“Don’t worry, leave it to me, principal.” Fu Hua said while looking at Alexia, “Don’t be too formal. Just treat it as if you have practiced with me before. I will heat up your dinner for you.”

“Okay, please master.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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